Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 490: In the opposite direction, the robbery was beaten 1 time

Deep Space Beyond New Chapter 490 Reversely beat the catastrophe

The never-before-seen Six Broken True Immortals appeared, and Lei Jie was even more abnormal, red as blood. The thunder waterfall, thunder cloud, and the transpiring particles are all flowing like blood.

What makes people feel good is that the figure of Mohu inside, as well as the sharp long knife, bow and arrow, golden spear dripping blood, etc., are densely packed, and they kill Wang Xuan at the same time.

The catastrophe has reached an unprecedented level. Those tangible objects roared with terrifying thunder light. Every blow caused the sky to be shattered, the entire sea area evaporated to dryness, and the void was covered with dark cracks.

Wang Xuan couldn't deal with it calmly. He was covered in blood, and his body was pierced in many places. This was a real six-breaking catastrophe. The rules and the rhythm were intertwined, like a spider web spreading, blocking him there and forcing him to carry it hard.

In a sense, this is not like a catastrophe, but more like a group of top enemies are hunting, targeting one person.

In the worst case, Wang Xuan's forehead was almost pierced by a golden spear, a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, and scary cracks appeared in his forehead. The catastrophe has changed, as if it was endowed with spirituality and the will to life.

For a time, there was lightning and thunder, Dao Yun was boiling, and the ultimate true immortal would be killed here, unable to stop this unprecedented immortal calamity.

Li Lin's chest was heaving, her breathing was short, and her nose and mouth were filled with mythical substances. She was shocked because she was no longer pregnant.

Doubt, but confirm, this is the impossible "6 broken" in the legend!

"How is this possible? He actually crossed the forbidden realm and established himself in a brand-new world." She came from a place outside the world and was qualified to read all kinds of top-secret records in the dojo.

Throughout the ages, there have been supreme true saints trying to cultivate people who have broken through the six fields.

Unfortunately, those experiments failed and were abandoned!

It is conceivable how much the supreme beings care about this field, and what are they chasing.

Throughout those records, there are occasional creatures with single-6 broken, but they are all the result of the intervention of the true saint, and there is no way to connect 6 broken.

Is this a joke now? !

Beside him, Li Xu's scalp was numb again and again, what did he hear? Today's experience, some subvert his three views, the impact on him too much.

That person changed his body, from "Master Wang" to Kong Xuan, he just called his uncle for decades. Now, Master Kong is actually crossing the 6th True Immortal Tribulation?

It's like a dream, Li Xu can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. He feels dazed. Isn't the ultimate true fairy of 5 broken the highest achievement?

As a result, 6 broken real immortals were born today!

And, listening to his aunt's tone, all the true saints have been seriously studying? And Kong Xuan was the first to do it since it was recorded?

It was as if a meteorite had hit the lake in his heart, causing Li Xu's spiritual light to violently turbulent.

He finally understood why "Master Wang" could change his extraordinary trajectory and help him slowly transform into a true immortal.

"The only one in all ages, the first person among the true immortals to appear with 6 points in a row, and it is very likely that it will be Juesheng, and there will be no later ones."

In an instant, Li Xu's eyes changed, and he said to himself, "It's not bad for him to be my uncle."

With the sound of Dong, his brain was buzzing, and his aunt almost slapped his skull off.

Thunder arrow feathers, sharp lightning blades, flashed from time to time in front of Wang Xuan, and he tried his best to fight against it.

Several of his sacred relics were also in the calamity and followed him to fight. The silver paper from Lu Renjia was really used by him as a square sword and a blade, and he slashed vertically and horizontally.

"The Guard is Here"

The hourglass, which needs the most time to prepare, is finally brewing at this time. It is spinning faster and faster, and it is getting bigger, and it is about to engulf Tianyu.

Infinite grains of sand, each crystal clear, like stars, if you look closely, there seem to be countless galaxies that are born and die, entwining the river of time.

The hourglass is extremely intimidating, and it is swallowing up the catastrophe, shrouding many weapons in it.

Wang Xuan was covered in blood, his arms and back were all tattered, revealing his bones. He was seriously injured in such a catastrophe that had never been seen before in history.

At this moment, he let out a long breath, and the mass of chaotic matter in his hand was turned into a firearm by him, and he fired at the iron rods and golden spears that broke through the hourglass.

What he shot was not a bullet, but the rhythm of the 6 breaking realm. The power was huge. With a bang, the blood-dropping golden spear was hit, and a piece was missing.

Originally, he was very fond of the short cannon he brought out from the world behind the Twilight Wonder, but it was a pity that those sacred objects could not be destroyed by him.

Fortunately, his own sacred object, the mass of chaotic matter, can take on various forms in a limited time, and even can reproduce existing sacred objects.

Of course, it cannot last for a long time, after a certain period of time, it will dissipate on its own.

But this is enough. For example, now, Wang Xuan has become a sharpshooter. He first locks with his mind, then pulls the trigger and fires at the target. Afterwards, he put away the "sacred artifact gun", re-visualized it, and turned it into an hourglass, preparing to join forces with the two hourglasses to kill the 6th-level catastrophe.

It's hard to say in the field of single combat, but in group battles, the holy artifact of the hourglass is extremely "outstanding".


The world trembled, two hourglasses appeared, and the fish that slipped through the net, such as the blood-dropping golden spear, bow and arrow, as well as Mo Hu's figure, and the big hand, were swallowed in the end.

"It's really different, is this going to beat the sky in reverse?" Even Wu Liuji was in a trance, watching this scene with endless emotions.

The field he had been striving for was finally seen today. His obsession, his heart disease, at this moment, along with that thunder light and that figure, were gradually dissolving.

Next, a very grotesque scene appeared. The robbery was being "counter-killed". Those big hands, even hazy figures, and various weapons, etc., were constantly wiped out after being perfectly matched by the two hourglasses.

Even the thunder light in the sky was dimmed a lot.

"Where did you come from, who is it?" The human being is so sophisticated, he didn't dare to be careless, put away the madness and old qualifications just now, and asked him his identity first.

"I came from the same universe as Wang Xuan, and I was by his side before he rose." Mechanical Bear said calmly.

"Brother Xiong, tell me about Confucius' glorious past." Fu Daoniu immediately changed his tone and changed the topic naturally.

"On weekdays, I often sit on Wang Xuan's shoulder," said the mechanical bear. Fu Road Bull:

Soon, the mechanical bear sat on the back of the bull, and then jumped a few times on the bull's head to test the comfort there.

Fu Dao Niu regretted it and wanted to give himself two hooves. He thought it was ignorant, very good at educating and tucked away, but it obviously kicked the iron plate.

In a place outside the world, in the Time Heaven Dojo, for the past 80 years, Kong Xuan has definitely been a topic that cannot be avoided. When their true saint was fighting for "half the list" in hell, he swept the true immortal area by the way, but did not find this person, which is strange.

However, in the following decades, Kong Xuan appeared in **** many times to collect Dao rhyme.

"Is there no result in pursuing the taboo secret technique of Time Sky?" A group of people were not reconciled.

"I didn't find him. He was either in a special place or was sheltered by a certain true saint. The Five Tribulations Mountain is immortal. It's really not easy to kill him."

There are also people talking about Guixu recently, they think they should find another way to trap and kill Kong Xuan.

"Where did you come from, who is it?" The human being is so sophisticated, he didn't dare to be careless, put away the madness and old qualifications just now, and asked him his identity first.

"I came from the same universe as Wang Xuan, and I was by his side before he rose." Mechanical Bear said calmly.

"Brother Xiong, tell me about Confucius' glorious past." Fu Daoniu immediately changed his tone and changed the topic naturally.

"On weekdays, I often sit on Wang Xuan's shoulder," said the mechanical bear. Fu Road Bull:

Soon, the mechanical bear sat on the back of the bull, and then jumped a few times on the bull's head to test the comfort there.

Fu Dao Niu regretted it and wanted to give himself two hooves. He thought it was ignorant, very good at educating and tucked away, but it obviously kicked the iron plate.

In a place outside the world, in the Time Heaven Dojo, for the past 80 years, Kong Xuan has definitely been a topic that cannot be avoided. When their true saint was fighting for "half the list" in hell, he swept the true immortal area by the way, but did not find this person, which is strange.

However, in the following decades, Kong Xuan appeared in **** many times to collect Dao rhyme.

"Is there no result in pursuing the taboo secret technique of Time Sky?" A group of people were not reconciled.

"I didn't find him. He was either in a special place or was sheltered by a certain true saint. The Five Tribulations Mountain is immortal. It's really not easy to kill him."

There were also people talking about Guixu recently, and they felt that they should find another way to trap and kill Kong Xuan, and never give him the opportunity to become an alien, otherwise the trouble would be big. "He is the ultimate true immortal and will become the ultimate alien in the future. He can survive the true saint catastrophe without relying on others. Since the hatred has been forged, it must be eradicated as soon as possible."

"I can't count on the karma weapon, and the fishing rod fell into Kong Xuan's hand instead. Are there any forbidden weapons of fate? Explore the fate of Kong Xuan's Namo Lake and maybe find him out."

In fact, the True Saint Dojo, which had a conflict with Wang Xuan and was killed by the strongest disciple, has been investigating all these years, trying to kill him.

Such as the Paper Temple, the Tattoo Palace, the Evil God's Palace, etc., have not given up.

"I think there is a high probability that Kong Xuan won't live for long. There are some things that I don't need to wait for the true immortals to worry about. The aliens above must have the means to arrange them and find him sooner or later."

In fact, some places outside the world, some dojos, are very restless today. For example, in Time Sky, now in the chaotic fog in the back mountain, suddenly there is an hourglass modeled on the lake, to be precise, a half hazy broken hourglass, which flew out and hung high in the sky.

"Hey, really good means, did he manifest the legendary hourglass?!" The super peers in the dojo were all shocked.

"Unfortunately, the legendary things are difficult to realize, and they are as strong as true saints. In the long years, they have only reached this stage."

Soon, people found that something was wrong, the hourglass dissipated and turned into the true sage's time clock, and then it became slightly darker.

Then, it changes again, the wall of the clock turns into a bow, and the pendulum turns into an arrow.

It has more than one form, it can be the clock of time, it can be described as the bow and arrow of time. As for the hourglass, it is just a legend and cannot be deduced yet.

"What's the situation, someone has pryed a corner of the true saint's time authority?" Even Yiren was shocked, and quickly exited the customs, staring at the chaotic fog in the deepest part of the dojo.

"Nothing, when I was studying the rumored hourglass, it was slightly eroded by the Transcendent Center once, and it didn't matter." The voice of the innocent time came from the depths of the dojo.

The same thing happened in the Guixu Dojo. In the deepest part of the chaos, the Guixu space deduced by the true sage was darkened a little, and then it spread out and turned into its original appearance, a space dagger.

Obviously, the "return to the ruins space" is also a legend, and it is difficult to truly realize it.

Now, the sacred object revealed its original appearance, and it was actually a space dagger.

"The space authority of the true sage has been pryed by someone?" There is a foreigner child hole shrinking.

"Don't It's just a slight backlash from the transcendent center." The true sage of the return to the ruins dojo silently realized, and said this, he felt that the disappearing Dao rhyme was indeed swallowed by the Dao, and it was not counted for him. what.

In addition to these two dojos, there are also some prohibited items involved. For their existence, they are temporarily dark and have little impact.

As for the real reason, the root of the problem, there are indeed some incidents that are appearing in the depths of the sea of ​​origin!

Instead, Wang Xuan beat the Heavenly Tribulation, wiped out various weapons and figures, and defeated Lei Hai. He stood on the sea with blood.

"That's it, it's over? This is 6 broken, but it is quite satisfactory, there is no surprise, but it beats the robbery.

There is no accident, is there no so-called good fortune coming into the world? "

Wang Xuan was very disappointed, he was desperate, not to mention other things, didn't he even have a holy relic that broke the 6 realms?

When he became a 5th broken immortal, he and Lu Renjia got four pieces of primordial spirit companion creatures together, but after the 6th break, it was unprecedented, and there was nothing at all?

"It's so stingy!" He was dissatisfied, and then he went to find it in his own primordial spirit, not expecting a gift from God, but asked for it from himself.

However, it was calm and peaceful, and he found nothing.

Until the light of his soul transpired, his supernatural induction was triggered naturally.

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