Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 457: not predictable

Standing in the fog, Wang Xuan looked up into the sky, his vision naturally focused not only on the allied forces in hell, but also on the extraordinary people of the true holy dojo.

Then, his brows were deeply locked, and the spiritual eye gave him a sense that was far beyond the understanding of ordinary people, which could break through the false and discover the essential problems.

Some people stand in the crowd, very special, with runes flowing in their eyes, they are very deep, even if they are covering up, their auras are somewhat different.

"Spicy chicken!" Wang Xuan's expression was solemn, some strangers came, and, more than one or two!

It's just an acquaintance Li Lin, what kind of monster is there in the tattoo palace?

A double-headed person, although low-key and deeply hidden, but Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes and supernatural sense are combined together, and it can still be seen.

In the two heads of that creature, there is a dazzling light of the primordial spirit like the sun, it is a powerful alien of a dual primordial god!

When he looked at the Paper Temple, his heart also sank. A short fat man was smiling, his eyes were shrewd and introverted, and he was looking for him.

Under the flesh of the short fat man is a body made of paper, and in the depths of the paper body, there is flesh and blood. He can't change the essence even though he hides it many times. He is an alien.

The main reason is that they are all suppressed to the level of true immortals, and it is easy to reveal the incompatibility, and Wang Xuan sees the problem.

He suddenly became extremely serious, looking at Shi Shitian, Guixu, Evil God's Palace, etc., his pupils shrank, and all of them had aliens approaching.

"Wu Liuji said that the half of the must-kill list may be born in a special environment, are they coming for the list, or are they coming for me?

"Wang Xuan is serious, don't wait for him to pierce through the Tianshen Mountain and push the Ash Hills and other camps horizontally, these people jump out and pick peaches halfway, maybe they will hunt him down.

He looked in the direction of Wujie Mountain again, and there were four aliens in one door!

Even when he saw old friends such as Wolverine and his son, Ten-eyed Jinchan, he was very nervous. Five Tribulations Mountain, the four great aliens are all in a state of preparation, paying attention to the battlefield, as if they will take action at any time.

Wang Xuan pondered, and then, a chill came out of his back, and his supernatural sense was further improved, superimposed on the spiritual eye, and repeatedly glanced in the distance.

Because, he is doubting, is there a true saint who also came in person? Not impossible!

He originally thought that after the battle was settled today, the Hell True Immortal area would be emptied, and it would be completely clean. But now he finds that today's events are somewhat unpredictable!

Half the list comes out, will there be a holy war?

Is there a true saint coming? If they meet in the same realm, can he... hack one to death? It seems unlikely that the worst can recover.

At the same time, the true saint can reshape the fruit of the Tao, and the same level will never be weak.

"Even if you can't kill and kill, but if you mess with me, can you suddenly give this kind of person a slap in the face?" He was pondering.

The point is, is hiding in the fog still effective? If there is no problem, he really dares to make more moves when the time comes, what happened to the true saint? If you dare to face him in the realm of true immortals, then there is nothing to say, just fight!

Earlier, in the world after the twilight wonder, he was very unconvinced when faced with the cutting knife under the avenue of balance. He just wanted to try to hide in the fog and see if the ripple cut would be effective.

If he is forced to rush today, it is impossible to say that he will use the strongest trump card to slash!

"Perhaps, it can make two slashes?" He was estimating.

Regarding the word "wu" and "you", after he became the ultimate true immortal, he has been able to use it many times, but to send out the strongest slash, it is estimated that it is still enough to reach three times.

"Perhaps, because I thought too much, the true saint will not go to **** easily. What's more, he should not fight against a true immortal like me. It is still the aliens who need to be guarded. Don't give me a cold child."

After Wang Xuan thought about it, he had to "play sparingly" in this battle. Don't go to the end, the old guy from the True Saint Dojo came off the field and "cleaned up" him.

In the past, he hid in the fog and struggled every time he went in and out, so let's continue like this today, to carry out the necessary "hiding" to guard against secret opponents!

Then, Wang Xuan "passively" appeared outside the fog, panting slightly, then rudely, swooped down again.

He launched an attack, and this time it was still aimed at the forces of the Holy Imperial City. "Retaining and fighting" does not mean that he wants to wrong himself, whether to kill or kill, the prisoners who should be captured are still the same, only

Dingyuan Ercha, but it's not too much to "exceed the outline".

He tore off a corner of the great formation, and the Chaos Immortal Pagoda above his head flashed with light, and he suppressed a prince with a power that was unmatched even by 5 broken domains.

Then, his spiritual realm was fully opened, the body was also flowing with immortal light, and the galaxy-like divine chain surrounded the whole body, and it was truly manifested.

In the sound of the vibration of the divine chain, he immediately locked several city lords who had broken the limit 5 times. He was so strong and overbearing that it shook the real saint dojos.

"It's stronger than the real immortal of the extreme way. He won't be approaching the legendary ultimate limit-breaking field, right?"

The Holy Emperor did not appear, and he obviously solved it. Now he is still so terrifying, while suppressing a prince and four awakened city lords, making the viewers feel a little numb.

At the very least, Nian Jingdai has completely eliminated the idea of ​​​​doing it with him, and he doesn't even want to face him in a siege. This kind of monster only lives in legends and can't be seen in reality.

"The opponent of this kind of person is not at all from the same generation, or even from the same realm. In a few years, I am afraid that it will be the enemy of you and me!" You Chao Pei Shi said very seriously.

The Yiren at the Returning Ruins Dojo even sighed: "In the next era, after the Transcendent Center is changed, if he realizes the grand rhythm of different universes, he will be the opponent of the Yiren like me."

When Chao Peer heard the words, his complexion changed. At the beginning of the next era, only need to change to a new universe, Kong Xuan will be able to become an alien? !

Many people have concluded based on old experience that once they offend the true immortal, it is best to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future.

"Where to go!" The gods shouted, took action in person, and led the troops to kill him.

The people from Ash Ridge and Mechanic Temple also supported, and the 5 limit-breakers moved together. The Holy Imperial City had the most people in the first place, and now seeing the help of the real immortals, they naturally went all out to surround Kong Xuan in the hunting ground.

In the battlefield, Wang Xuan suppressed a prince with the immortal tower of chaos, and he bombarded the city lord who had broken the limit 5 times with fist marks, and surrendered one by one!

This time, he was not in a hurry to enter the fog, to give people an illusion, and now he still needs to "cool down" as in the past, and it will take a certain amount of time.

Wang Xuan was not in a hurry to fight with the gods, the lord of ashes, and the mechanical saint, but avoided it, traversing this magic circle, and avoiding all kinds of killing lights dangerously and dangerously.

Then, after a while, he took the prince and four city lords into the mist and disappeared again.

After he came in, his aura changed completely. The frame was smashed, and the five prisoners were all broken and broken. He abolished them, sealed them up, and kept them to replace them in the wonders of the dusk.

"Kong Xuan, what kind of skill do you have in hiding? Today we are here to fight you. If it is a man, we will come out and fight in an upright manner." An envoy shouted.

"Bullshit, you brought a huge army and let me beat you all alone?" Wang Xuan said.

"A compromise plan, we have a duel in the realm of the real world, do you dare to end?" The Lord of Ashes said, with a soft voice. It was actually a woman, standing in the shadows.

"What do you mean, let me deal with all the real immortals on your side?" Wang Xuan asked.

Lord of Ashes said: "If you want to shoot one by one, there is no chance. The sacred relics of several of us have resonated. We are all together on offense and defense. You will either face a massive army with us, or only a few of us."

"Okay!" "Wang Xuan doesn't care that he is a little bit clumsy now, but he is just observing, whether there is a real saint in person, that is what he is worried about.

He reappeared from the fog, and then was stunned. In addition to the Lord of Ashes, the God of Heaven, and the Saint of Mechanics, there were many people at the end of the horizon. The leader, the Primordial Spirit, was dazzling, breaking through time and space and arriving, another Absolute True Immortal turn up.

"I'm sorry, it's late, I'm from the sea of ​​undead." The man explained that he was the master of the sea of ​​undead.

"Okay, four True Immortals of the Extreme Dao? I'll do it next!" Wang Xuan said, he just scanned dozens of times in a row, but couldn't find the True Saint.

Maybe he thought too much.

No matter what, it's not the way to stay in this stalemate. It's time to end this battle completely. The four real immortals of the extreme way shot at the same time, making him look solemn, indeed

Pay great attention.

"Okay, be happy, that's it!" said the god, with light all over his body that really looked divine and aloof.

Wang Xuan and the four True Immortals of the Extreme Dao officially started. He was very serious and did not dare to be careless.

However, after the four of them surrounded him, the means they used were "exceeding the class", and they were not very particular about it.

The four black gold stakes are all sacred objects, blocking the time and space and confining Wang Xuan in a limited space.

"This is a sacred stake, originally a group of sacred relics, and now they are reunited, even Gao Zhenxian, the legendary ultimate limit-breaker, can be locked tightly, I see where you escape this time! Are you going to disappear again?" Tenjin shouted coldly.

Their respective sacred objects are actually closely related to each other. They are a group of mysterious and strange objects, which can be combined together, which is a bit outrageous.

This is a sacred object that has been secretly passed down in **** for countless years, and it has a great background!

With a bang, Wang Xuan rose from the ground and entered the giant city, but four sacred lock stakes were distributed around him, interweaving bright beams with each other, forming a boxy cage, trapping him inside.

Wang Xuan tried it, and it was indeed difficult to break free from the strange space constructed by the holy lock. He should be able to break free, but it would take time.

He evaluated it again. If he used the strongest blow, how about severing the cage? It should be very laborious and consume a lot of energy. The most important thing is that the Saint Locking Stake will probably be chopped off by him, which is a pity.

He stared at it carefully, this is indeed a remarkable thing, four holy lock stakes can trap the ultimate true immortal, this should belong to the most advanced holy object!

"It's mine!" he muttered to himself, determined to get four Chain Stakes,

With the improvement of his Taoism, the sacred objects will be transformed, and they will be of great use in the future.

Of course, the inheritance of **** can only be brought into this world, which is a big problem.

"He can't break free, he is indeed locked, let me enter the city and hang him!" The gods gave an order.

In an instant, a massive army slaughtered towards the city, and the gods, the lord of ashes, the mechanical saint, the sea lord of the undead, and the four great real immortals entered the city for the first time, wanting to refine the opponents in the cage.

Their minions, the strongest gods, leaders, mechanical beasts, etc. naturally followed and killed. In the giant city, where the cage was located, Yingyingchaochuo was all 5 time limiters, and it suddenly boiled.

"It's really unpredictable, you are actually trapped, I'm here to help you!" Wu Liuji said in the distant palace.

"No, you help me to see if there is a true saint nearby!" Wang Xuan responded secretly, telling him not to show up, it was nothing.

"True sage?!" Wu Liuji's complexion changed, there would really be that kind of existence coming to the place

jail? This is a terrifyingly big problem.

He feels that there may be "hell empty" today, and various incidents will break out, and it is impossible to grasp the context and trajectory of the future.

An hourglass appeared on Wang Xuan's fingertips, and he transmitted his voice: "This time, I'll give you enough time to prepare, let me see how strong your ultimate attack power is!"

He used the hourglass, obviously to target the entire **** army, because the strongest point of the hourglass is that it is a large-scale destructive weapon.

"Don't even try to run away from anyone who enters the city!"

In the boxy rule cage built by the lock holy stake, Wang Xuan did not have the slightest

Fearful, and he began to call out the holy relic from the back of the life soil and place it in the hourglass.

"Don't hurt yourself!" He stared at the hourglass, and secretly put in several pieces in one go! "Kong Xuan, the prisoner in the cage, are you okay?" the mechanical saint asked, his voice was like that of an icy machine, with no emotional fluctuations.

" we may have killed an ultimate true immortal!" said the Lord of Ashes. "With such a supreme holy artifact as the Sacred Lock Stake in hand, even the ultimate limit-breaker will have to die! "The Sea Lord of the Undead said with a smile.

The five-time limit-breakers from the four camps of Tianshen Mountain, Ash Ridge, Mechanical Holy Temple, and Sea of ​​Undead were all present. In addition, a large number of prowlers and monsters entered the city, and the whole city began to riot. "It's almost all here, do you have any last words to say?" Wang Xuan opened his mouth, and then corrected, saying: "Actually, it's not really the last words, you just live in another place. You wait and give me one. Lock the Holy Cage and I will give you a world cage."

"When death is imminent, he is still stubborn, refining it into a pool of pus and blood!" the gods shouted. "Everyone, take a good look at **** again." Wang Xuan said calmly.

Post a picture of Fang Yuzhu's home, what it looks like when he is cooking.

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