Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 445: the other side

"No hurry." Wang Xuan stopped in the mysterious world.

He turned around and headed towards the piece of Daluo copper mother, although it was only an auxiliary material for refining prohibited items, not the main material, but it was also a rare treasure. Bang bang bang! He held the big bell, vibrated the bell wave, tried to break the copper bump, and found that this thing had a mysterious texture and was well protected.

He didn't believe in evil, so he just smashed it down with a big bell. Ben followed the law of balance, and those textures were also suppressed.

Of course, even if it is "balanced", the veins in the copper mother are in the realm of the ultimate immortal, and ordinary people can't steal it.

As for taking the whole thing away, Wang Xuan tried many times, but he couldn't put it away, it was imprisoned.

It was quite difficult for him to dig, mainly because of the toughness of the copper mother itself.

The copper lump that was more than 100 meters high disappeared. Wang Xuan reckoned that it would be enough to refine any object, or give it to others.

The area was bare, and none of the bird-headed and human monsters were gone, and he hit the road again.

\"Did you feel that although the mythical factor here is chaotic and disorderly, it is slowly showing signs of being surrendered\"

After a while, Wang Xuan got used to it for a while, and asked about the strange thing on the phone.

"Let's go!" The screen of the mobile phone was bright red. "After three epochs, it's useless for you to worry. Now, you still say it's not your daughter." Wang Xuan looked at it. He had never seen this monster so emotional, and he was going crazy. film world. "She's different from everyone else.

When Wang Xuan heard such words, he didn't want to talk to it anymore. Now, the daughter of the strange thing on the mobile phone is in the state of a slave-like father.

The strange thing on the phone said, "From ancient times to the present, I will choose people in every era. I have taken pictures of others, \'\' archived\'\', but she left nothing, and I didn't have time at that time.

Wang Xuan was stunned that there was such a hidden secret. It possessed part of the ability of Twilight Wonders. He was relieved again, and he had already realized it.

Because, the chef of the Heavenly Court Dining Hall said that he was already dead, and it was the mobile phone that \"photographed\" and \"saved\" him, so it was not completely wiped out. Wang Xuan understood a little, other wizards, even if they died tragically, died, and the mobile phone wonders tried to save them at the last moment, they all left a glimmer of hope. Only the "pro-daughter" it values ​​most, in the final moment, failed to get shelter, or died tragically, leaving nothing behind.

"Qianluqi District, there are demons and monsters blocking the road." Wang Xuan frowned. After walking out of the red jungle area that he had flattened, he crossed the 100,000 Mountains, and the distance was actually white.

The grass and trees seemed to have "albinism", there was no greenness, and they were all pale and pale. After he plunged into this area, his body instantly froze.

"Is this hell? Earlier, I saw one giant city after another. Could it be the ruins of Ming Dynasty? It's only now that I really broke into hell." Behind the "albinism" plant is a "sea", which is silent and motionless. , There is no sound, staring carefully, it is actually all skulls, all kinds of creatures, some flat heads, thorns, metal, stone. This is a world of skulls, there are no other skeletons, etc., from skulls the size of grains of rice to skulls larger than planets, incomplete, complete, and everything.

"It should be fake, it's transformed by Dao Yun." The strange thing on the phone said to himself.

Standing on the beach, Wang Xuan kicked a jade-like dragon skull with his toes, and said, "It's very real, at least, my spiritual eyes didn't find it too fake. In general, if the fake is real, it is also fake. Maybe this place is not too fake. is real.

Before he could finish speaking, the silent sea suddenly moved, from the time and space still, to breaking the norm, with a bang, the waves crashed on the shore in an instant, with thousands of waves. "Spicy Chicken" Wang Xuan quickly held up the light curtain, and used the big bell to shatter the surrounding skulls. He was buried. This area was like thunder roaring, and it was the sound of a "tsunami".

This place has really turned into a sea of ​​skulls, and it is extremely violent. The waves swept the sky and broke the clouds. As for the shore, it was swept away by the waves of hundreds of thousands of skulls.

\"Winter\" A bell rang, ripples like a sky knife, sweeping in all directions, skulls disintegrated one by one, from white to pitch-black metallic luster, the skulls of various extraordinary species continued to burst.

Wang Xuan rushed out, standing high in the sky, with the big waves against the skull under his feet, looking around, this piece of \"sea\" was completely alive, no longer dead, and the waves were turbulent. The eye sockets of all the skulls, no matter what kind of creatures, eight-eyed, one-eyed, all appeared light, blood light, golden light, sacred, cold, and the sea-filled skulls were all revived.

Then, the sea let out a shrill long howl, which was shocking, and even Wang Xuan was shocked so that the light of his primordial spirit shone violently and was shocked. He found that the void around him had cracked. In addition, the big bell hanging on his head shook violently, and the bell waves intertwined in the sky, resisting the massive mental howls.

"The lord of the giant city who can kill 5 limit-breakers and kill hell\" Wang Xuan's complexion changed, there are indeed some rash people in this place.

The originally silent and very quiet sea suddenly became a ghost prison, with mourning and heart-piercing roars, one after another.

Skulls of various forms floated up, like lanterns one after another, hanging all over the sky, emitting a strange light from the eye sockets, mouth, and ear holes. In an instant, this sea of ​​skulls was truly a "sea of ​​lights", with skulls flying all over the sky, submerging the sky and the ground. Wang Xuan pushed the big bell, and smashed a large piece every time, but there were too many skull lanterns, like fireflies, like stars, dancing freely. Moreover, the situation is getting worse and worse, the light flowing out of the skull's eye hole has turned into a spiritual body, and the mourning has become more and more shrill and dangerous.

Here, from the sea of ​​skulls

At the sea of ​​​​lights, it is about to become a sea of ​​undead. This is an attack on the spiritual level. When every figure screams, it will fly out of spiritual light. From a distance, it seems that there are densely packed, torrential rain-like flying swords, slashing towards Wang Xuan. This kind of special flying sword is like lightning, like a falling star, and it is fierce and boundless. Wang Xuan hung a large bell on his head, as if ten scrolls of heavenly books were floating. Blocking the all-round attack, the void around him was completely smashed, and the big bell buzzed and rang non-stop.

"This sea is quite irritating, and it's a bit difficult to move forward." Wang Xuan looked at the strange object on the phone. "Hey, daughter, here I come!" After the strange thing on the mobile phone sighed, blood overflowed from the screen, and then the chaotic energy was steaming, and there was a "great recovery" on the spot. "I'll go\" Wang Xuan quickly held it down and said\"Brother Ji, calm down. Okay, I'll try again


Let's see how far you can go."

But he also reminded, don't report too high hopes, the road ahead is so dangerous, maybe you can't find anyone at the end.

However, the strange thing on the mobile phone has a little hope again, saying \"Have you felt it? The more you move forward, the more chaos and disorder can be adapted. If she kills this road, the mythical material here may be able to For her use, she might survive. Wang Xuan identified a good direction and officially set off. As long as he moved forward, he would do it. All the way, he had to sweep the sea of ​​skulls and lanterns, and there were a lot of spiritual bodies.

He was secretly awe-inspiring, if he didn't make up for the flaws in the spiritual realm, he would definitely not feel good in this place, endless spiritual mourning, like countless swords of primordial spirit slashed, and he was constantly under attack from a wide range.

On the way, he regarded these crises as a kind of tempering, running the galaxy to wash his nerves, and suddenly, the primordial spirit glowed, the nebula was lingering, the divine chain was intertwined, spread out of the head, and the whole body was covered.

While killing the enemy, he practiced Qigong and exercised his primordial spirit.


From time to time, star chains flew out, expanding into the distance, strangling the dense army of undead.

Then, his primordial spirit shone brightly, rushing up the monstrous sword light, sweeping here, the four-page sword scripture obtained from the scarecrow in the backyard of the true saint, combined with the washing nerve, the effect is surprisingly good.

He is now using the Primordial Divine Sword Sutra, he kills all the way forward, and finally, he put away the big bell, re-embodied from the chaotic matter, took out a furnace, and continuously sprinkled "sacred fire" on the way, that is a talisman, yes The interpretation of Daowen, the strangulation of the skull and the endless spiritual body.

After going deep, Wang Xuan found abnormal fluctuations


There was a sacred and dazzling light in front of the sea of ​​bones, like a beacon guiding the way.

Without any hesitation, he directly killed it, using the scarlet stove to fire a monstrous talisman fire, clearing the road ahead, and unexpectedly found an island, located in the sea of ​​skulls.

There are no skull lanterns floating on the island, and the sea of ​​​​dead is also avoided here, and the isolated island has become a rare place of holiness and tranquility.

A cluster of plants grows on the island, as high as a mountain


Green, vibrant, with golden pods, it's actually a bean plant

It is very unusual. The pods have a strong Dao rhyme and emit a brilliant golden glow, forcing back the skull lantern and a large number of spiritual bodies.

The island is very quiet and peaceful. There are **** footprints here. More than one person, from different eras, has all been preserved.

Among them, there is a beautiful female footprint, and the strange object on the mobile phone stared and looked at it, and said solemnly: "She has come here, it is very rare, if she can't surrender the mythical substance here, it will probably be more fortunate than fortunate.

"Those forerunners have picked pods here, and they are building ships." Wang Xuan was surprised and guessed a possibility.

The pods are several meters long. When he picked them, he found that it was quite laborious and extremely tough. When he opened the pod shell, there were golden beans the size of a round table top, which were extremely heavy, and the light shot into the sky in an instant.

"Active Gold Mother" Wang Xuan recognized that this is a rare good thing in the world. It can be used to refine prohibited items and can be used as the main material.

\"It turns out that the active golden mother is really grown out of plants.\" He said to himself, when he was in the parent universe, he had only seen active metal, and only after he came to the Transcendent Center did he know that there was still active golden mother.

He was rude, picked more than a dozen ripe pods, and peeled them off on the spot.

\"This is indeed a good thing, but do you want so much to use up?" The mobile phone wonders said, and put away a few huge \"Golden Beans\".

Wang Xuan said, "I can't use it myself, but I can give it to others. Wouldn't it be a waste to stay in this sea of ​​skulls? I will bring them back to the sky and make them splendid. Their brilliance is destined to shine on the big stage of the Transcendent Center World, which is better than the remains of the sea of ​​bones. It's \"Mobile phone strange objects\" Picking pods, digging gold mothers, and harvesting the rare treasures of this mysterious world can also make you speak so noble.

Wang Xuan was riding a pod boat, with brilliant golden light under his feet, the sacred texture on the hull spread in the void, all the skull lanterns did not dare to approach easily, and those densely packed spiritual bodies were also dodging. It's really one thing, they're afraid of pod boats.

\"Why is this happening\" Wang Xuan looked puzzled, he didn't think the pod was so terrifying, that is, the sacred aura was too strong.

\"Do you know how the plant that breeds the active golden mother was born?" asked the mobile phone. Wang Xuan shook his head, he really didn't understand.

\"Not limited to pods, other types of plants, if they meet the conditions, can also produce active golden mother. The premise is that the root of this plant is demanding


and cruel.

The strange thing on the mobile phone informs that it not only needs to be planted on the ground of good fortune, but also needs to have the blood and bone marrow of the true saints in the ground.

This nourishes the sacred plant that produces the active mother of gold.

\"Golden Mother is active, very against the sky, how can it appear without the blood and marrow of the true saints\"

After hearing about it, Wang Xuan was a little startled, he sucked in a mouthful of the mythical substance of chaos and disorder, and then spit it out.

On the endless road that followed, the pod boat accelerated


Distorting time and space, galloping all the is like crossing the sea of ​​stars, because it is too vast.

During this period, some extremely powerful skulls and particularly powerful spiritual bodies appeared, daring to besiege the golden pod boat.

However, under the avenue of balance, Wang Xuan still killed them all.

Wang Xuan's eyes were intertwined, staring at the end of the sea of ​​​​skulls with his spiritual eyes, looking at the other side, and finally, he saw the destination.

He rode in the pod boat and came all the way, and the scenery on the shore gradually became clear.

The other side is not the end of **** he imagined, but a place of incomparable peace and holiness. When approaching the landing, he saw the palaces in the distance, all huge and splendid, flowing with holy light, as if bathed in the light of the avenue. At this moment, the strange object of the mobile phone vibrated violently! It sucked in a mouthful of chaotic matter, the screen emitted a dazzling light, and it stared at the end. Above the central giant palace, there is a long knife flowing with chaotic energy.

\"You know\" Wang Xuan feels inappropriate, when looking at the knife, the primordial spirit seems to be split, in this place, is the avenue of balance still effective\"In the old sage era, the fourth super transformation Prohibited items cut knife\" The mobile phone strange object said in a deep voice, with a dignified tone before.

Thanks: Fanduyu, thank you for your support!

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