DC Knight

Chapter 47: Mayor Candidate Slade

In the quiver base under the Greenwich Bar in Star City, Sarah took the newly recruited Corvin, carrying the unlucky ghost who died after taking a lot of Milakuru drugs, and directly threw this corpse that had become a mess At the table, Ke Wen, who felt a little sulky, patted the soil where the armor did not exist, and directly lifted the transformation.

   "Wow, cool, I should let Lei come to study." Felicity, a half-tech support staff, was a little surprised to see Ke Wen.

  Kewen shrugged. He didn't care to put the lost drive on the table. He took a bottle of cocktail from the refrigerator next to him and sat down to drink it. Listening to Sarah telling Oliver what happened tonight.

"Are you sure, the name of this new drug is Mirakuru? And this guy also took a lot of Mirakuru drug powder to make it look like this?" After listening to Sarah's description, Oliver still had questions. Asked to Ke Wen who was on the sidelines.

"The name is pronounced like this, but it is not clear that I did not take a lot of Mirakuru drug powder. I just listened to the drug seller. I think, you should be able to understand through autopsy or some professional means. This is not My expertise."

   He confessed that, facing Oliver's questioning, he directly explained everything he knew, and asked Oliver to decide for himself. After listening to Cowen's account, Oliver also frowned, looking at the corpse that had lost its skeleton support without saying a word. Suddenly, he directly picked up the arrow on the side and pierced towards the corpse.

  The sharp arrows did not penetrate directly into them as expected, only the arrows partly penetrated into the meat, and the rest were all outside. Looking at himself with all his strength and only digging into the arrow, Oliver sighed helplessly.

   "People taking Mirakulu, even if they die, the body will maintain a certain effect, the body's toughness is still more than ordinary people, it seems that you are right."

   Everyone has no idea why Oliver would be so familiar with Miraculu's attributes, as if he had dealt with this kind of things before, except for Ke Wen. After listening to Oliver's words, he also made a chuckle in his heart, and his heart was not good. He came over and showed up as a super villain.

Because the DC universe itself is more inclined to the setting of animation movies, Ke Wen did not associate too much, but when he looked at Oliver’s attitude, he basically determined which super villain the Green Arrow encountered this time, DC World’s Death knell, a big man who singled out the Justice League. All-round physical strengthening, proficient in various tactical killing skills and strategic planning. And looking at it this way, Green Arrow doesn't seem to be the first time he has dealt with the death knell.

   "Oliver, do you know anything?" Laurel looked at the bitter expression of his lover and asked with some speculation.

"Yes, when you went to deal with this drug factory, I also asked Felicity to check the behind-the-scenes boss of this factory. It's a guy named Wade Wilson. I didn't have much association at first, but According to the current situation, the full name of this guy should be called Slade Wilson. More importantly, we also found some more powerful news, Felicity."

   Under Oliver's indication, Felicity operated on the computer for a while, a suit was straight, the two temples had a little white hair, and the figure of a sturdy, attractive man stood on the roof and waved in front of everyone. There is also a line of slogans-Star City's most mysterious candidate for mayor, Slade Wilson. Looking at this picture, Ke Wen always felt something was wrong.

what? Ke Wen and others who just returned came to the collective circle. What Oliver said, as the behind-the-scenes boss of this drug factory is now a popular fried chicken among the candidates for the mayor of Star City, what is this, the biggest shady in history?

"Wait, let me think about it. This Slade Wilson has a holiday with you and is still a bad guy, but he is now a candidate for mayor of Star City? Are those intelligence services blind?" Wally was a little confused. This kind of thing that was not realized in the center city, he opened his eyes when he came to the star city, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"First of all, the behind-the-scenes boss of this drug factory is called Wade Wilson. No one has seen his true face, so there is no fact that Slade is the behind-the-scenes boss, except us. Second, Slade is in Star City The public identity of the media is a capitalist who has made a great contribution to Star City. This alone has basically caused many people to shut their mouths."

  Oliver’s correction left Wally speechless. In this country, huge capital is enough for you to do anything, even if you run for president. Others were silent, only Oliver was still examining the corpse. Only the people who knew him had the best knowledge of Miraculus, so he could better understand the role of this new drug, and he also gave Ke Wen them Tell how you know Slade's experience.

"I have been missing for a while, and you all know that it was an island called Purgatory in the Pacific Ocean. I met Slade there. At first, I was a friend with him. He taught me a lot of skills, but Because of a change, Slade took a super-soldier soldier drug developed during World War II, Miraculu, which is more amazing than what you have seen now. It can fully develop the potential of the human body. And strengthen him, but likewise, it will make people paranoid, so in a battle, I fell over with him, he was involved in the sea, life and death are unknown, and now, he came to me for revenge."

  Oliver while groping on the corpse while telling Ke Wen and them about the past. Opened the hapless mouth and glanced slightly, frowning slightly.

"Strange, I am not surprised that Slade has extracted Miraculus contained in his blood, but this guy only absorbs excessive Miraculus powder at a time. Those mixed with Milakuru’s drugs?"

   "I asked Roy to burn them." Ke Wen said weakly, and then he saw Oliver's eyes with care for the mentally retarded.

   "That Ke Wen. The best way to deal with drugs is to dump them, or use a solution with solubles to destroy them to prevent further refining. Using fire is the lowest grade method, which will cause these gadgets to evaporate in the air."

  Woli only made up the knife at this time, telling Ke Wen how idiot he was doing at the time.

   "Really? Then why didn't you say that and other people were all right!" Ke Wen retorted.

"Actually, each of us has a special air-purifying mask to deal with guys who may carry poisonous gas attacks, so you don’t care about burning, as for Wally, speeders can accelerate their own body metabolism, No need to worry at all."

   Sarah next to make up the knife, Ke Wen realized that when he asked someone to help burn these things, these people looked at each other to decide the meaning of doing so.

"I'm sorry, I haven't studied so much, but I am embarrassed to everyone. Could you please stop this topic? Think about how to deal with this guy who is against your Green Arrow team!" Face the attack of everyone's eyes~www.mtlnovel. com ~ Ke Wen surrendered directly, let them quickly skip the topic of their lack of common sense.

"I will study with Laurel how to neutralize the antidote for this new drug containing Miraculus. But it is also limited to neutralizing Miraculus, there is no way to eliminate the addiction of drugs, as for other People, you go to rest first, yes, Kamen Rider, welcome to Star City, I will let you save the cost of your stay in the hotel."

   "Oh, that's really thank you." For the kindness that Oliver released, Ke Wen also thanked him and got up and left. Wally also followed behind Ke Wen, and others also went to their rooms to rest.

   "Hey, Ke Wen, are you planning to blend in this matter?" Wally, who followed, was curious.

"Anyway, I'm checking in here for half a month. If this Slade moves during this half month, then I will help. If not, then I will withdraw and leave it to myself. Come to solve." Ke Wen said lazily.

   "You are so irresponsible?" Wally was a little uncomfortable.

   "Then he can't do anything for a day, so I'll just stay away one day? Having said that, did you fall in love with the younger sister of Green Arrow, so I'm so enthusiastic to let me stay and help?"

   "It's nothing!" Wally retorted loudly, blushing.

"Ha ha."

   returned to Wally with a sneer, and Ke Wen left slowly, walking halfway, and then Ke Wen suddenly remembered what he felt was wrong. The Slade Wilson he saw had his eyes intact, but the death knell in his memory blinded his right eye.

   "Damn, wouldn't it be so bloody, like the TV plot, revenge for love?" Ke Wen scolded secretly, and returned to his hotel slightly uncomfortably.

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