DC Knight

Chapter 2: Seems to mix in some strange stuff

  In the system space, Ke Wen looked at the three roulettes marked with various patterns and joined together. During the rapid rotation, he couldn't help but feel excited. As long as the above three patterns are consistent, it means that he has drawn a reward. Ke Wen, who has always felt that he is lucky, is now extremely nervous. In case he draws a few useless things, he still has to complete the tasks promulgated by the system. Isn't that tantamount to death?

   The speed of the three roulette wheels has slowed down. When the turntable slowly stopped, three different patterns appeared in front of him, and Ke Wen knew that he wasted a lottery.

   "The first lottery failed, whether to continue, host." The system's voice at this time reminded without emotion.

   "Continue!" Ke Wen gritted his teeth and continued to let the system draw for him.

   "The second lottery failed, whether to continue, host." Still a sound reminder.

"carry on!"

   "The third lottery failed, whether to continue, host."

"carry on!"

   "The fourth lottery failed..."

"carry on!"

With five consecutive failed pumps, Ke Wen was already a little crazy, and he had no reason to be so bad, but at this time he had no right to choose to stop. Die early in this world.

   "Congratulations to the host, Gaia's mobile phone Gaia memory ~" Finally, at the sixth draw, Ke Wen looked at the unified spider pattern formed on the three roulettes, and the whole person almost collapsed to the ground.

   This Gaia memory is used by Kamen Rider W to transform knights and weirdoes. It can be used not only for transforming but also for other items. Although this spider mobile phone Gaia memory can only play an auxiliary role, it does not mean that only the function of turning his own mobile phone into a spider makes him anxious and directly implanted in the human body can also become a spider weirdo.

   "Will we continue to draw, host?" After the sixth draw, the system continued to ask Ke Wendao.

   "Isn't that nonsense, how to turn over without continuing!"

   Perhaps it was the first five times that Ke Wen's bad luck was overdrawn. The next four draws were a surprise for Ke Wen. "Congratulations to the host, get the G3 knight armor, congratulations to the host, get the TAKA flying tank, congratulations to the host, get the Showa Knight reformer to strengthen the physique, congratulations to the host, get the three-color domineering practice method of One Piece~"

When he heard the system prompt after his last lottery, Ke Wen froze for a few seconds, and once again confirmed that there was no problem on the lottery turntable, he was instantly confused and obtained the Showa Knight transformer to strengthen the physique. This is nothing to say, after all, Showa The knights are a group of gangsters who play group fights if they don't agree with each other, but it's true that they can't stand other people's hands. But what the **** is this domineering cultivation method of One Piece, isn't his golden finger a knight system, how is it related to One Piece?

   "Ah, system, are you kidding me with the last reward?" Ke Wen asked tentatively.

   "No, this is the tri-color domineering cultivation method acquired by the host, and it will enter your brain in a spirit-sharing manner."

"But the problem is that you are a knight system! Didn't you provide me with the transformation into the Heisei series knight, what the **** is One Piece!" Ke Wen couldn't restrain the crazy vomiting heart, even if he passed through somehow. , How even a system is unreasonable kind.

"Host, as I said before, the knight system not only contains all the knight information of the Heisei series, but also contains many miscellaneous things." Obviously, the three-color domineering that is standard in the world of One Piece in the One Piece world is in the system. His mouth became a jumble of things, and Mr. Oda knew that he would kill himself. Some malicious thinking about the system's classification of the three-color domineering One Piece, and then he suddenly had a whimsy and asked: "Do you still have any ninjutsu, broken roads, ghost ways to practice here."

   "Are you saying this?" The system generated several images in the space, and Ke Wen looked at the whole person excited. [Yes, this system is too versatile, are you so kind of saying that you are a knight system? Who is it? Does your family's knight system also bring three major laborers' cultivation systems? ! 】

Ke Wen can't completely control his crazy vomiting heart, not to mention anything else, as long as he knows all the ghosts of the Bleach series, he feels that he can knock down even the super. It is well known that Krypton is super, zero dodge , Zero magic resistance, is a good meat shield. Fifty-six came down with a trick, it is estimated that the Super League had to kneel to call his father. At this time, the system seemed to have explored Ke Wen's inner thoughts, and directly spoke mockingly.

   "I think the host should not think about learning these things to turn over in the DC world."


   "Do you have Chakra? Do you have a grim reaper, or do you destroy the blood of the master?"

The simple voicing of the system made Ke Wen not know how to answer, "Host, the practice systems of these three worlds are indeed buggy, but of the three worlds, only the one-color domineering practice system of One Piece does not need to rely on bloodlines. You should be fortunate that before you unlock the knight, there is such a domineering three-color practice to give you the bottom."

   "Unlock Knight? Please tell me the points unlocked by these knights." Ke Wen was also persuaded by the system explanation, but he still wanted to know how many points he would need to unlock a Heisei Knight. The system did not say much, just listed the points of all the knights of the Heisei series, and then Ke Wen exploded.

"Hey! You aren't playing me with the system! You and I have 100 million points for Yaji Tuo. You can't let me die directly!" Ke Wen looked at the points of Brother Heisei and Second Brother, the whole person was messy, Twenty main riders came down, and the special one is 555, which is relatively cheap, and 5 million points can be unlocked. The rest are all started with 10 million points, or the basic form! The most expensive are the generals who ate the golden fruit and the one-handed exterminator E, the villain knight in the Kamen Rider build, these two gadgets are directly billions of points!

  Ke Wen suddenly felt that he was still committing suicide by gunshot. The two knights had to wait until they could unlock.

"Host, you have to understand that the sky and Yajito don't need any props, only need a belt to evolve from the basic form to the final form, and their two 100 million points seem to be normal. And the Heisei series The knights who have the ability have a lot of room for development, and they will never pit the host on the points. All you have to do is complete the tasks I promulgated to unlock these knights."

我特么¥#@, holding a whole bunch of foul words that didn’t burst out, Ke Wen had to be patient, and people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Ke Wen knew that he had no room to resist, so he had to stubbornly agree to come down, although the scores looked There are a lot of them~www.ltnovel.com~ But at least I already have the cost of self-protection. The transformation of the physique, the Kamen Rider G3 armor and the three-color domineering cultivation method are enough for me to temporarily stay in this DC world of fairy fights. With a chance to breathe.

   "Now that the draw is over, please ask the host to adapt to his life in this world. After 15 days, the first task of the host will begin. Good luck, host."

  After the system was finished, he directly fell silent, and Ke Wen also felt his body receding rapidly, opened his eyes again, and found that he was still in the toilet, and the surrounding environment remained unchanged. There is something more in my brain, some about the domineering practice of three-color, there is also a red metal can in my hand and a black U disk marked with S on it, it is TAKA flying can and spider memory body.

   "It seems that this is really not a dream," looking at the two gadgets that once appeared on the screen, Ke Wen knew that everything he experienced in just ten minutes was not a dream.

  I was really passed through inexplicably, and I didn’t make any sense of it, and now I still don’t understand why I was crossed. What does this knight system choose for itself? "Forget it, if it comes, it's safe. I still have to quickly figure out how to use my G3 armor." Sighed, I hung the TAKA can on my belt, and I was ready to open the toilet door and go back to my classroom. .

  But Ke Wen forgot that he was now given the physique of the Showa Knight to transform people, and just gently pushed the toilet door. This wooden door was thrown out under the force of Ke Wen.

   "Hah, I have forgotten this point, forget it, class is important." Suddenly, Ke Wen walked softly to his classroom.

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