DC Knight

Vol 7 Chapter 57: Murder

   In the sky, Clark, as the highest military commander, watched the open crackling channels approaching his comrades, and also issued instructions there to allow the army to provide fire support to the area where the members of the Justice League are located. Although the army can't be used in such superhuman battles, at least strong fire support can distract these monsters, allowing Wonder Woman and others to better focus on their own battles.

   This time, Clark miscalculated. The most troublesome aspect of these fierce monsters is to follow instructions. At this time, there was only one instruction in the head of the demon-like army, which was to surround these members of the Justice League who were constrained by the replicas, and even if they used their own lives as the price, they could not get them out of the circle of war. The inner three levels and the outer three levels were surrounded so that Wonder Woman and others had no extra thoughts to pay attention to the situation outside, and could only deal with the copy in front of them.

   It is precisely because of this that the open popping channels on the day suddenly expanded their range, and when they fell towards the circle where Wonder Woman and others were located, they were also unprepared.

When the blast channel fell, it directly swallowed the four magic women, the Flash, the Green Lantern, and the Martian Manhunter who were trapped in the battle circle, as well as the demon-like legions that surrounded them. The area where the blast channel disappeared was also swallowed. A big piece, these four Justice League elders, just disappeared from Clark's eyes. And all of this happened at the same time as the appearance of Superman.

   Little Jonathan, who originally wanted to do something in the air, was directly hit by the mechanical superman that appeared before he could rescue him, and flew towards the area where the city center was located. And Clark can only watch this happen, but can't do anything, because now he is just an ordinary person, not the omnipotent superman. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

At the same time, in front of the Capitol, the Rainbow Dimensional Wall was raised. When Ke Wen drove out of the Dimensional Wall and was ready to use, he stopped rescue. He was still a step too late. What you can see is the blasting sound channel that descends from the sky. Swallowed, disappeared, leaving only a trace of potholes on the ground. In the sky, young Jonathan was raided by Superman and crashed into the city center.

No matter how powerful    Shizhang is, it can only stop the current time. Regarding the things that happened just now and in the past, even the real God of Time, Chronos, can't change it at will.

   "Am I a step late?" Ke Wen said in a heavy tone, looking at the pits left behind by the blast channel.

   "Yes, but it's not your fault. I will control the scene here and help Jonathan. Superman is not so easy to deal with. If you can, I will get rid of him as soon as possible!"

Ok? When Clark said this, Kewen was also shocked. In his memory, except for those aliens who don’t look like humans, such as demon-like ones, who would be killed by Superman, Superman and bat Like the chivalrous people, they are all based on the principle of non-killing, including dealing with superhuman robots. How can you change your **** when you become president?

"What I mean by abolishing is to leave him with a head. Superman, it’s not right. To be precise, Hank Henshaw’s body is basically not human anymore. There are very few flesh and blood parts, even if it’s only The remaining head will not affect his life operation, leaving a head, that is, there is no threat, and it can extract the information I want from his brain. I don’t want to wait here for them to kill themselves from the blast channel. come back."

   With a helpless explanation, Clark is also speechless. Does he look murderous now?

   "Sorry, it's because I think too much by myself. Here you can pay attention to it. I will let him ask someone to come down and help you."

With a sigh of relief, Ke Wen, who knew that he was nervous, said there, he just released an ultra-wide map scrubbing big move in space. He has not fully recovered, and he has to go to the next battle. No matter how upset he is, he must also join this battle. The mechanical Superman and the guy who is hooked on the word Superman are not as powerful as ordinary people can imagine.

   The Rainbow Dimension Wall rose again, and Ke Wen disappeared from Clark's eyes, and went to the downtown area to support Jonathan. And Clark also began to contact Amanda, the director of the Sky Eye Society, to clean up the battlefield on the Capitol after the turmoil. As for his wife, Louise, he had been escorted away by someone in the first place. .

   He knew very well that his wife could not help much in such a battle, and even said that if they were targeted by the Apocalypse, they would be very passive.

   The central area of ​​the capital special zone, when Ke Wen moved here with the help of the Rainbow Dimensional Wall, a battle between Superman and Superman was going on. Only with the effort of his talking to Clark, the battle between the son of Superman and Superman, Jonathan Jr., has destroyed a block in the central area into ruins. This is not the result of a hot sight, but a pure flesh and blood body. Collision, damage caused by impact in force.

   When this kind of destruction scene that can only be seen on the screen with special effects is presented in front of Ke Wen like this, Ke Wen himself feels very disillusioned, because it is too shocking. A fist to the flesh attack is different from the feeling of blasting with energy.

   "This is more powerful than watching Hollywood special effects movies, but the lives in the movies are not worth money. It's not good here. This kind of play, the entire capital special zone is not enough to dismantle you two, let's play in another place."

While spitting, raised his hand, the Rainbow Dimensional Wall that rises behind Ke Wen is also rapidly expanding. Within a few seconds, it has expanded to the size of a block. Following the direction of Ke Wen's wave, the Rainbow Dimensional Wall It also covers the two people who are fighting each other. The two people who were fighting did not respond either, so they were covered by the Rainbow Dimensional Wall, or both of them reacted.

   But as a young Jonathan who knows the roots, he knows the characteristics of this trick very well, entangled the mechanical superman, and let Ke Wen's rainbow dimension wall cover the two. With the passing of the Rainbow Dimensional Wall, the two people who were still fighting in the capital special zone came to the desert in the blink of an eye.


Facing this sudden switching scene, Superman Mechanical did not react for the first time, but before he could get away from Jonathan Jonathan, Ke Wen, who had been waiting for a long time, appeared beside him with the long sword in his hand. He hit the mechanical superman's chest with a slash, and directly smashed the mechanical superman into the air, fell from the air, and smashed several sand dunes in the desert, and yellow sand filled the sky.

   "All right, Jonathan."

"Well, it's nothing serious, but I didn't help the Flash." Ke Wen's relief and concern made Jonathan a happy expression, but when he thought that he didn't save the Flash, they were swallowed by the blast channel, I don't know. As far as I can see, Jonathan's expression doesn't look good.

   He is very clear about his identity, his abilities, and at the inauguration of his father, when he did not perform as he should with his identity, his face was also somewhat disappointed.

"Please, things have not yet reached the worst point. You are just a child. If you hadn't had that journey in another universe, you would have just prepared to go to kindergarten now. Why do you add so many dramas to yourself? Is there a solution here."

   stretched out his hand and pointed the sword at the mechanical superman who flew up from the ground and was unharmed by Ke Wen's sneak attack. Ke Wen also comforted him there.

   "Who are you." Ascended into the air, the superman machine attacked by Ke Wen also looked directly at the magenta weird who was suddenly killed and asked.

   "Kamen Rider, shouldn't you know me early in the morning? Didn't your master Darkside tell you about me? Forget it, it doesn't matter, I want to know who you are."

"I am Superman!"

"Oh? Aren't you Hank Henshaw?" Ke Wen didn't take care of Superman's act of pretending to be stupid. He directly revealed the true identity of Superman. This is not a secret in itself, except for the machine. Superman himself feels outside.

   But then the performance of Superman, Hank Henshaw, puzzled Ke Wen. When Ke Wen said the true identity of Superman, the face of Superman also showed a puzzled expression. Looking at Cowen and Jonathan Jonathan, they said, "Who is Hank Henshaw?"

   "That's boring for you, my friend, dare to do it or treat it as a characteristic of your country? Since you don't know who Hank Henshaw is, I will remember it for you, Jonathan, haunt him!"

   Ke Wen was stunned by Hank Henshaw’s pretending to be stupid. From the beginning of the day of the destruction of the main universe, he released the sub-body to make trouble, until the life and death of several main members of the Justice League were unknown. Then if you want to play, just follow Clark's words, just hit your head and play slowly!

As for Ke Wen’s instructions, Jonathan Jonathan, who grew up under Ke Wen’s care, would naturally not refuse. Upon an order, Jonathan Jonathan also slammed into the superman mechanically like an arrow from the string. What kind of long-range attack method does Superman play? As for Ke Wen, he stood by the side of the negative test, opened his palm, and took out the kryptonite from his system space.

   In the dc universe, if you don't have a kryptonite in your hand, you would be embarrassed to say that you are a villain when you go out. My own kryptonite was also obtained by Batman during several major events. The high-purity kryptonite native to kryptonite is much stronger than artificially produced kryptonite in terms of power and radiation range.

  Since Hank Henshaw was transformed into a mechanical superman by Darkside, the kryptonite naturally has an effect on it. After all, it must reach the level of a superman. There is no data on the Kryptonian. There is an upper limit for technology alone. As for Jonathan Jonathan, as a hybrid of Krypton and the Earth, Kryptonite has little influence on it, but according to the previous major event in the Cavaliers, and Jonathan Jonathan’s own explanation.

   can absorb everything, energy or radiation, then in theory, the radiation of kryptonite is also the range that Jonathan can absorb, but Jonathan Jonathan has not yet developed his potential to the maximum. But this is hungry enough, at least Ke Wen knows that kryptonite cannot have a bad effect on Jonathan Jonathan, then it is the turn of Superman to be unlucky.

   Thinking like this, Ke Wen held the kryptonite in one hand, and with the other hand pulled out the skill card from the knight card box, threw it into the drive with one hand, inserted it, read it, and the sound effect sounded.

  Attackride! invisible!

   With the sound of the skill sound, Ke Wen, who holds kryptonite in his hand, also disappeared from the perception of Jonathan Jonathan and Superman, leaving no trace.

   Back to the Capitol in the capital special zone, Clark was also there listening to the head of the Sky Eye Society, Amanda Waller, reporting on the scene.

   "How about casualties"

   "Within the acceptance range, this time I was ready for heavy bleeding, but these standard equipment came in handy, and it was not as huge as we imagined."

   "What about civilians?"

"There were individual injuries, but not the number of deaths. So far. Although this is not appropriate, I don’t think you have changed from your previous role as a superman. What you need to do at this time should be to hold an emergency press release as soon as possible. Yes, use our current situation to make a brief report. Otherwise, I don’t think you would want to see the headlines in the newspaper tomorrow."

   "When have you been so concerned?"

"As you can see, I don’t care who my boss is, because I only serve this country. As the president, I have been in charge of the work during this period. Compared with your predecessor, there are several previous terms. In terms of goodness, it can’t be better. I also want to see how this country can be like this country, so your approval rating must be maintained.”

   "I see. Come and host it, as soon as possible."

   Clark also had nothing to say about Amanda's confession. Instead of being his former self, he must now leave directly and use his resources as much as possible to understand the current situation of Jonathan, Kewen and Superman. But this can't work, at least not now. As Amanda said, the turmoil caused by the Apocalypse is sudden, but because it has been rehearsed before, and the center of the turmoil seems to be on the members of the Justice League.

In addition to causing damage to the street surface of the block, it did not cause too many casualties. At least the site in front of the Capitol is well preserved. Media workers who have just experienced a turmoil arranged their clothes and gathered in accordance with Amanda’s instructions. So Clark was standing in front of their camera, smiling at the camera.

"I know that many people across the country, including the whole world, are paying attention to this turmoil from the Apocalypse. But I can tell everyone that the turmoil on the Apocalypse is over. I am fine, and the people are fine. In the Justice League and the soldiers Under the heroic counterattack, we won the turmoil, but it was temporary.

   The reason why the Apocalypse stars come to make trouble is because they know the justice league, me, the threat of the earth to them, a messy earth plus the justice league does not matter. But an earth that has started to learn to unite and has the Justice League as its head can pose a threat to them, so the Apocalypse is scared and chooses to make trouble at this time. I think at this time, someone must have said on social networking sites, why not keep the previous political environment of the earth, at least not to be attacked by the apocalypse again and again.

   Regarding this, I can only say one thing to this kind of netizens and people, you are a failure when you were born. If benevolence and peace are placed on a civilization aimed at unlimited government and expansion, then our end will be destruction. So I will never compromise and will do everything I have said, especially this attack. When Apocalypse invaded the earth for the first time, the armies of various countries in the world were powerless to face the attack of the Apocalypse. The sacrifices of dozens or even hundreds of people were exchanged for the destruction of a demon-like squad of the Apocalypse.

   But the demons are cannon fodder for the Apocalypse. We can’t do as much as we need. But this time we spent a very small price in exchange for a victory, and this is the beginning. Now, in the Sahara Desert, my son and Kamen Rider are also fighting against Superman made by Apocalypse. They will defeat Superman and get information about missing Justice League members from him. We will rescue us. Heroes, instead of letting them fight alone in a foreign land, we"

   Clarke’s speech was not over yet. On the side, Leticia Luther, who was protected by a team of security and escorted over, also appeared at the press conference for the first time, and he hadn’t waited for Clark’s question. Leticia took the lead and said directly: "Your Excellency, the mechanical superman you mentioned has a name, and his name is Hank Henshaw, my long-lost lover!"

   When Leticia’s voice-over came through, the media workers who knew it well turned the camera at the first time and aimed at Leticia, who was slowly walking towards the podium.

   But for Clark, Leticia's appearance was not what he expected, or that she, who was originally an enemy, appeared here so grandiosely, do you really think you dare not arrest her?

"Why are you here, Ms. Leticia." In fact, Clark really can't. Even though they know Leticia, Superman and Apocalypse are in the same group, all this is their own guess, according to the sky sword. Guessed from the dictation of the survivors’ family. Even the information on the surface can only show that Leticia and Superman are lovers, and cannot explain the other.

   And just now, Leticia herself explained her relationship with Superman. This is definitely a good way to attract attention, at least for now, Clark also has to put on a smiling face and say hello to Leticia.

"Of course I have to come over, your Excellency, as one of the two major companies that work with you, I can’t assume that you don’t know anything about your accident. Lex’s stepping down does not affect my decision to cooperate with you. More importantly, I’m here to help you, and I’m here to help Superman Robot."

   Simple greetings, both of them have smiles on their faces, but they know what they want to fight in their hearts.

   "Ms. Leticia, you said that Superman is your lover, and he is also called Hank Henshaw, can you explain to us what is going on!"

   Numerous media workers watched the greetings of these two giants, and some media workers who sensed that there was something wrong with them spoke out. Of course, it may also have been arranged by Leticia in advance.

"Yes, this is exactly what I came here for. At this time, the superhero superhero Kamen Rider, the superhero Kamen Rider, was fighting with the son of the President in the Sahara Desert. The original name was Hank Henshaw. It was a cooperation between China and the United States 20 years ago. In the lunar exploration project, the wrecked Tianjian spaceship captain, the accident 20 years ago was not an accident, but a blow to the earth by the Apocalypse Star. My love also became a slave of the Apocalypse because of this accident. Transformed into the appearance of a mechanical superman.

The reason why I came at this time is also because when he was thrown into the earth by Apocalypse as a weapon, I got in touch with him. I was able to save him and restore his sanity, but now, I need the help of the President. . "

   Simply put it straight, avoiding the importance and playing down the process of why one can get in touch with Superman. The topic was cited and the decision was handed over to Clark. At this time, the nature of the matter has changed. Without Leticia's self-exposure, Superman is a biological weapon made by the Apocalypse, and no one would say anything about destroying it.

   But now, the identity of the mechanical superman has changed from a perpetrator to a victim, and people are born to sympathize with the weak. The simple description of Leticia just now is enough for these people to make up a set of reasonable plots in their minds. At this time, if only one head is left, then what he wants to meet is the whole country. The up and down verbal and penalized.

At this time, Clark finally understood the reason why Superman and Leticia did not move, and why the turmoil caused by the Apocalypse seemed so anticlimactic. The co-authoring was for a show in front of the world. Superman's whitewashing show. What's more helpless is that he now has no right to choose to refuse, a proper conspiracy, and thinking about what he said before about the title of Superman, Clark can think of what Leticia will do after the white machine Superman.

   Yes, Clark has figured out everything, but what about it. At least for now, he can't do it unless he has direct evidence to prove that Leticia and Superman are in contact with Apocalypse and cooperate, but there is none of this, so now, he can only bear it, can only drag!

"Great story, Ms. Leticia, but now it's impossible for you to change this. At least not for now. Whether or not Superman is Hank Henshaw, we must arrest him. As for whether he looks like As you said, we have to wait for us and you to find out."

"It should be, but I also hope that this investigation will be transparent and open throughout. I don't want some people to study the technology that Apocalypse installed on my spouse like a guinea pig, you know. I mean it, the President."

"of course!"

   gritted his teeth and said his guarantee, Clark took out his modified Superman watch and started contacting Kewen and Jonathan Jonathan who were in the Sahara desert at this time.

   In the Sahara Desert, as Ke Wen shot kryptonite into his soul, the mechanical superman's physical function also appeared disorder. Just as Ke Wen thought, the superman has some genes from the Kryptonians. Such genes are the root of the power of the superman. Similarly, when the kryptonite enters the body, the superman cannot resist the kryptonite. The weakening. As Kewen and Jonathan Jonathan made a double knight kick, the mechanical superman also temporarily lost the ability to move and fell on the desert. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   Just when the young Jonathan planned to evaporate the superman's body with a hot sight, leaving only a head. Kewen, who had received Clark's message, could only stop Jonathan Jr. and told him to stop this action.

   "Don't do it, take it home."


   "Because this is your father's request, the lover of this superman, Ms. Leticia Luther asked your father to stop in front of many media. You really know a good woman, Mr. Hank Henshaw."

   Looking down at Hank Henshaw, who was temporarily disabled with kryptonite, Ke Wen also said something in his words.

And fell on the ground, pretending to be crazy and stupid mechanical superman from the beginning, listening to the meaning of Ke Wen's words, he had always remained sluggish, and his expressionless face also showed a smile, but the smile flashed away, and he did not give it to Ke. Literary opportunity. And through the electronic eye on the left, the turmoil from the beginning to the end was seen, and Daxede, who had a good show in his eyes, laughed out of his palace.

Compared to the future self in the branch of the king, Ke Wen, he has to be more successful. At least for now, the Justice League or the young Titans headed by Ke Wen are just pawns in his game. As for him, he Only the dark and corrupt Batman from his unknown universe is the only one to play against.

   "Haha, everything is for Darkside."

   Looking at the scenery of the Apocalypse outside, Darkside also said his slogan.

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