Darkwalker of the Sky World

Chapter 509: Space door

The spectacle of the eight stars in a row did not disappoint Zhou Zhen, when the seven moons were in different orbits and merged with the Sovereign star into a straight line.

All the people on the star of Sovereign saw the scene of seven "suns" with moons of different colors.

This "sun" does not have the glare of the sun during the day, and is of different sizes. From the perspective of Sovereign Star, it is a light source composed of a planet superimposed on the halo of a planet.

The different colors are due to the different composition of the stars of different satellites, which reflect different rays of light after being irradiated by the sun.

These different lights combine to form a dazzling light ball.

It was dawn and the beautiful aurora had disappeared. Zhou Zhen put his arms around Fanny, who was already exhausted, and closed his eyes.

The planet Sovereign is very safe, and the prenatal and postnatal care plan of this nation is extremely cold.

Everyone who is "produced" is "produced" according to needs, and everyone has his own responsibility and position.

On this planet, any accident that occurs will be known to the Sovereigns for the first time and dealt with.

So there is no illegal act on this planet, and no one dares to make trouble here.

At noon, Zhou Zhen, who woke up, had lunch in the hotel, and then left here on a small spacecraft.

Next, until they leave Sovereign Star, they will definitely encounter "accidents."

I only hope that the Sovereigns can help them avoid these troubles.

However, Gold, the tour guide at the embassy, ​​was a little bit hopeless.

Because the arrogant Sovereign people don't believe anyone dares to make trouble on the Sovereign star.

Although they received the news, they did not pay attention to it. Until now, no important person has contacted them.

The main reason for this is that Zhou Zhen and the others provided information about Ritlin and Yongdu, but the Sovereigns did not issue a wanted for the Yongdu group.

In other words, it is totally unreasonable to say that Yongdu and the others would act on Zhou Zhen and the others.

According to the information of Xandar Star, among the interstellar pirates wanted by the Sovereigns, there is no one who can be related to Zhou Zhen and Fanny.

This also made the Shandar people themselves a little dubious, wondering if Zhou Zhen was thinking too much.

Zhou Zhen couldn't explain his judgment, and his keen observation ability was not something a young man could possess.

At this time, Zhou Zhen could only ask Leisen and the others to increase their defenses.

On the spacecraft, everything was laid out, Zhou Zhen sat on a comfortable sofa.

"Has Reitlin left the hotel?"

"Yes, shortly after we left, he took the spaceship flight and left Xinghai Waterfall."

"He didn't follow us directly, indicating that someone else is ready to take over."

Leyson nodded and said, "Luke, if I choose the time to do it, it should be when we arrive in the capital city. From our arrival in the capital city to the process of going to the relay star, it is the most important thing. of."

Gold said: "We should think more about what caused Ritlin and the others to focus on Luke, whether they really want to use our power to leave Sovereign, or whether they have other attempts... For example, They knew that the chief designer of the armor was Luke. They wanted to get in and kidnap Luke.

However, for whatever reason, we cannot allow Luke to be targeted by interstellar pirates. Luke is more important to us than a legion.

Luke, I don't want you to risk leaving, at least you must stay at Sovereign, waiting for the legion's instructions. "

Zhou Zhen compared the advantages and disadvantages of exposing strength, nodded and said: "I follow the embassy's arrangements."

As soon as the voice fell, the spaceship trembles violently, and the people inside the spaceship swayed from side to side.

Fanny, who was holding a tray, slammed into the other side because of the tilt of the spaceship, and couldn't help screaming loudly.

Raison just grabbed the table fixed on the deck and shouted: "No, it's the space door."

Zhou Zhen flew out, flying faster than the others. When Fanny fell five or six meters and was about to hit the stern of the spacecraft, she was caught by Zhou Zhen.

The spacecraft became stable from high to low, Zhou Zhen padd the stern with his toes and stood firmly on the deck.

Looking out, this is not the airspace of Sovereign Star, but the outer space of the galaxy.

The Sovereign star and the seven moons in the distance are all in the horizon. According to analysis, at least one hundred thousand kilometers have been flown at this moment.

It is still a galaxy of Sovereign Star, but it is no longer on the planet.

Only the space gate can do all this.

Zhou Zhen ran to the porthole and saw a huge spacecraft, parked above their small spacecraft, at the door of the large transportation cabin, and several tow ropes slowly flew in.

Zhou Zhen instantly recognized that this was Yongdu's spacecraft, a notorious pirate ship.

In the second part of the Guardians of the Galaxy, it was destroyed because of the rebellion of its subordinates, but now, it is a behemoth full of threats.

Zhou Zhen's spacecraft was an atmospheric spacecraft, and the engine could only run in the atmosphere. Because there is no air, it has stopped now.

Not only did it lose power in space, the small spacecraft also lost its protective function.

Without a space shield, any accident in space may cause ship damage.

Now, everyone is looking forward to entering the pirate ship as soon as possible, otherwise they have no chance of survival.

Lei Sen's face was very ugly, and he walked to Zhou Zhen's side. "Luke, you have armor on your body, and now only you can escape.

Leave us alone, leave as soon as possible, and let the Sovereigns come to rescue us. As long as you do not fall into their hands, our lives are safe. "

Zhou Zhen could no longer hide his strength, and shouted: "The people in front look forward, and the people behind look backward. Lei Sen, now I need your help, close my eyes."

Everyone obeyed Zhou Zhen's command and avoided him, and he took himself as a sample of the new armor, and took it directly out of the space.

This is a complete set of space armor, with all the performance, but no reactor.

Zhou Zhen installed the steel-titanium battery reactor on the suit and at the same time started the red queen program inside.

Then the armor was folded in space and turned into a badge-sized watch, which was tied to Leyson's left arm.

Lei Sen opened his eyes in surprise and looked at his left arm. "No, your safety is more important."

Zhou Zhen showed his left arm and smiled: "Look, I have one more."

No one thought that the armor was taken out of the space, and thought that Zhou Zhen had a spare set, after the space was folded, he put it on his body.

Outside the spacecraft, the towing rope that popped up from the pirate ship had tied the wings of the small spacecraft and dragged the small spacecraft into the transport cabin of the pirate ship.

Everyone has a serious expression, worrying about their own destiny.

Zhou Zhen smiled and patted Lei Sen on the shoulder. "I know that you have not been trained to perform the best armor. Therefore, I will not give you command. You only need to cooperate with my actions."

Lei Sen is still a little weird. "Isn't there only twelve steel-titanium batteries, now there are only twelve sets of operational armor?"

"Just treat you as if I left two sets..." Zhou Zhen lightly tapped the center of the badge, and only he had the command of this suit.

The armor quickly covered Lei Sen's body, Zhou Zhen tested the control system in his brain, and then gave Lei Sen a small amount of control.

His command right is only the right to self-destruct.

The driver called: "Mr. Gold, all the signals are disturbed, we can't send out a distress signal."

Gold stared fascinatedly at the exoskeleton armor on Raison’s body, exclaiming: "This is the most powerful individual weapon of our Sandal star. We can become the overlord of the universe. Raison, is there armor? For the self-destruct system, we cannot let any technical information about the armor leak out."

Zhou Zhen turned his head and smiled at him. "Relax, no one can get these technical information."

The small spacecraft has been introduced into the transport compartment of the pirate ship, and it will all be entered soon.

Today's transport cabin is still in a vacuum, and there is no pirate in this space.

Humans can only enter after the transport compartment door is closed, inflated, and pressurized.

Zhou Zhen activated his armor, which covered his whole body.

"Establish a command link."

The voice of the Red Queen came to Zhou Zhen's ears. "The command link has been established."

Two projection screens appeared in front of Zhou Zhen, one was his own and the other was Leyson's.

"Establish an emergency combat plan, one side, two exoskeleton armors, the other side: the Yongdu pirate group. The purpose of combat is to prevent the pirates from controlling their own spacecraft and prevent the other side from leaving the Sovereign star system."

At this time, the speed of the computer far exceeds that of the human brain, and the meticulousness of the plan is also greater than that of the human brain.

Soon, the Red Queen said quickly: "Close the cockpit, open the hatch, and leave the pirate ship while the transport compartment door is not completely closed."

Zhou Zhen immediately ran to the cockpit in strides. The sealing performance of this atmospheric spacecraft is not as good as that of the spacecraft. Now it is in a vacuum environment and the door cannot be opened, otherwise everyone will not be able to live.

You can only go to the cockpit. After closing the cockpit, leave the small spaceship from the cockpit.

The two pilots were driven out of the cockpit, Zhou Zhen closed the lockout door, then closed the mask, established the internal circulation system, and opened the door.

Lei Sen jumped out first, and Zhou Zhen didn't dare to activate the spray device. He jumped out before starting the spray device, hanging in the air, and closing the hatch.

"Lesson, your task is to stay behind the transport compartment and don't let anyone enter the transport compartment."


Seeing that the small spaceship had been completely towed in, and the transport cabin was about to be closed, Zhou Zhengu didn't need to say much, and after one leap, he flew out of the pirate ship.

At this time, the pirates discovered Zhou Zhen and Lei Sen through surveillance.

"Damn it, what the **** is this!"

Yongdu with a wretched look said with a smile: "This is our goal, a powerful individual weapon!"

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