Tartak, as a devil duke, has always been in an awkward position. Because he once served for the previous sixth devil king Gracia, since Gracia's fall, he has been idled. This time, the test of the five devil kings by Asmodeus, the lord of hell, gave him an opportunity. He took the initiative to seek refuge with Melissa, the new sixth king who seemed to be the weakest.

Melissa also accepted his allegiance.

But in recent days, Tartak was in a bad mood. In terms of status, he obviously felt that Melissa trusted Katan Pennant and Megatha Dinis, the two half-demon descendants, and felt that he was similar to the three exiles Amon, Kane, and Vist, a pure thug.

Regardless of the thugs, the most important thing is that he feels that Melissa will lose in this god-killing contest.

The remaining four kings have gained something, and even if Melissa successfully hunts down the noble goddess Sheenworth, she will lose in this competition.

Because the competition not only pays attention to the level of killing the gods, but also depends on whether the obtained priesthood, divine power field, etc. can improve the king.

The aristocratic goddess Sheenworth is typically the type that kills her for nothing. In a peaceful age, the priesthood of a noble goddess can be said to be quite suitable for Queen Melissa to infiltrate the human world.

Unfortunately, this is the end of the world.

It can be said that even if they succeeded in killing the gods, they could not compare with Disbat, the second king who killed the god of vengeance Hall, and Mephistopheles, the eighth king who captured Fermalo, the god of wandering elves. Melissa simply handed in a qualified answer sheet.

Now Tartak was dumbfounded.

It turns out that there is really no such thing as natural courage and natural wisdom in the world, which is not as good as natural luck.

An evil god in the form of a saint who was seriously injured descended from the sky... His fall scared away the noble goddess Shinworth, who was originally the target of the Devil Elite Squadron.

But this is better, no matter which big devil is surprised to find that this middle-level god of divine power who should be a foreign pantheon is only half breathed.

The sixth king showed his masculinity. The fierce Queen's voice sounded in the ears of all high-ranking devils: "What are you still doing!? Give it all to me!"

For a disciplined devil, orders from superiors are absolute!

Not to mention that Nutari is dying now, even if he is in his prime, the devils will rush up without hesitation.

Now, it is clearly a great achievement that fell from the sky. If you don't perform well, how can you earn a place in front of tomorrow's devil commander?

Almost all the devils were screaming. Surround the tough Nutari with a rigorous siege formation.

Twenty minutes later, Nutari, the common god of all black-robed mages in Dragonlance World, who was in the lawful evil camp and was in charge of the priesthood of [Magic] and [Mysterious Knowledge], Nutari, the Depriver of the Night, died tragically in the beating of the devil army.

The sixth devil king, Melissa, surpassed the veteran king Mephistopheles in the god-killing competition and became the temporary number one.

It is conceivable that after absorbing the power of this magical god. Melissa will reverse her biggest shortcoming of not being good at fighting in one fell swoop, and become a goddess of magic who makes enemies fearful.

Back on the sixth floor of Bator Hell, Melissa sat on her throne, receiving congratulations from her subordinates and the devil duke who came to join her.

Her ears were full of sweet and false compliments, her eyes were full of flattering smiles, and on the surface she smiled like a flower, but Melissa turned a blind eye to all of these.

He whispered silently in his heart: "Thank you. My lover, my master——"

Raven couldn't hear Melissa's heartfelt thanks, and he was still fighting fiercely. Leading a group of gods to chase down the dragon gun evil gods.

Destroying Nutari's Kingdom of God can be regarded as frightening the evil gods. The five Kingdoms of God are arranged in a pentagonal shape, and the queue retreats to the bottomless abyss in an orderly manner.

Especially Sagonas and Saibo, the two gods who have the origin of the dragon gun element, the firepower of their kingdom of God is simply fierce.

As soon as they approached, they would be hit by beams of divine power, and at every turn, it would be a large-scale attack with a diameter of more than a kilometer. The key was that the five evil gods were desperately creating various space crack traps. Even Tempus felt a bit overwhelmed if he ate it inadvertently, let alone such weak gods as Fei Li.

More than one deity felt a bit of a headache. It is certainly an advantage to set the Kingdom of God on Earth early. However, the kingdom of the gods on the ground could not leave the main plane of Ultron Continent, and as a result, in the battle of the kingdom of the void, they fell into a situation similar to that of a mouse pulling a turtle with no entrance.

for a while. All the gods began to set their sights on Raven.

Lei Wen didn't realize it, and continued to give orders to the red knight, asking the red knight to command everyone to attack the defense lines of the five kingdoms of God from all angles.

Especially Lei Wen, he alone is more terrifying than thousands of troops! Now, after the system upgrade, he loses his avatar, and every time he loses it, it costs five figures.

If he is not afraid of brain fatigue, Lei Wen can even create 50,000 clones out of thin air at once. These are not ordinary avatars, all avatars will be infused with different divine powers: power of death, shadow, phantom, shadow.

Each can be fake.

The most frightening thing is that when the space interference is not serious, Lei Wen's main body can be swapped with any clone in an instant.

With the precedent of Lei Wen forcibly breaking in after clearly putting in the Dimensional Anchor just now, the five evil gods almost exhausted their strength to throw the space crack, interfering with Lei Wen's swap.

At the same time, all the firepower in the Kingdom of God poured out, trying to blow up every clone of Lei Wen who approached.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lei Wen alone attracted more than 90% of the opponent's firepower.

It's a pity that on Lei Wen's side, only Lei Wen and Laila have phantom abilities, and the others are the main body, and they will be set on fire as soon as they rush forward. Otherwise, with a few more guys like Lei Wen, the opponent would not have to fight.

However, even so, it is not an easy task to attack. Lei Wen has encountered some gods of the kingdom of God several times.

Now it's consumption!

Let's see if the Dragon Spear Cthulhu can hold on to the bottomless abyss.

It stands to reason that Lei Wen should be doing useless work. At first, everyone didn't think it, but after playing for ten minutes, everyone discovered the problem.

The only ones that have not been found are foreign gods like Sargonas.

It’s been a long time since he joined the team. The god of sea warfare, Velko, has become a veteran from a rookie in the god system. He directly contacted Ushika with a single line of spiritual thoughts: "Hey, hey! I always feel that our god king is full of bad water!"

"Isn't that right, such an interesting trap is sure to deceive the intruders." Ushika said.

Similar whispers passed among the gods. Even Jergal, who was alone, had a weird smile on his stiff Arnold face.

Suddenly, the five kingdoms of God shook almost in unison.

"What did we hit?"

"A plane destroyed by the destruction of the world?"

"Why can't you feel it?"

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong!"

"No! I'm sorry! This is... the shadow plane!?"

The five evil gods yelled at each other in the Divine Sense Network, but none of this could change the fact that their divine kingdom had crashed into the shadow plane.

It is very special to have two planes in the Ultron world, one is the shadow plane and the other is the spirit world. In principle, these two planes have a copy on all planes. For example, the main plane Ultron Continent has a shadow Ultron Continent of the same size, of course the structure inside is completely different.

In fact, there was originally a super-large plane where the five kingdoms of God were located—the Garden of Ten Thousand Beasts in the Endless Wilderness. It's a pity that this plane has collapsed, and this place is now a void.

But as the shadow copy of the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden, the part of the shadow plane at this position has not yet completely collapsed.

Normally, apart from the stones left by the collapse of the plane, the Kingdom of God would not hit anything. Don't forget, Raven is also the Lord of Shadows.

With the help of Laila's phantom, the star maps observed by the five evil dragon gun gods from the Kingdom of God are all fake. Originally, they would not have passed here. Because they were in a hurry by Raven's berserk attack, they didn't even notice that they deviated from the course. They just instinctively judged the position and course with the collected star map and have been fighting and retreating.

If it was Ultron's local god, it would definitely not bump into this place. The foreign god, hehehe, deserved to be cheated to death.

So when the five kingdoms of God entered the ruins of the Endless Wilderness Garden of Beasts, Lei Wen used his divine power to instantly open the passage of the shadow plane, allowing the five guys to crash into Lei Wen's home field.

Reminiscent of Lei Wen's series of powerful powers, the faces of the five guys turned green regarding the mastery of the origin of the shadow.

wipe! I bumped into someone's lair!

"Wait! Yunfield! We demand negotiations!" Sargonas yelled.

"Hehe, run away if you can't fight, negotiate if you can't run, fight again if you can't negotiate, and surrender just before you fall, do you really think there is such a good thing?" Lei Wen's murderous voice spread throughout the sky.

Lei Wen was also full of anger after being attacked countless times, not only him, but also the big congregation gods around him who had been aggrieved for a long time. Now seeing that the five kingdoms of gods have all stopped, these subordinate gods who have been addicted to killing still have golden eyes!

What they saw were not five kingdoms of God, but five treasure houses!

Fragments of divinity, priesthood, godhead, and countless treasures from all walks of life.

You know, unlike good and neutral gods, evil gods are always the fattest driven by desire. Especially like this kind of evil god whose world has been destroyed, no need to ask, they know that they bring all good things in the kingdom of God.

If it wasn't for Lei Wen not ordering the attack yet, more than a dozen kingdoms of God would have opened cross-plane passages to catch up.

"What are you waiting for?" Tempus asked.

"Some of our gods have slightly lower divine power, let my subordinates go first." Raven paused and shouted: "Xinli!" (to be continued~^~)

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