Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 642 Tentative Challenge (Part 2)

Powerful auras collided in the sky, as if dozens of huge vortices were colliding fiercely in the entire sky, forming countless intertwined turbulent currents, any existence with insufficient strength who dared to approach would be torn into pieces.

Lei Wen rubbed his brows, as if he was having a headache, but when he put his palm on his forehead, he sneered.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Hey! Do you think I'm a fool? Can the strongest existence among the five-color evil dragons abandon their previous suspicions, and can make so many famous evil beings who are proud and independent, whose names resound throughout heaven and hell? The dragons gathered together and fought against the enemy with one heart. May I ask who else in this world can do it except you Tiamat!?"

"Hehehehe!" Following a few laughs from a female voice that didn't match its appearance, a five-headed giant dragon with five heads of different colors and shapes tore through the void and slowly flew out.


The extremely terrifying Longwei.

After feeling the might of these famous dragons in the Dragon Hall, I already feel extremely uncomfortable.

When the two dragon gods came out, the horror and discomfort were even more difficult to describe in words.

It is already a situation where one mountain is still high, why can there be a more terrifying peak?

The body of the demigod powerhouse Paros was terribly cold, as if he had been turned into an ice sculpture by the freezing spell of the Evocation Department in an instant.

His teeth chattered,

His body was shaking.

The continuous trembling made him feel like a weak grass being torn at will by the strong wind. Big balls of cold sweat oozed from every pore on his body, gathered into strands, and flowed down the river like a hundred rivers into the sea, wet from head to toe. His clothes were soaked, and his whole body equipment was soaked.

Even the golden dragon scale armor with explosive defensive power couldn't bring him the slightest sense of security... This is no longer pure fear, but a natural reaction of the body under the suppression of the extremely terrifying aura.

The sky is getting darker and darker. Pairos raised his head slightly, staring at the huge monster slowly breaking into the sky from the void with painful eyes, his body couldn't even move a finger except for the instinctive trembling.

Although the terrifying coercion that seemed to cover the entire world did not lock his body, even the aftermath made him feel as if he was being pressed down heavily by a mountain that couldn't see the top. This is an aura that is so powerful that it is beyond Pyros' imagination, so powerful that it is impossible for him to have even a trace of resistance.

too horrible!

What power is this! ?

Is this destruction and evil?

This breath is terrifying and evil. He had every reason to believe that Tiamat, who emitted this aura, could completely annihilate him from the world, from body to soul, without leaving a single trace, as long as he moved his dragon claws lightly.

Paros has faced countless powerful enemies in his life and experienced countless hardships that ordinary people can't imagine. However...it has never been suppressed by such a terrifying force.

He could no longer lift his weapon.

in the sky. Raven quietly observed his general.

Pyros fell to his knees in shame, not of strength but of sheer courage.

The evil monk didn't fall, but his internal organs were damaged by holding on. This was the price he paid for overdrawing his potential.

The remaining three, no, now there are four. Because Jessica went up too.

These four people did not live up to Lei Wen's expectations.

Scarlett was eager to try, while the other three were waiting for Raven's orders. They all conquered the fear in their hearts. You know, Tiamat who appeared in front of you at this moment. It should be because of killing some evil creatures and depriving them of their divinity and godhead fragments, Tiamat has unknowingly promoted to medium divine power.

Obviously, this is already a provocation to Ai Ou, the dragon god king.

Raven glanced at the system prompt.

"The Dragon Goddess Tiamat, the preliminary scan shows that the opponent's challenge level is 270."

Compared with the previous life, the current situation has already deviated considerably.

In a previous life. The ambitious Tiamat also rushed to the main plane ahead of time, but Tiamat chose to go it alone, bringing her five ancient dragon husbands, red, black, blue, green, and white. It directly occupied a No. 13 floating island. Later, he was defeated in the competition and died after two husbands. Turn around and join the powerful devil army.

Still, level 270 is pretty scary. In the entire multiverse, all the guys with more than 250 challenge levels are well-known. Now Tiamat, with the support of the two evil dragon gods, is directly challenging Lei Wen. Even if he is as strong as Lei Wen, he still feels a bit dark.

Lei Wen's promotion of powerful divine power, if not counting the Four Sacred Gates, is now a challenge level of 256. Counting the bonus of the Kingdom of God, it is estimated that it can only be evenly matched with Tiamat.

Tiamat's husbands also entered the arena. Basically, Tiamat always keeps the five-color evil dragons, and each chooses an ancient dragon as her husband. It can be said that apart from those fellows from Famous Dragon Hall, Tiamat's husband is the strongest.

At a glance, they are basically guys between level 180 and level 200.

A light flashed around Lei Wen, and Ushika and Valkur came back with serious faces. They nodded towards Lei Wen, which meant that Tempus felt that he and Shar could solve the problem quickly together.

Raven smiled.

All who should appear have appeared.

Then... let's go!

Gently raising his right thumb, Raven made a throat-slitting gesture.

Go all out! No life left!

"Oh oh oh——" The Amazon Valkyrie was the one who waited the most impatiently. As early as after the other party finished playing, Scarlett's face and the bronzed and toned skin of Guolu had abnormal flushing! It was the tide of excitement and ecstasy!

Almost at the moment when Raven gave the order, the index finger of his left hand pointed to the high sky in front of him. With the feeling, his whole flexible body was stretched to the limit, like a bow and an arrow, a spear was thrown by Scarlett.

Suddenly, between the formations of the two sides on the ground, something seemed to shatter.

The githyanki queen Valakis raised her head in astonishment, and a straight line quickly connected her and Scarlett together, as if dividing the entire battlefield into two. Wire.

The line stretched from the front of Lei Wen's formation to the front of her, and everyone saw a scene on the battlefield that they would never forget.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

The githyanki warriors standing in front of Empress Valakis even maintained a horrified look on their faces.

No screams, no screams!

In the blood mist that filled the sky, all the existences standing in front of the queen were instantly crushed. The flesh and blood of nearly a hundred silver-ranked fighters couldn't reduce the power of throwing spears at all.

Everyone saw: Empress Valakis's left body suddenly shrank inward in an extremely twisted posture, as if a small black hole swallowed up the small half of her body centered on her left chest. The gorgeous gold epaulettes fell off from the shoulders that had mostly disappeared, and the broken bones still had traces of pale undead aura.

This kind of injury is by no means fatal to a Lich, but it will obviously affect her strength.

This is not the end yet, the terrifying spear that pierced through the entire front formation in one breath is still spinning, and continues to crash into the center formation of the Githyanki in a unparalleled destructive posture, until it almost penetrates the entire rear formation, before inserting To the ground, a shocking explosion was issued.

In mid-air, the god of the gray dwarves, Radug, who was holding a demi-artifact shield, watched this scene with great pain.

"Hey! My Majesty! That wild woman you liked threw out that Tier 1 artifact short spear made of Bagtu's femur bone as a disposable item!"

Facing Ladug's yelling, Lei Wen rolled his eyes: That prodigal bitch actually used an artifact as a consumable! Depend on! Young master, I am a god king, I am not as prodigal as you, okay! If you can't take back the artifact throwing the spear, watch if I don't smash your ass!

How many thighbones does a normal orc have?


Yes, that's right! Now Scarlett was laughing loudly, and brandished the remaining artifact short spear [Bagtu Short Spear] to kill the Githyanki.

Of course, there are two guys faster than her.

Stormwalker Baimao attacked the strong githyanki who came up with an angry thunder, shouting "Ola Ola" for unknown reason. The paws with powerful lightning power slapped it, and immediately you could see the opponent's limbs twisted and deformed in various postures that should not appear, either the limbs fell off and flew, or the body collapsed inward, and the occasional wounds still had traces of The lightning arc of the aftermath of the thunder sent one strong man after another flying, turning into corpses, whirling and crashing into the dense army formation.

White hair represents strength, and Jessica is agility.

Under the stupefied gazes of the strong Githyankis represented by strength and agility, one after another spurts of blood from their throats spurted high, and the fiery blood did not scatter on the ground. They were like connecting puppets. Thin lines, from the corpses that were losing their lives, connected to the Blood Queen's blood field.

The githyanki who lost their lives, with their eyes widened to the extreme, told the world that they couldn't believe that Jessica was so fast until the moment they died.

The blood was drained, and then only the bystanders heard the continuous muffled sound, and those withered bodies that had lost the blood fell heavily on the ground.

The elf prince Wallis also charged forward, and now he was more like a firepower suppressor after taking a long-distance path.

He didn't shoot many arrows, but each round of arrow rain would definitely kill a legendary expert. Compared with Baimao and Jessica, who kill people at sight, Wallis is more inclined to act as a terminator that disintegrates the morale and command system of the opponent.

However, it was with the cover of the three top mortal powerhouses that Scarlett, a forward-looking guy, was able to kill the ever-retreating Queen Valakis straight.

At this time, the battle in the sky started at the same time.

The hedging of god-level power made the battle sound the strongest note from the very beginning. (to be continued ~^~)

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