Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 636: Year 1317 (end) (seeking a monthly pass)

This time, the elves were the ones who took the blame.

In fact, if it wasn't for Fermarro's mistake, it might have only been released an hour late. The first to be revealed was the dwarf god of spies by another name, Barrivan Shadowcloak, a feeble power.

Because this guy also missed, because he was a little itchy after leaving the golden hills of the dwarf gods, when the main body ran out, he missed and was caught by the kobold Kurtumak. The kobold god happily tortured him, and it didn't take long for Barrivan to do it.

So on the Doomsday Covenant, the second displayed name is Ba Ruifan.

The tragedy is the tragedy, everyone will only remember the first force to break the covenant, and the second guy will often be forgotten as a broken pot.

The elves were suddenly accused by thousands of people and fell into isolation.

Not only Fermarlo, who leaked the secret, but also Corellon, who still has an unclear relationship with Rose, has also been seriously questioned.

"Could it be that you didn't want to see your former wife fall, so you deliberately revealed it? Please, how can you harm the entire Doomsday Alliance for your personal affair? It's all right now, your sweetheart has stabbed things all over the multiverse. And We're not ready yet." Moradin, the dwarf god-king, opened his mouth wide and sprayed, Corellon jumped his feet in anger, unable to refute.

This time, Angress, who had always been protecting her husband, could only stand quietly aside.

The deployment progress of each defense system must be fast and slow. The fastest death shadow god system has already been done, just wait for the guy who doesn't have long eyes to come to his death. Tyre's side also messed up.

Basically, the progress of the gods of the lawful camp is the fastest. This is the natural advantage of the lawful camp. The paramilitary-managed church organization is extremely efficient in emergency situations.

The forces that have always been loosely organized will suffer a lot, such as the human forest gods. I have been used to being sloppy for a long time, and there is no specific relationship between superiors and subordinates, so I can't be efficient all at once. Even Sivanus, the Father of Nature, complained about Corellon a little this time.

"Okay, okay! It's all my fault! I apologize to the entire Doomsday Alliance, okay!?"

So, the wandering god of the elves, Femaro Mosterling, fled, in the form of a saint...

To make matters worse, this incident exposed the fragility of the Doomsday Alliance. In fact, because of the difference in concept and god system. The watchful relationship between the various pantheons is more of an empty talk.

This gave those forces who were dissatisfied with the forces of kindness and neutral gods taking over all the floating islands and floating continents an opportunity.

The gods are indeed strong!

Too strong to be unreasonable!

Perhaps the gods are the supreme rulers of the multiverse, but the gods are not the only powerful existence in the multiverse.

Dragons, gods, hundred-armed giants, giant titans, super-giant external elemental creatures... In fact, the places where the glory of the gods can shine only account for a small part of the entire multiverse. More barren worlds and unknown spaces are occupied by various powerful beings.

The recent continuous collapse of planes has long caused these powerful beings to fall into anxiety and panic. When Rose wanted to incite more opponents to besiege the good and neutral gods, these powerful beings found a perfect excuse. Even if these are true, they do not need to confirm whether this is the truth. They need an outlet—your gods claim to be the lord of all things, so you only care about your own life and death, and don't care about others?

The dragon gods in particular, especially the good and neutral dragon gods among them, feel deliberately forgotten and humiliated. They didn't even think about it, Oghma and other gods had discussed it before deciding not to tell Io for the time being. Because of Ai Ou's virtue of protecting his shortcomings. The entire Dragon Clan will definitely be notified of this news immediately.

The result is that Tiamat and other evil dragon gods know about it, and then let Asmodeus know about it, and so do the demon lords.

Angry people don't need reason, and angry people don't make sense.

Even the hard-pressed Asmodeus has believed in the fall of the god Ao. It's a pity that the divine power left by 'Ao' in the world tree has not completely dissipated, and the contract in the beginning of time is still in effect. As a result, the devil army is still forced to carry the devil army.

Other forces are different. There are many great forces and powerful people who are not bound.

On September 23, the first challenger appeared!

Mount Galar in the northwest of the central part of the mainland, once the territory of Netheril.

In this uninhabited alpine area, there is no sound, only the gurgling stream flowing through the slightly yellowish lush grass. The scorching sun in autumn is accompanied by the coolness brought by the breeze, and the birds in the forest are still singing loudly and carefree, as if this is Paradise Mountain.

However, a loud thunderbolt broke the tranquility here.

Several lion-headed angels of Gaidin Celestial Clan were suddenly blown away by the huge force. The huge momentum made them thrash and roll non-stop, plowing out a huge black mark tens of meters long on the ground.

next second. A huge claw wrapped in flames trampled on this land, and the violent flames instantly spread like waves, easily burning everything around. The trees and creatures that were not destroyed on the spot seemed to be cursed, tormented, and trembling by horrible atrocities.

Several mysterious and fast creatures sprang over like ghosts from the huge claws, easily killing several injured lion-headed angels.

An angel yelled before dying, "Big lizard, you'll pay for it!"

"The price? You guys who try to monopolize the chance of escape will pay the price! Oh ha ha ha!" The dragon laughed wildly while scorching the poor land with flames.

A golden pegasus rushed to the scene quickly. As one of the five deputies of the strongest lion-headed prince Talishid of Gadin Celestial Clan, Lord Wynne, the wild galloping horse, naturally has a good strength.

However, when he saw this scene, he still couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "Assadron!?"

Ashardlon's appearance is largely that of a great ancient red dragon in its heyday, but with some strikingly eccentric features. He has a demonic face, with a hideous scar on his chest shaped like a large winged humanoid creature, the Balor; his eyes are like two glowing, burning flames, Tiny lights glow constantly between his minions.

All this makes Assadron fairly recognizable.

Asadron was no cat or dog dragon, a raging and powerful creature even before he achieved his legendary status and amassed a cult following him.

In fact, he and his red dragon mate had been hunting in the lush green land known as the Golden Plains for at least a century before suffering an injury that eventually caused him to swap his heart for a demon.

The ruler of the Golden Plains is a human king who lives in a stronghold with many towers. As Asadron became more and more unscrupulous due to his power, he began to clash with the kingdom and its king. To show the dragon the true power of a king, the king secretly sent his knights to kill Assadron's consort.

However, as soon as he learned of his consort's death, Assadron fell into a violent and persistent rage. His killing rage caused the earth to distort and buried the king's stronghold underground. The once lush area was renamed the Plain of Ashes, and the stronghold was renamed Castle Without Sun. In this sunken castle, Asadron's first followers began to serve him.

And one of Assadron's most famous feats is that he killed a weak ancient god who tried to eliminate harm for the people. That's why Assadron also has the alias of 'Assadron the Godslayer'.

The moment Lord Wynn recognized Assadron, he felt a dangerous and terrifying aura that made his hair stand on end. The surrounding air seemed to drop by dozens of degrees suddenly, which made him feel goosebumps all over his body, and he shuddered. Started the Cold War.

The giant dragon stared at him, there were no celestial beings in the fiery vertical pupils of the giant dragon, and some were just pure prey.

Now Assadron has become very terrifying in Wynn's eyes, but his huge body exudes a ferocious power like a powerful evil god, which makes him breathless with fear, and he can't even resist.

The strength gap... is too big.

To make matters worse, Wynn just happened to have a complete set of fragments of the No. 7 floating island treasure map!

After a brief confrontation, Lord Wyne of the Wild Runner was killed. Carrying the treasure map, Assadron flew proudly to receive his spoils. However, Talishid, the lion-headed prince, came to revenge with the other four lieutenants!

After a bloody battle, Assadron was wounded and escaped. No one expected that the final winner was Karix, the God of Dragon Destruction. His sneak attack severely wounded the Lionhead Prince, and he became the new owner of No. 7 floating island.

The success of Carrix gave countless great powers who were waiting for an opportunity to see an opportunity.

On September 24th, a group of daring githyankis raided the temporary residence of the Assassins. Although more than 500 githyanki were killed by the Assassins, they managed to steal more than 5 pieces of floating air Island treasure map fragments.

On September 25th, more than a hundred frost giants, ogres and other monsters launched a fierce attack on the new territory of the elves, and were slaughtered by the elves and gods led by Corellon. The elves still paid the price of over a thousand lives.

On September 26, Dulla, the goddess of the dwarf mind and conquest of the deep land, was seriously injured by a surprise attack by the beholder god, the great mistress, and four fragments of the treasure map of the floating island were robbed.

Throughout late September, over a hundred treasure map fragments changed hands. At the same time, a large number of powerful creatures and forces from the outer plane acted recklessly, making the major human kingdoms on the main plane miserable.

Urgent calls for help flew to the emperors or kings of various countries like a snowflake.

Emperor Erwin Agathon approached Raven.

Lei Wen only replied to him with one sentence: "At the end of 1317, the seven great empires of mankind will become history. If you want to survive, you can obediently rely on me and become a little rich man. I only guarantee you a moderate wealth."

Agathon was struck by lightning.

Raven ignored him. This was 1317, the year of extreme turmoil, and almost the whole year was spent snatching treasure map fragments from each other. (to be continued ~^~)

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