Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 621 Stepping on the Face of the Enemy to Promote (Part 1)

Lyra scrambled off to hear a joke from that witty dwarf in Gal Gold Shining.

On the other side, Lathander and Chauntia actually brought their daughter, the Goddess of Agriculture, together with Oghma, the God of Knowledge, and Gond, the God of Blacksmithing. They seemed to have a common question they wanted to ask Lei Text - about the rhythm of the destruction of the world.

They said congratulations first, then looked at Raven.

Raven knew that this meant visiting after the ceremony.

The gods from the neutral lineup are not as exaggerated as the good camp. After all, the neutral faction guys are a bit cold-tempered, and it's not something they care about. They won't run out if they are killed.

Beside Tempus, there are two new faces.

Tempus pointed to a typical barbarian deity, literally from another country, with a bronzed upper body and black lions, black crows, blue bears and other tribal patterns painted on his body.

"He is Ushika, my other God. Come, Ushika, meet the King Yunfield."

If there is no accident, after Tempus joins the group, although Tempus will retain considerable independent authority, Lei Wen will also be the boss of Ushija in name.

"Hello! It's our first time meeting, Your Majesty." Ushika bowed with his left hand on his right shoulder, his right hand on his left shoulder, and crossed his hands to satisfy the special etiquette.

"Hello! Ushika."

Raven graciously gave Ushika a sincere hug.

Ushika is a god of weak divine power, just like the dragon god, the combat power of the war gods has to be calculated upwards, generally one level higher. Lei Wen never had too many meat shields, not to mention that most of Lei Wen's gods were long-distance magic gods.

When Lei Wen let go of Ushika, he seemingly casually put something in Ushika's palm.

"Come on! This is a meeting gift. It's a small thing. Don't take it to heart."

Ushika's eyes went straight.

It turned out to be 5 points of divinity and 3 pieces of godhead! Although it can be seen from this that it was obtained from the orcs, but for the barbarians. This is already very close.

God! The meeting ceremony is a fragment of divinity and godhead!

This nominal new boss is so generous!

The hard-working Ushika, because of his weak priesthood and the generally low IQ of barbarians, has survived tens of thousands of years and is still a weak divine power. It's all right now, Lei Wen's meeting ceremony was so heavy when he came up. Reminiscent of the fact that the red knight who followed Lei Wen has been promoted from weak to weak, even if the red knight is a concubine, it is not difficult to imagine mixing with Lei Wen, there is broth without meat!

Don't talk about Ushika. The other god who saw this scene was also stunned.

"He is my friend, Valkur, the God of Sea Battle!"

Valkur is not the God of Tempus, but also a god of war. Valkur is a bit like the noble goddess Hienworth for the Realm of Clear Water. Valkur is a tenant of the Warrior's Rest in the Lair of the Tempus Gods.

This chaotic, kind and weak god of divine power was originally unable to connect with Lei Wen. Tempus knew what Raven was thinking, so he brought Velko to show up. As for whether Velko joined the group, that was a matter between Raven and Velko.

After all, he is an outsider, and Lei Wen is not so generous anymore, and giving too much will make people have bad associations after all. Valkur knew about the close relationship between Tempus and Raven. He had just come to say hello, but Lei Wen still gave him two points of divinity as a greeting gift.

Wilco was also stunned!

Raven is so generous.

The last batch of guests scheduled to attend the ceremony are the ranger goddess Melika and the sprout goddess Sienlia, who came to represent the forest department. Based on the fact that Raven rescued Nubien, the god of lions at that time, even if Raven abducted Nubien himself later, Sivanus, the father of nature, still felt that he owed Raven a favor. Sienlia came to work for the natural department to pay off the debt.

The gods of the life department have a natural aversion to the death gods like Raven, unless they have special friendship. She was wearing a thick veil, and her whole body was wrapped in green breath. She nodded to Raven as a greeting.

The heroic Melika stood in front of Lei Wen, saying congratulations, and a divine thought came over from the spiritual world: "I heard that you foresaw my fall."

"Nothing." Raven firmly denied.

"Aidley and Deep Sea both told me."

"..." Damn it, you have to enforce the family law of the gods when you go back, Lei Wen gritted his teeth. So the chaotic camp guys are just unreliable, and they can leak secrets as soon as they soften their hearts.

"You don't punish them. They are all good intentions. If there is a price to pay for this, please let me pay."

Raven's face turned cold: "There is no need for the price. This is purely an internal matter of our god system. Don't worry, I will only make them suffer."

"No, I..."

"Enough! If you are worried about your fall, then I can tell you that the guy who led the army to kill you in the prophecy has become my mount. His soul has been tortured by me several times."

After Raven finished speaking, he turned and left.

The human forest gods are similar to the elf gods, they are all super rigid, and they will not give up if they don't see Styx. Don't be defeated by the demon army, and nothing you say will change your mind. There is no need for Lei Wen to have any friendship at this moment, casual acquaintances are fine.

Lei Wen looked at the last vacant seat on the first-class VIP seat, and suddenly felt a sense of loss, that was reserved for Sune. At some point, the red knight walked up to Lei Wen and gently took Lei Wen's arm. Although she was not used to doing this in public, it was a beginning after all.

"Don't worry, I have a hunch that the days when I played with Lila and Suni will come back. I swear in the name of my red gambling god."

"Red God of Gamblers? Are you losing too much and turning into a deficit?"

"Asshole Raven, I'm serious talking to you."

Lei Wen patted the back of the Red Knight's hand: "Don't worry, if something happens to Suni, I will rescue her even if she is tied up."

"Well, I believe you."

Time is up.

The grand fireworks bloomed in the shadowy sky, and amidst the loud and religious singing, teams of one hundred phalanxes passed by in front of the temple.

After the brightly armored human infantry regiments, cavalry regiments, and bombardier regiments (catapult and ballista specialization), there are special races of gray dwarf warrior regiments, steel golem regiments, and half-elf ranger troops.

The most distinctive ones are the Sea Elf and Wing Elf Warrior Group. A wave of waves suddenly surged up from the moat, and the magic of the deep sea* Sashela made a temporary river on the ground flow in front of the main temple newly built by Raven. , the sea elves holding long-handled weapons such as tridents and the wing elves holding crossbows and spears passed the front of the temple together on the water and air at the same time.

On both sides of the avenue, Raven's believers cried out in amazement when they saw that the miraculous ground river did not overflow even a drop of water into the streets on both sides.

Of course, this level of military parade is just to fool the dignitaries of various countries in the secular world.

The real dry goods have to start from the sanctuary.

The demigod Rose, the evil monk Awen, the half-bear man Baimao, the elf prince Wallis, and the Amazon Valkyrie Scarlett, these five very distinctive strongmen almost attracted the attention of all existences as soon as they appeared on the stage.

The tendency of a god can be seen from a god's selection of warriors. Lei Wen's approach made other existences feel that this is the real eclectic talent selection.

Some of these people were recruited by Lei Wen, and some were deliberately cultivated by Lei Wen, but Lei Wen completed the integration and training from middle and lower level talents to high-end gods in just two years, which is quite shocking.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the golden dragon dragon scale armor on their bodies. Such uniform bunker attire makes Tom, who often has golden dragons as attendants, see his eyelids twitching.

Immediately afterwards, the subordinate god entered the scene.

The two muscular gods, Radug, the patron saint of the gray dwarves, and Nubien, the lion of slaughter, entered the arena first. They are different from ordinary gods. They have experienced despair, and they crawled back from the abyss of despair. They have a stronger aura than other gods. .

Ladug, who was always regarded by the dwarf god-king Moradin as an unworthy rebel, gave Moradin a feeling that he didn't recognize this former brother.

Nubien was similar, he gave up part of his priesthood, and even turned himself into a god of vengeance against the devil. Nubien's transformation was more comprehensive, and the forest gods hardly recognized Nubien.

The deep sea * Saixila and Aideli * Fenlia appeared together, and what also made the elves and gods strange was their smiles from the bottom of their hearts. Two chaotic and good sub-elven gods are doing well under the command of an evil and lawful god-king who is supposed to be the complete opposite. Normally this is unimaginable.

Then, the real dry goods of this promotion ceremony came.

Six brown-skinned elves exuding a powerful aura appeared at the end of the avenue. They have the most beautiful faces, the sexiest figures, and they wear Rose's high-ranking priest robes with a very dark drow atmosphere, and they are carrying a thin black jade plate with lotus steps. A demi-artifact dagger that exudes the breath of cold death.

"That's all... Rose's mistress?! Why did the drow mistress appear here?" Those with vision couldn't help screaming.

"No! Look clearly! On their peaks."

Yes, on the peaks on their left chests, the holy emblem of the shadow of death is engraved. Obviously, they have converted! Regardless of whether they were converted during their lifetime or after their death, anyway, their souls belonged entirely to Raven now.

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred things, no matter how much you hear about the battle between Lei Wen and Rose, it is not as good as seeing what Rose obeyed with your own eyes.

Raven was promoted, stepping on the corpse and dignity of a powerful enemy. Obviously, nothing is more slapping than killing Rose's most beloved mistress and killing Rose's most powerful subordinate, Cong Shen.

Sure enough, at the next moment, when the six mistresses walked to the front of the temple, there were Rose's favorite spiders in the six cages in front of them.

Without any hesitation, the six former mistresses cast death spells to kill the spider. At the same time, they took off their high-ranking priestly robes of Rose and threw them on the prepared brazier to burn.

In this way, the six mistresses knelt down in front of Raven's temple wearing the priest robes of the Church of the Shadow of Death. (to be continued ~^~)

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