Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 614 Dragon Spear Training

Lei Wen not only hugged her tightly, but also found that Xi Na was a little hypoxic, so she immediately gave artificial respiration.

"Um, ah... nah..."

A small train making the sound of "dirty dirt" passed by Lei Wen's spiritual world. When Lei Wen woke up, he found that because he was afraid of falling, his hands had uncontrollably grabbed two tall protrusions superior.

"Uh, sorry, Hina, I didn't mean it."

Well, on purpose!

Hina did not accept Lei Wen's apology, but asked another thing: "It seems that a woman with a tough figure like me... Lei Wen, do you hate it..."

"How can it be!?"

"I used to see Lila and the others' soft figures, and I was so envious, but when I used divine power to change the shape, I felt that it wasn't me anymore."

Huh? The red knight is hypoxic again, so let's do artificial respiration first.

a long time.

"Raven, have you ever practiced riding a spear?"

"No..." Raven was a little confused.

"Now that you have a dragon mount, you can be regarded as a dragon knight. If you don't know how to use a dragon spear, I will teach you. Don't be thrown by the dragon, catch it." The red knight said with a blushing face.

As expected, Lei Wen continued to catch the two regiments as promised.

A five-meter-long metal dragon gun suddenly appeared on Xina's right hand. The long tip of the gun exuded a strange light. Then, with a flick of Xina's left hand, a ring-like thing suddenly catapulted to the flying dragon's body. track ahead.

Three seconds later, while the dragon was flying at high speed, the tip of Xina's dragon spear pierced the ring quickly and accurately.

"This is……"

"When I was a mortal, I didn't have a horse at home. But I was eager to become a knight and I kept training myself according to the method taught by an old knight. Practicing spears on land is only the basic skill, and I really need to train until I can ride on a bumpy horse. It's not enough to also hit the target."

Lei Wen didn't speak, and because he was afraid of falling, he quietly grabbed the handrail of the dumpling.

"So, I found a rushing river and a small boat. I hung a lot of thumb-thick rings on the trees along the river. If I can go down the current in the undulating boat, I will stab Every iron ring hanging on the branch blowing in the wind, then my basic skill of riding a spear is considered qualified."

Feeling the fiery Lei Wen gun, the red knight Xina hummed like a mosquito: "The same is true for the dragon gun, just be fast, accurate and ruthless. Insert it directly into the vitals of the target, don't worry about any restraints. If the dragon gun is sharp enough, it will break A or something is out of the question."

Lei Wen was stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Are you sure?"

The red knight gritted his teeth: "Don't forget, your target is not a dead thing. Your target will also be afraid, dodge and run away. In the chaotic battlefield, you missed an opportunity, maybe you will never have a chance Hit the target again." After saying that, Xina raised the five-meter dragon spear in her hand.

Well, since Teacher Hina has taught this to this point.

Raven adjusted the angle of the Raven dragon gun and aimed at the target. ready.

"Hold your breath, feel the bumps of the mount under you, and then aim at the target... stab!"

Lei Wen's dragon spear stabbed out fiercely as he said, and completed the armor-piercing at that instant without any mistakes. Stab two targets into the holster.

Raven was stabbed!

Raven was stabbed!

Blood splatter, hit in one shot!

Hina, who felt the same way, shed tears of excitement.

"Teacher Hina, I got stabbed. Is there any prize?"

Teacher Hina was so excited that her whole body was shaking like chaff. She praised Lei Wen: "Good job! You hit the target, and the target is your trophy!"

"Then what?"

"Idiot, it's not so easy to practice the dragon gun. Each training session requires at least 1,000 guns!" Hina blushed. Seriously taught Raven a lesson.

Therefore, Lei Wen excitedly held the Lei Wen dragon gun, and meticulously completed the cycle of retracting the gun, stabbing, and hitting.

It's a beginner's practice. Inevitably excited.

Lei Wen practiced 9999 shots in the sky before he came down, and Teacher Hina was still able to make provocative or encouraging words at the beginning. Later, he could only risk his life to accompany a gentleman as a sparring partner, and was so tired that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

Descending from the sky, Lei Wen returned to his Divine Kingdom Temple, still handling the newly acquired spoils. Lei Wen knew that he had already engraved an unforgettable brand on the spoils that belonged only to him.

The next morning, the brown eyes that met Raven's were no longer flickering.

It seems to be as calm as water, but in fact it has a touch of warmth.

Although it was a bit strange to ask at this time, Raven still asked: "Xina, why..."

Hina rolled her eyes, blushing on her face, and finally replied: "Fool, even if I am already a god, I am still a girl in my heart. For girls, a sense of security is very important."

Lei Wen suddenly understood that it was because he was about to be promoted to a powerful supernatural power that the red knight finally decided that he had enough strength to protect her.

Wrapping yourself in a tin can is, in the final analysis, still a sense of insecurity at work. The outside world is dangerous, and the dangers outside are deadly.

Even if Hina walks all the way, and finally steps up to the throne step by step, so what? Above the weak divine power, there are weak ones, medium ones, strong ones, and gods above gods.

Tempus is always just a father, and it is impossible to become a harbor that Hina can rely on completely and can shelter from wind and rain.

On the surface, he is unusually heroic and strong, but behind him is timidity like a little girl.

Raven doesn't blame the Red Knight at all. When he was weak, it was the Red Knight who gave him the greatest help. Without her strategic chessboard, Raven wouldn't be able to turn over Cyric's "God's Left Hand" Ellison* Stinger, Raven didn't catch Lyla's line.

Speaking of which, the first noble person on Raven's journey through time is the Red Knight.

It's all right now, I can be with you forever.

Suddenly, the door of Lei Wen's bedroom was knocked open, and a group of gossip girls who were listening to the wall outside rolled all over the ground.

"You..." Looking at the familiar figures, the red knight was embarrassed, almost struggling to escape from Lei Wen's arms.

But Lei Wen hugged her tightly: "Good boy! It's time to formally say hello to them."

The red knight actually wanted to struggle, but finally resigned himself to his fate, lowered his head, and hummed in a low voice: "Eldest Sister Laila, Second Sister Karin, Third Sister Jessica, Sixth Sister Feili... Good morning."

Leila ran over and took Hina's hand. A pair of big eyes almost turned into crescents with a smile: "Hey hey! Hina, I knew you couldn't run away. But you have been struggling for so long, which is really beyond my expectation. You see, even little Feili crawled into the You are ahead, look, if you make up your mind early in the morning, you might be the God Empress."

"... woo woo woo. Stop talking, Laila."

At this moment, the red knight's heart was broken, she just wanted to cry.

Looking at the playful harem girls, Lei Wen was suddenly comforted. It was right to choose Leila as the Queen of God. Just because Laila is casual, she doesn't envy or oppress any of the others. That kind of easy-going personality makes everyone feel the safest and most harmonious.

However, for the sake of eternal happiness, Raven secretly made a decision to try to make all his women who were not gods gods in the Year of Destruction—Karin, Jessica, and Melissa.

Thinking about it, Lei Wen was suddenly startled by something.

It stands to reason. Raven, who is used to seeing big scenes, is rarely frightened, but this thing is different. Raven almost dodges, teleporting himself to a small hill outside Yunfield City.

Obviously, there are people coming and going under the hillside tens of meters away. Except for Raven, no one saw this thing.

It was a scepter carved from gray smoky evening wood, 1.20 meters long, with nine star sapphires inlaid on the body. A diamond with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters and bearing the emblem of Savras the All-seeing is embedded in the base of the staff, and another huge diamond with 1,000 facets and a diameter of nearly 8 centimeters bearing the emblem of Azuth is embedded in the top of the staff.

Raven was short of breath for a moment.

He knew what this thing was—the artifact scepter [Safuras Scepter] of the fallen God of Prophecy.

But this thing is not at the same level as the scepter in my impression. The divine power of prophecy and destiny on it is so powerful that it almost seems a little closer. The feeling that even his fate, who is about to become a powerful god, can be distorted.

[Safras Scepter] has never been a high-level artifact, and Savras himself was only a weak god with divine power level 3 at the time, but at this moment. Lei Wen is very sure that this is a high-level artifact!

Because of the power and power on it. It feels stronger than [Crown of Horns], which has been absorbed by Raven, at its peak.

Raven suddenly understood why, because on it, Raven felt the power of three gods—Safras, the god of prophecy for humans, Sehanni Moonbow, the god of elf illusions and prophecies, and the god of dragon destiny. God Chronips. The power that they were swallowed up by the world because of their reckless peeps at fate was all on the scepter of Sufras.

At this time, a great voice that penetrated directly into the soul sounded in Raven's spiritual world.

"Raven, my child..."

This is... the will of the world? !

Raven was taken aback.

Despite some reluctance, Raven responded, "World...mother?"

"I'm very glad that you call me that, but the title is not important. The important thing is that you hope to use [Dead] to promote powerful divine power, and I agree."

"Thank you so much!" Lei Wen bowed and saluted.

"However, I, who is about to be destroyed, need a guide of light who can lead my other children to find a path of hope. Therefore, if you want to continue to improve your divine power level, then I hope you can master [prophecy] and [ Destiny] priesthood."

Raven's heart skipped a beat, as expected the needs of the world have changed. When the world is destroyed, the most indispensable thing is [destruction] and [death]. This is not what the world wants to see. So the three gods of death are often 17, 18 divine power level is already a thing of the past tense.

If you don't discover the powerful priesthood that other worlds need, then rely on [Dead] alone, and you will be nailed to level 16 forever.

This was something Raven couldn't stand.

Sure enough, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?

"Then how can I have the priesthood of [Fate]?"

"When you carry the future of enough intelligent life, [fate] will naturally be in your hands." After all, the will of the world disappeared indistinctly. (to be continued ~^~)

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