"Oh, it's the first time I discovered that lawful guys have this benefit." Kajiaer grinned his dry lips, which should be a smile.

"Aren't you afraid?" Raven asked back.

"As an Amazon, I have my own glory. I choose the road myself. If this road leads to perdition, then I have no complaints." Kajiaer's eyes were still bright, without any begging for mercy or begging The meaning of mercy.

"Hey!" Raven sighed, "Amazon female warriors are really a group that people love and hate."

"Hey, does the mysterious Mr. Lei still want to point out a way to the Amazon female warriors?"

Lei Wen thought for a while, but he didn't say anything after all. Lei Wen really coveted the fighting power of the Amazon female warrior, but thinking of this group of thorns who were incompatible with the mainstream society, Lei Wen had a headache.

It doesn't matter whether it's Kajiaer*Yuhi or Scarlet*Yuhi, regardless of his unfavorable fate for thousands of years, anyway, I don't admit it, young master, can you still rely on me?

In addition, this is a temporary body, and even the face is not Lei Wen's original face, at most it is five or six points similar.

Raven just turned his head, and a sound transmission sent a coordinate to Feili: "Open the Gadson door for her, where their priestess is. She can at least last until she finishes her last words."

Phillips did.

At the same time, in the tropical jungle of the Amazon Basin, in Gaddasun, the largest settlement of Amazon female warriors, the female warriors were shocked to find that a portal opened in the central square of the city, and then a strange sun elf was holding a whole body... The dehydrated woman stepped out of the portal.

"Stop! Stranger! If you move again, we will attack!" The female Amazon warriors felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They couldn't understand why the coordinates of the main city, which had never been told to outsiders, would be leaked.

This could well turn into a disaster.

"Wait! That's the chief patriarch of Kajiaer!" Finally, some priestesses recognized their boss.

"I put it here." Wallis turned around and left after speaking.

"Elf! What did you do to the patriarch!?" A female warrior roared angrily.

"No, they are my benefactors." Kajiaer stopped his subordinates.

When the portal was about to close, Lei Wen stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Kajiaer, as if he wanted to say something. But eventually gave up.

At the moment when the portal was about to be completely closed, a strange feeling came suddenly.

Raven saw Cajal's sly gaze.

In the end, what came from the other end of the portal was Kajiaer's words: "God of death, I don't know where you come from, but Amazon remembers you."

Huh! There seems to be something wrong! ?

Raven didn't know what the guy was doing, but Raven was sure that Cajal used some kind of supernatural skill. Something unscientific like a sixth sense sees him for who he is: a real Grim Reaper!

At this moment, Lei Wen wanted to make up the knife to kill Kajiaer.

Hell, when the time comes, the Four Holy Gates begin teleporting their party's souls back to 1316.

"Meow! There shouldn't be any future troubles, right? In the dark year when the Arcane Empire was about to perish, the three gods of death at this time were Bane, Melkor, and Baal. No matter how Kajiar If you look for it, it is impossible to find it on my head. Well...it should be safe."

The theory of causality is so disgusting, the brain will be burnt to a gelatinous paste when you calculate it.

"Hehe! It must have been plotted against. So it's troublesome for you to keep order. I just swiped down with the ax and everything was cleaned." Tempus raised his ax as if showing off.

Raven glanced at the God of Battle, well, he didn't want to talk to this guy at all.

A chaotic guy is too easy to lose his morals.

Raven and his party are back.

Their influence on the Arcane Empire is not over yet.

Because the [Chaos Forbidden Magic Orb] was installed on the core Mither Energy Matrix, driven by the magic energy of the Mither Energy Core, the range of the forbidden magic has been expanded again and again. As a result, the entire United City began to fall.

Lianzhong City, which was made by cutting off the roof of an entire mountain range, is incomparably huge. The longest part is nearly 120 kilometers, and the narrowest part is more than 80 kilometers.

Lianzhong City made of such a huge mountain peak, when this rare pearl of the Arcane Empire fell from a height of three thousand meters. Every Netherese arcanist present covered his eyes in despair.

It was an earth-shattering sight.

Lianzhong City, whose weight is calculated in 10,000 tons, fell from such a high altitude, and the kinetic energy and destructive force produced were astonishing and appalling.

Not only did it splash thousands of meters of sand and dust, causing people and creatures on the ground hundreds of kilometers around to feel a strong shock, the most important thing was that the momentum of Lianzhong City was so huge that it directly penetrated the wild land. Let the whole Lianzhong city fall into the dark area.

Below, there happened to be an extremely huge void, which made Lianzhong City fall straight into the middle layer of the Underdark Region.

It would be fine if Lianzhong City just fell and smashed a big hole. It can also leave some thoughts for the arcanists.

The problem is, when it falls. United City also caused a massive collapse in this area of ​​the Underdark.

Half an hour later, what caught the Arcanist's eyes was a huge, kilometer-deep canyon. Although it was deep, it could be seen to the bottom.

Lianzhong City has completely disappeared from sight!

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with the returning Lei Wen and his party for the time being.

When the figures of Raven and his party reappeared in the underground hall of Phantom Knight City, Leila and his party, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly showed surprise expressions.

"Raven, are you back?"

"Brother! Welcome back!"

Lila and Karin couldn't bear it at all, and threw themselves on Raven directly. Even knowing that Lei Wen, as the master of the Four Holy Gates of God Prison, would not be in any great danger, Laila and Karin were still very worried.

Facing these two beautiful faces that were completely connected to his heart, Lei Wen immediately responded with the greatest enthusiasm and love, taking one bite at a time, and popping non-stop.

It wasn't until Laila was afraid of making fun of other gods that she pulled Karin and pushed Raven away.

Waiting here are Nubian and Jessica who are absorbing the Blood Demon Orb.

Seeing Lei Wen's return, Jessica actually wanted to rush over, but when she realized her identity, she stopped abruptly.

However, Raven did something that surprised her—Raven pulled Laila with his left hand and Karin with his right hand. In front of the two women, he stared at Jessica's slightly panicked face.

"Laila, Karin, there's something I've been thinking about for a long time. Why don't we take this opportunity to talk about it together today."


"Brother, tell me."

Lei Wen cleared his throat, and said seriously: "Since fate makes us together, I don't want to see any harem wars. Well, Leila's status as the queen of God will remain the same, and all my lovers—regardless of race, Status, status, and age are all equal, and they are all my concubines—divine concubines! All titles are counted according to before and after entry...Jessica. You have to be called Sister Leila, and Second Sister Karin."

When Laila heard this, her green eyes sparkled: "This is good!"

Karin crossed Xiaoman's waist: "Since it's my brother's decision, I have no objection."

Lei Wen wrapped his arms around Jessica's snake waist, with a sinister smile: "What's your opinion? Third sister?"

Jessica was stunned for a moment: I turned out to be the third! ?

Perhaps, there was a bad start between the two, which was a slightly foolish game of conquest. But since that day. Didn't Jessica devote herself to Raven all the time?

Unifying the vampires, fighting Rose's underground army, serving Lei Wen as a maid, not asking for fame or rewards, only asking for occasional rain and dew, but now, she suddenly gained the status of a concubine.

Jessica suddenly felt like she was willing to die.

"I... I do."

In the face of the gods. Raven's lips were sealed tightly.

The sucking sound of four lips meeting made several guys look red.

Lei Wen didn't care, as a god king, he naturally had this power, not even capricious.

After a kiss, holding the vampire Royal Sister who had collapsed into mud in his arms, Lei Wen picked out the beauty of Laila and Karin: "Celebrate together tonight?"

"Good!" Laila clapped her hands.

"Hmph!" Karin looked like you might not be able to figure it out and we want you to look good.

Jessica has completely lost the ability to speak at this moment.

Some are watching a play. Some were excited, while others were melancholy, but Lei Wen didn't care too much. After disbanding everyone. Even Nubien suspended the absorption, the entire underground hall of the Four Sacred Gates. Raven was the only one left.

The [Flare of Flame], which was originally radiant and chaotic, suddenly shone brightly at this moment, dazzling and dazzling.

If there are other people around, the terrifying high temperature in the unit of 10,000 degrees Celsius escaping from the flame door in the Four Sacred Gates can definitely destroy any living beings in an instant and burn them into coke.

As the master, Lei Wen was not affected at all, but instead had a warm feeling of the warm spring sun.

A violent voice suddenly sounded in Raven's ear: "Congratulations, son of the world, Raven Yunfield, you have been recognized by me——【Flame Door】."

Then there was an ever-changing wind echoing in Raven's ear, sometimes softly and sometimes violently: "As long as you can successfully open me——[The Door to the Sky], you can completely obtain all the [Four Holy Gates of God Prison]!" power. I hope you can make good use of our power to usher in a new era for this world."

After all, the Door of Flame and the Door of Sky fell silent at the same time.

The system prompt suddenly sounded:

"The [Flame Door] function is fully activated."

"One of the characteristics of [Flare of Flame]: [Flame of Eternal Calamity]: Within the control range of the Four Holy Gates, you can designate a certain space to be instantly filled with flames of eternal calamity, burning all creatures and souls in the space. Its effectiveness depends on the flame How much is the origin of the flame contained in the door. Creatures or destroyed souls burned to death by the eternal fire will disappear from the world forever.

"The second characteristic of [Flame Gate]: [Rootless Fire]. According to the power of the source that can be called by the Flame Gate, any combustible object within the control range of the Four Sacred Gates can be instantly ignited, and its combustion efficiency will automatically reach the extreme value. .”

"The third characteristic of [Flame Gate]: [Flame Guard]. There will be 256 gold-level elite fire element guards around the Flame Gate. And according to needs, cross-space and cross-plane summons are willing to accept the flame gate. Huo Sheng exists, come to defend the Four Sacred Gates."

"Open the [Gate of Earth], [Gate of the Sea] and [Flare of Fire] at the same time Additional bonus feature 1: [Guardian of the Holy Gate]. Since the three gates have been successfully opened, the number of guardians of each type will automatically increase to 256. At the same time You can designate a guardian on the three opened doors. You can choose from the shadow guard and its candidate list." (To be continued~^~)

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