Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 519 Drow's Drama


"I've wanted to deal with Rose for a long time!"

Rose used the entire large plane as a barrier to play a closed game, which had already suffocated Raven's subordinate gods. Especially the red knight, as the goddess of war, she is the most active one, raising her hands high.

"Hey, sister, have I been taught badly by you... Why, sister, I think of those beautiful girls who were sacrificed by Rose's priests, and my heart gets angry?" Sune suddenly hugged Lei Wen from behind, A pair of big killer peaks rubbed against Lei Wen's back, making Lei Wen's teeth itch with anger.

It would be a lie to say that he was unhappy with such a pair of violent beings with amazing elasticity on his back. The problem is... Suni is purely teasing, and Suni will use all kinds of means to kill her if she tries to be serious.

In addition, the bastard Suni only teases Lei Wen in public, and with so many sad eyes staring at him, can Lei Wen turn the table and push back?

Lei Wen smiled dryly: "It would be best if my sister is willing to contribute."

"Hey, can you tell my sister a little secret?" A pair of limp arms encircled Lei Wen's neck, and the index finger of his right hand drew a circle around Lei Wen's collarbone.

"No!" Raven refused decisively. Are you kidding me, Sune's question is definitely not a good thing.

"Why would Rose swallow Lathander's God Essence? As long as the perception is normal, the gods wouldn't do that." Suni breathed like a blue in Raven's ear: "I'm very serious to ask you a question."

Lei Wen put on a serious face, "This is a god-level secret, so I have nothing to say."

I'm so fucking witty! Absolutely a god-level secret!

Lei Wen also secretly praised himself for his talent.

"Then I'm your god, so you can tell me in private, right? I'm most interested in things related to strategy!" The red knight rushed forward, put his arm on Lei Wen's shoulders, and moved his face closer, his brown eyes sparkling , I always feel that the focus of this guy is not strategy, but gossip!

Raven's voice became sharper: "The opportunity waits for no one. Let's prepare for the attack first, and talk about other things later."

"Tch, Rose praying to the world is not something that can be done casually." The red knight spat a little.

The worst thing is Suni, this guy put his mouth close to Raven's ear: "If it wasn't for my priesthood, I really thought it was you who conquered Shar, and then partnered with Shar to trick Rose. .Hey, you and Shar came out from the source of the shadow. Didn’t anything happen to you in there? Shar bombarded you with [Blade of Divine Power], this is not her style.”

Lei Wen's hairs stood on end. hell! Why is Suni so keen in this regard! ?

"Isn't it? Shar?" Laila widened her green eyes and covered her small mouth.

Fei Li, Ai Deli, and the red knight all looked at Lei Wen with ghostly expressions. After Lei Wen came back, he always felt that Lei Wen was weird and mysterious. Could it be that he really hooked up with Shar?

Shar as the evil deity and original creation goddess. Naturally, she is well-known, at least much better than Rose in terms of reputation, because Shar puts most of her energy on dealing with her sister Su Lun. Strictly speaking, Su Lun is her only mortal enemy. Of course, because of Mystila's protection Because of Su Lun, the relationship between Shar and Mystila is also not good.

Then, the wonderful Leila burst out: "It's over... I don't have the confidence to be Shar's sister! Woohoo. Is my position as the queen of God coming to an end?"


Gods: "..."

Raven's head hurts. That's right, Shar offered to help cheat Rose this time, but he and Shar have a bad debt.

This is more than friends with guns. Are you not full of lovers?

At this time, it was Tempus who accidentally helped Lei Wen to save the scene: "Hey, many gods have taken action, and we are still playing lip service here, is it appropriate?"

All the gods looked across the space and looked there.

After Eilistraee, the god of Kou Tao murlocs, Briboduppu. Seven or eight evil gods, including Deilinka, the god of the dwarves, Diylinka, the god of beholders, and Ilshensiin, the god of mind flayers, who are in the dark region but whose nests are in the bottomless abyss, are dispatched one after another. Drive your own kingdom of God to Rose's kingdom of God at high speed.

Tempus added: "If you don't do it again, there won't even be any minced meat left."

Raven smiled: "Tampus, you are very strong. But what if you are used by Rose, and you collide with the Great Mistress or the kingdom of God of Il Shensiyin?"

"This..." Beholders and mind flayers are very difficult existences. After becoming a petitioner, their relatively weak physique is compensated to the maximum extent, which further increases their combat power. Although Tempus is strong, at most he has a slight advantage when fighting against one of them, but if the two fight together, Tempus will also suffer.

Lei Wen gently broke away from Suni's arms, and said loudly: "A group of chaotic and evil gods are hunting, why should we go up to join in the fun. Aren't you afraid that the firepower will be diverted and kill us first?"

Indeed, even though few of the gods on Raven's side were from the good camp. But the rule of the bottomless abyss is that internal fighting is fine, and once you encounter outsiders, give priority to killing outsiders. Regardless of whether it is neutral or good camp, anyway, if you are not in the bottomless abyss, kill first.

Raven made a decision: "Now let's watch the show first. Tempus and Radugue don't leave Warrior's Sleep, the evil gods will definitely stop if you move."

"Understood." Tempus nodded.

"Yes." Radugue agreed.

But all the elves and gods from the Avand land have a good impression of Corellon's beautiful and kind daughter, and Aideli couldn't help asking: "Then... what about Eilistraee?"

Raven smiled: "No one with a normal mind would attack Eilistraee at the risk of angering the entire elf pantheon."

Sure enough, the situation was just as Raven said, the evil gods sounded that Rose's kingdom of God was approaching, but they did not attack Eilistraee. Letting the one-sided Eilistraee lead the charge towards Rose.

"Protect me—" Rose's voice came from within the kingdom of God.

However, among the four great servant gods of Rose in the past, there was only one Gwannard left. Selvetam was swallowed by Rose. What about two?

"I have more important things to do, so I can't come." If the undead nemesis Qi Yawen Sari just disobeyed, then the nature of the other is even worse.

"Hehehe! Mother! Did you fail in the promotion? How long can you last without the advantage of the Spiderweb Hell? It's time for you to die too. The throne of the Dark Drow God King should be given to me." Son of Lolth, Waylon, god of drow intrigue, has finally bared his fangs.

Unfortunately, Velen's biggest mistake was feeling good about himself. Talking about conspiracy, talking about ups and downs and so on, Rose completely exploded his nine streets!

"Stupid son! Do you really think I'm not prepared to fight back?" Rose sneered.

The next moment, Velen couldn't laugh at all, because he realized that he was out of control, from the body of the gods to the entire kingdom of God. His kingdom of God moved inexplicably, rushing towards Eilistraee's kingdom of God at a speed he could not imagine.

Velen is going crazy! He cried out, "Rose you bitch! What have you done to me?"

"Hehehe." Rose's wicked laughter reached Velen's ears, "Oh, only an idiot like Corellon would give birth to an idiot like you who can't inherit my wisdom! My stupid son, Have a good taste of the ancient evil [Spider Silk Puppet]."

Velen finally saw that a bundle of translucent spider silk had stuck to the back of his god body at some point. He was like a puppet, letting the bundle of spider silk span the space at the mercy of him.

His Kingdom of God shot out of the bottomless abyss like a cannonball, and crashed into the Kingdom of Eilistraee.

"Brother! At this point, do you still want to protect our evil and crazy mother?" Facing Velen's interception, Eilistraee was furious!

"No, I, I was controlled! That's right, that bitch Rose controlled me with an ancient evil!"

"Brother—this is the last time I'll call you brother! Turn around! Let's kill Mother together!" Eilistraee yelled.

It's a pity that Velen's kingdom of God is still involuntarily colliding with Eilistraee's kingdom.

"No no - I'm really being controlled, sister, trust me, trust me! Do you think I'm a liar?"

"Yes! You are like mother, every word is filled with dirty lies!" The dark girl said firmly.

"No—" Under Velen's bloodshot eyes, his unscientifically fast Kingdom of God collided firmly with Eilistraee's Kingdom of God.

The moment the two kingdoms of God collided, there was an earth-shaking vibration. The light film of the plane made a harsh tearing sound, and the essence of the spiritual energy body of the kingdom of God made the two kingdoms of God combine together at the fastest speed. Unless the masters of the two god kingdoms are really willing to give up at the same time, the only result of the war of gods is that one side will be completely wiped out.

"For the goddess—" Countless beautiful silver-haired female petitioners, holding sharp swords high, proclaiming the holy name of the dark girl, appeared at the entrance of the Kingdom of God.

They are the sword dancers of Eilistraee's favorite "Final Dance".

In life, they were all priests who lived out their lives without dying in battle. They have their own ritual [Final Dance]. When their lifespan expires, aged clerics hear Eilistraee singing at night, beckoning them to the goddess' realm.

At this time, the priest will take off all his clothes and dance under the moonlit night sky. When the priest starts to dance, the goddess will appear in the air with the singing, and the dancing posture of the old priest will become more and more obvious. The lightness and smoothness of the skin, and the appearance is gradually restored to youth. Before long, the priest's hair will shine with the same brilliance as the Dark Maiden, and then slowly become transparent, and finally only the shining silver light remains.

It is conceivable how powerful these priests are who have fought against the powerful priest of Rose for countless years and still survived!

Compared to Velen's Petitioner, it's a blast!

Among Velen's disciples, shadow dancers are the most suitable for frontal combat, and the others are rogues, assassins, thieves... (to be continued ~^~)

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