Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 494 You are messing with me

In a split second, thousands of thoughts ran through Ladouger's mind:

Raven! ?

Why would he know about my situation?

He can stand Rose! ah! This is the key! As a god of death, he is completely worthy of Rose. And... Huh? It seems that he is also in the lawful evil camp!

When he was an enemy before, he didn't think that Raven had so many advantages. But when he was at a loss, Radugue suddenly found that if the previous grievances and grievances were not counted, Lei Wen turned out to be his ideal boss...

Once a thought is born, it is like wildfire that cannot be suppressed.

But, Lei Wen is so kind?

"Raven! What will you do to me?" Ladugue asked back to the incoming communication of divine sense.

"Hehe, didn't you just say that you are willing to be a god's slave? Could it be that I heard it wrong? Well, I didn't ask!" Lei Wen was not annoyed, and immediately hung up the line.

Ladugue just wanted to slap himself a few times: what time is it! Could it be that even the last hope must be ruined by himself?

No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than falling into Rose's hands!

"No, no, no—I promise! I promise everything! As long as I don't fall, I will do it even if I'm stripped into a saint—please! Lei Wen, please save me!" Looking at Si Tiao who was chasing closer and closer Dire wolf, the majestic god of gray dwarves burst into tears.

"Hand over the source of your soul, sign another soul contract, and swear allegiance to Styx by the way."

Raven's conditions, in Ladugue's view, were extremely harsh. As an evil god with little foresight, he didn't know about the destruction of the world. He just instinctively thought that it was Raven who cut off all his escape routes.

But does he have a choice?

Rose's mad rage was burning up to his ass!

"Ladugue——" Rose, who was in a state of rage, began to notice Ladugue, a dwarf traitor.

"Sign! I will sign! I will sign everything!" For the contract sent by Lei Wen, Ladugue signed it without even looking at it. By the way, I swore a poisonous oath to Styx: "I, Ladug, swear in the name of Styx that I will serve Raven Yunfield forever and ever!"

"Good!" Raven smiled evilly.

"Raven... my lord. I'm already your slave! Help me—" Ladouge cried and cried, and kept shouting!

It seemed that she also realized that Ladug was playing tricks with Lei Wen, and Rose's liver was about to explode!

"Raven, how dare you!?" The eight crimson eyes of the Spider God Empress suddenly appeared above the Phantom Knight City.

Unfortunately, Raven didn't buy it at all. A small [Blade of Divine Power] scattered the small illusion thrown by Rose.

"Hahaha! Rose, make it sound like if I give in, you'll live in peace with me. Fuck you! I know you too well—spiders never compromise!"


Spiders can weave webs.

can weave intrigue,

You can wait patiently,

Can go devour.

Can go to dominate.

Can go to kill.

But there must be no compromise. For spiders, there are only two existences in the world: one is 'mine' and the other is the prey.

not mine. It is prey.

So spiders never compromise!

"Hahaha! Raven! I suddenly like you a little bit. I changed my mind, and I suddenly longed to see you surrender to me before the fate of annihilation, and then leave your homeland to survive. Maybe you are lucky. You run amok on all planes, but in the end, you still have to serve the only victor, and that is me—Rose!" The Spider Goddess' wild laughter spread throughout the Underdark.

"Hahahaha!" Lei Wen also laughed loudly: "You still claim to be the winner? I don't know which idiot is rebellious and can't be exiled? Rose. If it weren't for Corellon, there would be more or less nostalgia secretly covering you, you have been here for ten thousand years. You should die before!"

"Don't mention that name—" Rose screamed sharply like thousands of fingernails scratching the glass blackboard. The sharpness made people crazy: "Raven! Congratulations! You completely pissed me off!"

"Oh? If you have the ability, you will jump out and fight with me right now?" Lei Wen was sure that Rose would not be able to move now.

Perhaps it was because of her extreme anger that Rose suddenly calmed down.

"Hehehe. That's right. You are the only one who can make me so angry, except for the guy with the copper face and long ears. Since you said that Ladug is your dog, then I will kill your dog first. Alright!" After a pause, Rose ordered: "Tear up Ladug for me."

"I'm sorry. Since Ladugue chose to hang out with me, I don't care what he did before. From this moment on, I have the final say on how he wants to die. It doesn't matter what you say."

As the voice fell, Ladugue, who was escaping with all his strength, suddenly found a huge kingdom of God suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

The size of this kingdom of God is so huge. Ladug's first reaction was: this is a kingdom of gods with powerful gods.

who is it?

The sonorous breath of gold and iron horses from the Kingdom of God makes it easy to reveal the answer - the Kingdom of God of Tempus, the God of Battle!

Ladug cast his divine sense into the void, and looked at the Warrior's Sleep in the God Realm, where there was also a Tempus God Kingdom quietly. The gray dwarf god finally realized that the phantom goddess Laila, a seemingly insignificant god, has amazing power in many cases.

For example, this time, no one realized that Tempus moved his kingdom of God early and ambushed here.

Four sampans are absolutely no match for a warship.

What are you kidding? Tempus is a well-known fighting faction among the powerful gods in God's Domain. Unlike the weak and powerful gods like Sune, the Tempus Kingdom is filled with the strongest fighters who have gone through countless battles and died heroically.

Rose didn't make a move. Facing a behemoth like Tempus, Velen and Sylvetam were simply delivering food. The movements of the four kingdoms of the gods were surprisingly consistent, they slammed on the brakes and walked backwards.

But is it that easy to go?

If even an ambush can let the enemy go, then Tempus is not worthy of the title of God of Battle.

Looking at the four kingdoms of God fleeing in all directions, it is unrealistic to catch all the targets.

Tempus pounced on Velen who was closest to his kingdom of God.

Velen was scared out of his wits, knowing that he couldn't escape, the drow god of conspiracy yelled at Selvetam who was closest to him: "Save me—"

Selvetham hesitated.

No reason, just because Velen is his real father.

Selvetam was the result of an unfortunate relationship between Velen and Zantila the 'Dancer'. Zandilla, a demigod worshiped by the elves in the Moor Forest, once sacrificed his life to beg Velen to help against Lolth.

Thanks to Bast, who was the predecessor of the goddess of cats and dancing, Shares, Zandira was able to escape and give birth to Selvetam. Later, Selvetam became the loyal dog of Rose, the real grandmother, and that was another story.

At this moment, Selventam's heart softened, and he fired a [Blade of Divine Power] at the Divine Kingdom of Tempus in an attempt to slow down the speed of the Divine Kingdom of Tempus.

Sure enough, it turned out that Sylvan Tamm's move to save the bitch's father was still too naive.

Due to launching [Blade of Divine Power], the Kingdom of God that he slowed down was overtaken by Velen instead.

It was completely unexpected that this bitch, Velen, would actually add insult to injury, and a shock wave of divine power at the level of the kingdom of God shook Sylvetam's kingdom of God towards Tempus.

"Velen, you..."

"Hmph!" A cold snort, as if he hated Selvetam's loyalty to Rose, and seemed to despise the bad relationship between each other. In short, Velen left Selvetam, his son in the true sense, as a resistance The cannon fodder of Tempus ran away without mercy.

Tempus accepted the big gift from Velen with a big smile. Originally, Raven had ordered that Rose's only loyal follower be dealt with first. It was just that Velen was closer.

Velen sold his teammates just like that, causing Selvetam's kingdom of God to be bitten by Tempus' kingdom of God!

When the two kingdoms of God entered into a state of divine warfare, it would only end with the destruction of one side.

God of battle, come in.

Known as one of the strongest petitioner legions, the Tempus Legion, its dazzling light instantly illuminated the dim kingdom of drow warriors in Selvetarm like daylight.

In this light, the armor of these powerful petitioner warriors who have gone through countless battlefields seems to be ignited with a layer of murderous flames. The flames are so hot that they can be transformed into substantial power.

Every soldier's eyes are burning with a fighting spirit that is more violent than the bloody battle in the abyss. The fire of the soul is burning, and the blade soaked in the blood of countless enemies is swung at the opponent with the most concise and direct moves. The scarlet blood beads almost all bloomed on the array on Selvetham's side.

The difference is too far, and the meaning of confrontation is completely lost. If the fight continues, it will only be a one-sided massacre!

It has to be said that Selvetham is also a ruthless person in his bones. Realizing that a moment of soft-heartedness could lead to his own undoing, he makes a startling decision...


Sylvetam blew up the Kingdom of God.

A huge black light suddenly shot out from the exploding Kingdom of God. This light seems to be able to dye the entire multiverse into black.

The violent shock wave exploded in all directions, trying to swallow everything it touched.

A phantom of a huge ax appeared in front of the divine kingdom of Tempus, and a cold light flashed, splitting the wave of explosion. A powerful line of divine power circled the blade of the axe, and when the ax fell, the frantic black light was like a piece of coal that was split into two pieces.

The void on the left and right sides was dyed pure black by the aftermath of the explosion, and nothing happened to the Kingdom of God, which was born in Tempus.

Seeing his opponent decisively blowing up his kingdom of God and escaping in the form of a saint, Tempus was not annoyed.

Directly catch up with the Ladug God Kingdom next to it, and at the same time the incarnation of Tempus appeared in the temple of Ladug. Compared with the dwarf Ladug, the huge Tempus is almost as tall as an adult or a child Difference.

Tempus grinned grinningly, putting a hand on Ladug's shoulder.

"You go to Warrior's Sleep with me first."

In the next second, Lei Wen's avatar also appeared, and said to the restless Ladug: "From today on, you mess with me!" (To be continued~^~)

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