After conquering the castles of the various families in the periphery, they can finally get close to the pearl of the Underdark.

In the field of vision, the main space is two kilometers wide and nearly a thousand meters high, and the city of Menzoberranzan occupies all the space.

On the floor of the cave, the entire city was hewn from calcite, glowing blue, green, and purple in the dark.

Phosphorescent mansions adorned the plains of Kelazzo, where the mansions belonged to Baenre and other families closer to the center of power; the western wall area was populated by lesser but more stable noble families, who were planning how to replace the Kelazzo. Inhabitants; the Bundle District, where the plot is to replace the inhabitants of the Western Wall. There are other palaces carved from stalagmites and hung from high ceilings.

For millennia in the past, the nobles of Menzoberranzan had lit their homes to reveal their great graceful curves and carved decorations on their walls. Spiders and webs are of course characteristic of most caverns, of course because the drow throughout Menzoberranzan are almost exclusively devoted to Lolth.

Near the city of Menzoberranzan, there are many core buildings, such as the drow's academy bridge.

Hall, the gray dwarf prince, really wanted to break into the core area of ​​Menzoberranzan, but he knew very well that without Raven's support, his army of gray dwarves would not be able to get a share of the core area.

Don't say anything, just encountering a mind flayer can make his duergar army drink a pot.

The dark history of the mind flayer's mind-controlling duergar is still fresh in Hall's memory.

So Hall chose to attack the drow academy, teaching the fledgling young drow what fighting was with an ax and a hammer. To use whips and flames to take revenge on those quasi-priests of the dark elves who have not yet been taught, what is the anger of slaves.

And the strongest forces chose to attack the center of the city.

There is the largest Rose Temple there, but the most valued by the major forces are the treasure houses next to the temple that are made of magic runestones. treasures. These treasures are not only a symbol of the drow's dominance of the Underdark, but also a declaration of their sincere and fanatical belief in the Spider Queen.

The treasury never lacks guardians. In desperation those high priests who remained in the city sacrificed their lives, awakening the giant spiders that guarded the treasury.

But no matter how powerful a spider is, can it beat the incarnation of a god?

It seems that it is determined that Rose will not appear, and all the gods who hate Rose in the entire Underdark have sent their avatars.

A black widow spider that was as huge as a small fortress was blown away like a cannonball by the dwarf god Diylinka of Dilo.

Ibrando, the god of the dungeon, performed a small magical technique, easily pulling a giant spider of the same size into the ground, and crushing it to death with the force of the earth. It was a very weird scene, the giant spider's head and body could not be seen, only eight spider legs could be seen twitching desperately in a place the size of the mouth of a well. Then viscous black blood and viscera kept gushing out from the small hole.

The god of bear goblins, Hrugk, cast a violent magic spell on his followers, and the bear goblins all crazily faced the giant spider. A bugbear jumped on top of the spider, straddled its huge neck, slashed wildly with its claws, sawed the spider's head, and threw out balls of meat from time to time. Black blood is everywhere.

The invaders set fire and slaughtered the drow wantonly, spreading destruction and carnage throughout the city.

"Great Lolth! Where are you? Your people need your divine power to save them!" An old drow woman cried in front of a statue of Lolth on the street.

In an instant she was startled by a loud bang, and she turned her head through the fog to see what had fallen onto the cobwebbed street. There was nothing but a pile of smoking stones, but she knew that had fallen from the street above.

In fact, it looks like part of the street and two buildings. The pile of rubble was burning, and thick smoke was pouring out. She looked up. Trying to identify which piece of the city has fallen.

But at this time, a huge dying spider fell from above and happened to be beside her. The spider that was supposed to be her protector bit her frantically.

In desperation, dying, she gazes up at the city she loves most.

above. Flames still rose from the fracture, and a corner of the house next to it also fell. The rest of the mansion is still in place, but it could fall at any moment.

The next moment, a large pile of burning stones fell and buried the old drow woman...

The above scene is just a small microcosm.

The real strong ones began to invade Rose's treasure house.

In the temple of Lolth in the center of the city. Ibrando, the god of the dungeon, looked at the dim and lifeless statue of Rose with disdain.

"Rose, you already have your day. Don't you like playing tricks and traps? It's not like you to lose the entire city of Menzoberranzan! If this is also part of the trap, then allow me to laugh three times first." .Hahaha!"

His own Holy Land was destroyed!

In any case, this was a major blow to Rose's reputation. Believers will naturally doubt whether their gods have enough power to protect themselves. This will undoubtedly lead to the weakening of divine power.

It is precisely because of this that the gods who had been cautious before began to let go of their courage.

A merciless magic spell smashed Rose's idol. After the smoke caused by the rubble cleared, Ibrando found what he wanted—it was a door to a secret treasure house.

"Since Rose is so unlucky. You were actually killed by a god... Then give me your inheritance." After laughing wildly for a while, Ebrando told the believers and the chosen people around him: "Be careful , I will go all out."

Going all out is a godsend.

In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages to descending from the gods. The advantage of descending from the gods is of course that you can use the divine power of the gods as much as possible across planes.

But the downside is: when a deity pours most of its power on its chosen ones, it forms a true possession. If the god is killed in that situation, the god will fall with it.

In history, Bane, the god of tyranny, and Tom, the god of loyalty and courage, died together because Bane possessed the elect and was killed. The direct result is that after Bane used his son's body to resurrect, he would never descend again.

If given the choice, Ibrando would not want to play God's Descend either. But the one in front of him is one of Rose's largest mortal treasure houses. He doesn't need to descend from the gods, and it is impossible to get through the door of this treasure house with his avatar with divine power level 2 alone.

The only way to seek wealth and wealth is to fight!

Sensing the breath of other gods carefully, it seems that they all made the same choice as themselves. As if to avoid suspicion, or an invisible tacit understanding, several powerful beings descended at the same time, each opening a different treasure house.

The will of the almost vast came to Menzoberranzan at the same time.

What was displayed in front of Ibrando was an extremely exaggerated treasure house defense circle, which almost dates back to the ancient elf language in ancient times. The password lock of the magic circle is not only complicated, but it takes a lot of divine power to move any rune on the magic circle as a key to unlock it.

In the eyes of Ibrando's believers who help watch the wind, those mysterious runes already feel dizzy just looking at them, let alone moving.

This is a treasure house that only gods are qualified to open.

how long did it take

Ten minutes, or half an hour?

When the last correct rune was moved to the groove on the gate of the treasure house, the gate of the treasure house, which was as tall as three people and covered with mysterious patterns, disappeared without a sound.

The sight in front of him almost dazzled Ibrando's eyes.

He knew that these were the priceless treasures Rose brought from the treasure house of the elves before she was banished to the bottomless abyss.

"Mine! Mine! It's all mine..." The moment Ibrando stepped into the gate of the treasure house, he felt as if he was being infinitely stretched between two points, stretching an extremely vast distance, Until he was as thin as the finest parchment.

Although he knew it was absurd and illogical, but for that brief moment, he really felt as if he existed in two different places at the same time.

Then it all ends abruptly. He was jerked across space and rejoined at the portal's destination.

There is a dark night sky in the front, back, left, and right, and the only foothold is a strange rock.

Rose's Trap! ?

Ibrando was taken aback!

But the next moment he realized something was wrong. Without Rose's dark, terrifying and evil aura, there is a faint lawful aura around her?

Turning around suddenly, Ibrando realized that a female knight holding a lance was killing him on a fiery red horse with feet on the void!

Shadow of War Red Knight! ?

Why is she here?

"Ah!" Ibrando was stabbed by the lightning-fast cavalry just before he had time to activate the divine shield. The shield that is usually enough to block a [Blade of Divine Power] from a god of medium divine power, because it was opened too hastily, it only played half of its effect.

In the shock, Ibrando twisted his body violently, trying to avoid being stabbed in the chest by the lance as much as possible.

The lance full of divine power pierced Ibrando's shoulder, and the huge momentum lifted him into the air. In the next moment, he was pinned to a boulder in the void with both his body and the gun.

Between life and death, Ibrando couldn't care less!

Immediately launched a [Divine Power Shockwave] that he could only use at most twice a day, and the huge explosion blasted the red knight, including the man and the horse.

Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, a large bone spear suddenly shot out from the void. The bone spear containing the power of death tore through his protective spells and pierced into his flesh and blood. He screamed out of anger, pain, and frustration.

The demi-artifact regeneration ring on his body was struggling to heal the wound caused by the bone spear, but there were too many wounds. Every time he pulled out a bone spear from his body or smashed it into pieces, a new bone spear would immediately occupy the newly vacated position and pierce into his body.

Just when he was tired of coping, he suddenly found his head flying.

He saw a face, the face of the new god whom he regarded as cannon fodder for a fool—Raven Yunfield! (to be continued ~^~)

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