Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 476 The Weird Silence

Raven was very much in control.

As a time traveler, he always felt that unless the other person's appearance and figure broke through the sky, he would have no love for dark skin.

Well, after deducting the impression points, Eilistraee is still a beautiful goddess.

Like some cat goddesses with their own BGM, Eilistra has its own light and shadow effects.

It was clearly early in the morning, and it was clearly in the hall of Raven's seat in Langley Mountain, but the scene around Eilistraee was in the forest, bathed in the moonlight, and even the top of the head was covered with white trees. Green Moonstone.

The goddess has a naked body, and her silver-white ankle-length hair glides over her black satin-like skin like flowing water. Two silver swords were suspended in mid-air on both sides of his buttocks. Their silver blades trembled slightly, and their voices intertwined with each other, just like the high-pitched singing voices of women, playing a wordless tune.

Her perfect face is full of confidence, those priests who have seen her face can only recall her tearful and suffocating voice, its beauty is indescribable. Her eyes are the ultimate in these mortal women's memories: pupils with shifting blue lights found only in moonstones.

It's not enough to attract Lei Wen deeply, but at least Lei Wen doesn't feel bad for this goddess, let alone the other party helped him when he escaped from the abyss.

Lei Wen took a deep breath: "Okay, I respect your love of nature. But can you respect the customs of my master? Looking at you naked, I'm afraid I can't help but rush up and push you down. "This is an exaggeration, but if you don't do this, you can't force this chaotic teasing goddess to speak properly.

Sure enough, she blinked, and finally put on a large and opaque white robe: "I thought you still had quite the customs and habits of the elves."

"Sorry, you can tell by my name, I grew up in the human world." Raven paused: "You should just tell me why you came here."

"No. I'm mainly here to thank you for protecting my believers."

"Oh, that happened." Itiya was driven away, and there were still many sacrifices that had not been eaten at that time. Although surrounded by Fei Li's undead army and frightened a second time, there were still Nearly 2,000 drow and 2,500 pure-blood elves survived.

In the end, a thousand elves and those drow who once gave up their faith stayed, and about 1,500 elves died. To pass through the channel controlled by Sai Shila, rush to Yongju Island by sea.

"I promised you that if your believers come to the surface, I will protect them. But you also see that I don't have too many forests here to house them. If they want to live under my protection, they must learn the surface world. way of life. If you don’t know anything, join my army. I’ll make them fair.”

Lei Wen stopped the conversation, and sure enough, the gloomy girl's eyes dimmed: "Oh, they have all suffered. They finally came to the surface with their lives, and I want to ask you to give them a beautiful forest so that they can Dance freely every day."

I really regard the whole world as a good person. This kind of thing requires other gods to help you raise believers. The matter of including board and lodging and the emperor's treatment is really lucky that you can think of it and still do it.

"..." Lei Wen sighed, as expected, this guy was naive to the extreme. She was kind to the extreme, and she was finally killed by her mother Rose in the previous life. After all, he saved his life anyway, Lei Wen still couldn't bear to refuse completely: "Okay, I will let my pastor come to discuss with your pastor if there is anything that can be improved. I can only promise you that there will be limited improvement. Their lives."

"Great! Thank you!" Eilistraee rushed up like this, holding Raven's right hand tightly with both hands, shaking it constantly.


"Actually. I'm here for another matter."

"Well, you say."

"I also know that you have become my mother's sworn enemy. Recently, I seem to have discovered that my mother is about to give up her hostile actions against you."

"Oh, that's a good thing." Raven replied calmly.

"No, no, no. You don't understand how crazy my mother is. She should be planning a bigger conspiracy, but it's too late for you to disrupt the situation. Or to avoid your sense of priesthood, she deliberately gave up targeting you. "

When Lei Wen heard it, he really came.

now it's right!

Sometimes I have to lament that the inertia of the wheel of history is so powerful. Almost all major events that he was not directly involved in were proceeding according to the historical trajectory of his previous life. Of course, this made him a traveler cheaper.

Seeming to feel that Raven was very nervous, the dark girl continued: "I don't know what mother is planning. But she is the character of a spider—cruel, crazy, and likes to weave conspiracy webs, and she will never let any prey go."

"Rose is Rose." Raven sighed.

"I think... If I find that I can't handle it, can I ask you to help me. I don't know what to ask for your help, anyway, this is an intention."

Lei Wen was a little embarrassed, and continued to sigh. If Corellon hadn't been protecting her in secret, she would have died thousands of years ago with this character. Perhaps it was also because Corellon was busy with the Great Elves Migration, and was attracted by Gnush, that gave Rose the opportunity to take down several enemies including Eilistraee in her previous life.

But in this life, Lei Wen felt that he could do something.

"Okay, I will promise you first, but I will refuse requests that are beyond my ability or are too dangerous."

"Thank you! Thank you so much."

Eilistraee left happily, but Raven frowned into a plain word, and stayed silent in the Hall of Divine Works.

Lyra came: "Didn't you expect Eilistraee to come?"

"I want her to come, but I don't want her to come. Because once I participate in this incident, I am playing with fire. But after thinking about it carefully, I still have to take a gamble. Because I found that there is a structural problem in our god system .”

"Huh?" Laila snuggled gently into Raven's arms.

"Have you noticed? In my god system, there is a lack of an inconspicuous backbone."


"Didn't you notice? If we were a team of adventurers, then I would be an assassin and a necromancer, you would be an illusion mage, the red knight would be a highly mobile knight, Philly would be a necromancer, and Adeley would be a ranger." .Then what profession are we missing?"

"A warrior as a defender? But Tempus..."

Raven shook his head: "First of all, Tempus's help to us is limited. Although he must come out to help in the recent war of gods, in fact, his most powerful church has never participated in the war in Phantom Knight City. He still treats me Be vigilant, he won't join the group until the year of destruction. Secondly...he is not a backbone, he is a berserker who is only responsible for killing people when he charges.

Laila blinked, seeming to understand a little bit.

"I also need a warrior god who specializes in dirty work."

"Is it a god like Heim, the guardian god?"

"Pfft!" Lei Wen couldn't help laughing: "Yes, yes, my Laila has really good eyesight, and she has taken a fancy to the most competent backbone god in the entire multiverse at a glance. But, except for the supreme god 'Ao', who Don't even think about commanding him."

"Then... who do you fancy?"

Raven smiled evilly: "A god that you can't think of."

Time unknowingly entered January 1, 1316 in the Ultron calendar.

On this day, a major event suddenly occurred in the 66th floor of the bottomless abyss, the magic net abyss.

The evil appeared!

Not one, but a group!


No one knows which god created this terrifying creature. But their horror is beyond doubt.

From a distance, the Gorefiend is a humanoid creature with four strong arms. If you leave out the sharp claws on the fingers and toes, the Gorefiend is a flayed giant.

His whole body was dripping with blood, his veins were bulging, and he was very horrified.

These vicious, bloodthirsty predators are so terrifying in visage that they can stop other creatures with a single, vicious glare.

Gorefiends are savage killers who feed on the blood of living creatures. Despite their origins in Elemental Chaos, they can be found almost anywhere where prey is plentiful.

This time, they were targeting Rose's Kingdom of God.

In fact, they also have the strength to challenge Rose, because the challenge level of a single Gorefiend is as high as 142, and now there are a total of five Gorefiends. Along with them is a Djinn Ash Lord with a CR of 138, and a Djinn Burner with a challenge rating of 135.

They set off a frenzied killing in Rose's kingdom of God, no one was their opponent, not even a single one could resist them with every move.

Countless monster hunting spiders pounced on them one after another, but they were easily torn to pieces by the blood gore like tearing paper. The raging flames burned one important building after another in Rose's God's Domain.

Even Rose's chief diplomat, Ekafula's Temple of Ekafula, was damaged in this attack. This massive natural cavern with its intricately carved church dome is an important pillar of the Spider's Web.

The sky-shaking battle sounds shocked almost all levels of the bottomless abyss. Some eyewitnesses saw that these gods entered Rose's Kingdom of God...

Rose, who has been in such a mess recently, was attacked by a god!

This news spread throughout the bottomless abyss and reached the ears of all the demon lords as if it had wings.

The first reaction of the lords was: Could it be Rose's trap again?

I don't know how long the battle lasted.

A day passed.

Two days passed.

On the third day, an incredible thing happened. Rose's entire Kingdom of God began to move. To put it nicely is to move, but to put it badly is to collapse.

A large number of fragments of the Spider Abyss disintegrated into the boundless void. Every inch of the movement of the Kingdom of God was accompanied by a large number of collapses. It was a movement like the Kingdom of God fell to death.

Starting from January 3, all Rose's followers and believers in the entire multiverse suddenly lost contact with Rose.

Lolth no longer bestows spells, no longer answers the prayers of worshipers.

Even Rose's first family's mistress in Menzoberranzan, the largest lair on the main plane, held three Rose's favorite dirty and bloody killing festivals in a row, Rose didn't respond at all. (to be continued ~^~)

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