Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 416 Meow's Territory Meow Calls the Lord (Part 1)

Leaving aside Lei Wen's legendary reputation, Phantom Knight City is a very weird place in the hearts of ordinary people.

To a certain extent, Phantom Knight City was very successful. It took less than a year from the establishment of the city to its present glory.

In just 10 months, it defeated several waves of powerful enemies in a row, opened up the sea trade route in the south, and established the economic center position in the south of the mainland and the south of the mainland. Due to the implementation of low transit tax and city entry fee, but the measure of collecting transaction tax, the tax derived from business activities alone is as high as one million gold coins every month. The only special thing is that they prefer to use god gold coins as the transaction currency, and caravans that use god gold coins to pay taxes will get considerable discounts.

In terms of military affairs, the Phantom Knights established a standing army of more than 10,000 people, with 4,000 wing elf mercenary escorts, 20,000 local garrisons, and 30,000 militiamen as reserves. Five thousand people. In addition, there are countless mysterious bee troops and golem troops.

What is blinding is that there is still an ancient red dragon in the city.

Recently, it was announced that this place will become the new capital of the Kingdom of Corinpais.

Stimulated by the news, the population of Phantom Knight City surged, exceeding 200,000 in early October 1315. The entire Phantom Knights has a population of more than 600,000. This number is still increasing rapidly. Presumably it is only a matter of time before the old Corinpais Kingdom is surpassed.

From the purely literal data, Phantom Knight City is definitely one of the best metropolises on Ultron Continent, and Phantom Knight Collar is the embryonic form of an empire.

In fact, none of the empires sincerely admit that the Phantom Knights is a new empire or something.

Without it, in politics, Lei Wen's approach is simply subverting the tradition and running counter to the aristocratic system that has been circulating on the mainland for tens of thousands of years.

Since Raven became the Duke of the Phantom Knight, he has never really entrusted even a knight, let alone a low-ranking noble. The rewards given are often symbolic, such as giving Baimao and Wallis a viscount without a territory.

Let a half-orc and a purebred elf be the nobles of the human kingdom! ?

All right. Originally, it was unreliable for a half-elf to be a high-ranking noble like a duke.

Before Raven revealed his shadow power, the goddess of nobility, Sheenworth, often came to protest. Later, seeing that Raven's approach was obviously going straight to Fengshen, Sheenworth remained silent.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two goddesses placed their lair in the Phantom Knight, Raven's way of treating nobles as nothing would have attracted the siege of the Seven Great Empires.

Religiously, the Phantom Knight collar is also extremely exclusive.

Although priests of good and neutral camps are not prohibited from coming to preach, it is expressly prohibited that religions other than the designated denominations establish any religious gathering places in the territory. Let alone a temple.

A designated denomination?

Of course, the first choice is the Phantom Church and the Strategy Church.

The second is the Church of Love and Goodness and the Church of Battle.

In addition, the winged elves and sea elves are allowed to establish medium-sized prayer places close to the city.

Lei Wen even made plans for the future apotheosis, acquiescing to those rogues and assassin organizations to set up supervised assembly halls in the territory. This is a newly established organization with a loose structure - the Shadow Federation.

The only real exception is that the goddess of sprouting, Sienlia, was allowed to build a small temple in the city—the shameless and practical Raven took a fancy to the priest's ability to make holy water of life, so he did not hesitate to let Adele become a lobbyist, and agreed On the southern side of the wilderness, he artificially planted trees and agreed with Sienlia to spread the faith in the territory, so he recruited the priest of the goddess of the neutral good camp to be a pharmacist.

But Sienlia herself is not a bird of Raven.

In cultural life. The Phantom Knight collar is relatively poor, completely unworthy of its rich status. It is strictly forbidden to use wheat, rye and other grains to make wine privately in the territory, and they will be exiled if they are mild, and will be executed if they are severe. There are only a few official directly-operated wineries that make grain wine in a limited amount, and they only supply it in limited quantities on major festivals. The only exceptions are those dwarf artisans.

All surplus food will be purchased by the government, and any form of takeaway and destruction is prohibited.

There are no restrictions on handicrafts and daily necessities for the middle and lower classes. However, super-heavy taxes were imposed on luxury goods commonly used by high-ranking nobles, and the merchants were listed as unpopular objects.

The result of a series of measures is that among the population of all other countries, the more widely recognized name is [Yunfield Kingdom of God]!

right. Kingdom of God!

A highly centralized and highly militarized kingdom of God!

Among the Seven Great Empires, except for the kneeling and licking Irwin and the somewhat friendly Mosha, the other five countries will not give the people of Corinpais any good looks at all.

At the same time, because they have been in a state of war readiness for a long time, and the country has not forced everyone to believe in Laila and the Red Knight, among most unbelievers, the mentality of the people has undergone subtle changes. They are all too nervous, but lack enough outlets.

This caused the situation to get out of hand after various rumors spread.

There are reliable ones. There are also unreliable ones.

"The 300,000 orc army is about to counterattack!"

"The great underground we are standing in has been completely penetrated by the races of the underground kingdom. The dark drow and gray dwarves will attack the ground at any time and kill us all."

"Actually, Raven does not believe in shadows. He is actually a lich hiding in the human kingdom! He is going to sacrifice millions of people to become his skeleton soldiers and death knights."

For the guy who was too outrageous, Karin ordered to be caught and hanged directly.

In this incident, Karin even smelled the smell of Cyric, the god of murder. Cyric, who also has the priesthood of lies, is also a leader in using lies and rumors to destroy the enemy.

Karin and Effien have always been a little helpless about the rumors. In the final analysis, it is because Phantom Knight City has been in a state of local war, and the tension of the people has not been relieved. A war right under one's feet is far more tense than a war thousands of miles away in a border area.

If there were not occasional big festivals such as Sune's Grass Festival in the territory to relieve them, the people would probably fall into panic.

In fact, due to Lei Wen's absence recently, after the news that he was kidnapped by Rose, the people were even more frightened every day, worried that hearing the news of Lei Wen's death at any time would lead to the collapse of the entire territory.

That's right! There are two goddesses sitting in the territory.

It's a pity that neither Lyra nor the Red Knight are good at domestic affairs. They can influence their followers. But it can't affect the vast majority of untrustworthy new immigrants.

On the same day that Laila learned that Raven was safe, there was a very, very beautiful Persian cat on the eaves of the building next to the central square of Phantom Knight City.

The whole cat is almost pure gold, and the beautiful hair is like satin, shining in the sun. The people almost thought it was a divine beast or something. After looking at it clearly, I found that it was the most common Persian cat, but it was very beautiful.

Seemingly tired of watching the clumsy performances of those low-level bards in the square, the Persian cat arched its back. He straightened his limbs, stretched deeply, and yawned.

"Meow, the entertainment here is too bad, but fortunately there are many handsome guys." The peddler under the eaves suddenly heard a very nice female voice, and listened to this voice. The peddler only felt as if he was being itched, and his whole body was numb. He couldn't help but looked up several times, only to find that there was only one Persian cat.

I felt itchy in my heart, but I couldn't see anyone, so I could only think that I heard it wrong.

The Persian cat lazily swept across the handsome guys in the square. Since the phantom knight collar is a typical mixed ethnicity, there are no elves here. Tall, air-breathing winged elves and half-elves can be seen everywhere.

The cat makes a "chirp" sound. Is this marking the handsome guys' looks?

Before you know it, dusk comes, and the charm of night begins to emerge.

The citizens who were tired all day went home. When the meal is over, their nightlife begins. It's also nice to go to the bar and have a few glasses of fruit wine. The land in the territory is very strange. It is either extremely fertile soil that can only produce food, or it is barren land that can grow fruit trees at most.

It seems to have been written by a certain god. There is a large fruit forest in the south of Phantom Knight City. It is legal to use the fruit of fruit trees to make wine, and the half-elves and wing elves who are responsible for taking care of the fruit trees are also willing to exchange ripe fruits for gold coins.

Alcohol was available, but slightly sour cider and as bad entertainment as someone judged. Obviously, the citizens couldn't enjoy themselves.

City center, cat fish bar.

As the former leader of the adventurer's guild, old man Jacob, is the benefit of allegiance to Raven. With a swipe of his pen, Lei Wen gave the reserved space in the center of the city to the old man's grandson Allen Jacob.

There is also this bustling bar.

The light in the bar was not very bright, and more than 30 tables were full. Most of them were military officers with a lot of spare money in their pockets but nowhere to spend it, and young girls who hoped to catch a rich man. Since this is not a gold selling den like the City of Gold where everything is allowed, how to legally get money out of customers' pockets is a matter of knowledge.

Allen does not have his grandfather's talent for casting spells, but he has inherited his grandfather's shrewdness.

The bar is always filled with brisk music, with a melody that is easy to make people feel excited, lingering in the spacious space.

The sound of the zither has a perfect start, succession and transition, and one can hear the superb skills comparable to court musicians.

In the middle of the bar is an oval dance floor, and behind the dance floor is a stage nearly one and a half meters high.

Under the swaying and flickering magic lights, several half-elf girls in hot and sexy clothes, stepping on flexible dance steps, twisted their delicate bodies wantonly amidst the heart-stirring sound of the piano. The short skirt between the miniskirt and midi skirt fluttered and flipped in the hot dance, revealing the hot snow-white thighs, which aroused applause from the officers.

The impatient guy directly throws silver coins up as a reward, hoping to win the favor of the girl and spend a pleasant evening after dancing.

The rule on the dance floor is that as long as female guests are interested, they can go down for a dance.

But the stage is different. If the guests want to go up, it is fighting dance. Without enough beauty and dancing skills, I am not qualified at all.

And tonight, a mysterious female guest came on stage.

Just the graceful gait when they came on stage made the girls on the stage think that their dancing skills were not enough, and they retreated without a fight.

That is a woman as elegant as a cat! (to be continued ~^~)

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