Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 271 The Destruction of the Lich Kingdom

The wrath of a powerful god can only be endured by another powerful god.

What about two?

Basically, it can be said, condolences by the way!

It's true that Mystila is a good person, but unfortunately, no matter how close she is to neutrality, she still retains the habits of being a mortal. Yes, she is determined to be the goddess of justice and magic, not to use magic on bad guys, to intervene in wars, and she won’t give you magic anyway if she’s upset.

From the source of divine power, she is the ancestor and source of almost all spells. Before the beginning of the Year of Troubles, Mystila was in command of Azus, the god of mages, and through Azus, he also indirectly ruled Visharron, the god of liches, and Safra, the god of prophecy, which has now died. s.

It can be said that if Vesharon fights with Mystila, there is no need to fight at all. Mystila banned the source of Vishharun's mana from the root, and Vishharun was mostly abolished.

And Talos, the God of Storms, the old hooligan in God's Domain who has been mixed up from the beginning of time to the present, let alone the battle strength.

Think about it, Talos, an old rascal, has a list of god-level enemies that can fill a sheet of kraft paper, including Tyr, Mystila, Lathander, the god of dawn, and other six powerful gods, but this old rascal still Live moistly until now.

Talos' fortress is unquestionable.

Then there is no doubt about the tragedy of Vesharon...

It can be said that with the existence of the bastard prophet Raven, the gods fought far more battles during the turbulent years than Raven did in his previous life.

Raven didn't care, the prophecy might be a spoiler. It only makes sense to get it out before it happens. The worst and most troublesome situation is the situation that you know will happen but cannot be changed.

"Shall we join in?" The red knight blinked.

Unexpectedly and within reason, Tempus objected: "I'm not interested."

Lei Wen had a bit of a headache, although the Lord Tempus had already helped Lei Wen a lot. But he still sticks to his own principles-Tampas himself will not win the victory, he will only help those fighters who deserve the victory to win.

As a god who admires the act of fighting itself, he doesn't like to participate in this kind of god war that can come out of resentment and almost revenge.

Mystila and Talos can be called enemies, although Talos unilaterally hates Mystila more. There can only be one situation where two gods who are not on the same board can come together. There was a guy they hated even more.

Well, the neutral and kind Mystila and the chaotic and evil Talos are temporarily joining forces because of Raven's relationship.

Vesharon's weak chicken avatar was directly killed.

This time the gale of Talos intensified the mystic fire of Mystila, and without a hum, the avatar of Velsharoon was reduced to ashes.

Glancing at Raven's side, Mystila was not annoyed when she saw that no one, including Tempus, had any intention of participating in the war. on the contrary. If the gods of Raven's gang join the battle. That's the trouble.

It is difficult for the gods of the three factions to have no communication beforehand, so it is difficult to truly work together. At most, it was like beating Cyric last time, unable to achieve a fatal blow.

But now, both Mystila and Talos want Velsharun to fall directly. It is recognized that Liches are hard to kill, but at least they must kill Vishharun's kingdom of God.

Glancing at Talos, the mysterious lady said, "I don't like brutal hand-to-hand combat. You go, I support?"

Mystila as the newcomer. A deity who became a god as a god of mortals is definitely inferior to Talos, the storm rascal who was born in the first battle between the moon goddess Su Lun and the night lady Shar.

The background of the petitioner in the kingdom of Talos can completely explode the three streets of Mystila.

Self-proclaimed that he is superior in combat power, Talos is not afraid of the Goddess of the Magic Web temporarily turning his face, and he doesn't even need to call the younger brother, just copy the guy.

The realm of the gods, the heart of mantras.

The temple of Velsharoon is shrouded in a cloud of dead energy all year round. The dead obsidian floor in the temple is as bright as a mirror, reflecting the translucent ghosts floating in the sky. The dark ink-black walls complement each other with the undead pillars made of 256 dragon and Titan ribs on both sides of the hall.

These huge bones broke through the roof of the temple. On the top of the main hall, the canine teeth are intertwined, layered into a huge flower of bones.

The legend is here. Even the most kind and holy spirit can quickly degenerate into a wraith full of hatred and curses. Hence the whispers of souls filled with pain and blasphemy of the gods forever rippling in the great hall.

The wailing of the undead and the wailing of the undead became Velsharoon's favorite music.

someone said. Velsharoon is more cruel than the demon king of hell.

It is also said that the kingdom of God in Visharron is the real hell.

Everyone's point of view is the same, Velsharoon is not a good thing.

However, regardless of hostility or swearing, Velsharun, who dismisses lower creatures, still goes his own way day after day, doing his evil and taboo research.

It is said that, in addition to apotheosis, Velsharoon mastered two of the seven forbidden rituals that lead mortals to immortality.

So no matter how many people hated Velsharun, there are still countless kings who are looking for eternal life willing to become Vishharun's slaves.

Every holy day of the Lich God, Velsharoon will temporarily extract the souls of his most loyal, fanatical, and noblest living believers, allowing them to participate in the worship ceremony of the main hall and feel the feeling of immortality.

These courtiers who worship immortality will wear their most gorgeous costumes in the world, kneel inside the Pillar of Bones, and stand in two rows according to the status of the dead and the living under the gaze of thousands of innocent souls. . Collectively worship the undead king and satisfy his infinitely inflated vanity.

Especially when there is an emperor of an empire among the courtiers, Vishharun is even more delighted.

It's a pity that Velsharoon lost all good mood today.

The lingering hell atmosphere in his divine kingdom also changed abruptly.

The Lich God has never been a speed god, and his movement speed in the kingdom of God cannot be worthy of a fast word. So Velsharoon's kingdom of God was forcibly connected by a strange interplanetary passage created by storms and lightning.

First, it was a huge dark cloud that poured into this dark and silent kingdom of God.

Rumbling violent thunder resounded through this natural enemy full of undead aura, and many petitioners were awakened in astonishment.

At this time, the low-pitched ghost horn that represented war sounded.

The pragmatic Velsharoon never considered giving his petitioners a better life than their own. His kingdom of God is monotonous and cruel. Each building is a series of huge cages built together.

When the trumpet sounded, countless ghouls crawled out from the soft soil, frantically flocking towards the entrance of the lightning tunnel.

What greeted them was countless violent thunder snakes.

"Crackling!" The strong electric sound became the only sound on the battlefield.

The terrifying electric current with a core temperature exceeding 10,000 degrees Celsius caused these undead creatures who had already lost their lives to die completely again.

Countless petitioner warriors exuding white brilliance suddenly jumped out of the passage.

The leading petitioner warriors are all storm lords.

After becoming petitioners, they are no longer so easily carried away by bloodthirsty killers, but are replaced by fanatical worship of Talos.

As a representative occupation of the chaotic camp, the Storm Lord has an extremely sharp side and an extremely unreliable side. Their spear-throwing spears with lightning power are invincible at the same level in group battles. However, these guys will attack everything that does not have the breath of Talos.

This is also the reason why Mystila is unwilling to start melee combat. Who knows if they will fight with each other. After destroying Vishharun, it becomes a duel between their two powerful gods.

The Stormlords launched another wave of spear throwing.

The spears of lightning pierced the void, drawing beautiful and deadly arcs in the dim kingdom of Velsharoon, and the dark clouds in the sky chopped down the lightning, further strengthening the power of these spears.


All the middle and low-level undead creatures instantly turned into coke, and quickly dissipated under the gust of wind.

The fanatical storm lords chanted the holy name of Talos, and walked with swift and rapid lightning steps. Every advance was a crackling lightning jump, easily spanning a distance of more than 100 meters.

"No mercy! Just destruction! Destroy them and give Velsharoon the punishment he deserves for betraying our Lord for the second time!" The leading Holy Spirit shouted proudly.

The liches and necromancer petitioners of Velsharoon's kingdom tried to fight back, but tragically, they found that most of their necromantic spells had failed, and Velsharoon's exasperated oracle rang in their ears: "Bastard! Mystila blocked the magic net! We can only use root magic! If I knew it, I would have used Shar's shadow magic net!"

Root magic is magic that bypasses Mystila's simple magic network and directly connects to the root of the world. Ironically, most necromancers and liches, including Velsharoon himself, use Mystila's handy version of necromancy.

This is also the restraint of the Goddess of the Magic Net against the gods of the magic system.

[Prevent magic net contact] (Mystila's unique divine ability): Mystila has the ability to prevent any creature from touching the magic net, whether it is a mortal or a god. If she decides to do so, a such creature cannot cast any spells or spell-like abilities as long as Mystila still decides to block his or her access to the ley.

Obviously, the Goddess of the Magic Net has attacked all the necromancers, liches and other undead wizards.

This approach was fatal to the Velsharoon camp, which was already at an extreme disadvantage in hand-to-hand combat.

In terms of quality, undead creatures are never superior. However, the petitioners of veteran rogues like Talos completely overwhelmed the nine streets of Vishalun in terms of quantity and quality.

Now even the signature necromancy of the liches is not used.

Mystila, who was supporting from a distance, poured all kinds of magic spells for free.

【Burst Talisman】

【Holy Glory】

【Holy Blow】

There is only a kind of sadness in Vesharun's heart... (to be continued ~^~)

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