Dark Shadow Shrine

Chapter 204 The God of Prophecy Falls

Soldiers gossip, and it's easy to get word about what Raven has done. Raven's extremely exaggerated reputation easily gave confidence to the people below.

Effien's full support is her confidence. Even a camp with nearly 10,000 people has never been short of food for a day. Colin Pais officials stopped almost all other affairs to fully support this development.

And show off your muscles! The huge steel golem that can be seen at the back of the camp has a huge sense of shock at any time.

In the end, someone made a connection.

It would have been a joke to train nearly 10,000 people in one month.

But someone shamelessly bribed Tempus first.

"God Tempus, I don't ask too much. Can you raise the weapon proficiency of all these ten thousand people by two levels?"

"It would be easier for me to chop you with an axe." If the red knight wasn't pulling beside him, Tempus would have really chopped Raven down.

Raven secretly wiped his sweat.

"Then raise all of them to one level?" Raising the weapon proficiency of 10,000 peasants from almost zero black iron to the first level of bronze, roughly translates to +50 weapon proficiency per person in the game, which is actually quite a lot .

"Kill me!" Tempus has a reputation for being rude and direct.

If it weren't for the red knight's funny horse-headed incarnation biting Tempus's raised right arm, Raven's story would probably end here...

"During the pioneering period, I declare that all battles will be dedicated to you!"

"make a deal!"

Tempus put away the ax and ran away, dropping a token before leaving. It can be divided into three grades to increase the proficiency of a single weapon by 10,000 people.

Raven was really sweating.

The priesthood is an interesting field. As long as anything happens in that field, the gods with the priesthood can sense it and gain divine power from it.

Just like before, Laila didn't believe in Sune at all, but because she entered the realm of love, she naturally provided much more divine power as a god than ordinary believers, and immediately attracted Sune's attention.

Do the same for Tempus. As long as it is fighting, he will benefit.

Of course, if you dedicate the battle to Tempus before the fight, then Tempus will gain more divine power, which is definitely a good deal.

Tempus did the math and found that he had a lot of money to make, so he immediately agreed.

With the support of Tempus. Raven can speed up his army to the maximum extent.

He unfolded his tricks.

Divide the army into three tiers. Those who are most willing to believe in Laila will be bestowed with phantom magic skills and the highest proficiency of Tempus.

In the end, with the help of Laila, Raven picked out 500 fanatics of the Phantom God Sect, led by Sainz, and named them the Phantom Swordsmen. Directly bestowing 100 points of proficiency on the Cross Sword and the phantom clone technique that can be used ten times a day, the effect is of course not as strong as Lei Wen's. However, it also has 20% of the main body's attack power, and can only follow the main body to make mirror-like movements within three seconds.

This is also cool and effective.

Think about it, a swordsman stabs with a sword, and suddenly becomes two people when he is about to stab. It's not good against high-level adventurers, but it's enough to fight ordinary enemies.

The second gear is for the 2,500-man Red Infantry Regiment led by the Red Knight Avatar. Each person is given 80 points of weapon proficiency. Under the control of the command halo of the high-level priest sent by the Red Knight, they can definitely serve as the backbone of the battle.

The third tier is a garrison of 6,000 people, each with only 30 points of weapon proficiency. They are not in charge of fighting. It just serves as the garrison work for various strongholds after the war.

There are actually nearly 10,000 people left, and Lei Wen finally agreed with Effien's opinion. 5,000 young and strong people were selected as a reserve army and handed over to the Moshas for training.

The rest disbanded. Or absorbed by the Corinthian Kingdom Army.

However, even a total force of 14,000 is already scary. Especially Pawen, a country that attacked Corian Pais not long ago, was worried day and night whether it was a cover, and turned around to attack Pawen, which was richer than the southern wasteland.

This was an era when the economy and agriculture were quite backward. Even if the fields are very fertile, if the three-field rotation system is adopted, the crops will be harvested two to three times a year.

The most abundant is barley, followed by rye and wheat, and the least is oats.

Using so much manpower and food to attack a barren land can't be said to be normal. However, the Phantom Goddess also announced that she would send a powerful avatar (in fact, Laila herself) to accompany the army.

For a moment, the eyes of the whole continent were focused on Corin Pais.

Originally, it should be like this.

But an accident attracted the attention of all the gods and powerhouses——On October 25, 1314 in the Ultron calendar, Savras, the god of prophecy who dealt with almost all the gods, was inexplicable in his kingdom of God. the earth has fallen.

There are definitely not a few gods who make friends with Savras.

The gods have several absolute neutral gods that are fairly close to Savras's.

No one knows exactly what attacked Savras, anyway, in the middle of the night, when all the priests of the God of Prophecy began to pray at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, an inexplicable palpitation spread through the hearts of all the priests of the God of Prophecy.

Almost every one of his priests heard an inhuman scream from their most revered god.

"No! Destruction? What the hell is going on here? Impossible—"

No one or god knows what Savras saw, the only thing known is that Savras' fall is related to what he foretold.

It was a very, very scary scene.

At that moment, all the high priests of Sufras on the mainland were instantly drained of their souls and vitality, turned into a mass of ashes, and disappeared from the eyes of others and believers.

The same is true for Savras' Kingdom of God. An ominous wave that emptied all the power suddenly came out. Before the other nearby gods had time to react, they discovered that Savras' Kingdom of God suddenly began to shrink rapidly. It seems that there is a mysterious black hole that sucks out all the energy and matter inside.

Whether it was Sufras or the petitioners under him who had followed him for an unknown number of years, they all disappeared.

on the mainland. At this moment, the god statues representing Sufras were all cracked and shattered, and then all the divine light disappeared—this is a terrifying phenomenon that only occurs when the gods fall.

In the end what happened?

Why did Savras, who had almost no enemies and the title of the All-Seeing One, suddenly fall! ?

This made many powerful gods who had a vague premonition of destruction begin to have an ominous premonition.

The only three gods in the world who knew about the possible fall of Savras all had a very bad face!

In the kingdom of God of the Red Knight, the Red Knight, the incarnation of Laila, and the incarnation of Sune, the three goddesses are silently facing each other.

"Unexpectedly, it really fell." The red knight's words were more like self-deprecating.

"I believed in Raven, but I never thought it would be so scary." Laila sighed.

The one with the worst face was Suni. She suddenly felt that her enthusiasm that had never cooled down for thousands of years was mercilessly extinguished.

This is no longer alarmist talk.

Raven's terrifying prophecy put tremendous pressure on them. Especially Suni, if she affirms Raven's prophecy, it means that she will face the biggest crisis of her downfall in ten thousand years.

"Did Raven say anything?" asked the red knight.

Lila blushed a little, and finally said what Lei Wen said when he hugged her last night: "If the two of you are willing to believe him, then give up your own kingdom of God within three years and come to this world ahead of time." Target the floating island there, and establish the kingdom of God on the ground there. The place is crowded. It’s still enough for the three of us.”

Raven calculated clearly. The size of the god's kingdom is determined according to the level of divine power. A strong kingdom of gods with two weak gods combined will probably account for one-third of the 500 square kilometers of No. 9 floating island. Then the remaining places can accommodate mortal believers, provide accommodation, store food, or develop a small amount of arable land.

However, it was really crowded.

Most importantly, giving up the Kingdom of God is not an easy decision to make.

This means giving up all your savings after becoming a god, especially those petitioners who have accompanied you through countless years.

Petitioners are not currency, they can be traded or transferred.

But the kingdom of God. For the main plane of Ultron Continent, it is impossible to enter and exit. That is to say, the kingdom of gods on the ground can use divine power to enter the realm of gods, but the kingdom of gods in the realm of gods cannot turn back and re-enter the main plane of Ultron Continent.

This is the law set by the Creator God, an iron law that all gods cannot violate.

Also abandoning the Kingdom of God, even a god with weak divine power like Laila would not be willing until the last moment. Not to mention Suni, who has a great family and a great career, has accumulated thousands of years in the Kingdom of God, can she just throw it away?

Moreover, this is only based on Raven's own dire prophecy.

Perhaps the fall of Savras proved Raven's prophecy ability, but who can guarantee that Raven's prophecy will come true. Or maybe Raven was telling the truth.

Unlike Tempus and the Goddess of the Earth, who popped up by themselves, Sune and the Red Knight were all gods in the form of human beings. The humanity in their bones is often a good thing, but it also constrains their decisions.

The red knight and Sune exchanged glances. Finally a decision was made: "Laila, tell Raven that we will fully support him, but regarding the Kingdom of God... please forgive me, we must carefully consider it again and again."

Lila nodded, turned around, and told Raven the result.

Raven was not surprised, and lightly touched Laila's head: "The one who is one step ahead is a genius. But the one who is ten steps ahead is a heretic and a monster. Time will prove what I said, but I hope they will not Too late to make a choice."

If it is too late, it will be useless.

Don't look at Shu Ni's mouth is so hot now, except that they are all powerful gods, they almost hang anyone who wants to hang them. Once the Year of Destruction begins, Sune falls from the domain of the gods and becomes a saint of the sanctuary level. At that time, Lila can really mess with her.

Saints outside the Kingdom of God have all their divine power cleared, and only have the power of their own bodies. Laila has the support of divine power from the kingdom of God on earth, and she is definitely more powerful than any saint.

Not to mention, during the great change, Sune's followers will be lost in large numbers.

If human factors were not taken into consideration, Suni who was defeated would definitely not be counted in the combat power.

However, Raven couldn't control so much.

Because the day of departure has come. (to be continued ~^~)

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