Dark Moon Era

Chapter 444: Shake the army

Solitary height?

Tang Long's ears whistled in the wind and leapt down from the huge wall.

He never expected that he would be labeled like this, just as he never expected that the 18-level battle was delayed so long that he waited for 15 minutes.

I haven't experienced it, I don't know how the scenes of war will be shocked.

Just like a person's war, they also have to face the thousands of armies of the beast. The enemy attacked a first-tier ferocious steel rat.

Tang Long's sword-holding hand was very stable, but there was some coldness on his fingertips.

He hates rats. These animals have loved to stay in the dirtiest places since the beginning of civilization, spread germs and viruses, eat greedy, and behave wretchedly.

As for the Steel Rat, Tang Long is no stranger at all.

This is almost the most common type of first-class beast. It is rumored that the black-toothed rat mutated, so they still retain the characteristics of the black-toothed rat, and the pair of incisors is black.

However, since they are fierce beasts, they are much worse than the black-toothed rats that are not even mutants.

Strong bite force, flexible body, sharp claws, and tail that can be used as a whip, and the steel armor that gives it the key to first-class beast strength.

Well, steel armor that can block hot firearms, even if it is slashed with s-class weapons, it is very laborious.

In addition, never doubt the IQ of rodents. In the pre-civilization, this was a crafty animal. By the time of the Purple Moon, they had evolved human-like IQ.

Tang Long is facing such enemies. Even if there are only more than 200 first-class fiendish beasts, when they are flooding like tide, even the air is filled with a smell of unpleasant sewers.

There are many relics of the former civilization outside the Iron Blood City. This steel rat likes to stay in the sewers of the ruins.

Tang Long frowned in dislike, and finally the falling body reached the bottom of the city wall. At this time, the group of steel rat was less than 500 meters away from Tang Long.

Tang Long was very calm. He sat directly in an armored car that looked a bit broken. This is the most complete one left on the battlefield. Tang Long tried it before, leaving aside its scarred appearance. Inside is actually pretty good.

‘Om’, the armored vehicle was launched, Tang Long directly throttled to the end, and rushed towards the steel armored rat group.

At the same time, three sonic boom grenades were taken by Tang Long. In the seat of the co-pilot, a flamethrower that had been transformed in the Purple Moon era stood quietly.

"Come on." Compared with cold weapons, hot weapons seem to be able to ignite the blood of a man, even the silent Tang Long shouted softly.

Then, the armored vehicle rushed into the steel armored rat group, knocking over a dozen steel armored rats in a row, and then stopped in the harsh brake sound.

Tang Long, wearing a battle armor, directly broke through the roof of the car and jumped out.

Standing on the top of the car, he threw out three sonic boom grenades and threw them in the densest place of the rats.

‘Zizi’, a dizzying sound wave came instantly, and the armor's ear protectors well isolated this sound wave.

After all, it is the armor of a middle-ranking officer. This is the best armor that Tang Long can find, even if it has broken a few places on his arm.

However, the steel armored rat did not have ear protectors, and was directly mad by such sound waves, and the same species even started to attack each other.

Tang Long looked indifferently, and did not think that a small sonic boom grenade could play a huge role.

Armored vehicles have begun to be eaten. The steel rat's body is not large, the size of a pre-civilized cat.

But the amazing bite force has already manifested at this time.

Without any special modification, only the armored vehicles left by the former civilization under their teeth are worthless to mention.

Does the steel rat eat steel? Tang Long didn't know this, but as a rat, he could not bite.

Of course, they will not miss Tang Long. At this time, several steel armored rats have rushed into the armored vehicle in order to attack Tang Long.

The tactical moving disk pulled Tang Long's body in time, that is, at this time, Tang Long was caught by the three barrels of gasoline in the compartment.

Then it was thrown into the air barrel by barrel

Then, Tang Long rushed into the air with a tactical moving disk, kicking the oil barrels in the air one by one.

At this moment, it was like a petrol rain in the air!

Then, Tang Long fell to the top of the broken armored vehicle again, and several steel armored rats rushed up. Tang Long grabbed the commander's knife and swept away, temporarily sweeping away these steel armored mice, taking advantage of this gap, the co-pilot The nearby flamethrower was in his hand.

Then, the tactical moving disk pulled Tang Long into the air, and a flame burst from the flamethrower, and the group of steel rats immediately burst into the sky.

At this point, the time has just passed a minute from the time the rats swarmed.

The battle belonging to Tang Long started from a fire!

Tang Long is indeed solitary.

But on the battlefield, he is a mammoth and an intelligent magistrate.

This is the evaluation given by everyone after watching Tang Long's performance without hesitation.

From rushing into rats with armored vehicles, to rattling rats with sonic boom grenades, to spraying oil barrels and turning on flamethrowers

At each step, Tang Long used the remaining resources to the extreme!

Each step is the most correct step a person can do in a war.

One person dragged the march forward, one caused chaos in the rodent, and one used limited resources to the extreme.

However, this can only be called a Mighty General.

Because his purpose is not strong enough, that is to achieve a complete victory in a war! From what he has done, he just wants to hold these steel mice as long as possible and kill as many steel mice as possible.

On the surface, this is correct.

Delay, waiting for reinforcements.

But a real battlefield commander, unless certain information is obtained, such as when reinforcements arrive 15 minutes later, the purpose of the current war is to delay 15 minutes.

Otherwise, they will all aim to win this war! No matter how impossible this is, even if the final outcome is to end up together!

Many officers present watched Tang Long's performance and wished that his men would have a fierce general like Tang Long, but he absolutely did not want Tang Long to become his commander.

What about Tang Ling?

He is a demon!

At least the soldiers at the scene felt that way, because he did it to the utmost, and he regarded the war as a war, not a fight.

In 25 minutes, what can Tang Ling do?

If time is returned to the beginning, it takes ten minutes for Tang Long to find the materials he can use, and then he waits.

Then Tang Ling used every minute to the extreme.

In five minutes, supplies were collected by nine people.

As long as the best, collect as much as possible, it will be much faster than one person to collect supplies.

As a result, Tang Ling got nine sound bombs, got some gasoline, got three flamethrowers, got some powerful explosives, and some pieces.

After five minutes, Tang Ling gave up decisively even if there were still many materials worth collecting.

The most basic requirement is that everyone under him has a tactical moving disk and a battle armor.

The advanced requirement is to collect as many hot weapons as possible in a large area.

If you have done it, don't be greedy.

What does the battlefield look like under the walls? What terrain is it? Strictly speaking, it is the best terrain for combat and the worst.

why? Because it is a large piece of flat land, perhaps once a forest, but the continuous war has long turned it into a wasteland full of blood.

Yes, is there any terrain more suitable for battle than flat land? But is there no shelter available, and is there worse terrain than flat land?

Perhaps, the people in Iron Blood City relied too much on tactics such as tactical mobile disks. They did not make any arrangement on the flat ground under the wall. They once thought of the barrier of hope in Tang Ling.

But once people's thinking is inertial, it is terrible. Everything in the war of the Purple Moon revolves around tactical moving disks.

and so

Tang Ling started his own arrangement. Before a war, the most important thing was to collect as much information as possible to make a prediction.

With the prejudgment, at least Tang Ling will not hesitate, and everything starts around this prejudgment.

Nine people, Tang Ling made such an assignment.

Among them, the one with the greatest strength dug a trench with Tang Ling, and the other seven were porters.

What to carry? Of course it was the corpse left on the battlefield after the last war.

Without too much time to explain, Tang Ling directly drew a rough sketch, giving a simple explanation of what each person is going to do.

Force can only establish temporary authority, and a certain type of calmness, calmness, and full of confidence and decisive attitude are the keys to the long-term establishment of authority.

What authority brings is the efficient execution of orders. Obviously, Tang Ling has done all this well.

Everyone who did it has forgotten that he is still a teenager, and he seems to be a battle-hardened officer.

In less than two minutes, Tang Ling issued the order, and then everyone began to perform his duties.

The war has always focused on collective power, but the Ziyue era is slightly different. Because individual power is also very prominent, occasionally there will be cases where individual power is above collective power.

Tang Ling naturally does not think about such high-end forces, at least in this war, this is not the correct way of thinking.

However, the 'Superman' far superior to the former civilization also reflects the difference from the war of the former civilization.

At least one other person in Tang Lingjia, the speed of digging trenches is definitely not imagined by former civilizations.

Twelve minutes later.

There were obvious changes under the city walls, and three semicircular lines piled up by corpses appeared.

These 'lines' piled up by corpses, tightly surround the hole in the city wall below, the innermost circle, less than 15 meters away from the wall of the city where the hole is located.

The middle circle is about 30 meters away from the city wall where the cave is located.

The outermost circle is at a distance of 50 meters, and it looks like the holes are surrounded by layers.

But these semi-circles are not complete, because there is no complete closing in the middle, but a gap of about 5 meters wide is left.

This gap was made into a trench by Tang Ling. The depth of the trench was about 3 meters and the length was 45 meters.

At a distance of 5 meters, a flat land of about 50 square meters was left!

That's about it, and it can only be done!

Tang Ling glanced at all the arrangements, and deduced the tactics he thought again. He did not think that his prediction would be wrong. All the arrangements were made around the predictions in his heart. If they are wrong, this Everything is arranged ineffective.

"There should be no mistake! In terms of probability, 80% will be it." Tang Ling said that it is naturally the most likely beast to attack next.

Tang Ling's main tactical thinking is division, cutting the enemy as far as possible.

But not everyone can understand Tang Ling's tactical thinking, and the guard team is quickly repairing the city walls.

They saw that Tang Ling was commanding seven or eight remaining rookies with no hope in their hearts.

What does it do to accumulate corpses? When confronted with fierce beasts, the defenses made by these corpses are simply worse than jokes.

What's the use of digging a trench? Even if the trenches were filled with gasoline, in fact, the gasoline only drowned the trenches less than half.

Besides, can a beast of 3 meters be trapped?

Everything Tang Ling did seemed useless and naive to the retaining team, and they were even a little angry.

Does Tang Ling take those rookies to pit them? The correct thinking should not be to find a way to pull these horrible beasts far away, the farther away from the damaged wall, the better? Why focus the battle here?

But pulling away the herd of beasts? Well, this can't be expected from these novices!

Tang Ling certainly didn't explain anything.

In fact, war is most afraid of losing control. With only 9 people, it is impossible to control the hordes of beasts away, and it is extremely easy to lose control once they are away.

Moreover, Tang Ling's purpose is not to delay time, but to win! What does the retaining team think? Is it important?

Everything was set up, and everyone was concentrated in a small area of ​​50 square meters in the center.

All that remains is to wait.

At this time, 24 minutes passed, Tang Ling lit a cigarette for himself and looked into the distance with a telescope found from the dead body.

One minute later, a group of Steel Rats rushed out of the dense forest on the edge of the battlefield, covering the wall like a tide.

The people of the parapet team turned pale. If it was a large beast and a small moat, it would be better to deal with some of them. These steel mice are scurrying around and eating everything! Small moats cannot kill them all at all.

It is conceivable that the city walls will suffer even greater damage! And most of them are probably burial.

But you can't run away, the consequences of running away are even more terrible than burial! The only thing I can do is stick to it here.

The guard team's face was pale, and although some rookies following Tang Ling were not so, they were still nervous.

Even after the most brutal war just now, when facing the war again, the fear should be feared, unless it is a veteran who has been numb to the war.

Only a smile appeared on Tang Ling's face, and he made the right bet. The ferocious beast turned out to be a steel rat!

As long as the prediction is correct, everything in the next battle is within the controllable range.

"Be alive. Life is only the minimum requirement. What we want is the victory of this battle!" Tang Ling shouted, all in arrogance.

On the battlefield, arrogance is the best tranquilizer! Because that represents full confidence.

Sure enough, under the yelling of Tang Ling, those rookies were agitated, at least the hand holding the weapon was not so trembling.

The speed of the group of Steel Rats was very fast. From the appearance on the edge of the battlefield to the invasion of the first line of defense built by corpses, it took only one minute.

At this time, something magical happened.

About 200 steel gangsters have been cut!

When they rushed to the first line of defense lined by corpses, they began to devour insanely. About ninety steel armored rats stayed on the first line of defense, lying on top of them, and began to devour these food.

The second corpse defense line dragged nearly sixty steel armored rats.

The third line of corpse defense dragged more than 20 steel armored rats.

They are so madly fighting for food, and some steel hamsters are inevitably squeezed into the middle trench, so there are more than a dozen unlucky steel hamsters.

In this way, less than 10 steel armored rats left for the battlefield of about 50 square meters specially reserved by Tang Ling!

Why is this happening? The stupidest person can know the answer.

This is because the corpses attracted the steel-clad rats. How could these omnipotent guys endure the temptation of corpses? Moreover, these corpses are left over from the war just now, among them are the bodies of powerful fierce beasts, as well as the corpses of strong human beings.

This simply magnifies the temptation ten times! It is a feast of crickets, and the steel armored rats are not arrogant, they will not be like some ferocious beasts, they will not eat dead things at all.

Even they just like dead things! After all, the world outside the Iron Blood City is so cruel, feeding on dead things is also a way of survival.

The corpse's line of defense successfully cut the steel armored rat, although this was only the first step.

"Ready!" Tang Ling sang loudly, and the rookie behind him immediately dispersed!

"Battle!" Tang Ling gave an order, and a soldier behind Tang Ling threw a torch into the trench, and the trench immediately burst into flames.

That is, at this time, Tang Ling suddenly rushed out, facing the first steel mouse that rushed to the platform, and began to command in his mouth.

"A, move 15 meters to the left and hit you in the direction of three o'clock."

"B, back three meters"

"C, pull up 20 meters, then towards the six o'clock position"

A slaughter began, and the human elite soldiers faced the first-class beast steel armored rat, and their combat effectiveness was absolutely weak.

But what if they were equipped with a Warframe higher than the Standard Warframe? What if the weapons they held were all s-class weapons?

What if they were divided into three groups to beat a steel armored rat?

The most important thing is, with the cooperation of tactical mobile disks, plus Tang Ling's precise command?

Then, the siege of the steel armored mouse changed from impossible to possible! After all, good armor can resist the most lethal chow of steel armored rats, at least for a short time, steel armored rats don't want to pierce these armors.

The elite soldiers are wasteful even if they use talented weapons. Fortunately, although s-class weapons cannot cause fatal damage to steel armored rats, they can break defenses.

Several people besiege one, and the damage is accumulated, you can quickly kill a steel armored rat, not to mention Tang Ling's most important precision command, so that these soldiers will not be cluttered, and can ensure that each attack is effective , But also form a perfect fit!

The battle for Tang Ling began!

His tactical thinking is so clear, cutting the enemy, focusing his own strength, focusing on annihilating the enemy!

The advantage is of course used to the extreme, and the rarest is

"This kid is a monster! Everything he has prepared is to predict that the attacking beast is a steel armored rat. Interesting!" Watching Tang Ling leading the team in battle, there was a very serious look, and he never talked, Even in the box, the old man sitting in the most corner spoke.

This box is the only VIP box that is black and old. It is undoubtedly top-notch from furnishings to services.

why? Because the people in this box are distinguished, even the major forces dare not easily offend.

They are the representatives of the Iron Blood City.

No one would have expected that a **** cliff, just open to a challenge for talented youngsters, would actually attract the military.

Because no one knows, the military has launched a secret plan to train talented young troops.

It makes sense for them to come!

Unexpectedly, just Tang Ling's performance! The old man who had been silent turned up.

Who is this old man? Among the representatives sent by the military this time, the one with the highest status was a major general.

In the previous games, no matter how brilliant the talented youngsters performed, he did not move at all.

After all, they are members of the military. They value certain talents, and value collectives far more than individual strength.

Unless personal strength can affect the entire battlefield! But these genius boys cannot do it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, they have not grown up.

But Tang Ling

"His prediction is very accurate. It seems that this boy is a person who can read military records." After the major general's speech, a burly middle-aged man could not help but nodded his praise, his eyes were unabashed Appreciation of Tang Ling.

If it is not a professional soldier, you may be confused. How can Tang Ling judge that the attacking beast is a steel rat?

But as a soldier, of course, you know the importance of the military record. All the details recorded in the military record are not boring records, but a summary of all kinds of information.

Officers who have passed the regular military class can read a lot from the military record.

But Tang Ling did not undergo any formal training, he still caught the point! The ones most likely to be attracted to the battlefield with corpses all over the place without being cleaned up in time are carnivores.

The carnivorous beasts that often appear on this battlefield are the steel armored rats!

Tang Ling, has been in control of the battlefield from the beginning!

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