Daomen Invasion

Chapter 684: : Preparations

Xiahe will not deceive the temple. He has signed his contract and received the coordinates of the stars. He has long been informed of the storm corner, and Freya is responsible for mining blue and gold.

Although gold is very cheap for the Taoist palace, immortals can obtain it directly on some scary stars.

But that must also reach the realm above the heaven, in order to survive on the stars that are all gold.

For ordinary people, gold is still expensive. And the reason why this thing keeps its price is because many of the Taoist equipments have gold elements.

Renovating and renovating islands, these are already familiar to Rhode Islanders. Xiahe went to the island in person and met Chang Chen. Among the things agreed by the two parties, there are questions about the construction of the altar.

Because it is too close to the arcane empire, it is not possible to build a temple, only an altar for communicating with gods.

Although the difference is not significant, the Temple of Dawn does not want to fight the Arcane Empire at this time.

The altar can be downgraded at any time, blurring the danger. If it ’s the shrine, there ’s nothing to say. Everyone comes to fight immediately, and it ’s over when anyone dies.

Changli paid Xiahe the agreed gold. The temple was happy. He did not worry about whether Xiahe paid the bill.

On the Xiahe side, let his own people change all the fleets that need to be modified. In addition to the signs, there are some magic patterns. The temple wants a blank fleet, some of the magic patterns can be kept, but the ones used for combat must be revoked, and when looking back, the temple must be equipped with the **** patterns on it.

Unconsciously, one year passed, and Xiahe had to go back to the world of goblins, and he left the matter of Rhode Island to Cotton Jack. But for diplomatic connection, all kinds of daily life are still in charge of Goliath. She had a lot of masters under her hands, all of which had to do such trivial work.

Shrek wanted to go to the world of goblins with Xiahe, and Xiahe said to him: "After that, I still have to come back. You want to go, but after I come back, you can't follow back, you have to help there. "

Shrek shut up quickly. There are many places that need him in this world. Going there is fighting.

Xiahe quietly went back to Huxi City, everything was well, and the Goblin world is his welfare. It has no powerful enemies and is very secret. It has not been discovered by other worlds for so many years. After the goblin is demonized, it gradually degenerates, and the capital of the goblin's life is wisdom.

Without the goblin of wisdom, even if Xiahe does not come, he will perish sooner or later.

After Xiahe returned to the goblin world, Cotton Jack was fully responsible for Rhode Island. The safety of Sun City was handed over to the Knights of Medirelli. Both Medirelli and Smith were there. With Golia, the safety of Sun City was guaranteed. Because there are some people who have been promoted to the legend of Stormwind Point, and there are many priests above the seventh grade. The gods who mobilized the past will return to Rhode Island.

Cotton Jack has five gods, one doom fairy rider, all legendary. Two gods will stay in Sun City, two in the south port of Sun City, one **** and one Xianqi to the northern military port of Sun City.

In this way, even if the Mozu attacked with all his strength, Sun City would not be too dangerous.

Shrek did not stay in Sun City, he went to Samsung Town.

Martin is also in Samsung Town, and the double swordsman Jani is in Sun City. Martin is responsible for collecting intelligence. A lot of Xiahe's intelligence is now from Martin. There are a lot of people under him, many of them are not professionals. The double swordsman Jani was originally responsible for the Sun City City Defense Army.

Sun City was overpowered, and he was temporarily transferred to Samsung Town to take charge of the city's defense force.

Sun City ’s new legends were transferred to Beijing City and to Liang City. As for the city of stars, Xiahe still asked Qiu Xuanji to cooperate with Nietzsche, and two people were in charge.

The city of stars is very stable, the port is rebuilt, and the defensive facilities on land are in place.

There has been no demon intrusion in the past six months, and the completion of the city of stars has basically reached 100%. The imperial fleet attacked, and the demon fleet retreated, which was not a good thing for the empire, which consumed the imperial spirit. But for Rhode Island, the opportunity to rest and recuperate, let people rest and reorganize the fighting.

The United Fleet went out a few laps to clear the Magic Mountain, and did not encounter too many Demon Races. In total, more than 100 Demon Battleships were killed. Compared with the huge battleship group of the Demon Race, it is nothing.

However, the joint fleet of Samsung Town had no major losses. The robot soldiers consumed a lot, but the battle ended with the victory of the coalition forces in Samsung Town.

After such a long battle, there is no downsizing of soldiers, which is also a good thing for the coalition forces. These experienced soldiers can be promoted into non-commissioned officers and used to lead recruits. As a result, the noble coalition did not rush to continue the offensive, but took the opportunity to mobilize some recruits to match with the veterans.

Let some veterans go back to the territory to assist in training new recruits.

In this way, the expansion of the military is very efficient. Everyone knows that the war is going to last for hundreds of years. This world has suffered many incursions. If it is not powerful, it has long been deserted.

The demon will definitely not retreat. This is a battle of life and death, no choice.

The nobles of the empire are still very knowledgeable and have ideas. They let their people arrange scripts, tour the city, and the brutal stories of various demons have become the most popular stage dramas nowadays. These are not fakes. Some demons once landed on Bingfeng Continent, causing serious losses to the eastern coast.

Otherwise, the nobles on the east coast are not so easy to integrate.

At the port of Samsung Town, on a noble battleship, the sailors were cleaning the deck. A slightly older sailor said: "There are robots, why are we doing this kind of work?"

The two young sailors laughed: "Paris, you are not new here. The robot is not reliable, we must do these things, in case one day, the robot is gone, is the battleship still not open? Those magic Master, I have n’t honestly checked the magic circle. Everyone has to do heavy work. "

"That is, there are sail warships in the early years, and various messes are said to be more."

"I know, know, we did this." The veteran said awkwardly.

"This is why Lord Lord is willing to use us." At this time, a young officer came over and said to the busy sailors: "You work hard, I heard that next month, you will go to sea again."

"Next month? My wife will have a baby next month!"

"You can go home," the young officer said: "There should be no fierce battles. Many of us will not have a reserve army this time. Many of us will stay in Sanxing town to rest. Nothing will affect your return."

The sailor smiled happily. He was not afraid to go to sea to fight, but the child was about to be born. He wanted to watch it at home.

"Old Paris, if you are afraid of suffering, you may not go."

"No, no!" The veteran quickly waved his hand and made money out of the sea, not the same as cleaning the deck in the port. Although it is desperate, but you can see the account every day. A month out of the sea, even if I do n’t encounter a battle, I earn as much as a year.

Everyone looked at him anxiously, and all laughed.

In the sky, the six-pointed star airship that has been patrolling has taken such pictures at an altitude of thousands of kilometers for analysis. Underneath the town of Samsung, there is a large alchemy laboratory, where a large intelligent mechanical living body is calculating and analyzing all intelligence.

The magician responsible for the analysis looked at the data and showed that the soldiers of the coalition were eager to fight.

Then the magicians showed the data to the bottom, looked at many intelligence details, and analyzed the rationality inside.

This is the intelligence analysis room. The magicians in it all came from the storm corner. The College of Stormwind, with the subject of sociology, needs practical cognition.

"Empire, it's still a good fight." The magician headed is in his thirties, not very high, just over level 20.

He is not a battle mage, and his level is not high. If he has enough merits, Lord Lord will give life potions. As long as he exceeds the epic realm, he can get far longer than the life of the epic.

Some people have wisdom, but no level, and life is limited.

For Xiahe, it is worthwhile for such people to invest some resources.

"However, data analysis shows that the possibility of Mozu entering the mainland is still very high." A magician was worried.

"The probability of entering Rhode Island is low, and that's enough."

"Yes, whether the demon can cause disaster depends on the emperor." The magician headed said: "The power of the royal family is still very strong, otherwise there are so many nobles in the empire, why should he listen to him. Let us form a coalition The royal family even withdrew the flying warships they supported, which is really stingy. "

"Can't say that, the royal family still supported some funds."

"Food only, the most imperial royalty is food."

Other magicians also think it makes sense ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Food is too rich for the royal family. Fortunately, Lord Duke likes food very much and has been buying at low prices.

In other words, the royal support was quite appetizing for the Duke.

"Okay, continue to study the intelligence. The battle will start in a month, and the morale will be encouraged from the details to let the army's combat power be saved. Isn't our purpose to come here?"

"Yes, sir." The other masters answered one by one very solemnly. This is their study, something to be respected, not to be giggling.

In the laboratory at the lower level, a magic crossbow with a length of more than three meters is suspended on the magic array, and the light is irradiated from above. This magic crossbow is not an entity. It has a transparent structure inside and the magic pattern is clearly discernible.

"It's about the size and can be installed on flying warships and six-pointed star airships." An old mage looked at the design with excitement. This design drawing, Lord Duke only gave a concept, they completed it in more than three months, all attributes are qualified, and the manufacturing cost is within the scope allowed by the Duke.

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