In fact, there may not be many opportunities for her and Nianqi to meet, as long as they don't deliberately want to bump into each other.

But it doesn't mean she has to wait to die. As far as she knows, the people she waits for have returned to China. She has been preparing for so long and will start to move, so she must take the initiative to create the intersection of the two people.

"Manager, I also want to go out and run business."

Nianxi found the Department Manager. Although she was transferred to the business department, no one arranged her attendance. Frankly, she still cares about her identity. Even if it's not Chu Muge, she's still miss Nianjia.

"Oh, nianxi, there are many other jobs in the business department. You don't have to go out to suffer in a hot day. What do you say?"

The manager intended to take care of her, but nianxi didn't appreciate it.

"Manager, I'm just an employee now. I don't need special treatment."

"There's no special treatment. Just look at this. The statements of our department and material purchase are all things. Aren't you so efficient that it's better to arrange them for you in the future?"

Did you use her as a vase?

Nianxi was too lazy to go around with him again and showed him the information already prepared in his hand.

"I run this project with Zhang Hai. Do you think it's ok?"

"Yufei's project?"

The manager looked surprised, then raised his eyes suspiciously, "do you want to be a salesman?"

"Start at the grass-roots level."

Nianxi picked up something and said, "thank the manager for agreeing. Let's go to work."

The manager was depressed. He was just informed, but he didn't dare to offend nianxi. After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and dialed it.

Wang Zhe was looking at the new product in his office when the phone rang.

"Mr. Wang, nianxi has to go out of the field, or Yufei's project."

"She really thinks of herself as a salesman?"

Wang Zhe said, "I don't know what she thinks. Did you agree?"

"I can't help it. Now people have gone."


Who dares to stop her temper? If it were him, he wouldn't dare.

"All right, let's do it first."

After finishing the work at hand, Wang Zhe ran to Chu Muge for the design drawings of those new products. "Boss, take a look first. If there's no problem, it's settled."

"Boss," Wang Zhe winked at him, unable to resist his good idea of watching the excitement.

"If you have anything to say, you don't look like a general manager anymore!"

"Ha ha, don't interrupt!"

Wang Zhe said, "just now the manager of the business department called to say that nianxi went out to do business, or Yufei's hard bone. Does she want to prove her ability? How does it feel like asking for trouble?"

Running business?

Chu Muge looked very angry. Last night, she said that she wanted to change her attitude towards Nianqi. Now I'm afraid she escaped in advance in order to avoid Nianqi.

Hum, I know she won't be obedient, but she will find a way and take a detour!

"Yufei likes to eat alone, and likes to make things difficult for his partners. We contacted them several times and they didn't give a reply. Can nianxi? How dare she take the case? It won't be a mistake..."

"Are you still worried about her?"

Chu Muge glanced at him and threw the design in his hand to him, "take it back and change it!"

"Not satisfied!"

Wang Zhe wails. The leader has a little temper, but he will tire his soldiers to death!

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