While hesitating, the fleet continued to head north, but the wind and waves never weakened, as if a typhoon was chasing them behind them!

After sailing north for eleven days, the fleet actually entered the Bohai Bay and finally found a place to land at Lushunkou! Everyone stood on the deck and cheered, as if they were reborn! After staying at sea for more than ten days, people miss the taste of land! And there is no food on the boat at this time. Everyone wants to try their luck on land. Maybe you can find something to eat.

In this way, the ship began to approach the coast, ready to find a place to anchor.

But at this moment, the wind and rain that had been much lighter in the past two days suddenly became fierce. Many boats were directly blown over and thousands of people fell into the sea.

People were all frightened by the sudden rise of the bad wind, they looked around, and finally found that ten kilometers away, on the southeast sea, a huge tornado connecting the sea and the sky was raging! This tornado is too big, even if it is still ten kilometers apart, people can still hear the sound it makes when it spins at high speed! Around the tornado, the sea was thrown up by huge waves of thousands of meters in height, which made people chilling!

Seeing this situation, many people are already stupid!

Next, I don’t know who yelled: "Go ashore!"

After this shout, the shocked people all woke up, jumped into the sea quickly, and headed for the shore!

The huge tornado moved very fast on the sea, and when only half of the tens of thousands of people in the fleet climbed ashore, it had already reached the sea and went straight to kill everyone.

This kind of supernatural power can't be stopped by any power, even those with abilities such as Qin An can't.

Qin An's eyes are blood red!

Was this tornado formed naturally, or did it increase under the influence of Li Ying's sword god skills?

If it was the latter, then Qin An really couldn't forgive himself. Why didn't he be so cruel and killed Li Ying directly?

At this time Qin An had already landed ashore with Guo Xiaomei and others. Guo Xiaomei noticed that Qin An was staring at the tornado that was about to come, and hurriedly stepped forward and took his arm against the wind and rain and shouted, "Qin An! What else to look at? Go!"

After Guo Xiaomei finished speaking, Liu Ru also took Granny Rong and Li Na by the hands and ran to Qin An's side. She anxiously said: "Qin An! I can't protect the two people. The tornado is about to land. I guess we can't avoid it. , I don’t know where I’ll be blown away! Granny Rong should take her with me, and I’ll take Li Na!"

Qin An closed his eyes, took a deep breath of air, and eased his depression, then quickly opened his eyes, took Granny Rong from Liu Ru, and then hugged her and shouted to the many upgraded people around him. : "Go!"

With an order, Guo Xiaomei, Ma Qiang and others did not hesitate, and immediately ran away from the shore! Others who landed are also running desperately! This is a great escape.

Since it is an escape, people will not be polite, and no one will care about the life and death of other people!

When someone falls while running, no one will stop to help. Everyone will step on the person who has fallen, until the bone that they stepped on breaks the tendons and breaks the gas and died!

Such a great escape, the capable people do not have any advantage, because there are too many people!

The thirteen upgraded people, Ma Qiangjiesi, Liu Tian, ​​Yin Hanchao, Liu Ru and others, soon separated from Qin An.

Qin An was a little anxious, and turned on the super-listening search among the crowd, only to find Liu Ru and Li Na, about 500 meters behind him!

He was really anxious, kicked the people around him forcefully, then jumped on top of them with Granny Rong, and ran back quickly, pulling Liu Ru and Li Na who were caught in the crowd behind them from the crowd!

After doing all this, Qin An suddenly felt light, and he hurriedly turned his head to look, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes!

The huge tornado, with a diameter of almost three kilometers, has already landed on land, blowing everyone up behind them! Hundreds of boats docked in the river water were not spared, and they moved quickly with the tornado! That's terrifying, like another doom!

The people at his feet were constantly moving back and forth, making Qin An's four unable to stand firm at all.

Qin An frowned, knowing that he was trying to escape at this time, it was too late!

In desperation, Qin An quickly grabbed Liu Ru's hand, then put Li Na and Granny Rong between his and Liu Ru's bodies, and then took Liu Ru's other hand to protect the two of them. In the arms.

Li Na and Granny Rong were also full of fear at this time, and they quickly hugged Liu Ru and Qin An's necks with their hands.

After that, a huge tornado came and blew the four directly into the air!

Of course, it is not only Qin An Liuru and the four who are blown up by the wind, but everyone who passes through the area by the wind will be swept away! People whirled back and forth in the wind, and some of them collided with each other, and eventually their brains burst and died. Some hit the broken ship board and couldn't survive either! Some people were whirled and thrown away by the strong wind. After flying tens of meters away, they fell directly on the heads of those who were not caught in the wind! Then both died.

The Qin An and the four were not thrown out by the gale. They were caught in the whirlpool of the tornado. As it crossed the port of Lushun Port and re-entered the sea, they didn't know how far they flew out. Finally, they were unconscious and passed out in a coma.


When Qin An woke up again, he was already in an empty room.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly and the air was fresh.

The window of the room is open, and you can hear the chirping of birds outside.

The bed was clean and warm, and Qin An really couldn't think of how long he hadn't slept in such a comfortable bed!

where is this place?

He tilted his head slightly and found that Liu Ru, Li Na, and Granny Rong were lying beside him in turn. Liu Ru's breathing was steady, and she seemed to have passed out, while Li Na and Granny Rong were breathing weakly, apparently suffering serious injuries. .

Granny Rong looked okay, but Li Na was a bit miserable. One of her legs was gone from her knee! The wound was wrapped in white cloth, and it was hard to see what the injury was on the broken leg!

Qin An was shocked and sat up quickly, and then realized that what he was lying on was not a bed, but the legendary big Kang in the northeast that he had seen on TV! And at this time, the Kang is very warm, obviously someone burned the fire!

Where is this place? Who saved them?

Just when Qin An was puzzled, a strong man with a height of two meters walked in from outside.

"Yeah! Buddies are awake?"

Qin An hurriedly looked at the strong man, and saw that he was about 20 years old, he was very simple and honest, and he spoke with a northern accent.

Nodding slightly, Qin An said, "Hmm! Hello, brother! I don't know where this is? Did you save us?"

The brawny man shook his head, and then said: "No! Introduce yourself, my name is Wei San, Wei Qingshan! This is Rongxing Town in Liaoning Province! Hey, welcome to our Northeast disaster area!"

Qin An was a little stupid, he didn't know where Rongxing Town was?

The strong man seemed to be chattering. He pulled a chair and sat on the edge of the fire kang, then said to Qin An:

"Our place is more than 100 kilometers away from Shenyang! Before the end of the world, it belongs to Yingkou City!

You were picked up from the beach by Dage, who I just got to worship yesterday! Hey, resources are scarce now, and the harvest of last year's crops was not so good! So we don’t have any extra food for you!

This is the reality in the last days, food must be planned to eat!

Although the girl and old woman with a broken leg around you are very weak, according to the rules of our village, we can provide you with shelter but not food!

The world is so cold, I can't help it!

But don't worry, my Dage has gone out to help you find food! The snow melts this season, and it is estimated that some voles that have just woke up from hibernation can be caught in the fields!

Hey, my Dage seems to care about your safety!

And he knows you, knows what your name is? right! Qin An! He knows your name is Qin An!

After he got you back last night, he knelt on the ground and cried for a long time, and kept calling you the city lord, boss! In the end you didn't wake up either!

According to my estimation, you might have been brought ashore by that super typhoon! Hey, it's a miracle to survive!

Oh, by the way, that little girl with a broken leg...her leg was eaten by a wanderer!

Fortunately, I, Dage, found you early, otherwise I guess you would all be eaten by the wanderer!

I, Dage, has already killed that person, which is regarded as revenge for the little girl. When you look back and wait for her to wake up, you can comfort her!

Hey, let’s heal your sorrow first! There are more than 500 people in our village, and this boundary is still safe. The nearby zombies have gathered to the north to the front line of Outer Mongolia and Russia! Many people in our country have now fled into Russia!

Damn it! This group of zombies and his grandmother seemed to like the cold air in our northeast, and after the end of the world he kept running north.

In the first year of the last days! Countless refugees from the south flooded into the northeast! Who told us that this place is sparsely populated!

Later, the zombies migrated, and countless zombies also ran northeast! There is no way, people can only continue northward into Russia! My second uncle and third aunt and grandma passed by, and they don't know if they are still alive now!

At the beginning we wanted to go, but the big corpse tide did not turn here, they just kept running north! So we didn't leave! Life down here!

Don't worry, there are very few zombies here, even if they come to our house, they are authentic! And you can hide in the Daliao River, where we also built houses! And the most terrifying thing in this place is not the zombies, but the wanderers!


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