It depends on who gets the most audition opportunities and who is the final winner.

At this time, the phone vibrated again, interrupting Ye Fan's thoughts.

Ye Fan looked down at the phone, her eyes tightened.

"Now the program team has temporarily added an audition location. If someone gets two audition opportunities, they will directly advance to the finals."

This news is like a big stone, slamming heavily on the calm water.

There is one more audition location, which undoubtedly relieves everyone a little bit of pressure. People like Ye Fan and Chang Su who have already got the chance to audition, as long as they get another chance, they will win.

The program team sent another message: "Warm reminder, the newly added audition places have the most demanding conditions, please choose carefully."

This sudden information made everyone put down their hearts and brought them up again.

Obviously there is one more place, it seems to be easier, but there are many difficulties hidden.

How harsh are the conditions?

Ye Fan thought quickly, there are still three places left, where should she choose to go?

Obviously, the newly added audition place is closest to him. Regardless of other factors, it's obviously the fastest to go there.

But the conditions in that place are the most harsh, and even if you get there, the possibility of being admitted is not very likely.

Ye Fan fell into a seemingly dilemma.

To go or not to go?

Ye Fan continued to think. If the conditions of the newly added audition place are harsh, it means that many people will not choose to go there because of this condition. But as long as she gets over those hurdles, the audition will be hers.

Ye Fan didn't think much, and immediately set off to go there. She got into a taxi and the car was driving down the street.

This time, there was no traffic jam on the road. Ye Fan got out of the car and quickly went to the audition place. Ye Fan arrived at the door of the house and stopped.

The door was closed, and it was surprising that someone was already auditioning inside. Ye Fan frowned slightly, she didn't have time to wait any longer, she could only change place.

She turned around decisively, just as she was about to leave.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

Ye Fan looked back and saw a person inside, Yuan Zhiting.

Yuan Zhiting is an amateur, she is not weak, she has come all the way to this game.

Yuan Zhiting was dejected. When she saw Ye Fan, she reluctantly said, "You also came here to audition, so go in."

She didn't get a single audition opportunity. When she saw the program group, she wanted to take a gamble, hoping that this place would admit her.

However, she still failed.

Ye Fan nodded to Yuan Zhiting and comforted: "Go somewhere else."

Then, Ye Fan walked into the room.

The moment Ye Fan entered, Chang Su also got there. She saw the closed door and knew someone was auditioning, so she immediately decided to go to another place.

After Ye Fan entered, there were two blond foreigners, a man and a woman, standing inside.

Ye Fan handed them their own information.

Robert is the person in charge here. He handed Ye Fan a piece of paper and said, "This is the scene you want to perform, you should take a look first."

Ye Fan looked at the paper.

It was written that the protagonist confronted the opponent, and when the opponent was about to draw a gun, the protagonist kicked her gun away, and then the two fought. Finally, the protagonist got the gun and pointed it at the opponent's forehead.

Ye Fan's heart tightened, this turned out to be an action scene.

"You see, this is an action scene." Robert's voice sounded, and he pointed to the woman next to him, "This is the actor who is playing against you, Sophia."

Robert: "I only give you half an hour to practice. You have to learn all the movements in half an hour, and every movement must be done to the standard."

Ye Fan's eyes paused, half an hour? In other words, she has to master the essentials of these movements at this time.

Even if it's not an action scene, it takes time to practice lines and expressions, not to mention memorizing the movements. It's really strict.

Robert said again: "One more point."

Ye Fan looked up at him.

Robbit: "In the end, when you perform, you only have one chance. If you don't take this chance and don't perform well, I won't give you a second chance."

Robert's words showed how difficult this audition was.

Ye Fan smiled helplessly, no wonder the program team said the audition location was harsh.

Only give one chance, even if you fail, there is no chance to recover.

And the action is not qualified, even if the audition fails. The expressions and lines were not in place, and the audition failed. Do your best in every way and you will be admitted.

Ye Fan took a deep breath and nodded: "I see."

Now that she has chosen this place, she must have the courage to take on it, and she will try her best to give it a try.

Robert looked at the time: "The countdown begins."

In half an hour, Sophia will cooperate with Ye Fan, and you can ask her where Ye Fan can't.

Ye Fan looked at Sophia and said politely, "Hello, can you show me the movements in the trick?"

Sophia stood there, she demonstrated the movement. Ye Fan watched intently, quickly remembering those movements.

After Sophia demonstrated it again, Ye Fan went through it again in her mind. She had memorized some movements, and some movements had no impression.

Ye Fan asked Sophia to demonstrate to himself again, and after a few times

, Ye Fan firmly remembered those actions.

Memorizing the movements is only the first step, and Ye Fan has to perform those movements accurately.

Ye Fan made a few moves and looked at Sophia: "Am I doing it right?"

Sophia stepped forward, raised Ye Fan's hand, and raised it a little higher. Sophia said a few key points of action, and Ye Fan listened carefully.

Time passed, Ye Fan practiced every movement earnestly, and kept improving every place.

From being unfamiliar to gradually mastering it, and finally being recognized by Sophia, Ye Fan felt that this action was completed.

There was one movement where Ye Fan was thrown to the ground and his back hit the hard ground. The movement was a bit heavy and it was very painful, but Ye Fan didn't frown.

She just stood up and asked Sophia what else she could do wrong with this movement.

Ye Fan has only one thought, she must fully grasp all the movements. Now that you have chosen to do this, try to make every place perfect.

Robert kept watching. When Ye Fan was practicing, her performance fell into his eyes. Ye Fan never complained or called tired.

Unlike the person who auditioned before, that person's movements were soft, and he was not as serious as Ye Fan during practice.

Robert looked at Ye Fan and didn't speak.

After Ye Fan practiced the movements, he looked at the time, and there were ten minutes left. She looked at the lines, there were only a few lines, but she had to carefully understand the emotions of the characters.

After Ye Fan memorized the lines, he combined the lines and actions.

Time is up.

Robert came over and looked at Ye Fan: "Let's start."

Auditions begin.

Ye Fan and Sophia stood there, looking at each other with temptation in their eyes.

Ye Fan said coldly, his eyes sharp: "You are not the one who connected."

"I'm not here to trade with a fake." Ye Fan said with a half-smile.

Sophia explained a few words, but Ye Fan's expression remained unchanged.

Seeing herself exposed, Sophia stretched her hand to her waist, where there was a gun. Ye Fan glanced at Sophia, her eyes sank, and she knew Sophia's intention.

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