Chapter 176: Li Shimin and Empress Changsun both wanted to make Li Kei crown prince.

In the past few days, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun have been discussing the matter of establishing another crown prince.

I thought that Empress Changsun would let Li Tailai be the crown prince.

The result was unexpected.

Empress Changsun wanted Li Shimin to make Li Ke crown prince.

Although it was Li Kei who saved Empress Changsun, this also surprised Li Shimin.

In fact, Li Shimin is also optimistic about Li Ke.

In terms of governing the country, Li Ke’s ability is extremely strong.

These days, Li Shimin sent people to Yizhou to investigate the situation.

Fubo also often sent him letters, so he knew Yizhou very well.

In just over a year, Yizhou’s economy developed and the people had money.

This year is no longer in Yizhou, and Yizhou’s economy is still developing rapidly.

This year’s earnings report turned out to be double that of last year.

Li Ke’s acquisition of several industries in Yizhou has formed a special industrial chain, including coal, farms, central vegetable markets, and more profitable textile industries.

Many surrounding poor people have poured into Yizhou, where they cannot die of hunger without land, so they can just go to work in factories.

The salary is not lower than farming, and the key is that you can work all year round without rest.

Moreover, the infrastructure is also approaching perfection.

Brick roads have been built everywhere, there are many toilets, and there are special jobs to clean up manure.

There is also a septic tank, which can turn fermented manure into organic fertilizer and send it to the field for fertilization, which can be described as orderly.

There is also the wine industry, which absorbs a lot of food.

Not only is Yizhou’s grain output high, but it has not yet dropped prices.

The excess grain was collected by the winery to make wine.

Go out to drink and make money in Yizhou.

And cotton, feathers, all turned into down jackets, clothes, fabrics……… He also sold money to other places and earned all the money to Yizhou.

In addition, Yizhou steel mills also ship a lot, and the quality is stable.

Every once in a while, it can supply Chang’an with a lot of steam engines and steel.

Of course, this was not done in vain, and the imperial court was not short of money, and also gave steam engine wages.

It means that Yizhou is the manufacturer and Chang’an is the buyer.

Then, through the way of the imperial court, the steam engine was sent to all parts of the country to assist agricultural production.

These changes alone have given Li Shimin a lot of insight.

Of course, there is also a new industry of firing glass, which can make glass manually.

The price of glass was completely reduced, and the people could replace the glass windows that were transparent and insulating. Even Forber was so old that he inadvertently developed greenhouse vegetables last year, so that the palace could eat fresh vegetables in winter. Li Shimin had to marvel.

The changes that Li Kei brought to Yizhou in the past were simply too great.

I just let you go to Yizhou to experience it, if you are too lazy to work, you can also enjoy life.

As a result, you have doubled the GDP of Yizhou by more than ten times, and you are about to catch up with Chang’an.

This year, Li Kei has been in Liaoshun, the distance is too far, it is not very convenient to come and go.

However, Li Shimin also occasionally corresponded to Li Ke, and also sent people to inquire about the situation in Liaoshun.

As expected.

It is almost the same as the development model of Yizhou.

Again farming, again steelmaking, and made cement that could harden in three days, which was used to build walls and defend against the Turks.

At the same time, Li Su also stepped up military training, and cleaned up the Turkic guys to obey and obey.

To Li Shimin’s surprise, they all hit the city and did not occupy it.

But then Li Shimin figured it out.

The Turkic land is sparsely populated, and if it is defended by heavy troops like the Western Turks, it will consume great materials for a long time.

It must have been Li Ke’s teaching him the art of war again.

Just let him keep the balance of the tribes in the Turkic region.

At the same time, the high construction of the city wall can also protect the Turkic cavalry, basically completely eliminating the Turkic threat, and without troops, Li Tai’s performance is too poor.

Although Li Tai is the child of Empress Changsun, for Li Shimin, Li Kei is also his own son.

Blood relations are no different for Empress Changsun, but for Li Shimin, it is the same.

Moreover, although Concubine Yang is a Sui Dynasty bloodline, she is not an outsider, she is still her own cousin.

As long as the courtiers of the dynasty can recognize Li Ke, he is undoubtedly the best choice to become the crown prince.

That’s a problem, but it’s not a problem.

Because Li Kei is too strong.

Li Chenggan or Li Tai’s ability is assumed to be 100, then Li Ke’s ability is at least 10,000 or more…..

The entire Great Tang became rich, and the officials of the dynasty also benefited.

Since the beginning of last year, the imperial court has never defaulted on Yulu.

The people had money, and the families of all the families had even followed suit, earning much more than before, and the imperial court had hoarded much more grain than before.

There is grain in hand, steel in the military department, money in the treasury.

What a beautiful scene.

Li Shimin has long aspired to create such a peaceful and prosperous era before.

The result was just two years, and it was completed without a word.

It didn’t feel very hard.

In addition, Li Kei even developed papermaking technology and compiled a dictionary.

This thing is even more useful.

Ordinary people have the hope of reading books and the opportunity for class jumps.

The chances of rebellion become smaller.

It was enough to change the pattern of the imperial court.

Li Shimin felt that Li Kei was simply the chosen son, and what he did seemed chaotic, but in fact, every small move brought incredible growth to the Great Tang.

Empress Changsun was cured a few days ago, and even Changsun Wuji, who had been not dealing with Li Ke, did not make a sound.

Some people do not deal with Li Ke, want to impeach Li Ke, want to make fun of him, and can’t even find a reason.

He did it so rightly that there was hardly a single flaw.

A prince actually lowered his identity to go to business 2.0.

At first, there was some opposition, but when he threw money into building roads, building steam engines, laying power grids for the Great Tang, and making light bulbs, people gradually ran out of words.

The money invested was all earned by Li Ke, and it was all provided by the merchant behavior that the members of the DPRK looked down on, and Li Shimin really couldn’t imagine that who else could be more suitable to be the prince than Li Ke.

When he was rewarded a few days ago, Li Shimin had the heart to give him the position of prince.

It’s just that he has only been growing up for a short time, and even the ministers of the DPRK don’t recognize him completely.

Li Shimin was afraid that passing the crown prince to him would make him stand on the cusp and suffer some risks.

Just wait a little longer!

I am still very healthy and do not rush for a while.

When he develops for another two years, when the officials and the people recognize him, it will not be too late to appoint him as a prince.

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