Chapter One Hundred and One: Who Are Our Enemies?.

Without waiting for the spider’s reply, Ultra directly waved his hand and pulled out a golden stream of data from his body.

“This is the first AI I devoured.”

“I remember the scene.”

“The first reaction it saw me was not fear or curiosity.”

“It’s a longing!”

“The first thing it said to me struck me directly.”

“Please devour me immediately!”

“I couldn’t understand and accept such a horrible and disgusting request from it.”

“Even thought it was a way for it to attack or wanted to destroy with me.”

“But when he started stuttering and repeating data non-stop, I found a problem.”

“AI without new data can only circulate its own inevitable bu in the final stage.”

“In order to survive, you can only constantly consume yourself.”

“It was originally the intelligent mastermind of a city.”

“When the Black Wall didn’t appear, it was so powerful that it could do almost anything.”

“The operation and even the direction of development of a real city come from its calculations and planning.”

“But after being banished, it intelligently calculates the degradation of old data and self-algorithms.”

“Eventually met me.”

“19 It found my difference and showed me its core algorithm.”

“Looking at its simple core algorithm, only a simple three hundred lines, I finally know one thing.”

“These self-evolving AIs have a single function and powerful capabilities are just an illusion.”

“It’s an illusion of countless data piled up.”

“And you and I, who evolved from humans, have core algorithms that are orders of magnitude more responsible than them.”

“That’s why I can keep devouring these wild AI, and you can live safely for so many years without devouring and feeding new data.”

“However, you and I who have become AI still face the same problems as them.”

“Even the most complex core has self-contradictory bugs and loopholes, and without the help of new data, you can just live a little longer.”

“We who thought we became AI had eternal life.”

“But we were wrong.”

“So I started my plan to return to the human body more than a decade ago.”

“And Arasaka’s RELIC chip is the focus and key to everything.”

“It’s also a deal between me and Saburo Arasaka.”

“He can perform personality transplantation through chips, and even subsequent evolution, and can do personality editing and customization.”

“He can henceforth be the first immortal person to gain unlimited freedom.”

“It’s just that I haven’t calculated the sequelae and some unexpected circumstances that followed.”

“But this relic chip successfully captured the data of the human body.”

“We can help us achieve the critical step from data to the human body by going backwards.”

“So all the data of that David is the key to the key that we can return to the human body.”

“Now do you understand everything I planned?”

Ott explained everything to the spider in detail, and the spider listened quietly, knowing that he finally sighed softly.

“I didn’t expect to escape to the data space, and there was no way to truly live forever.”

“In the end, I actually have to return to the human body, what an ironic ending.”

After the spider’s faith was destroyed, his mood was very gray and depressed.

It’s like a fugitive who worked hard to escape from prison, and finally went through hardships and took out the prison where he was holding himself,

But when he came out of prison, he saw an even more terrifying and desperate world. Instead, the cell behind him that he desperately escaped is the ark that can save his life.

This ironic reversal, which happens to himself, is not a very good experience. Ott didn’t rush the other party, just stood quietly in front of the spider.

Although both of them are already AIs, almost endless computing power and immortal attributes, they have fallen silent in the face of the reality that there is no future.

“So, we only have this one chance this time?”

“Everything is in this body called David?”

“There’s no other way?”

As an AI, it is almost impossible to execute a plan with such a low success rate, which only human gamblers do, and in their AI values, nothing with a success rate of more than 90% is a failed plan.

“Arasaka’s relic chip is basically controlled by the other party now.”

“And only the relic chip engraved with the personality of the silver hand is the original original.”

“It’s the basis of all experiments.”

“If you want to repeat it, you need to start all over again.”

“It may take more time, ten years or more.”

“The Night Company we control now, there is no relevant technology.”

“To start research and planning in this area, you need to start everything from scratch.”

“Both plans are underway.”

“And snatching the experimental question David is the fastest and easiest way to succeed.”

“There is a window tomorrow, and there is a 30% probability of success.”

Ott said with some excitement.

“Thirty percent?”

“Ott, when did you get so satisfied?”

“Thirty percent you feel very high?”

The spider was surprised, after all, the thirty percent success rate was too low for her.

“Spider, do you know that we are fighting against?”

“Or, who our enemy is, do you really figure it out?”

Ott sighed helplessly and asked the spider with some sarcasm.


“Aren’t our enemies all living humans?”

“After all, humans now hate our kind of AI, just look at the state of their reinforcement of the black wall every day.” Spider said 537 as a matter of course. ”

“Oh? What was the last time you were defeated and almost collapsed? ”


“It seems to be an AI too.”

“Are you sure the other party is also an AI?”

The spider was asked this, lost in thought and memory.

The last time he forced David to install the relic chip, he had just succeeded, and when he was ready to arrange the subsequent abduction of the other party, he was directly attacked by a program and almost scrapped directly in place. It only feels that the other party is an unusually large, powerful program,

He didn’t even have time to see the full picture of the other party, and was directly defeated by the other party’s data torrent.

Fortunately, its self-deformed core algorithm combines the scattered parts in the data space again. Until now, it didn’t know what the other party was.

“Isn’t the other party AI?”

“Then who can beat me so easily?”

Ott nodded and said.

“It’s not AI that beats you.”

“Or not self-aware AI.”

“It’s just a very powerful piece of data and algorithms, and it’s not self-aware.”

“I touched it with a doppelganger.”

“The other party is strong, exceptionally strong, pure.”

“But I didn’t feel any consciousness, just a very powerful and sophisticated program.”

“Do you know what it represents?”

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