Chapter 31: Targeting


“Arasaka ninjas are all deeply customized and modified prosthetics.”

“So without destroying the heart and brain supplement, it is almost difficult to kill.”

“The scene is a little bloody, please bear with me.”

Lin Yue helplessly explained, so the easiest way to deal with humans is to directly high-voltage electric shock.

Some of the other abilities are a little overkill.

For example, the power grid arranged by Lin Yue in Night City has not had much opportunity to be used in the past month, except for the last time it was used to rush to the Vortex Gang.

Skills such as God’s Sanctions, Thunderbird, and Thunder Dragon have not had a chance to be used yet.

Maybe you can try it on Adam Hammer in the future.

The silicone combat uniform worn by the Voodoo Gang before, he noticed, but it was indeed a little useless.

“It’s okay, I’m still resisting.”

V wiped the corners of his mouth, indicating that he was okay.

She understood in her heart that the store manager Lin in front of her could be understood as a god of another world.

This can be seen not only from his unattainable abilities, but also from his disregard for human life.

Although many people die every day in Night City, that kind of death is not the same as what is in front of you.

It was like finding an ant nest on dry land when I was a child.

At that time, she could dispose of the ants crawling around in front of her at will

You can kill them gently, or you can let them go, observing their actions, pure pastime.

And if you don’t pay attention, the ants climb on themselves, they will be a little bored, just pinch to death or bounce away.

V thought about the content of the afternoon conversation

I can also be regarded as the content of the other party’s task, but Manager Lin still has some personal thoughts, which is more inclined to me.

If you encounter a god who cannot be confronted, if the other party does not hate themselves, they are already burning high incense.

Knowing that he was still somewhat favored, the worry in V’s heart was finally let go.

If the other party wants to be unfavorable to him, he does not have any ability to resist and struggle.

“Get in the car, let’s go.”

Lin Yue greeted, got into the car and continued to the bar.

This trip to work is really rich enough.


“Mann, find out where that James is.”

“Now in Westbrook, a search mission is being carried out.”

Qi Wei, a hacker of the Mann squad, posted information in the channel

The entire squad naturally saw it, and everyone immediately went into a state of readiness.

“Finally came out, this guy has been staying in the Arasaka company these days, and we don’t have a chance at all.”

“Fortunately, Saburo Arasaka is dead, otherwise these professional armies would have arranged a search mission.”

“Listen up and act according to the previous plan.”

“Lucy, remember to transmit the prepared virus to the other party, and run away immediately, the farther the better.”

“Okay, received.”

“Others pay attention to protect Lucy and Qi Wei along the road, mainly to seduce, do not fight.”

“Yes, received.”

Mann patted his thick arm, full of confidence.

This time, he is only responsible for causing the other party’s mental state to be unstable, not proving confrontation.

All this is arranged just in case, and it will not even be the turn to do it

The group set off from different places and started heading to Westbrook.

Lucy and Qi Wei were originally together

Qi Wei drove the car, and Lucy was in the co-pilot checking for the virus, in addition to the code, there were some video materials, photos and videos.

In the video, James’s wife and daughter are being treated inhumanely.

The picture is cruel, bloody and even some break through the bottom line of human beings.

However, these are all made and processed, and they do not really happen.

But when the other party’s spirit is on the verge of collapse, this even fake picture impact can be the last straw that crushes people’s spirits.

“Isn’t it cruel for us to do this?”

Lucy asked with some unbearability in her heart.


“Lucy, do you have any misunderstanding about Night City?”

“Or do you have any misconceptions about us mercenaries?”

Qi Wei asked in a somewhat surprised tone.

“Cruelty? Do you think that we are so persecuting someone you don’t know, it’s too moral? ”

Lucy was silent and did not answer, but it also represented the thoughts in her heart.

“Hehe, then I’ll take this opportunity to talk to you.”

“For you who have just arrived in the Night City, this is an essential lesson.”

“I don’t know your previous experience and past, and I’m not interested.”

“Night City is a city independent of other countries.”

“Although the government ostensibly has control, in reality it is big companies that control the whole society.”

“Your so-called morality, here in a large company, is almost equivalent to nothing.”

“They sell prosthetics at a high price, which makes you have a higher viability in today’s society, but it is accompanied by inevitable adverse reactions.”

“Then they introduced so-called immunosuppressants, and you should know the price.”

“They don’t listen to you and treat us like rats or sheep.”

“We are both their sheep and of course their wool.”

“The salary of ordinary citizens is only one or two thousand euros a month, while the income of large companies is tens of billions of yuan a year.”

“So in this distorted society, don’t fantasize too much about good things.”

“For money, for power, everyone in this city can betray everyone.”

“So if you encounter betrayal later, it is your mistake, don’t blame others.”

Qi Wei also dutifully taught Lucy a lesson at this time.

Lucy continued to be silent, although she had been wandering and fleeing for many years, she also saw the world in Qi Wei’s mouth.

But there has always been a light and tenderness in her heart.

Although it is not much, it is the reason and meaning of her life.

She was really afraid that one day these would also be lost, and she would be like cyberpsychosis, directly out of control.

For the rest of the journey, the two did not continue to communicate in silence, and the car shuttled through the urban steel jungle.

“Are they all in place?”

“Okay, since it’s all here, let’s get started.”

“Qi Wei, start cracking the other party’s firewall.”

“Lucy, be ready to insert the virus at any time.”


Ten minutes passed, and Qi Wei had not yet given a response, and Mann asked anxiously.

“Qi Wei, what’s wrong?”

“The other party is actually a military-grade independent brain domain system, and the firewall is too strong.”

“It takes time.”

“How much longer?”

“Ten minutes!”

“Okay, wait for you for ten minutes, if there is danger, you can stop.”

Although Night City is a place that eats people and does not spit out bones,

But the Manns are kind of mercenaries with their own style and persistence.

We never treat our team members badly, and we try to compare our hearts to our hearts.

This is also the common thing for other teams to eat black, and the Mann team can be around for many years.

Everyone was quietly waiting for Qi Wei’s cracking action at this time

As long as she succeeds, Lucy’s viral upload is almost instantaneous.

So it’s almost fair to say that anything could happen in the next second.

The other party went crazy directly and killed indiscriminately.

Or the hacker did not succeed, let the other party perceive the problem, and left early.

It’s all possible.



Qi Wei whispered in the channel, tired and happy.

“Received… Upload complete! ”


Sergeant James, captain of the Arasaka Special Operations Group.

He joined the army and actively participated in various experiments and tasks in the army.

The killing gene in his bones also made him an excellent soldier.

“It’s really shocking.”

“Chairman Saburo Arasaka was actually poisoned and killed?”

James was checking with the NCPD people, who were also old fritters in the area.

NCPD served as the nominal manager of the city, but was chronically understaffed.

This time Arasaka Saburo was killed, and they also asked Arasaka to send his own armed escort to assist them in the investigation.

Just when James wanted to say something, his brain domain bear was suddenly hacked!

His various chips and firewall ratings are military grades

Not to mention that it is difficult to crack, anyway, I have never been hacked.

He was originally confident, but his face suddenly changed drastically.

The other party actually cracked the firewall!

Then he forcibly received a packaged virus.

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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