Chapter 26: Escape from Death, Hanako Arasaka

Jack carried the large box and went straight to the bar.

“Claire, give me anything.”

“It’s exhausting me.”

Claire poured him a glass of whiskey and asked casually.

“Looks like the mission went well?”

Jack took a sip of wine and immediately shouted.


“Lao Tzu almost died directly just now!”

“If it weren’t for my wisdom and martial arts, I would have planted it this time!”

V’s eyes kept looking at Lin Yue, and Claire also ignored the other party.

Lin Yue came to V, looked at the two and said.

“Another drink of ‘Night City’?”


V was not in a hurry, but quietly waited for his wine.

After a while, the cocktail was adjusted and pushed in front of her.

“If you have anything you want to ask, you can say it directly, we have plenty of time now.”

V took a sip of wine and waited a while before he began to speak.

“Arasaka Yori-sen knew from the beginning that we went back to steal chips?”

“I told him, I told him to take care of you both.”

“So we didn’t die or did his men show mercy?”

“So, you don’t really think his room can get in and out so easily, do you?”

“Even if you manage the so-called cyber hacks, top bodyguards like Adam Hammer will find you when you enter the building.”

“Then what’s the point of our mission?”

V listened to the truth and was clearly very angry.

“It’s kind of a show where everyone knows what’s going on.”

“So that the chip can be handed over to the people who need it more smoothly.”

“But just ask, is the chip okay?”

V angrily left the box on the countertop

“We managed to escape by snatching a trauma team’s hovering car.”

“The chip is okay, by the way, both of us are okay.”

Lin Yue shrugged a little helplessly, sure enough, good people are so easy to misunderstand.

“If you want to live in the future, it’s best to stay in the afterlife bar and don’t run around.”

“You guys are not dead, this matter does not conform to the setting of the script, so there will be people to come and clean up the aftermath.”

“As for what else Dexter has Evelyn, you don’t have to think about it.”

“It should be cleaned up before sunrise.”

“Claire, you are responsible for taking in Jack for two days.”

“I’m responsible for her safety in V’s case.”

Jack was puzzled, and he hadn’t fully reacted to what had happened.

He started calling unbelievably, first Dexter, then TBUG, and finally even Evelyn Parker.

After everyone couldn’t get through, he had to recognize reality.

“So if we had just gone to the Ember Bar, we would have died too?”

Jack murmured. Lin Yue nodded.

“I didn’t expect you to be so decisive and come directly to me.”

“This makes you one less escape, and the trauma team service I bought is a bit wasted.”

“You two don’t have to worry, wait here for a while.”

“Whoever should have come will arrive before dawn.”

V also probably understood the general nature of the matter, although it was not yet known who they were and what their purpose was.

But she has accepted that the task is a scam.

And she and Jack are the two clowns who were chosen to die who should have died.


“Gang master, something happened to the Cyan Mansion.”

“Not only was the trauma team dispatched, but the NCPD was also present.”

The Voodoo Gang’s help Britch received a message from his men.

“Any other news?”

“Yes, I heard that Saburo Arasaka is dead. The entire edifice was sealed under martial law. ”

“The suspect is said to have hijacked a hovering vehicle and has fled.”

“The trauma team refused to provide the hovering vehicle data and information and is now unable to trace the suspect’s whereabouts.”

“What about the Dexters? Also Where is Evelyn Parker now? ”

“I can’t find it, I can’t contact it.”


“I knew this Dexter was unreliable!”

Bridget was about to get angry when another call came in.

“Gang master, I’m in charge of monitoring Shop Manager Lin.”

“Just now I saw two mercenaries enter the bar with a large box in their hands.”

“Looking at their image, they look very similar to the mercenaries on this mission.”

After Bridget heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief, which was finally good news.

“Good job, you guys will follow these two today, as soon as they go out of the bar, report me immediately.”

“I’ll rush over now.”


In a suite at a hotel, an Asian woman is woken up by the phone.

She was a little annoyed, after all, disturbing her sleep had not been done for a long time.

“Give me a reasonable reason.”

“Miss Hanako, I’m sorry.”

“Your father, Saburo Arasaka has just confirmed that he was killed.”

The woman got up directly from the bed and continued to ask.

“Where did it happen, and who did it?”

“In Lai Xuangongzi’s suite, Lai Xuangongzi claimed to be poisoned.”

“The scene identified signs that there were two mercenaries infiltrating and that they had managed to escape.”

“At the same time, Lai Xuangongzi also claimed that he lost something very important in his room.”

The woman’s eyes narrowed, and she was silent for a long time.

“Find out the whereabouts and information of the two people who escaped from the scene as soon as possible.”

“Five million euros for a person if caught, and one million euros for death.”

“Yes, Miss.”

After the woman hung up the phone, she first quietly did it for a while, and then ordered the driver to come to the headquarters of Arasaka Company in Night City.

No nonsense directly through the layers of security, directly on the very floor of the headquarters building.

In this place close to twenty floors underground, there was actually a fully armed escort of nearly five hundred people.

The woman, as the only daughter of Saburo Arasaka, Hanako Arasaka, can’t go inside with her face when she arrives at this place.

Various identity verifications, and even talked to an artificial intelligence for half a day before being able to enter the innermost room of this underground fortress.

The room is not big, a huge screen is in the middle of the room

Behind the screen is a cryogenic freezer in which a ‘relic’ chip sits quietly.

Hanako Arasaka came to the screen, summoned the operation interface, and began to operate.

After a while, the chip in the freezer in the rear flickered, and then a face appeared on the screen.

“Hanako, you woke me up, is there something wrong with me in reality?”

Saburo Arasaka’s hologram appeared in front of Hanako and questioned aloud.

“Yes, father, your body has been killed.”

“Oh, who did it? Military technology or which country’s assassination squad? ”

“It shouldn’t be either, you were killed in Lai Xuan’s room.”

“There should be only four people in the room at that time, two mercenaries, and you and Lai Xuan.”

“Lai Xuan claimed that you were poisoned by mercenaries. This is what happened just two hours ago. ”

After a moment of silence, the hologram began to ask.

“That relic chip, what’s going on now?”

“I heard it was stolen.”

“Well, our technology is still the last step, this time it depends on the cooperation between the Voodoo Gang and that person.”

“Find out about the chip and contact me at any time.”

“Yes, my lord father.”

After all the images disappeared, Hanako Arasaka also exited the room.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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