Chapter 90 Testimonials

  Tomorrow, that is, Monday, it will be on the shelves, and the time to see the truth has come, so I am very nervous.

  Thank you for your support and love for this book during the recent period. Xiaoyu is a part-time codeword, and basically relies on various spare time, so he doesn't write much every day.

  The original plan was to update the word count the same as during the public period, that is, two chapters a day, 2,000 words per chapter. But this book did give me a lot of surprises. I didn't expect so many people to like it.

  The more people you like, the more motivated you will be. Although the codeword speed is sluggish, Xiaoyu still wants to work hard to add more codewords, so from the beginning of the shelf, 6,000 words are updated every day, and it is still divided into two chapters, which is 3,000 words per chapter. This number of words has really reached the limit, daily tens of thousands and so on, maybe I can do it one day when my coding speed increases.

  But tomorrow will be the first day on the shelves. In order to get your support, I still want to update a little more, so all the saved manuscripts will be released. After 12 o'clock tonight, a total of six chapters have been updated, which is 18,000 words.

   I hope everyone can join us in the future, thank you.

  Finally, I would like to thank my editor-in-charge, Qinghu, who is very kind and has helped me a lot. Thank you for my editor-in-charge.

  Finally, I hope everyone can subscribe and vote monthly, thank you!

  (end of this chapter)

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