Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 780: Stunning Auction

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In the office behind the auction, Qu Liang stood quietly, looking at the auction in front of him through the one-way transparent glass.

In fact, the first auction is profound.

Mobilizing the atmosphere is nothing but the superficial meaning. Which is more meaningful.

First of all, the price of Dayang Group’s spiritual materials is made public-tell everyone that Dayang Group’s spiritual materials are at this price, and they have always been so clearly priced and childish.

But most importantly, it is not easy to quote an average price. Some have burned their brains. And this can instantly let everyone enter the state of the auction.

Selling so many single crystal spirits at once is very attractive.

Previously, the monocrystalline spirit materials of Dayang Group were sold by person and gram; sometimes even if you want to buy more.

Especially single crystal-grade fine gold, mithral silver, and star fine gold are rarely seen on the market. You don't have to buy it if you want to buy it.

These things are real strategic materials. And the highest price is only 10% off the market price.

Monocrystalline spirit is very expensive, and a little discount is a great concession.

Not to mention those who are qualified to participate in the auction, not only the representatives of the country and the Holy Land, but also many large and medium-sized schools, families, business groups, etc.

In order to prevent someone from getting the auction but not having enough wealth to pay, the auction will allow live transactions.

The staff of the auction are busy, constantly collecting quotations from all parties.

The time passed quietly for half an hour, but not many quotations were submitted.

A countdown appears on the phantom array-30 minutes.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

This is an auction, not a venue for negotiation. Of course, it is impossible to give everyone a lot of time to figure out people's hearts.

So various means appeared.

Divination, astrology, Zhuyouzhi, support and so on, and so on.

Half an hour passed quickly, everyone submitted the answer, and the staff on the spot immediately sang the ticket.

A total of only 3,000 people (representatives) were eligible to participate in the auction, which was quickly counted.

The average price of Lingcai fluctuates between 84% and 86%, and many quotations are accurate to five decimal places. The answer was announced on the spot, and the delegates who got the single crystal Lingcai smirked excitedly-saving almost 15% of the price.

But the single crystal level of Jing Jing Jing gold, but something went wrong. It was actually a representative of a business group from the country of Shaoze who photographed the fine gold of stars.

This representative also simply did not have an on-site auction, but borrowed money from the country representative on the spot, and then divided with the country after returning.

This small, weird auction ended, but the atmosphere on the spot reached its peak.

Qu Liang appeared again and personally presided over the next auction.

There is a projection of an aircraft carrier in the sky. The aircraft carrier is advancing in the violent wind and sailing in the rainstorm. The lightning strikes and thunders and the storm waves, but the aircraft carrier is still and the wind is breaking.

The booming sound made everyone shocked by the scene.

Especially when the aircraft carrier took off one after another on a fighter plane or landed roaring, a breath of big industry came.

The picture only played for less than two minutes, but the momentum displayed shook the audience.

Qu Liang looked at the stunned expression of everyone with satisfaction, and smiled: "I think everyone has guessed it. Yes, the second auction will auction the aircraft carrier!"

We will put the finale items directly at the beginning. "

Qu Liang paused after speaking, giving everyone a chance to react.

Generally speaking, in the subconscious mind of countless people, the finale of the auction is of course the last one-the finale of the finale, of course, the last.

I don't want this auction of the Ocean Group to go the other way, and it came out at the beginning.

But if you think about it carefully, you actually understand:

The aircraft carrier is too expensive, not so expensive, and it has already approached the tolerance limit of all parties. If you leave the aircraft carrier at the end, everyone in the front will be very stingy, and the price will not go up.

It's better to auction the aircraft carrier first, so that everyone can safely bid on the items behind it!

General finale items, no matter how high the value will not exceed everyone's ability to bear. So the final auction is the best.

But the situation of the aircraft carrier is destined to be auctioned in advance.

After waiting for about a minute, Qu Liang continued, "The aircraft carrier, the original idea, was as early as 16 years ago. At that time, President Zhang said, we are going to build a steel land on the sea!

This is a promise and a promise. It is also a dream, a dream and determination to conquer nature.

Sixteen years later, we did it!

What we are about to auction is the third Seahawk-class aircraft carrier, which uses a variety of brand-new technologies. However, the specific technical information is not easy to disclose. Only those who have captured the aircraft carrier last will get all the information.

I will probably introduce the situation of the aircraft carrier.

Let me talk about the deck first, this is a real, sea, steel land. It will be a mobile territory floating on the sea. Its deck area is 36 acres!

This is also a city on the sea. There is a complete ecosystem on the aircraft carrier, which can survive independently for three months under complete isolation. If sea fishing and hunting are added, the survival ability can reach more than one year.

If it is later modified, it may be longer.

There is also an aircraft carrier armor, which uses a new composite armor. Adopt the technology of steel and aluminum fitting together. The armor thickness has reached an unprecedented thickness of 1.2 meters!

What is the concept of 1.2 meters thickness? The 800mm shells exploded at close range without damage! French-level attacks can resist twice!

That is to say, as long as they are not continuously hit the same position, the masters of the French phase can not sink this aircraft carrier.

It is a real sea land that never sinks!

Finally, briefly talk about the military value of the aircraft carrier. It is a mobile, sea-based land, and the simple transport force can throw 30,000 fully armed army or 10,000 mechanized legions at a time.

But the biggest role of the aircraft carrier is to guard.

An aircraft carrier sailing on the sea, with the combat aircraft, its combat range, impact range, that is, the guard range, the diameter can exceed 20,000 kilometers.

At full speed, the fighter has a radius of 10,000 kilometers, which only takes half an hour.

When the aircraft carrier stops at Changshan Port, its attack range can cover the emperor capital of Qingyun Kingdom, the west of Shaoze Kingdom, and the northwest coast of Taotu Chau.

If the aircraft carrier stops at Sanxian Island, it can cover the southwestern edge of West Kunlun to the northeast and the northeast coast of Taotu Chau to the southwest. It can directly block the nautical lines of the Fertile Land Continent, Kunlun Continent, Taotu Continent and Maotu Continent!

This is the meaning of the aircraft carrier!

An aircraft carrier is an absolute field with a radius of 20,000 kilometers! "

With the introduction of Qu Liang, the representatives of the holy places and great powers on the scene became more and more gloomy!

Yes, gloomy, not jealous!

The jealousy is of course, but the representatives who can represent the various holy places and superpowers in the auction are even political and military elites.

They are very keenly aware that this aircraft carrier seems to have changed the rules of war again!

What is the range of the second-generation Thunder cannon that exceeds 200 kilometers? An aircraft carrier is enough to suppress the world of 20,000 kilometers!

Everyone did not see the battle of the surface aircraft carrier, but they saw many exercises.

In addition, everyone has seen the battle of the sky and the aircraft carrier. The Ming Dynasty's sky city was destroyed by 30% in the first battle, and the Ming Dynasty trembling.

Simple fighters are not terrible, and simple aircraft carriers are also bulky. But the combination of the two directly changed the rules of the game.

In countless shocking eyes, the curved beam slowly opened:

"The contents of the aircraft carrier auction include:

First, an aircraft carrier;

Second, the Ocean Group can train 3,000 aircraft carrier operators and simple maintenance personnel on behalf of it, ensuring that everyone will have no worries;

Third, Dayang Group provides a half-year quality guarantee. Within one month, due to the quality of the warship itself, Dayang Group will replace it for free; free maintenance within six months! However, if it is artificially damaged, improperly operated, or more than half a year, Ocean Group will provide repair and maintenance services. As long as the aircraft carrier is still in operation, this promise is permanently valid.

Now, the auction has officially started.

The starting price of an aircraft carrier is 900 million top grade spirit stones, and each increase in price shall not be less than one million top grade spirit stones. "

Everyone is silent for a moment-the value of 900 million top-grade spirit stones is trembling.

Because of the colonial war, the current holy places and major powers are able to provide 900 million yuan; but this is only the starting price. Moreover, it is useless to buy an aircraft carrier, but also to buy a fighter; later operation and maintenance are not small numbers.

Everyone should think about it carefully.

But... the thought of this era of big sailing makes all parties want to stop.

As for the surrounding audience, it is already numb. Nine hundred million top-grade spirit stones are top-grade spirit stones!

Finally, after three minutes of silence, West Kunlun made the first offer: 910 million.

A minimum price of 1 million was added.

With the beginning, more people immediately spoke. For this auction, everyone prepared for half a year of wealth-as early as the beginning of the year, the Ocean Group confirmed the auction.

The price gradually began to climb, and after ten minutes, the price exceeded 960 million!

After 30 minutes, the price exceeded 1 billion, and everyone finally began to calm down.

"One billion and one million!" The Candle Dragon Island, the representative of the true martial arts, and the elder Wu Wuwu offered. This is the first offer of Candle Dragon Island!

In an instant, some unknown eyes gathered.

The elder elder sat quietly, immobile, as if he had just spoken.

After years of accumulation, in a semi-colonial environment, Xuanzhenism developed its teeth. Today, he finally made his voice.

Prices are climbing again.

Another 20 minutes later, the elders of the Candle Dragon Continent and the Zhenwu Religion spoke again: "1.05 billion!"

This time, the elder Wu Wuwu's eyes flashed coldly: Well, even if I can't get it, let the price go up!

The Candle Dragon Continent has been reduced to a semi-colonial colony. Although the Ocean Group is the driving force behind the scenes, the Ocean Group has now completely withdrawn from colonization, and there are others in the real colony.

In any case, the Ocean Group remains neutral, and the Candle Dragon Island now also needs the Ocean Group. In this way, it is necessary to sell Dayang Group.

It is impossible for such an auction to be entrusted, and Dayang Group also disdains arrangement. But it is even better if someone volunteers.

Wu Wuwu is well aware that the power and effectiveness of this aircraft carrier are sufficient to change the existing pattern of maritime warfare, and even the war pattern of coastal land. The current wars are mainly concentrated in the coastal and coastal wars.

Therefore, each holy place is a must for the aircraft carrier-as long as the price is not too ridiculous.

1.1 billion!

Wu Wuwu set himself a goal.

Within 1.1 billion, the Zhuzhou Dragon Island can also take out its teeth. Even more than 1.1 billion.

With the participation of Wu Wuwu, the price broke through 1.1 billion at noon, but hard but firm. At this point, Wu Wuwu no longer speaks. But I don't know how many eyes around, I wish I could tear up Wu Wu.

Many holy places and countries have already withdrawn.

But the auction continues. The audiences around were already stunned and their souls solidified.

Ten years ago, the wealth of the country was calculated in terms of millions of spirit stones. Today, the price of an auction item has exceeded 1.1 billion.

"1.113 billion!" Ming Dynasty quoted again.

"Add 2 million!" West Kunlun continued to offer.

The representative of the Ming Dynasty Zeng Yinghui gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted: "1.12 billion!"

Directly added 5 million.

Because he had suffered a loss, the Ming dynasty had some ambitions for the aircraft carrier. In addition, the Ming dynasty is very rich.

The representative of West Kunlun hesitated, sighed, and stopped speaking.

Quliang counted down, and finally the aircraft carrier fell into the hands of the Ming Dynasty at a price of 1.12 billion.

But the auction will continue. The next thing to be auctioned is the fighter. 60 fighters, divided into 19 groups.

A group of 2 fighters, a total of 7 groups;

A group of 3 fighters, another 7 groups;

Finally, there are 5 groups of 5 fighters.

The representatives who participated in the auction included Earth World and Candle Dragon Continent, a total of eight continents, and more than 50 large forces. Even a country like the Western Zhou Dynasty that fell into semi-colonial rule wanted to fight for it.

There are so many forces, but there are only 19 groups of fighters, and the fierce competition has erupted before the auction has begun.

The quotation of the unit price of the fighter is 80 million yuan, and the single price increase is 100,000 yuan.

Qu Liang first briefly introduced the general situation of the next fighter: supersonic speed above the aura layer, 500 km altitude ceiling, rapid speed of more than 10 times the speed of sound in the aura layer, the maximum dive speed can reach 12 times the speed of sound.

In addition, the effect of fighter jets in national rescue naturally need not be said-the Ocean Group personally performed twice! This is something that wins the hearts of the people.

After a series of introductions, Qu Liang directly let three fighters perform.

Without the formation of the formation, the physical performance of the fighter was completely roared into the sky.

And when the detonation when the fighter broke through the sound barrier, especially the sound explosion cloud that appeared out of thin air, shocked the audience again.

The three fighters did not land in the sky, and the auction had already begun.

The sky was booming, but the auction below was fiery.

Even many large business groups have participated in the auction.

For example, the Lingbo Group under the Xiaoyao School. Wang Ruiyang, the president of Lingbo Group, came in person. He didn't open his mouth, but he gently stroked a small green turtle with his right hand. The little turtle was lying in the heart of Wang Ruiyang's left palm. Four small paws were crawling and lazy.

The person next to Wang Ruiyang kept quoting.

Today's Lingbo Group is learning the Ocean Group-want to get rid of the control of the Xiaoyao faction. However, it is not easy.

With the example of the Ocean Group and Xuanzhenism, the Xiaoyao School is not so easy to fool.

Of course, Wang Ruiyang is not simple, and now it can be said to be very effective.

However, at this time, Wang Ruiyang watched the sky fighters become enchanted. What he thought at this time was the dominance of the Ocean Group-the enterprise was anchored to the country.


This is the role model.

Ten minutes later, the fighter in the sky landed, and the first fighter auction ended.

The transaction price of the three fighters is 321 million. The average unit price is 107 million top grade spirit stones.

On the whole, everyone is still more restrained. This thing is too expensive, and Qu Liang said just now that the maintenance of the fighter is very troublesome and expensive.

However, these three fighters were once again obtained by the Ming Dynasty-they got the aircraft carrier, but they needed fighters.

Then there was the auction of five fighters.

This time the Ming Dynasty succeeded again, but the unit price rose to 120 million, and five fighters consumed 600 million.

At this point, the Ming Dynasty actually consumed 2.041 billion top-grade spirit stones!

That is to say, the Ming dynasty can bring out so much wealth, dominating a continent, the spirit stone...maybe just a number.

Perhaps the Ming dynasty believed that it was worthwhile to exchange these items with spirit stones.

Since then, the unit price of the fighter has not fallen below 110 million. Even the true martial arts of Zhuolongzhou also auctioned five fighters-the transaction price of these five fighters jumped to 630 million.

This auction is destined to shock the world.

The fighter auction ended in fierceness. The price of the last three fighters actually climbed to 150 million.

Then came the auction of two hundred mechas. This thing is much better, but because the whole body is made of top-grade steel and some single-crystal spirit materials, the price is still as high as 30 million.

However, the application range of the mecha is wider and the requirements are lower, and because it is a magic weapon technology, it does not need to be maintained like a fighter. It is still very applicable market.

Eventually, by the next morning, all 200 Mechas were successfully auctioned. The transaction price is between 40 million and 45 million.

Of course, whether it is a fighter or a mech, Dayang Group provides basic training, and three guarantees services.

However, on the afternoon of the second day of the auction, the auction items of Dayang Group detonated the audience again.

"French phase spirit material!"

Before the auction started, these five characters appeared on the phantom array.

At this time no one has thought about why the Ocean Group's phantom array is so good. Everyone was attracted by the five big characters.

Spirit level of the Fa phase?

Does it exist?

Before the Dayang Group, it was extremely difficult for the integrators to find spiritual materials at the level of Gods. In particular, it can be used in the later period of Huashen.

It was not until the Dayang Group produced the single crystal spirit that solved this problem. This is also one of the reasons why the single crystal spirit material is expensive.

But the Fa-Xiang Spirit has not yet existed.

At the time when the Ocean Group collided with the masters of the Ming dynasty, the magic weapon everyone used was nothing more than ‘God Limit’, not the Fa!

So far, the magic weapon used by all the masters of the law is also the limit of divinity, or even lower.

After more than two years of searching, everyone reluctantly admits: Fa-level spirit material may not exist!

It is conceivable that these five words have brought shock to everyone.

(Five thousand words chapter. Thank you for your support.)

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