Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 672: Burning sea 1

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"I'm crazy, crazy, humans are crazy!" In the distant sea, King Dragon Silver Horn protruded out of his head, stunned and stared at the war ahead.

Humans are the most terrifying life in this world!

These are only a few years, but it is only time for the king to take a nap, and the war of mankind has become so crazy.

In the impression of King Silverhorn, human wars were generally on land.

King Silverhorn has also seen some wars in the ocean, but the remarkable thing is that a few of the gods will disperse after a little contest, and they will generally not be born or died.

Even if the human deification period wants to find something under the sea, such as special spiritual materials, it is generally three or five deification periods to join together to explore the seabed.

In fact, there have been very few wars at sea in the past. Not to mention this kind of scene, the scenes of hundreds of gods of confrontation, or killing several of them in one shot.

Previously, humans cleaned up the monsters in the inner sea, etc., not just overnight, but after a long tens of millions of years to clean up a little bit; it can even be said that some powerful monsters took the initiative to retreat.

Today, times have really changed!

The silver horned king's eyes were a little emotional. Although it is a dragon, it is a dragon with a dream-now the silver horn king also knows the concept of starry sky.

"In the future, I am going to enter the Xinghai Dragon! It is not a dragon that can only play mud in the sea!"

King Silverhorn looked at the battle ahead with proud eyes. But... well, Jiaolong's eyes were quickly attracted by the crazy war ahead.

Beside the silver horn king, there is also the blue dragon Wangwang, Yuanlin and blue scales. In addition, there are some naval staff members of the Ocean Group. They took a temporary ride from King Silverhorn.

King Silverhorn certainly doesn't want to be a mount, but...comrade-in-arms are fine.

The war ahead quickly entered into fierce heat. Xuan Zhen's Lu Xuanyu's eyes were firm, and at this time he thought to himself: The strategy provided by the Ocean Group!

Judging from the total tonnage of warships and the total tonnage of warships, the naval power of the anti-aggressive alliance has never been at a disadvantage.

Therefore, if you want to win, you can't fight "hard battle" with the other party, but you must fight "smart battle"! This "smart" is more strategic.

Coincidentally, it does not mean that it does not bleed, but it means surprisingly winning. And if you want to win unexpectedly, you have to sacrifice!

The strategy of the Ocean Group only gives a general direction; moreover, this general direction has also become blurred with the sudden attack of the strategic alliance. What Lu Xuanyu can do now is to play against him.

The naval guns on both sides were fired more than five times. The sky was full of the roar of naval guns and the screams of shells flying.

Warships and warships tremble under the attack of artillery shells.

Lu Xuanyu stood in front of the captain's room, holding the railing with both hands, and could see the other's commander and Xiao Yunlong without telescopes.

The eyes of the two faced each other through the ten-kilometer space through the water waves blown up by the shells.

Suddenly, Lu Xuanyu's mouth twitched, giving the other party a smug, seemingly dangerous and weird sneer, and then resolutely issued a crazy command:

All skinned warships remain in the current fighting state, always covering the opposing fleet with naval guns. In the Weihai Fleet, 72 steel warships suddenly turned their direction and launched an attack on the Jinghai Fleet towards the East and the Kingdom of Shaoze!

"Crazy!" Xiao Yunlong, the commander of the Zhenhai Fleet, immediately frowned.

The 72 steel warships of the Weihai Fleet did not fire for speed. The surface enchantment of the battleship is fully opened, and the formation effect of the battleship is also fully opened.

The 72 warships collectively maintained a speed of 120 kilometers per hour and launched a charge to 10 kilometers away!

In the rear, more than two thousand skinned warships still maintained their previous state, and continued to provide artillery support and cover crazy.

Xiao Yunlong looked at the 72 advancing steel warships, and his heart was slightly heavy. He can't figure out what the other person thinks, is this a desperate struggle? Or is it a deliberate decision? Or is there any secret weapon?

Xiao Yunlong also wanted to take a closer look. He didn't want a row of artillery shells to fall. At least more than thirty artillery shells smashed on and around his flagship. The battleship was violently shaking during the explosion, and the waves were violent, blocking his sight.

The crazy explosion made everyone on the battleship deaf for a short time, even if it turned into a buzzing phase, it felt a bit of a whirlwind.

The squeak of the warship erupted in the explosion.

This flagship, but the purchased Arctic Ocean-class battleship of the Ocean Group, is still the latest model, with a displacement of up to 35,000 tons. This is the most powerful battleship at present, and it is also the most powerful sea vessel among all sea ships, even if it is a dozen The siege of the gods can't be shaken.

However, shells are fine!

When a shell explodes underwater, especially when it is next to a battleship, its destructive power is terrible. If multiple shells explode, they can even distort or even tear the battleship.

Xiao Yunlong has heard the explanation from the engineering and technical personnel of the Ocean Group. Although it is not very clear, at least one thing is clear: the shells explode underwater, the pressure is concentrated, the shock wave is transmitted rapidly, and the destructive force is in the air at close range. Several times!

At this time, the flagship was obviously set on fire, and Xiao Yunlong could roughly judge that there should be three shells exploding next to the underwater part of the battleship. Fortunately, they are scattered and not gathered together. In addition, several shells exploded within 10 meters, and several directly hit the enclave of the battleship.

After all, the warships are well bound, and they have been reinforced in the later period. I also want to thank Dayang Group’s steel warships for their powerful technology. The flagship is almost intact.

The warship continued to advance, and soon burst out of the exploding waves. Xiao Yunlong continued to observe the 72 steel warships sprinting ahead, but he had a new idea in mind: Is it possible that they have no secret weapons?

No, wait. There are four types of attack methods on the warships sold by the Ocean Group. Naval guns, ballistas, deep-water bombs, sniper guns and machine guns.

Long-range attacks, to be precise, attacks over 3 kilometers must be naval guns. The range of three kilometers to one kilometer is the attack range of naval guns, ballistas, and sniper rifles. Within a kilometer, it is the attack range of sniper rifles, machine guns, ballistas, and deep-water bombs. Naval guns are no longer applicable.

‘Don’t say that the other party is ready to attack within a kilometer? ’Xiao Yunlong looked dignified.

The Weihai Fleet of Xuanzhenism only had 72 steel warships. However, these steel warships are all the technology of Ocean Group!

On the contrary, although there are 85 steel warships in this Jinghai fleet, only 21 warships were purchased from the Ocean Group, and most of them were ‘small boats’ ranging from 10,000 tons to 15,000 tons.

The rest of the steel warships were produced by the country of Shaoze. Although the technology is good, but to tell the truth, after in-depth understanding, Xiao Yunlong has to admit that the gap is still relatively large compared to the steel battleship of the Ocean Group.

Regardless of the structure, craftsmanship, shipboard and profile level, and the arrangement of the array, there are gaps. For every gap, the whole is completely behind.

Especially the stability of the steel battleship in operation can obviously feel the bumps. When the naval gun fires continuously toward the side, the warship attacks three times in a row, and it needs to stop for about one minute to stabilize the warship. However, the warship of the Ocean Group can shoot continuously.

In addition, the maximum displacement of these self-produced steel warships is 18,000 tons.

However, in addition to the steel warships, the Jinghai fleet also has 211 black iron warships. The technology of black iron warships is similar to that of steel warships, the difference is that they use black iron instead of spiritualized steel!

The black iron warship is a product of immature technology and a compromise between cost and cost.

The black iron warship is almost indistinguishable from the steel battleship in artillery attack and enchantment defense. However, once the enchantment is breached, the fragile side of the black iron warship will manifest itself most vividly.

The black iron warship is too large to be refined and strengthened like an ordinary magic weapon, and can only rely on the performance defense of the black iron itself. Its defensive ability is nothing more than a magic weapon level. More powerful than wooden ships and skinned warships, but far inferior to steel warships.

Once in close combat, these black iron warships can't bear the direct fire of naval guns, ballistic artillery attacks and deep-water bomb attacks!

Therefore, in close combat, you may suffer at a loss! However, the opposing party has a total of 72 steel warships. If all these steel warships can be sunk or captured, it is equivalent to destroying the marine power of the Xuanzhenism.

On my own side, I have an absolute advantage in quantity!

Xiao Yunlong's eyes narrowed, and he quickly ordered:

All naval guns set fire to block the enemy's sprint; in addition, all black iron warships and steel warships moved closer to this side. Does the opponent want to meet shorthand? We, accompany!

72 battleships vs. 296 battleships! Although there is a technical gap between the two sides, the difference in number is even greater.

A crazy sea showdown is about to begin.

When Xiao Yunlong gave orders, when the warships of the Jinghai Fleet began to mobilize; the 72 warships led by Lu Xuanyu were already close to a kilometer away.

Under the cover of the rear warship, coupled with the warship's curved maneuver, and a strong defensive border, 67 of the 72 warships rushed to the front intact; the remaining 5 were slightly damaged and not serious.

On the contrary, during this period, because the warships of the Jinghai Fleet began to concentrate, they were hit a lot, and seven warships have been severely damaged; the damage was mainly black iron warships.

At the moment, Lu Xuanyu thought of the Ocean Group’s naval strategy-the Ocean Group never used any warships or black iron warships; the Ocean Group used it all the time: steel warships and large-caliber artillery, melee is mainly ballistas And deep-water bombs.

The attack by the Ocean Group has always been simple. But in this kind of simplicity, it contains huge lethality!

War requires effective lethality!

Lu Xuanyu's mind flashed through these, he decided to gamble and fire the Ocean Group's attack.

"All naval guns were leveled and aimed at the waterline, or the space at the bottom of the ship! Special, forbidden shells, aimed at the power cabin, ammunition depot, or fuel tank."

"Don't be stingy with deep-water bombs, let me go out. Don't wait longer at this time!"

"The ballista, the ballista ready, gave me the powerhouse and the ammunition depot."

"Pay attention to defense. This time, we seize the vertical position of the "D" position, not the horizontal bar position. Use our bow to impact the enemy formation, reducing the area under attack."

"Give me speed, speed up, don't slow down! Hit it! Use our bow to hit the enemy's side!"

The battleship bow of the Ocean Group has a reinforced collision angle, which is a sharp blade made entirely of steel, and the light is shining. At this time this blade was activated, exuding the luster of Lingbao.

The fiercest short soldiers broke out one after another. At a distance of one kilometer, both sides can even see the flames of the muzzle, the crossbows of the crossbow artillery, and the rows of deep-water bombs thrown.

At this time, no one has a better defense. I can only win!

The warships on both sides began to collide with an absolute speed of more than 200 kilometers. The shells, crossbows, deep-water bombs and flames between the two sides became the sky. The explosion flame and water column rushed to a height of 100 meters. Every shell that explodes underwater can set off a fountain.

From time to time, bomb ships that were exploded by warships went up in the air, and then twisted in the air. There were also powerful steel warships that were blown up and completely smashed back to the surface. Sometimes the bow of the ship could sometimes crash under the surface of the water, and then rushed out of the sea frantically. In the crazy rolling of the sea, the naval officers filled the ammunition calmly and almost coldly.

At this moment, everyone was in the roar of artillery fire, leaving life and death aside. In such a fierce battle, life or death or fear can no longer be taken into account. Yes, only the front, only the shells and guns around.

As the distance got closer, the sniper rifle began to explode. The bullets of these sniper rifles can easily penetrate the enclave, and then pass through the observation hole of the naval gun to **** the navy soldiers inside. Or simply kill the commander of the battleship and even everyone on the deck.

In this fierce battle, it is unclear whether the infants in Yuan dynasty may die. Flying swords of Yuan infantry and below have lost their use.

In the sky, the instincts of both sides are still entangled. From time to time, the instincts screamed and crashed into the sea. However, before they fell into the sea, the sky flashed cold, tearing the body and completely cutting off life. Want to take the opportunity to escape? Unless there is any special escape technique, there will be no death!

At this moment, there were only 66 warships among the 72 warships of the Xuanzhen religion; while the 296 warships of the Kingdom of Shaoze were reduced by 57! As long as there are shells exploding under the warship, the black iron warship must at least sink into a big pit.

The enchantment is attached to the structure of the battleship; when the structure of the battleship itself can not withstand the impact force, the effect of the enchantment can be little. Once the structure of the battleship itself is deformed, the foundation of the formation will be destroyed, and the enchantment... will naturally collapse.

The consequences are very miserable!

In such a battle, as soon as a warship loses its enchantment, it will immediately be sent shells and penetrate the ammunition depot. Crazy cannons can completely empty the deck.

At close range, the fragility of the black iron warship was exposed.

But even crazier, coming soon.

The two fleets are about to collide!

(Finally, the second change is completed. It is another four thousand words.)

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