Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1773: Angry bird

Let alone Gaia World. However, the sky demon world, after discovering that the spacecraft actually broke into the Gaia world through the parasitic giant beast, the sky demon·nine-headed sacred dragon·chixiao was furious.

But because of the confrontation with Gaia, Chi Xiao couldn't do without, and could only convey his anger to Our Lady of the Sky Demon. But deep down in his heart, Chi Xiao completely hated the Zhou Tian Great World, thinking that if he had a chance in the future, he would definitely let them know the wrath of the saint.

After receiving the news, the Mother of Heavenly Demon didn't get angry immediately, but sat in a chair strangely, thinking quietly. After more than ten days of thinking, the Mother of Heavenly Demon sighed. Then find Yingning and give instructions.

After that, the long princess Dragonfinch·Goddess·Yingning of the Sky Demon World went straight to the temporary office headquarters of the Zhoutian Great World and the core part of the Chaoge Star Cluster with endless anger.

A few years have passed, because the two worlds are arguing with each other, the Chaoge Star Cluster still has not been successfully constructed. The current phase one of the Chaoge Star Cluster is still as it was more than three years ago. However, a large number of stars that have been activated have also created a favorable practice environment for the current quasi-sages.

The quasi-sages are not in a hurry—at least it seems. We have a complete Blue Flag star cluster, this Chaosong star cluster drags and drags. Especially in the rear area, the special spacecraft produced by Bluestar Group and Dayang Group are ready, ready for a wave of raids at any time.

But it is not necessary for the time being.

As for the sky demon world, it is difficult to explore because the star cluster is delayed by tens of thousands of light years. Of course, most of the so-called difficulties are just lip service.

Anyway, according to the original agreement, the two parties agreed to build the first star cluster in ten years. It has only been delayed for less than four years, and it can be delayed for another three to five years. Slowly.

In the past, the sky demon world was not without protests and anger, but seeing the Chaoge Star Cluster also suspended the construction, it didn't have a temper. And three to five years are really not worth mentioning to the masters. Only a few years, and both sides can afford it.

As for the chance that the prospective saints are anxious about the saints, this anxiety is also relative. The most important thing now is to observe the world of Tai Yao. The most worrying thing for everyone now is:

What if there is a cluster of stars and cultivation techniques, the Mother of Heavenly Demon suddenly becomes a saint?

Don't forget, Our Lady of the Sky Demon reached its peak thousands of years ago and has been stuck here. In contrast, the first quasi-sage of the Zhoutian Great World was only a quasi-sage ten million years ago, and it was only nine million years ago that it reached its peak.

The fundamental gap between the two sides is still very large.

Not to mention that Tianshu Xingjun's subsequent growth was all his own exploration. There is a nine-headed sacred dragon · Chixiao beside the Heavenly Demon Mother, who can communicate at any time.

The difference between what was taught by the master and the wild child is really big.

Everyone often asks certain so-called masters: Who do you learn from? If you say you are self-taught, most people will look suspicious. There are self-taught talents, as well as elites; but relatively speaking, those who have learned from teachers tend to be better and more numerous.

Well, far away. In short, the quasi-sage still hesitated. Everyone is still discussing whether it was too hasty to promise the sky demon world to build a star cluster.

Therefore, the prospective saints hesitate in the current star cluster survey.

But on the other hand, it is also because Dayang Group also has some ideas here: delaying time.

For Dayang Group, regardless of the quasi-sage of the Zhoutian Great World or the Heavenly Demon World, one day can be delayed. The development of Dayang Group is changing with each passing day, and with every additional day, there is more hope.

Under the influence of Dayang Group, Lei Xingfeng is also making rapid breakthroughs.

In the past practice or comprehension, pay attention to perception. To say good is to perceive nature, and to say bad is to guess!

You face the wind and feel the nature and coolness of the wind; but science and technology can tell you: in fact, 24 degrees is a comfortable temperature, you don't need to feel it, just turn on the remote control of the air conditioner.

Some people may say that I want to cultivate nature; but science tells you that you just need psychological counseling, and there are more complete courses to cultivate temperament in the psychological curriculum.

If you just want to play and relax, it’s not better to go for a ride in a spacecraft~ Let’s say, do you want to see stars or gas planets, or sightseeing in the nebula, is not much better than on a small planet.

The speed of scientific development is much faster than that of traditional development. There are problems in scientific development, this must be admitted; but there are more benefits!

Under such circumstances, Lei Xingfeng reorganized his spiritual foundation and relearned the method of understanding the world. In addition, it has already had a good accumulation before, and now it has contact with some core technologies and ideas of Dayang Group, and it has made rapid progress.

The data and information released by the Dayang Group are not fake-it is not easy to fool the quasi-sage, but there are always some ‘crude’ and ‘incomplete’, which makes people easy to think about it. For example, the theory of the Big Bang sounds very good and reasonable, but there are problems with deep research.

Now with the guidance of Dayang Group's core theory, Lei Xingfeng finally figured out some key things in his practice.

For example, the practice theory put forward by Dayang Group is the result of the collision of spiritual quantum and energy quantum. There are three kinds of energy quantum that are beneficial to the human body that have been discovered so far: Reiki, the power of stars, and the power of life in the world of the demon (the power of blood and energy).

Aura is a low-end aura produced by the rock planet (nuclear fission), suitable for ordinary people to enter the stage of comprehension.

The power of the stars is the high-end aura produced by the stars (nuclear fusion), suitable for the cultivation stage after the Yuan Ying period.

The life force of the sky demon world is suitable for the gong body and the body of life (not only flesh and blood, but also plants).

In addition, Lei Xingfeng has also benefited from the computer technology and scientific analysis capabilities of Dayang Group. For example, to analyze the quasi-sage gene, the workload of this thing is definitely not small. If the primordial soul of the quasi-sage is used to calculate, I am afraid that it will take thousands of years; but using a computer, a few years is enough.

In the series of data that need to be calculated in scientific research, genes are nothing but an ornament. The natural constant, pi, space-time constant, nuclear fusion technology, etc., the amount of calculation for any one is astronomical.

Some people may ask: What is the calculation of Pi? Does it make sense?

Yes, this thing is really meaningless to ordinary people. But for the current Dayang Group, it has far-reaching significance. Open the textbook of Dayang Group and the magically modified version of "Zhou Tiangong", almost all constants involving natural data are irrational numbers!

Irrational numbers fill almost every corner of scientific research. The whole world is made up of irrational numbers! For example, the fractal curve of the coastline, mathematically speaking, the length of the coastline is unlimited. The most representative of the fractal curve is the ‘God’s fingerprint’.

In reality, such mathematics is meaningless, but in the top scientific research system, this is a problem that cannot be ignored.

Here in Dayang Group, with the deepening of research, everyone has a great conjecture: Irrational numbers are the mathematical embodiment of natural laws!

What is Pi? It is the law of circle! As long as it conforms to the pi, it is a circle, and it is a perfect circle. Of course, because the pi ratio cannot be calculated to the limit, it is impossible to draw a perfect circle in the real world, it can only be infinitely close.

Then it is obvious: Pi is a ‘circle’ rule!

After understanding this, both the researchers of Dayang Group and Lei Xingfeng suddenly understood: It turns out that this is the law!

After that, the peak research direction of Dayang Group has also changed: everyone focuses on the research of mathematics a little bit, of course, combining reality and other scientific systems. But with such a fundamental understanding, it is crucial to the development of Dayang Group.

A long, long time ago, before it rushed out of the Tianyuan galaxy, Dayang Group had this idea: artificially create irrational numbers! Utilizing the infinite and non-circular feature of irrational numbers, a large amount of information and data are compressed into an irrational number-an irrational number created by man.

At that time, as long as there is a decompression method, an irrational number can decompress an encyclopedia! Three or two bytes of data can decompress the amount of data that the supercomputer is down.

However, this kind of conjecture is too advanced. Until now, Dayang Group finally really thought about creating irrational numbers-since irrational numbers are laws, creating irrational numbers is creating laws!

According to Lei Xingfeng, every quasi-sage has its own laws-some of which are intercepted from the natural world, and some personal insights. Such as Lei Xingfeng's wind and thunder supernatural powers.

What if science can directly create irrational numbers?

This idea is crazy, but it is by no means impossible. With the current scientific research strength of Dayang Group, tens of millions of senior researchers are really qualified to consider this.

On this day, Zhang Hao, Lei Xingfeng, Huang Mingshan, Lin Yinghao and others were discussing the issue of irrational numbers. When they mentioned that the basic constant of interstellar motion is also irrational, a secretary came in to interrupt Zhang Hao’s conversation:

"President Zhang, there is news from the quasi-sages of the sky demon world, let you go there. It is said that the spaceship we sent to the Gaia world has been found, and it was discovered by the sky demon Nine-headed Sacred Dragon Chixiao. Now The sky demon world was furious.

Ying Ning has rushed to the Chao Sing Group to protest, saying that the war will be restarted.

During the conversation, Ying Ning and Xuantian Tianjun almost moved. "

Zhang Hao listened and nodded with a smile, "Did Na Yingning say whether our warship successfully reached the Gaia world?"

"No. But Yingning was very angry. It's just that only Yingning, a demon saint, came to the sky demon world, and Lei Yan was accompanying him." The secretary did not say his own speculation, but just said Yingning's performance at the time. .

As a secretary, you must be careful not to have your own ideas-or you can have them, but you can't say anything without the boss.

The secretary is an extension of the senses of the boss, and must be able to complete the communication from top to bottom without any modification and personal sense. To be able to become Zhang Hao's secretary, this must be strictly required.

As soon as Zhang Hao heard this, he guessed: This Yingning was very angry, so it is very likely that the warship arrived safely in the Gaia World camp.

But the Virgin of the Sky Demon didn't come, but Yingning came, and the faintness was a hint of the Sky Demon world: if we need conditions, we also want to avoid war.

Yes, this is a hint of negotiation. If you really want to fight, the Mother of Heaven Demon will bring the demon saint directly over and attack instead of only Yingning.

But thinking of Yingning's identity, Zhang Hao couldn't help but smile and said: Angry Birds.

Of course, Mr. Zhang's voice is very low, but the scene is not a master. Everyone heard it clearly.

Thinking that Yingning's gong body is "Dragon Sparrow", even Zhou Xueyao, who was quiet next to him, couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Hao turned his head and said to Lei Xingfeng, "Master, I'll go out for a while. It seems that the star cluster construction in the sky demon world can't be delayed. This time the sky demon world needs conditions."

Lei Xingfeng nodded, "It's not bad that it has been delayed for more than three years. Almost. In fact, the ice river Tianjun also expressed anxiety a few days ago. In fact, many quasi-sages can't wait."

"I understand." Zhang Hao greeted everyone and left. Boarding the spacecraft, Zhang Hao set off from Tianyuanxing and flew slowly to the gate of the world. Zhang Hao walked this way for two months.

Without the help of the quasi-sage, the distance spanning more than 8,000 light-years in two months is already very fast. This is still because of the interstellar channel. However, compared to the speed of Zhuansheng, it is still very slow.

However, it was said that Yingning had been making trouble, and Zhou Tian Great World also felt that there was some reason, so Yingning was allowed to block the way. Yes, Angry Birds...No, it was the angry Yingning who stood in the door of the world.

When Zhang Hao's spacecraft arrived at the Gate of the World, Yingning felt Zhang Hao's breath and roared from afar: "Zhang Hao, you come down!"

In the empty space, Yingning was trembling with a roar. This shows Yingning's anger.

Before the battleship stopped, Zhang Hao jumped out of the spaceship and looked at the angry Yingning. Zhang Hao smiled and said hello: "What's the matter with your Royal Highness, why is she so angry?"

"Zhang Hao!" Yingning roared again, "Don't say you don't know why! This is the fake news you said?!"

"Hey..." Zhang Hao spread his hands, "His Royal Highness, in fact, I didn't expect that you could not even stop a few spaceships. That was the technology more than ten years ago. It was all small spaceships. Before you Didn't it stop the fleet? Where did this fleet come from?"

Yingning was angry with Zhang Hao's answer that the three souls came out of the body and the seven souls ascended to heaven. You even blamed me!

But this time, without Yingning speaking up, Lei Yan next to him suppressed his anger and said, "Zhang, how can we know where this fleet comes from? It's not about finding Mr. Zhang!

Last time Mr. Zhang said it was the escaped fleet, last time Mr. Zhang said it was fake news. I wonder what Mr. Zhang has to say about this fleet? "

At the end, Lei Yan's face was full of mockery.

Zhang Hao spread his hands: "I really don't know this time. It's just that you captured a fleet first, and now you say that a spacecraft broke through your blockade to reach Gaia... Well, I need to know the actual situation!

As far as I know, your world gate leading to Gaia's world is tightly sealed, and something as big as a spaceship cannot pass quietly.

In fact, I said before that it was fake news, not to lie to you. Because when I dispatched the fleet, I never expected to break through the blockade. It was just to encourage morale, nothing more. "

As he said, Zhang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly: "If you want to break through the blockade, there is only one possibility!"

"What?" Yingning asked naturally.

Zhang Hao slowly said: "In the world of the sky demon...Is there something inconsistent?"

When Yingning heard this, her hair exploded. The exploded hair recovered the phoenix feathers because it was out of control; it was just an exploded phoenix feather...without beauty.

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