Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1756: Hurt feelings

Learn, what's so special is actually learn!

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon feels that since contact with this world of Zhoutian, his level of grotesques has risen, and he is about to break through the sky.

The last thing that impressed the Lady of Heavenly Demon was Zhang Hao’s response to Lei Cheng, about the issue of contacting the Gaia World Unmanned Fleet. Zhang Hao replied that it was ‘fake news’.

This matter is true and false, and the Lady of Heavenly Demon has a lot in mind. However, thinking about the world of Demon to Gaia still has to pass through the door of the world, and the door of the world is controlled by the world of Demon; even half of the starry sky in the world of Gaia is controlled by the world of Demon, and Our Lady of Heaven is not worried. .

It's just that since then, Madonna of Heavenly Demon has a thorough understanding of the level of lies on the side of Zhoutian World-talking nonsense with your eyes open!

I don’t want Xuantian Tianjun’s reply today, and let the demon madonna ‘learn’. Sure enough, live to learn to learn ~

The brain is about to come out, and the orbits of more than 20 stars within a ten light-year radius have shifted. It turned out to be just a discussion. What if it was a full-scale war? Can the entire galaxy be lifted?

But finally, the Madonna of Heaven also needs a step, and understands that this time is not a chance to turn his face, and Zhou Tian Da Shi is taking advantage of the opportunity to ask for a little benefit.

Now I heard Xuan Tian Tianjun say this, the Heavenly Demon Our Lady sneered, and responded with cold words: "Then the discussion is now over?"

Xuan Tian Tianjun was surprised: "Does the Virgin still want to continue?"

The celestial madonna almost spurted blood. In the end, I still had to sneer with a cold face: "I think the result of "learning" is very good, greatly deepening our understanding of each other!"

The word "study" of Our Lady of Heavenly Demon is also specifically spoken in the language of Zhou Tianda World.

"Ha, I think so too." Xuan Tiantianjun's tone changed, "Madonna, actually I would like to invite you to come over to you. Since you have already come over, you may wish to come and sit down. Some new ideas."

As he said, Xuan Tian Tian Jun flew out of Zhou Tian's range. This is a real invitation, not a rhetoric.

The celestial deity squinted and looked at each other for a while, and finally flew forward from the demon sect formation.

"Virgin..." Demon Saint waited to stop.

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon shook her head slightly and moved on.

In the end, the two parties sat down again in front of Zhou Tianzheng to negotiate. But as soon as he sat down, the Virgin Mary said coldly: "The great power of Zhou Tian Da World."

Xuan Tiantianjun smiled and said: "Where and where, this is not the accumulation of Zhou Tian Dazhen, want to try the power."

The celestial deity only felt the position of the temple beating. Almost gritted his teeth and said, "What about now?"

"Fortunately, thank you for the cooperation of the world of demon. By the way, this preparation is a little hasty, and you did not inform us before. The next time the construction of the Korean singer group is successful, how about a real exercise?"

Madonna the Sky Beast stunned: Oh fuck, how did it get involved in the exercise?

With a blink of an eye, the Lady of Heavenly Demon finally decided to pull back to the original topic, "Xuan Tian Tianjun, I will talk about the exercises later. Today we are talking about it, it seems that this is not the case."

"Oh, you see I have forgotten this. By the way, what are we talking about?"

Our Lady of Heaven Demon only felt full of black lines, but her heart was ruthless. She secretly decided: In the future, you Zhou Tianda World, don't let this palace catch the handle, otherwise you will be killed. But for now, Our Lady of Heavenly Demon can only gritt her teeth and say: "Talk about the Chaosing Star Cluster you are building!"

"Oh, yes, the Chaoge Star Cluster. But before talking about the Chaoge Star Cluster, I would like to talk about the problem of this trip to the Genesis Valley.

You haven't done a good job this time, and our internal opinions are great.

Hey, this is not the case this time. I have always opposed it, but my ability alone is also limited. "

The Madonna of Heavenly Monster endured disgust and continued to say with a cold face: "We did not do very well in this matter. But now you suddenly violate the agreement and build the Chaosing Star Group without permission, not even worse!

In any case, we have signed an agreement on the construction of the Chao Ge Cluster. While exploring the Genesis Star Cluster, we have not signed any agreement.

Of course, we will not regret the things promised by this palace. The last time was indeed an accident, and we are willing to apologize and compensate you for your loss. "

Xuan Tiantianjun blinked and smiled: "Let him pass the past, as we deepen our understanding of each other, it is a break-in period, how?"

Upon hearing this, the celestial lady sneered, "How can the past give up casually. The past things are not handled well, and the future will be unstable!

What do you say "

Xuan Tian Tian Jun is actually a typical shameless. The so-called past events are mainly due to the construction of the core Chaoge Star Cluster. This is to completely determine the "accomplished facts".

Originally according to the agreement, it should be the simultaneous establishment of the Chaosing Star Cluster and the Star Cluster designated by the Heavenly Monster World. However, due to a series of delays and influences, and the intentional procrastination of Zhou Tian Da Shi side's work-mainly to fight for the time to investigate the genesis valley, the location of the demon world star cluster has not been determined yet.

But the general intention is that there is a star cluster three thousand light years away; but it must be explained that this is the original.

According to the original plan, the two star clusters were built simultaneously; even if the world of Sky Monster is more than 3,000 light years away, the construction time cannot be dragged on for too long. But now, the Korean singer star cluster suddenly completed the core. It’s strange that the sky monster world doesn’t jump.

However, now that he has mastered the advantages, of course Xuan Tian Tian Jun will not easily return. Everyone planned for so long, and caught the mistake of the heavenly monster world. If it is easy to go back, Xuan Tiantianjun is afraid that he will be rated as ‘human rape’!

As for what is said to be forgiving and forgiving... Then the question is coming, is it ‘human’ in the world of the demon?

Seriously, everyone is in a hostile relationship after all. You should seize the opportunity to fall into the hole. Thoughts that are forgiving and forgiving are not suitable for the current environment!

Of course, the celestial deity is opposed. If it was strongly opposed before, then it is now anxiously opposed-just a Shuangyang galaxy, the fighting power of Zhou Tianda World has changed in this way. If the construction of the Korea Singing Star Cluster is successful, then there is no rebellion.

Facing the tough attitude of Madonna of the Heavenly Demon, Xuan Tiantianjun’s smiling cloud is light and gentle: "Since you don’t give up, then let’s do it. The Chaosing Star Cluster that has been built is just a gift for the Heavenly Demon World to apologize in the Valley of Creation. ?"

The celestial beast squinted her eyes and carefully considered the words: "This is two different things, and it is obviously two unrelated things. If these two things can be mixed together, it is a real mess!"

Xuan Tian Tianjun's face suddenly stiffened: Oh fuck, you have learned the essence of the Heavenly Demon Madonna, and you have learned to curse people.

But this simple curse will not solve the problem. I'm just going to be a **** today, what can you do!

Thinking of this, Xuan Tiantianjun's face resumed with a smile again: "Then Madam talk about how to compensate?"

Madonna the Sky Demon squinted her eyes for a while and said, "I have captured many captives before. You can return some of them to you."

The smile on Xuan Tian Tianjun's face completely disappeared, and his eyes narrowed: Captive, this matter is not easy to handle.

The other party offered to return the captive. If he refused, he would cause internal suspicion and discord. But the problem of captives is the most difficult to deal with. This is also one of the important reasons for not intentionally or unintentionally speaking of prisoners in the previous negotiations between the two parties.

Most general commodities can be clearly priced. Even if it was unreasonable, everyone just muttered.

Can it be captured? Captives of other people's homes can certainly do so-clearly priced. But it is not appropriate for their captives to do so. This thing is too hurtful. Pricing people, it hurts emotions!

The other is that because the prisoners are not good at ‘pricing’, it is not easy to negotiate how to exchange. Not to mention the first contact between the two big worlds, the understanding is not in-depth.

According to Zhou Tianda's previous idea, wait until the two sides are more familiar and the two sides have a more unified understanding of the value of captives before taking captive replacement.

Now that the Heavenly Demon Our Lady proposed such a condition, Xuan Tiantianjun did not want to agree at all. But if you refuse... it hurts more.

If they refused, Tianyao World would talk to the captives, maybe the two quasi-Saints captured would be mutiny!

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