Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1745: exchange

At this moment, Zhang Hao once again felt what was called the pressure mountain—the eyes of the three quasi-sages, the eyes of many demon sages, the eyes of the accompanying Da Luo Jinxian, and the eyes of many practitioners of the heavenly demon world.

In addition to these focused eyes, there are also calculations from within.

But Zhang Hao made the decision in a flash. But see Zhang Hao chuckled, "My Lady, I came with the team. I need to consult with the team on this issue."

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon glanced at Zhang Hao, and then looked at the three quasi-Saints who were obviously relieved in the distance. There was a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth. "It's just a suggestion, Mr. Zhang stingyly said?"

"It's not a question of advice, but wisdom. Treasures are valuable, wisdom is priceless!"

Although we have reached an agreement in secret, don't think that everything the Ocean Group provides is cheap. Zhang Hao is well aware of the need to maintain the bottom line.

The most important thing is that Zhang Hao understands from the beginning to the end: the sky monster world is the snake of the farmer and the snake. Now the ocean group needs this snake to hold the tigers and wolves of Zhunsheng to buy time for the development of his farmer.

As long as the farmer develops into an industrial society and has guns, tigers, wolves, snakes and the like are all killed or shut down in the zoo. But before that, the farmer Zhang had to deal with the ‘snake’ in vain.

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon squinted and looked at Zhang Hao for a while, then nodded and changed the subject: "Then I will discuss it later. Today I actually want to meet President Zhang and exchange ideas. By the way, for the future cooperation between our two worlds And development, what is Mr. Zhang’s view?"

My opinion is: in the future, the world of demon can build a zoo.

Cough, okay, this kind of thinking can't be expressed-Zhang Hao is clear, I think there is no problem in my heart, but if I repeat it in my heart, it is easy to go wrong. Most masters have the ability to read the mind.

Simply put, there are three steps for people to speak: thoughts, mature ideas, and speaking. The general ability to read the mind is the'mature idea' of reading. If there is only one thought, only one knows it, and the quasi-sanctity cannot read it.

In short, Zhang Hao quickly pressed his thoughts down, but on the surface it said seriously: "For this point, I also have some ideas, and I hope to communicate with you.

The initial contact between our two parties was not very pleasant. Therefore, we need an entry point that can be accepted by both parties and can bring benefits to both parties. "

The Madonna nodded. Indeed, the contact between the two parties is not ‘unpleasant’ but ‘extremely unpleasant’! Under such a bad premise, the two sides must be cautious at the beginning if they want to cooperate. Not to mention that there is no basis for trust at all.

But Our Lady of Heavenly Demon didn't speak, just looked at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao waited a while to make sure that the Madonna didn't speak up, and then slowly said: "My idea is that the two sides establish a trading market separately. Since ancient times, trade has been the best lubricant.

Build one on the side of Heavenly Demon World and one on the side of Zhoutian World. Each market is jointly managed by both parties, each accounting for half.

The market temporarily adopts a relatively free and tax-free transaction state. Product quality is jointly supervised by both parties. If the product quality is unqualified, the management of both parties shall provide compensation directly. As for the internal processing afterwards, they do not interfere with each other.

The purpose of this stage is to build trust, calculate prices, determine market demand, etc. It is also necessary for the two parties to establish some foundation for cooperation and trust in this relatively free and relaxed environment, starting with the people and the bottom.

My personal suggestion is to first open the market of virtual realm and below, that is, the market of Xiaowang realm and below. This market is relatively rich in resources and relatively cheap in price, and there can be many participants.

And because the profit in this market is relatively low and the participants are not high, it is easy to control and adjust.

When this level is confirmed, there is no problem, and the level of market transactions can be slowly improved. "

Our Lady of the Heavenly Demon nodded slightly, "But in this case, it would be inconvenient for us to buy a battleship."

"Warships, strategic materials, etc., are temporarily inconvenient to open to the private sector. This requires the high-level direct connection between our two sides. For the time being, it is not a transaction, but an exchange. We provide warships here, you provide some spiritual resources, and even Gaia World resources, etc. .

As for the specific transaction price, it requires specific consultation between the two parties.

After the two sides become familiar with each other, they can openly sell warships. But for the time being, warships, advanced training materials, etc., it is recommended that the two parties exchange directly, rather than open transactions. "

Our Lady of Heavenly Monster nodded slowly. Although Zhang Hao's method was not much amazing, it was an old-fashioned suggestion. The transaction between the two big worlds, in fact, does not need any particularly stunning advice, but what is needed is this calm, concrete and feasible advice.

But the important conversation between Zhang Hao and Madonna of Heavenly Demon is basically over here. Our Lady of Heavenly Demon thanked Zhang Hao for his suggestion. Afterwards, Madonna of Heavenly Demon gave Zhang Hao a gift.

Zhang Hao understands that this is the end of the conversation.

After receiving the gift, Zhang Hao resigned after thanking him. The gift is very simple, but it is also arbitrarily made-a special mineral, it is said to have been discovered from the Temple of Apocalypse, and the study of the heavenly world has been impossible for a long time.

Because there is a quasi-sacred by now, the celestial deity Our Lady can't talk too much with Zhang Hao. Specifically, after discussing with the Madonna of Heavenly Demon and Quasi-Saint, etc., you can get more by discussing with Zhang Hao. However, the negotiation with Zhang Hao at that time should be another quasi-holy.

Here, the quasi-holy and the demon sage also greeted each other; then they talked to the celestial deity. Our Lady of Heavenly Demon asked Zhun Sheng about Zhang Hao's question.

Tianji Xingjun hesitated and did not want to agree.

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon chuckled: "I don't want to say any suggestions. Is this your sincerity?"

Tianji Xingjun is still hesitating, and Binghe Tianjun chuckled: "Of course it is no problem to give a suggestion. However, we want to go to the Genesis Valley to investigate, and we want to ask the Tianyao World to do a convenient trip."

The celestial madonna frowned, somewhat displeased: "Don't you all let you go. Both allow you to explore freely."

Binghe Tianjun Qing laughed again: "Our Lady, we don't have to play word games anymore. If you can give a pass or pass code on our side, we are naturally willing to give our opinions."

Tianhe Binghe visited the Valley of Creation, and of course knew the actual situation. The Valley of Genesis is open in principle, but in fact all the forces of the demon here are entrenched, and it is difficult to move.

If you think about it, you can understand: "Life Force" can be born here in the Valley of Creation, how can the attraction of the various forces of the Sky Demon be small! In addition to the entrenchment of the forces affiliated with the demon sages, there are also powerful forces entrenching large forces here.

If you just pass by and investigate here, there is of course no problem. But if you want to do research here, especially in-depth research, it is not easy.

That is why Binghe Tianjun has to make a conditional exchange.

Speaking of which, compared with Tianji Xingjun, Binghe Tianjun is more flexible and more influenced by the Ocean Group. But Tianji Xingjun always has some inexplicable arrogance and always feels unambiguous; but he does not know how to do so, it will not promote the progress of things, but will make things worse.

The celestial madonna hesitated for a while, his face changed a little. In the end, I had to nod my head and took out a piece of phoenix feathers with a length of one foot and golden light flowing from my arms, "This can let you go unimpeded. Of course, the premise is that you also have to follow some local rules, etc. Specific rules, Lei Cheng will communicate with you."

Bing Tiantian thanked Ling Yu for taking the thanks. But Our Lady of Heavenly Demon received it, but turned and said to Zhang Hao: "Zhang Hao, do you say your suggestion is worth the price?"

Zhang Hao smiled faintly, and the confidence on his face spurt out: "I think, the value of this feather may not be enough."

"Hah..." Our Lady of Heaven Demon smiled, the laughter was very loud and hearty, "I like your self-confident attitude. So, let's talk about it."

The celestial madonna threw Ling Yu to Binghe Tianjun.

Zhang Hao glanced at Binghe Tianjun and walked towards the Heavenly Demon Our Lady again. But this time Our Lady of Heavenly Demon didn't stand tall and sat on the same level as Zhang Hao, and asked the maid around to serve tea to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao's face also became serious, and Zhang Kou said: "In fact, the sky monster world wants to change, and the core has only one word: the same, the same, the same."

"Oh?" Our Lady of Heavenly Demon was interested.

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