Cultivating From Obtaining Experience

Chapter 361: Conquer the devil

Chapter 361 Conquering the Demon

"It's out, it's finally out!" The giant roared into the sky, and the sound was like the roar of a tiger and the roar of a dragon, which spread ten miles away.

This is a place thousands of miles away from Qinchuan, an inaccessible place, but after successive secret realms appeared, it has also become a key monitoring target. Because those secret places usually appear in remote mountains and forests, in inaccessible places.

Qinchuan is no exception. There are drones monitoring the mountains, and monitoring equipment and energy detection equipment have been installed in many places. However, this land of thousands of miles is really vast. After all, there are some places that cannot be monitored. .

Thirty minutes after the giant came out, surveillance equipment discovered his traces, and then armed helicopters and special teams went to deal with it.

 “Person, magical weapon?”

The giant looked at the helicopter hovering in the sky.

“Giant, he is really tall.” The pilot in the helicopter also saw the giant.

 “Follow the procedure and give a warning first.”

 “Please stop moving immediately and stay still where you are.”

The personnel of the armed helicopter began to shout from afar.

"Stand still, how can I be still after finally getting out? I can't wait to see this world!" He continued to move forward.

 “Warning invalid, request to attack.”

 The operator of the armed helicopter immediately contacted the command center and prepared to launch an attack. At this moment, the giant in front of them suddenly disappeared.

 “Gone, where have you gone?”

The next moment, the helicopter creaked, then shook violently, the siren sounded, and it crashed directly towards the ground.

 “We are attacked, repeat, we are attacked.”

Beep, beep, the alarm sounded rapidly,

From the outside, it looked like the helicopter’s tail had gone somewhere and was emitting black smoke.

A person suddenly appeared in mid-air. He raised his hand and smashed and tore open the cockpit cover. Then he tore the two people off their seats. Because they were wearing seat belts, the two people were Their bodies were torn in half, blood dripping in the air, and the two people howled in pain.

The man opened his mouth and sucked in suddenly in mid-air, and the blood of the other two people flew upward diagonally from the wounds into the man's mouth.

This scene was seen by the special team coming from a distance.

 “Fuck, he actually drank human blood?!”

"Hurry, call for air support." The captain realized at a glance that the giant was definitely not someone they could easily deal with.

 After drinking the blood of the two gunship pilots, he looked up and then continued moving forward.

 “His direction changed.”

“There is a village twelve kilometers away from where he is advancing. Could he be heading towards those people?”

 “We must stop him.”

The giant's moving speed suddenly accelerated a lot. The vegetation withered wherever it passed, leaving a very obvious trace in the high mountains.

About ten kilometers away in the direction he was heading, there was a mountain village at the foot of the mountain. The mountain village was not big. The people in the village lived on the mountain and lived a fairly decent life.

 The old people in the village were basking in the sun and watching several planes fly overhead. They are not surprised whether there have been many planes flying over recently.

After a while, a rumbling sound was heard.

 “What’s going on?” The people in the village looked behind the mountain, where the voice came from.

In the mountains, thick smoke billowed. After the explosion, a sudden gust of wind blew up. The giant rushed out of the smoke and dust generated by the explosion. His clothes were even more torn, and there were some new wounds on his body.

The weird man looked up at the plane circling in the sky.

 “Strange magic weapon!”

 The next moment he disappeared from the ground and then appeared in mid-air.

 The fighter jets in the sky quickly pulled up and then continued to launch missiles. The green-black aura around the giant was constantly entwining and circling. The missiles flying towards him exploded immediately as soon as they came into contact with the green-black aura. The power was astonishing, but the damage caused to him was reduced a lot. This giant moved very fast, and in less than ten minutes he reached the top of the mountain. He looked at the village below with a ferocious smile on his face.

Chat-tat-tat, at this moment, bullets roared in, as dense as rain, and two missiles flew over, but it was the special force that arrived.

  Concussion bombs, armor-piercing bombs, high-explosive bombs, various types of ammunition fell on the man, but were blocked by the black air outside him and did not cause effective damage to him.

The giant figure suddenly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye he rushed into the team. Then he saw the black energy burst out, and the screams sounded, and then stopped quickly.

 The sound of gunfire and explosions also stopped.

 The black energy subsided, the giant appeared, and mummies were left on the ground.

"Not bad!"

He stuck out his tongue, licked it, and rushed down the mountain village.

 “Damn it, he rushed towards the mountain village!” The planes in the sky did not dare to attack for fear of accidentally injuring the villagers.

Screams rang out in the mountain village. Soon, the entire mountain village fell into silence, and no sound could be heard.

The giant looked up at the sky, then rose into the sky, flashed for a few times and then disappeared.

 “He rushed to the nearby villages and towns!”

 The sudden appearance of the giant caused panic among the people in the villages and towns, with continuous shouts and screams. People rushed to escape. As a result, the city traffic jams, and a large number of people were injured or even died due to the stampede.

Suddenly there was a bright spot in the distance approaching, and a moment later, there was a loud bang, as if the earth was shattering, and a strong shock wave swept in all directions.

When the special forces arrived here, the town was already in a terrible state, not a single building was intact, and the ground was littered with corpses.

The giant is still there, lying in a huge ruins, with half of his body blown apart.

Hush, hiss, he was still breathing heavily, and he was still not dead after being so seriously injured.

 “What a powerful magic weapon!”

 Looking at the special operations team members who were slowly approaching, a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

“I never thought I would be defeated by you one day!”

 “Oh my god, he is still alive.”

“That was a demon-slaying attack just now! What kind of monster is this?”

 Soon, the news here was reported one after another.

The impact of this incident was very huge, because the giant was exposed to everyone. This was the first time the public had seen such an abnormal time. For a time, there were rumors on the Internet, and there were all kinds of theories.

It is also said that it is a monster that has returned to the world, and it is also said that it is Shura who escaped from hell.

 In order to avoid causing unnecessary panic, the Special Affairs Bureau dealt with it as soon as possible and suppressed these news and videos as much as possible.

But things have happened, and some news has spread. There are still some people who know about these things, and some who are extremely curious even find ways to get close to the village where the accident happened to try to investigate the truth of the matter. As a result, most people On the way, he was intercepted by the security bureau and asked to return.

ˆ Relevant departments moved the seriously injured giant in the shortest possible time. Resettled in the villages and towns.

At the same time, they evaluated the giant's combat power through the pictures sent back from the front.

“Ordinary weapons have almost no effect on him. Weapons such as Demon Subduing are needed to cause effective fatal damage to him.”

Conquering Demons, this is the latest mist developed by relevant departments, specifically used to deal with those legends in myths and monsters.

 At first they developed this weapon to deal with Wang An. Unexpectedly, this giant suddenly appeared and became the first test subject.

“Now we need to find out where he comes from, whether he is alone, and whether there may be others of the same kind!”

 One giant caused such a big trouble. If ten, eight or more giants appeared, the consequences would be disastrous.

 (End of this chapter)

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