Cub Keeper

Chapter 389: Rabbit's past

Seeing this, Lu Yao stretched out her hand to hold the little black dragon in her palm.

Her voice was a little helpless: "You, you really like to act like a spoiled child."

The little black dragon covered his head to his belly, and looked like "I don't listen, I'm just a little cub". Let Lu Yao not know what to say.

She put the little black dragon in her chest pocket, then carefully closed the infirmary door, turned around and walked out.

Helanjia adjusted her position in her pocket, put her two short front paws on the outer edge of the pocket, and put her small head on the paws.

This look is cozy and comfortable.

Other orcs turned their heads consciously when they saw this.

They deceived themselves and thought that as long as they closed their eyes and couldn't see, there would be no citric acid.

They touched their cold chests, wanting to cry without tears.

Ah, I really want to have a lover like Dean Lu Yao, so I won't feel cold in winter.

They rationally kept their thoughts out of their mouths.

After all, no one can guarantee that the jealous Marshal Helanjia will do something like "killing beasts" when he hears such words.

Lu Yao looked at the Yuanguang Nursery as she walked, but found that the orcs and the orcs get along very well here.

They seem to have forgotten their usual heavy work, as well as the dark thoughts in their hearts, playing with the little cubs, showing the simplest smile.

Here, they seem to let go of the intrigue outside the door of the nursery.

Lazily changed back to a beast shape, basking in the sun, wagging his tail leisurely, occasionally raising his huge claws, and teasing those little cubs who are less than knee-high.

It is a leisurely and comfortable post-retirement state.

The Yuanguang Nursery Home is a peaceful scene, but the empire has long been in trouble.

Without the heavy guard of the First Legion at all times, the nobles of Emperor Star felt uneasy.

They have long been accustomed to the strong first legion, so that now they have entered a period of rest, and being represented by other legions makes them feel extremely panic.

They wouldn't trust the warriors of the other legions at all, and even spoke ill of them.

The second legion is the first to bear the brunt, because their commander is a traitor.

The nobles on the Emperor Star were assigned to the area guarded by the Second Legion, and they all felt sick in their hearts.

They went to the king's deputy, Secretary Meath.

I wanted to tell him the grievances in my heart, but unfortunately, the orcs of the Third Army responded with a tepid attitude.

Mies looked at the tenth noble who was sent away, quietly relieved, and looked at the commander of the Third Legion, Mi Liang, who was standing beside him, feeling a little fortunate.

Fortunately, I had the foresight to call the third uncle to my side, otherwise I would be annoyed by these nobles.

Mies sighed: "If these nobles focus on how to expand the territorial plate of the empire, the empire may have expanded tenfold."

Mi Wang sneered.

He adjusted his military cap, then found a place to sit down: "They don't have such a small appetite."

"The Presbyterian House originally existed to suppress the rights of the nobility, but I don't know when the Presbyterian House began to conspire with the power of the nobility, resulting in the current situation."

Mies was still young, he looked around subconsciously, hoping that no other beast would hear it.

He frowned in disapproval, then his voice was very low, and there was some blame in his tone: "What are you talking about so loudly, Third Uncle? If anyone hears, the Third Army The ordeal will increase.”

Mi Wang lay on the chair nonchalantly.

Mi Xuan: "You are still too young. If I am not fully sure, how can I talk about these things with you in this place."

"This huge palace, except for the empress dowager who was abolished by your new king, are all our people inside and out."

The smile on the corner of his mouth was a little mocking, and a little bit of anger: "Our rabbit family has been restrained enough."

"Why do you want us to be quiet?"

Miss felt very complicated when he heard Miju's words.

The Rabbit Clan is an eliminated noble, and their status in the old nobles was also very low.

In order to survive, the elders of the rabbit family sold the officials and titles for money, so that the young rabbits all survived.

So the status of Emperor Star Rabbit has always been very embarrassing.

In the old nobles, they looked down on rabbits, they thought that selling the rabbits of the officials also sold their noble face, so they were unanimously rejected.

When the rabbit family has not made a fortune, when the rabbit is still studying in the public nursery school, the cub has always been the object of bullying.

Nobles always look down on rabbits, and their cubs also look down on rabbits in this subtle environment.


This also caused the current rabbit family, most of them don't like to deal with nobles.

As the commander of the 3rd Corps, Miliang is even more so.

In the new nobles, the rabbits are not really new nobles.

The new nobles are always afraid that the rabbits will betray the new nobles for some benefit, so everything is hidden from the rabbits, and they cannot be completely accepted.

These things have also cultivated the rabbit family, with the nature to compete with the carnivore predator race, their vitality is tenacious, never give up, and will not join the evil.

In an unimaginable way, they overcame difficulties and lived into different herbivorous species.

Rabbits that grow in this difficult environment develop tusks and a tough shell.

Then they left a strong mark on the Empire with their new way of life.

They are like flowers watered by suffering, and eventually they grow into beast eaters.

To this day, almost all the fields of the empire have orcs from the rabbit family. They take over all the industries of the empire, and there is no beast that can despise the weak rabbit.

They finally stood on the bright side of the empire with a new attitude and were powerful and different.

Because they know how sad they have suffered, they will help the weak orcs.

They are neither noble nor noble.

Because rabbits are the only remaining nobles, the only race that has inherited an excellent tradition.


Love the people and never give up.

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