Cub Keeper

Chapter 341: Empire Storm (1)

Lu Yao took Liao Lan to an empty classroom and taught him to speak one-on-one.

Polygonum is also very competitive and learns very quickly.

Maybe it is the racial talent of the orcs, they are extremely capable of language, and it is almost as if Lu Yao said it once, and Liao Lan can learn it.

What's more, the current situation is that Polygonum can understand Interstellar language, but he can't speak it, just let him follow Lu Yao's mouth and adjust the pitch to learn.

Lu Yao is very fortunate now that the common language of the insect star is very similar to the interstellar language, which makes it easy for her to teach.

Soon an afternoon of teaching is over.

The sun is about to set, and the afterglow fills the campus.

Liao Lan pulled the corner of La Luyao's clothes and said the name of the first conversation she took after her study.


He raised his bright eyes and looked at Lu Yao with indescribable gratitude.

Lu Yao squatted down and touched Liao Lan's head, and replied softly, "Yeah."

Responding to the cubs is the job of every nursery teacher.

And this pair of bright eyes, no one can bear to refuse.

After Lu Yao and the cub finished dinner, he took him back to his tree house.

It is a blue tree house.

Like Polygonum blue eyes, bright and dazzling.

Polygonum has never had his own small room, this is the first time he has a private space, and he is extremely happy.

He carefully raised the corner of his mouth, and then quickly retracted the arc that revealed his true feelings.

As soon as Liao Lan walked into the tree house, she was attracted by the puppet on the bed.

It's a ragdoll like myself.

It looks simple, honest and cute, and the roundness is different from his skinny limbs.

Liao Lan looked at the skin and bones on her body, and at the puppet cat with a round face on the bed, feeling her eyes were a little wet again.

He didn't expect that he would end up suffering.

The day before he woke up, he thought he would die in that white room.

Lu Yao patted Polygonum on the shoulder.

Then squatted down and said, "Why don't you go in?"

Long Lan hurried in, picked up the doll on the bed, and rubbed it.

Lu Yao looked at the furry two and felt like she saw two marshmallows.

Too soft.

She couldn't help but took a photo with her brain.

Then step up and hug them.

Liao Lan was stunned for a moment, he still couldn't accept other people's intimate hugs like this.

Lu Yao: "Don't worry, no one will hurt you here."

Long Lan nodded, but did not speak.

Looking at him like this, Lu Yao let go of her hand.

As soon as you knock, I will hear it, and then I will come to accompany you."

Long Lan still didn't speak, nodded and stuffed her head into the doll's arms.

Seeing this, Lu Yao closed the door.

There are so many things to do today, let this little cub be alone.

Let the little brat take it easy.

Lu Yao did not immediately return to her tree house, but turned around and walked to the office.

She opened her brain and looked at the message under the official blog of her kindergarten, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation was not as bad as Lu Yao imagined, not all the citizens of the empire were blindfolded.

They still have their own judgment in mind.

The message below is not a blockbuster curse either.

Although there are still irrational voices below, most of them are still good.

Lu Yao rubbed her forehead which was aching from being busy.

Suddenly, out of the corner of the eye, she saw the little black dragon robot placed on the table, and Lu Yao's eyes suddenly became gentle.

She reached out and pushed the little robot's head, then said, "Stupid dragon."

Imperial Star, the base of the First Legion.

Helanjia looked at the collected information and fell into contemplation.

The day they came back, they faced the Second Army.

As the first legion of the empire, it is difficult for other legions to add up to the combat effectiveness comparable to the first legion.

So even if the Second Army came out, they couldn't stop the First Army.

The soldiers of the first legion soon approached the second legion. Helanjia looked at Zhai Haoyu who was seriously injured, stayed for a while, and then left there.

Zhai Haoyu looked at Helanjia's back and struggled to get up.

Zhai Haoyu: "Stupid dragon, if you keep going forward like this, aren't you afraid that you will never get what you want?"

Helanjia stopped his steps, he did not turn around: "What I need is already in my hands."

"I just don't want her in danger."

Then he lifted his foot and left.

Zhai Haoyu: "How arrogant."

The First Legion returned to the Emperor Star.

Unexpectedly, except for the second legion that sent troops to stop the return of the first legion, the soldiers of other legions and other forces did not send troops to stop it.

Gu Yu was a little puzzled: "Why do they use the first army and the second army as targets every time? Are the other forces no one and beasts?"

Helanjia: "It's not because of the Legion Commander before the Second Legion, their family's forces have not been cleaned up."

Helanjia: "Otherwise, why are only the people from the Second Army coming out?"

Gu Yu nodded: "So it is."

Helanjia not only knew why only the second legion came out, he also knew that the other legions were just watching the fun.

In addition to the fifth legion Kata beast family, they may have helped secretly and dealt with the troops in the Emperor Star. What other legions are doing, it is unknown.

Helanjia quickly walked back to the military base of the First Legion in Emperor Star.

I haven't been back here for a long time, I feel a little strange.

Fortunately, there are housework robots in the room, and everything is clean and free of dirt.

Just as Gu Yu, Liu Yuanhao and other orcs were about to enter the room, Helanjia reached out and stopped them.

Gu Yu: ? ? ?

Liu Yuanhao: ? ? ?

Bear: ? ? ?

Helanjia walked in alone.

The alarm next to it rang, making a harsh sound, and at the same time, many robots appeared outside the base of the First Corps, and they raised their laser guns with red light and prepared to fire .

Helanjia quickly pulled Gu Yu and the others in, and the other soldiers of the First Army also found the nearest room as a bunker.

Battle is about to start.

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