Cub Keeper

Chapter 319: Back to the Empire (Part 2)

Lu Yao heard the voice and raised her head slightly to look at the human in front of her.

She looked arrogant and looked a little invincible.

The appearance is gorgeous, but the arrogance in her eyes makes her appearance somewhat pale.

Compared to Jun Zhan's group, who are still a little thinner, this woman lives much better than they seem.

Her brows and eyes were full of confidence that Jun Zhan and the others did not have.

The humanoid zerg are still a little curious about the current situation, after all, there are very few such two-sided characters in their race.

I am a little surprised to see Jun Zhan's appearance now.

Lu Yao and Helanjia had met a lot when they were in the empire, and they were indifferent to Jun Zhan's behavior now.

Panyan's submissive character is everywhere, it has nothing to do with what race it is.

But Jun Zhan is not just for this reason.


On this planet, if this woman named Ye Ya at the first survivor base is upset.

She will call someone to annex the third survivor base.

This woman is always crazy.

There is no racial interest in her mind at all.

Like the elders before her, they were all lab madmen.

They are madly in love with data that no one else can understand.

Their morality is also at stake.

If it weren't for Ye Ya being the human being with the most higher education on this planet, maybe those human beings oppressed by her would have fought back long ago.

The human beings on this planet entrusted her with the desire to regain knowledge, which is why they gave her so much power.

Lu Yao looked at her and felt that her appearance was similar to the group of people who established the genetic modification research institute.

They don't seem to have any humanity in their eyes, they are just curious about the ups and downs of those data.

Even Lu Yao felt that Jun Zhan standing in front of her, maybe in her heart, Jun Zhan and she were not the same species at all.

Maybe in this woman's heart, Jun Zhan is just a poor reptile who needs her emergency help.

Jun Zhan stuck out his tongue and licked himself, his lips slightly dry because of tension.

His voice was dry, not as energetic as the first face: "They are other races from the interstellar, maybe they can also provide some help in communicating with the universe. "

After he finished the first sentence, he seemed to regain his confidence, opened the chatterbox, and wanted to finish all the thoughts in his heart.

He spread his hands out, as if to introduce: "We helped them locate their position and let them return to their own planet, and they can also turn around and help us."

"They will partner with us to help us go to the universe."

"And they are so powerful that they can also help us destroy the bugs on our own planet."

The woman touched her long wavy hair, as if she hadn't heard Jun Zhan's words in her head.

Instead, she sneered and swept towards Lu Yao and Helanjia with her peripheral vision: "Oh, they?"

"If they are really as powerful as you said, why are they trapped on our planet, which is extremely backward for interstellar civilization?"

Jun Zhan also choked for a while.

He didn't know how to object to Ye Ya's words.

Because Ye Ya was right.

They really have no way of proving why they are stuck here.

Explain to them that the planet is shrouded in an invisible atmosphere that affects positioning?

Or should I explain to them that this planet is always changing in the universe, and there is no way to locate it?

Helanjia and Lu Yao had no choice but to show evidence to explain to them.

Because there are no conditions on this planet to support this technology.

The atmosphere was silent for a while.

Something even worse.

Ye Ya walked down the steps slowly and came to Lu Yao and Helanjia.

She is about the same height as Lu Yao.

But it is still too small compared to Helanjia.

She stretched out her hand and knocked on Lu Yao's mecha, she heard the dull sound from the mecha, and was a little silent.

This material does not exist on this planet.

She looked at the two "big white eggs", and suddenly recalled the words of the "person" on the screen.

Take intimate photos of them and the Zerg.

Delay their return.

Ye Ya will of course complete the task he gave her.

But in so many years, this is the first time she has come into contact with real things related to him.

How can this not make her excited?

Looking at the woman in front of her, Lu Yao frowned.

She always felt that this woman was looking at someone through her.

And now this woman feels lucrative and wants to use herself.

Lu Yao's ability is a plant ability, so she has a very strong perception.

The most obvious thing is that Lu Yao can clearly feel whether the person in front of her feels kind to her.

But it is clear that this human is full of hostility towards her.

Even his eyes were slightly red due to excitement, and he looked exactly the same as Chen Duo at the time.

Lu Yao's face became ugly.

She exuded an unpleasant aura.

Helanjia immediately felt Lu Yao's different emotions.

Although the decoration here and the clothes of these two humans made him recall some not-so-good memories.

But at this moment, he threw himself wholeheartedly on Lu Yao's abnormality.

He was worried.

But Lu Yao quickly reacted, she restrained her bad emotions and looked at the human in front of her.

She seemed to have faded her bad memories and became tougher.

Lu Yao: "Are you curious about the mecha I'm wearing?"

Lu Yao's voice was a little low.

Unknowingly, this voice actually brought some seduction to others.

Ye Ya stroked the mecha's hand for a while, then pushed Lu Yao.

No push.

She looked a little unnatural, like she was a little annoyed because she didn't push Lu Yao just now.

Ye Ya: "What? Would you take off this "big white egg" for us to study?"

"Oh, how could you be willing."


Lu Yao looked at the researcher in front of her and said.

She didn't know why she looked at this researcher, but a strange thought appeared in her eyes.

This researcher wants to study interstellar things.

For some unknown purpose.

She has needs.

If necessary, Lu Yao will "prescribe the right medicine".

Aim at her sting point, and you can increase the success rate of the negotiation.

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