Cub Keeper

Chapter 133: tiger puppet

Then fell again.

He was not discouraged, he shook the hair on his body pretending to be nothing, and continued to follow step by step.

Keep up with them and don't hold them back.

Lu Yao did not look back.

Then flutteringly disappeared into the air.

Blow in the wind.

Some sufferings do not need to be told to others, only need to be experienced alone.

Lu Yao brought two little tigers into the classroom and arranged them beside Shang Yan.

The little cubs in Yuanguang Nursing Home also didn’t understand why their dean didn’t see them all morning, and two more cubs were added to the nursery.

Betsy, the most lively, did not move at this time.

Instead, Shang Yan gave them his hand.

Shang Yan was very embarrassed. In order to ease the embarrassment in his heart, he scratched his curly hair with his white and tender hands, and then said to the two little tigers in a milky voice.

Shang Yan: "How are you?"

Huo Bai was still a little scared, because when he was bullied before, one of his classmates was the cub of the Ankylosing dragon.

His fist was fierce, and it hurt to hit him, but let him see this white and tender little hand, and this inoffensive smile.

Huo Bai chose to believe in Shangyan.

He put his white tiger paw in Shang Yan's palm.

The voice is still a little uncomfortable, like a long-lost feeling of kindness, but not used to it, the whole little cub is extremely awkward.

Pink cheeks under the white fur, his blue eyes, looking at the cub in pink overalls in front of him, replied.

Huo Bai: "You, mud howl."

Because I was too nervous, my speech was a little knotted.

Lu Yao saw that the atmosphere between the little cubs was so good, so she didn't bother them any more, but quietly left from the back door of the classroom.

She needs to make two little tiger puppets and put them in their tree house.

Qin Yu also returned to the back kitchen to prepare the food tonight and welcome the two little cubs.

At this time, Lu Yao also received payment from the father of two little tigers.

Admiral Huo Huo not only made a huge sum of money.

He also donated a set of mecha indoor equipment to the nursery in the name of two little tigers.

The best kind on the market.

Super expensive.

Lu Yao originally planned to refuse, but in the end she saw the message sent by Admiral Huo Huo.

I changed my mind.

Lu Yao's eyes sank, then prepare to go back to the tree house.

There was a dialog box in her brain that she hadn't had time to close, and she saw that it said.

"I am so thankful that you treated them equally and made them see the light again."

"I hope that one day they can use this equipment and become a brave reserve army."

The little cubs will arrive soon, it's time for school.

As usual, they ran towards the open-air dining table unique to Yuanguang Nursery Home.

Back to their favorite botanical garden, and at the same time they will not forget their new friends, and they also called two little tigers and went with them.

However, as they were running, they collectively slowed down and started chatting with each other.

Huo Bai, who has an extremely poor sense of balance, can just keep up with them at this time.

Huo Bai suddenly felt a little sore in his eyes.

Lifted his tiger paw, pressed his eye socket, then shook his big head and continued to follow the cubs.

Only at this moment, there was a trace of relief on his body, and there was no hesitation.

Qin Yu took out the small cakes she had prepared, as well as moocorn beast dumplings, and poured fresh baa baa animal milk for each little cub.

Let's toast and drink together and welcome the arrival of the two little tigers.

Where has the little tiger ever eaten such delicious cakes and moocorn dumplings.

But although they thought the food in their mouths was delicious, they did not forget etiquette, and wisely ate their meals one by one.

No trouble to other beasts and people.

Huo Bai opened his mouth, revealing the fangs in his mouth, he only needed to bite lightly to break the dumpling skin.

The hot juice in the dumplings instantly entered the taste buds, the moocorn minced meat was marinated very deliciously, with the hot and sour water, the taste, not to mention how good it was.

Huo Zhou, who was beside him, also imitated his brother, and couldn't wait to put the dumplings into his mouth. His eyes lit up slightly, and he was shocked by the taste.

The meat filling is salty and fragrant.

There are dumpling skins in the mouth, with the unique wheat aroma of plants, and the fresh aroma of meat, it seems to complement each other, and it only takes one bite to capture the hearts of all the people and animals present.

They ate bite after bite.

Qin Yu, who was standing beside him, and the little robot behind him, looked at each other and smiled.

Bringing all the food discs is the greatest compliment to the chef.

Lu Yao looked at Qin Yu and waved to him, motioning him to enjoy with everyone.

Qin Yu followed suit.

Everyone enjoyed their meal for a while, and soon all dinners were finished.

The stars also began to hang in the sky again, and night fell.

The supernatural light source in the botanical garden also began to appear beside the little cub.

It was the first time that the two little tigers saw such a beautiful sight. They couldn't help but stretch out their tiger claws to hook up with the shimmering supernatural light source.

However, before the outstretched claws touched it, the supernatural light source disappeared in the air.

Like little cubs who have done bad things, they stretched their claws behind them, thinking that they had disturbed the elf inside.

However, the other little cubs smiled and watched them stretch out their hands, and the light source of power fell steadily on their palms.

Different energy light fell into their palms obediently, and jumped mischievously, as if playing a game with them.

The two little tigers opened their round eyes, and did not dare to take a breath, for fear that they would disappear again.

Lu Yao's heart softened when she looked at their cautious appearance.

Full of awe for life, even if it is only a small light source, they are also full of love, this is the first step to having kindness.

The two little tigers returned to their tree house.

They carefully pushed open the door of the tree house, and it was the first time they saw this dreamlike scene. There were two tiger puppets of different colors in the upper and lower bunks.

Huo Bai took the white tiger puppet in his hand and touched the white tail at the back.

Although the tail of the white tiger puppet looks the same as the yellow tiger puppet, it is obviously assembled with metal materials at the back.

It felt a little cold, but it made Huo Bai's heart suddenly happy.

He held his little puppet carefully, closed his eyes, and said softly.

"Good night."

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