Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 47: Last 1 game

Chapter 47 The last scene "Hello everyone, friends and guests! Now the final round of the China-Ninja Examination is about to begin. Now I will first introduce to you, the two sitting in the special seats, thinking that they are from Sha The fourth-generation Fengying of Ninja Village, and another person of Muye is the third-generation Naruto of Dr. Ninjutsu! "

Duran struck a suit, holding a wireless microphone in his hand, his explanation voice spread to all corners of the arena!

Although most people think that Duran's explanations are good, it makes people bloody, but there are also a few people who think Duran is noisy! The second mistress of Nisshin, Nisshin Huahuo is one of them, "Master Father, who is that person?"

Horizontouzu, who had already played the ancestor's will, had no memory of the identity of the person who could not call his name because of awe, and the source of the family's highest connotation had been blurred. "His name is Duran, he is very respectable and respectable!"

"It's just a noisy guy!" Rixiang Xiaolioli said disdainfully.

Of course Dulan did n’t pay attention to this. He is now introducing the contestants vividly. “This time Konoha ’s Ninja performed very well, and Saren who came to the vast country of Sand also has outstanding ability. In the end, how many Ninjas can be promoted in the end Cheng Zhongren? Let ’s wait and see, now I announce the start of the first game, the members of the competition are the white-eyed Ningci from the Yeye family, and the Uzumaki Naruto who also comes from Muye-! "

Two ninjas stand together, Ning Xiang Ningji all kinds of cool handsome bully, and Naruto This is the cooling of the mouth gun skills!

"It's the technique of Naruto's multi-shadow avatar. It's the forbidden technique of the first-generation Naruto Seal. The super ninja that can reproduce the entity with Chakra. The general shadow avatar is useless for white eyes, but Naruto masters this technique. But it is the taboo ninjutsu that divides Chakra equally to the avatars, and the white eyes can't tell their authenticity! "Dulan explained while he was a referee and was too busy!

"It's really an active referee!" Feng Ying rarely spoke.

"Make you laugh!" Huo Ying is very happy!

"Where, the ninjas in your village are very individual!" Fengying said a lot in the surrounding area, "It is a very peaceful village!"

"Thank you for compliments!"

In the center of the field, Ning Ci calmly looked at the encircled doppelganger, who was cold-blooded, "The tail of the crane will always be the tail of the crane!"

"Even if you are at the tail of the crane, you can beat your genius with hard work!" All Naruto jumped up and waved their fists to Ning Ci in the middle, "My goal is to become Naruto !!"

"You will understand it only if I say it a few times, and the end of the crane is doomed to fail. Gossip and go back to heaven !!!"

"Yi Xiangjia's white eyes turned, like a spinning top! This is a whimsical trick, but it is really powerful, all the shadow avatars have been broken up! It is a genius of the Japanese family!" Du Lan said. The voice adds a lot of attention to the game.

"It's worthy of defeating Miss Zongjia's eyes, but I have already seen his weaknesses, yes, he is a family's eyesight weakness!" Dulan didn't mind breaking points in order to attract the audience!

Ningci's murderous eyes immediately shot at Duran, but Duran would not care!

"There are weaknesses!" Naruto's eyes light up, "I will definitely find your weaknesses! The technique of multiple shadow avatars!"

"It's useless, no matter how many times you try it, it's useless!" Ning Ci smiled coldly. "The tail of the crane must have the consciousness of the tail of the crane. What it means to be a fire shadow is to laugh at the teeth of people! !!!!!! "

"Naruto was hit back again, Naruto cheer, then go, everyone cheer for Naruto together!" Duran continued to fan the flames.

Three generations secretly covered their faces, and a good Sino-Forbear exam will be turned into a variety show by Duran. The problem is that he has not yet convinced him of his position!

Hinda and Sakura sitting in the auditorium are also Naruto. It ’s just that Hinata is just cheering for her crush!

"Thank you, Uncle!" Naruto first knew that someone would support him in this way, so I would like to thank Dulan solemnly, "I will definitely defeat that white-eyed boy, multiple shadow avatars!"

"Ridiculous! I will let you realize how ridiculous your thoughts are!" Ningci's gesture changed!

Naruto rushed up again, and hit the sky again, but this time was different, Naruto's hand was caught by Ning Ci.

"Sixty-four palms of gossip-!!!"

"The Great Crisis, Naruto's Great Crisis, is the 64 gossip palms known for cutting the flow of Ninja Chakra. Can it be said that Naruto's failure has become a foregone conclusion? Or is Naruto still unknown? The hole card! "

Naruto vomited a lot of blood, he could not feel his Chakra! But his mouth gun has cooled down, "Although I don't know what resentment you have in my heart, I will never forgive you for beating your sister seriously."

Ningji stood there, "You don't know anything!" Then he took down the forehead and showed Naruto the curse of the bird cage in the Japanese family who controlled the family!

It is another big push of Barabara, the idea is that Ning Ci ’s father was sold to the enemy by his family, and he also had to serve his family because of the bird in the cage. His years of grievances were all in this Zhongren test Erupted. What's more, Ning Ci identified the fate theory that his fate is to be a separation, and Naruto's fate is to make the tail of a crane ~ ~ a very contradictory statement.

"What is your destiny, you are not resisting her, otherwise why would you beat Hinata to be seriously injured! You are very reluctant, obviously so strong, but because it is a separation, it must be painted on the forehead. The mark! It is clear that you are also working so hard to resist fate, so I will not admit defeat, I will definitely defeat you! "

Ningci was poked by Naruto, of course he was not reconciled! When he faced fate, there was a sense of powerlessness in the face of the caged bird, so he did not admit his unwilling courage! So he is going to kill the guy on the opposite side who can only talk big, so that he also understands this kind of powerless frustration!

"Referee, can I kill the tail of that crane!"

Du Lan smiled, making everyone creepy, "Of course, if you can do it. But before I have a sentence, please remember that life is like rape, since you can't resist then enjoy it! "

Everyone is absolutely down! ! ! !

Ning walked towards Naruto step by step, "Now you can't use Chakra anymore, I will kill you, and make all your dreams come to naught !!!", while Naruto maintains a constipated posture!

Because Naruto remembered it, what the lecherous fairy said, "You have two Chakras!"

"Stinky fox, lend me your power !!!"

The orange-red Chakra poured out of Naruto's body!

"Oh, Naruto has opened the plug-in. If there is nothing wrong with this Chakra, it is Chakra of Nine-tailed. This is really no.1. The Ninja used the Chakra of Nine-tailed at this time! This is the victory. The negative is undecided ~ ~ Welcome readers to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~

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