Crossing with Baidu To Farm

Vol 4 Chapter 93: The strong collision of the new era and the old era!

The situation in the field turned sharply, and Xia Jinhua, who was still weak just now, suddenly had an absolute advantage. At this time, he was already in the lobby on the first floor. Outside the door, countless experts rushed in one after another and guarded him. into it.

Next to Xia Jinhua, stood a smiling Tang Tang.

Immediately after that, a lot of people poured in outside the restaurant. Looking at the people who poured in, there were experts from Tang Sect, experts from Xiacheng, and countless others. In an instant, such a small restaurant was already occupied.

The man in white looked at the man who restrained Princess Fu Yuan, who else besides Sikong Jue?

This was the first time they met head-on, but he had not paid attention to him for a year or two.

Princess Fuyuan fell into the hands of Sikong Jue, and the man in white and the Dragon Nest master threw the mouse to avoid them.

Sikong Jue's eyes lit up, it seemed that Princess Fu Yuan's worth was not low.

At this time, he has completely ignored the status of Princess Fu Yuan as his biological mother, and they have already been on opposite sides.

There were more and more people in Sikong Juefang, and the entire inn was cleared.

The scene was completely under control. There were more than 100 people from Tangmen and Xiacheng, and the other party was unable to resist.

The man in white held a sword and confronted Sikongjue volley. Seeing that the muscles at the corners of his mouth were twitching slightly, his eyes were already full of anger, while the opposite Sikongjue was as motionless as a mountain, and the knife in his hand never loosened.

The man in white moved his steps, and Sikong Jue said coldly, "Don't move."

The blade had already left a trace of blood on Princess Fuyuan's snow-white neck, the man paused and dared not move, but the restrained Princess Fuyuan laughed softly: "I can't believe that this time, Ben Gong actually carried It's in your hands, haha! It really is better than blue!"

Hearing that voice, it seemed that there was no sense of fear at all, but instead he said, "Child, you have grown up."

There seemed to be a sense of relief in that voice. !

Sikong never said a word, just a pair of wolf-like sharp eyes kept staring at the man in white.

Xiacheng masters and Tangmen masters had already surrounded all the remaining Tang masters. Xia Jinhua watched the situation from a distance, but his heart was raised above his throat.

The man in white is not a simple character, and even Xia Jinhua can't tell who is stronger or weaker between him and Sikong Jue. She doesn't know much about this so-called internal force, but with her intuition, she is probably the most powerful person she has ever seen. It is Sikongjue.

But that man seemed to be as powerful as Sikong Jue, and she was not allowed to speculate on the depth of it, especially Fang Cai, who directly slashed away the bullets with one sword, showing his power.

Even though the scene seems to have been controlled by his side, the existence of the man in white is always a variable.

Tang Tang said: "You go out and see how I take down that old witch!"

Tang Tang and Tang Sect also participated in Sikong Jue's strategy, because the people from the Dragon Nest had troubled Tang Sect. When dealing with Dragon Nest and Tang Kingdom, the interests of both parties were still the same.

At the beginning, Xia Jinhua had a discussion with Sikong Jue when he knew that Princess Fuyuan had signs of that plan.

Instead of letting the other party hide in the dark and try their best to plot against them, it is better to plan the plot and deceive Princess Fuyuan, and capture it in one fell swoop. This scourge is also less, and it may be able to give Dragon Nest a heavy blow.

Didn't she want to send people to set them up against each other, and then let Xia Jinhua join her camp?

Then Xia Jinhua and Sikong Jue really turned their eyes to them.

But Xia Jinhua wouldn't go to Princess Fuyuan immediately, she had to come to the door herself.

She dispatched her own research center and drove a big boat, so loud, it really looked like she was going to go to sea.

After going to sea like this, even if Princess Fuyuan wanted to find Xia Jinhua, she couldn't find it at all.

And this little Qingcheng is their last stop, they will definitely stop, and Princess Fuyuan will definitely show up here!

When Xia Jinhua saw the two people meeting under the shade of the tree at night, although from the scene at the time, it was really flawless, but Xia Jinhua never doubted Sikong Jue, she knew that it must be someone from Princess Fuyuan pretending to be !

Even after returning to the City Lord's Mansion and leaving a note for Sikong Jue, he hid with Cheng Tanyue.

Hiding in Cheng Tanyue's place naturally has her intentions. First, Cheng Tanyue's place is indeed the best place to take refuge.

Second, to test whether Cheng Tanyue belongs to Princess Fuyuan.

If he really belonged to Princess Fuyuan, he should be able to act as an excellent ear and eye, fully conveying Xia Jinhua's determination to leave to Princess Fuyuan, alleviating Princess Fuyuan's vigilance and benefiting their plan.

At the same time, Xia Jinhua is also monitoring Cheng Tanyue, not letting go of any clues in his residence, and he must find out the details and position of this person.

Xia Jinhua waited patiently for a month. Although she never found out the details of Cheng Tanyue, it was enough to convince Princess Fuyuan that she really had a falling out with Sikongjue.

Thus, there is today's scene.

Princess Fuyuan is someone who has been deceived before, she no longer believes in men, but Sikong Jue is a man who can be trusted, and this is the root cause of her arrest!

Sikongjue would definitely not let Xia Jinhua carry out such a dangerous task alone. During that month, Cheng Tanyue often felt that someone was secretly visiting him. That person was none other than Sikongjue who went out to find Xia Jinhua and was not in the city.

It was only a master of disguise who left the city, creating the illusion that Sikong Jue was looking for Xia Jinhua everywhere like a headless fly. In fact, he had been secretly staring at Cheng Tanyue.

The first is to protect Xia Jinhua's safety.

The second is to monitor whether Cheng Tanyue really has contact with Princess Fuyuan. If there is contact, Princess Fuyuan's people will definitely come to inquire about the situation during that month.

However, everything was normal. No one bothered Cheng Tanyue, including the people from Princess Fuyuan.

For a month, Sikong Jue personally guarded Xia Jinhua day and night. For such a dangerous task, his wife's life was at stake, and he did not dare to leave it alone.

But fortunately, the hard work over the past month has paid off.

Princess Fuyuan had already been arrested, but Sikong Jue was very afraid of the man in white.

The two sides confronted each other.

Princess Fu Yuan smiled and said, "My son really didn't disappoint Wei Niang. Even Wei Niang didn't even tell the truth from the fake when he set up this game, but he was caught in the net in vain."

Sikong Jue still didn't speak, his eyes were always alert to the man.

With a bit of contempt on the man's cold face, he said, "What can you mortals do to me, I still come and go freely here."

Sikong Jue still didn't speak. He knew the depth of the other party and seemed to be on par with him. He opened his mouth at this time to divert his attention, and the other party was always looking for opportunities to attack.

It seemed that Princess Fuyuan was still very important to him.

Today, Sikong Jue wanted to catch everything in one go. On the other side, Xia Cheng's master was ready to make a move, quietly approaching the man.

They were all cautious and did not dare to be careless. Sikong Jue had already made it clear to them before that, be careful of the man in white.

The imperial spirit, the imperial army, and the imperial association army have all been forced to the center. Seeing that the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, several people seem to be doomed.

But suddenly, seeing the hand of the man in white, something flew out in a hurry, but it was heading towards Xia Jinhua's place.

Only a 'bang' sound was heard when the thing hit the ground, and white smoke actually exploded. Xia Jinhua and his group, who were watching from the safety area on the first floor, quickly disappeared into the thick white smoke.

And the man in white had disappeared into the white smoke, and Du Ling Sikong Jue was speechless. When he reacted, the man could only see the edge of the white coat.

His target, Xia Jinhua!

Sikong Jue resolutely gave up Princess Fu Yuan and ran to the white smoke on the first floor. He saw that there was a vast expanse of white smoke, and no one could be seen face to face. The entire inn was shrouded in white smoke. It is non-toxic, but it blocks everyone's sight.

Someone has already opened the door of the inn, and the wind outside blows in, and the white smoke is relieved.

"Jinhua!" Sikong Jue called.

In the chaos, Xia Jinhua's voice came: "Brother Jue, I'm fine, be careful with Princess Fuyuan!"

Sikong Jue turned his head and saw that on the second floor of the inn, which was gradually surrounded by the rising smoke, there was still Princess Fuyuan's figure, and the roof of the inn had been smashed through.

In addition, the three royal brothers and sisters, along with the remaining few masters, disappeared.


Needless to say, the masters of Xia Cheng and Tang Sect had already chased out from the gap, and a slight palm wind blew, blowing away the white mist in the inn.

Sikong Jue finally saw Xia Jinhua's figure, stepped forward and squeezed the little hand, "Are you alright?"


Xia Jinhua didn't talk nonsense, he led someone out of the inn and chased outside.

There were gunshots outside.

Sikong Jue was fully prepared this time, and he would definitely not bring only so many people. The Green Army's sharpshooter team had already been ambushed outside the door.

When I went out, I saw that the Sharpshooter team had already chased out. In the distance, I could see a group of figures flying over the eaves, running lightly from the roof, and was about to disappear into the overlapping roofs.

The man in white was holding Princess Fuyuan. Because it was two people, his speed seemed a little out of his control, but it was already faster than he imagined, and he could even keep pace with other masters without falling behind.

The three royal brothers and sisters followed, and more than a dozen remaining masters.

The masters of the sharpshooting team also chased over the eaves and walls. Although the rifles in their hands are a bit clumsy, they are very useful. The range of the hidden weapons is longer than that of the hidden weapons.


Xia Jinhua shouted loudly, and Tang Tang and Sikong Jue chased out together with all the experts.

With such a big game, they don't want to lose it!

Several people rode on fast horses and chased in their direction.

There are dozens of people in the Dragon Nest, and now there are only a few people left. The man in white took the lead, and his appearance was still calm.

He held Princess Fuyuan in his arms. Princess Fuyuan's expression did not change, and she smiled: "Just hold on for a little longer, and our people will be here soon."

But she was also worried and whispered: "That hidden weapon is really powerful!"

When a fast horse swept across the long street, the people on the street were startled and fled in all directions. Especially when there were gunshots coming one after another, everyone was even more frightened. After a while, there were not many people on the street, and Xia Jinhua and his party were able to run smoothly. After passing the long street, there was a long group of people behind them, and countless masters followed closely from the roof.

This movement is truly earth-shattering.

Xia Jinhua rode on a horse and kept adding. Seeing that the man in white was getting closer, she took out the flintlock gun that had been loaded with bullets and aimed in the direction of the man in white!

I saw she pulled the trigger decisively, only to hear a loud noise.


White smoke came from the muzzle, she blew the white smoke gently, and Sikong Jue saw that the man in white moved slightly, still following the sound of the gun, and couldn't help but feel happy.


It was indeed a hit, but it never hurt the vital point. Seeing that the man is still walking fast, even faster, it is quite a bit like a fight between beasts, but the back is already oozing bright red.


With a gunshot, the Imperial Army was hit, fell straight, and hung on the roof. No one stopped for him in front of him, and the sharpshooters at the back chased after him without stopping.


With another sound, the Imperial Army was hit in the leg, collapsed to the ground, unable to move, and was captured alive by the hands and feet of the later masters.

boom! boom! boom!

Among the chaotic gunshots, among the few remaining people, another person fell, and it was the Emperor Spirit.

She was hit in the leg and walked with difficulty, and was about to be caught by someone behind her.

I thought that Princess Fuyuan was going to leave her, but she saw that Princess Fuyuan commanded the last Dragon Nest master, and abruptly carried the imperial spirit away.

Now, there are only four of them left, but two are injured, and there is a princess Fuyuan who has no inner strength. Only the master who carries the emperor's spirit can fight normally.

And behind it is already the pressure of the army.

Xia Jinhua raised the gun again and was about to refill it, but suddenly, a gust of wind hit the front, and the three of them bore the brunt.

Sikong Jue swooped and threw Xia Jinhua off the carriage and rolled into the side of the long street.

Just as they rolled off the horse, an arrow seemed to brush Xia Jinhua's head and passed.

The thing shot straight into a master behind Xia Jinhua and was shot in the head on the spot. It turned out to be a sharp arrow.

Xia Jinhua was thrown into a mess, feeling that Sikong Jue had thrown himself down, and immediately dragged her to hide behind the bunker.

It is the stone lion of a large family, and the base is so huge that it can withstand it for a while.

When Xia Jinhua was awake, he saw arrows flying all over the sky.

"Hidden! Hidden!"

Sikong Jue shouted, Xia Jinhua saw everyone dismount and found a place to hide. This is a bustling street, and it's okay to find a place to hide.

Looking ahead, a large number of unknown enemies appeared. It seemed that they were the defenders of the city.

Looking at the number, it has even reached five or six hundred people.

And here, there are only one or two hundred people.

The white-robed man and his group had disappeared. The Shenqiang team couldn't pursue them. The arrows of the other party were ferocious, so they all jumped down from the house to join Xia Jinhua and the others.

The arrows ahead did not stop at all, and the ground soon became densely packed with arrows, and some of them could even go deep into the ground.

Not only the front, the rear, but even many directions, there are neat and powerful footsteps!

This Qingcheng turned out to be their territory!

They, who had an advantage just now, are now in deep trouble.

Tang Tang rolled onto the opposite street, hiding his figure and talking to Xia Jinhua and Sikong Jue, "What should I do?"

Sikong Jue and Xia Jinhua looked at each other, then nodded at the same time, and they had reached a consensus.

"The back team changes to the front team, the target city gate, get out!"

"Get on board as soon as possible!"

If there is no accident, there must be someone on the ship who is 'taking care'.

Front and rear, attacked from both sides, endless arrows fell from the sky, making them unable to move forward or backward.

Xia Jinhua and Sikong Jue entered the crowd and saw the direction of the city gate from a distance. Not surprisingly, the city gate had already fallen!

They are going to trap them!

Time waits for no one, the more time it takes, the less likely they will be able to go out!

Seeing that Sikong Jue took down what seemed to be a knife on his back, and pulled out the cloth, it turned out to be a rifle, or it was just researched by the research center!

Sikong Jue raised his gun, shouted to the sky, and shouted, "Kill!"

The masters shouted in unison: "Kill!"

Whether it is Xia Cheng or a Tang Sect master, there is an extra rifle in their hands. Although they are not one, they have at least a hundred guns in their hands.

For a moment, the mysterious sound of arrows breaking through the air was interrupted by the sound of rough gunfire.

After the Tang Sect is broken, Xia Cheng strikes!

The cooperation between the two parties is orderly, and we will move forward to the gate of the city!

"Where is the demolition camp?"

Xia Jinhua shouted, and the North Pole rushed out, "Here!"



"Prepare for thunder!"


The bullets of '咻咻' flew around, not to mention that every one of them could see blood, but it still injured a lot of people, causing heavy casualties to the Qingcheng defenders.

Sikong Jue came out this time, but he brought all his net worth. The bullets are not rare.

They disguised themselves as sailors and went into the city to buy things. When they opened the baskets, they were all thunder and bullets!

This time, bullets and arrows flew staggeredly, and cold weapons and hot weapons had the most violent collision in history.

The advantage of the hot weapon was fully displayed, because the range of the rifle and the arrow were much farther, and the chasing defender was beaten and disarmed by the broken Tang gatekeeper.

No matter how strong the armor was, it couldn't withstand a bullet; no matter how fast the sword was, it couldn't match the power of the bullet.

The people in Tangmen were inexperienced, and they used the intuition of using hidden weapons to fight, but it was enough to let the opponent suffer. The pursuit of troops started slowly, and Tangmen immediately chased Xia Cheng to the gate of the city.

It was deafening everywhere, and there were corpses everywhere.

Tangmen caught up with Xia Jinhua, and saw that the striker's sharpshooter team had formed two rows, and when one row was opened, it took up the entire street.

After a row of bullets was fired, he immediately retired for the second team.

The opponent's arrows are still intermittent, but under the arrogance of the powerful hot weapon, the bow and arrow that has been on the battlefield for thousands of years and has no advantage in any direction has to bury its once proud head.

The range of bows and arrows was far less than that of muskets. Both sides held their troops and did not advance. However, Xia Cheng was not within the opponent's range, but the opponent was within the attack range of Xia Cheng's bullets.

After a stalemate for a moment, I had already given birth to the heart to retreat. I heard a few '咻咻' sounds, and a few black stones fell from the sky and landed among the Qingcheng defenders.

When the guard leader saw that thing, his scalp exploded. He recognized that it was Xia Cheng's secret weapon.

It was rumored that Sikong Jue descended from the martial arts star, and that black stone had a powerful destructive power that mortals could not resist.

At that moment, the head of the defending army leader was blank. Even though there was a deafening sound in his ear, he was unaware. In the strong impact and explosion, he was shattered to pieces.


Xia Jinhua roared hoarsely, the sharpshooter team, you advance and I retreat, cooperate properly, forming a fire wall that makes the opponent unable to resist, the Qingcheng defenders exposed in the range, the fate they face can only be massacred!

Zhentianlei threw them at each other one after another, and when they landed, they exploded fireworks, blowing people's flesh into pieces, and blowing them to pieces.

The North Pole blasting team had already gone to the city gate from other routes, and only heard a loud noise at the city gate. The defender looked back and saw the white smoke rising into the sky at the city gate, which seemed to be a The big monster with its teeth and claws exposed its hard minions to the people in Qingcheng, and it was about to be put into practice. The Qingcheng defenders were stunned on the spot.

In the distance, there was a loud shout: "The city gate is lost!"

Farther away, there was a sudden burst of even more frightening loud noises.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another, the ground in Qingcheng trembled, and the hearts of the defending soldiers were bound to tremble.

Look in the direction of the loud noise, it's the pier! I don't know what is going on!

At this time, who still has the heart to resist, I don't know who shouted: "The star of Wuqu is down, how can I do it, run!"

The powerful power displayed by the other party was beyond comprehension with their thinking, and could only be understood as the divine power of the martial star Sikong Jue.

How can man be right with God?

If one flees, countless people flee.

Even if they didn't want to escape, seeing the broken corpse under their feet, they had never seen such a tragic battle, and immediately lost their weapons, fled into the city, and disappeared.

Xia Jinhua looked at the fireworks outside the city and said, "It's the pier!"

Turning around, he shouted to the crowd: "The city gate has been opened, rush!"


The crowd followed her and rushed towards the city gate.

At this time, there were fireworks everywhere in the city, especially on this avenue, which almost became a slaughterhouse where minced meat and corpses were piled up.

Sikong Jue and Tang Tang walked in the team, looked at the broken corpses at their feet, looked at the city gate that had almost been blown up in the distance, and listened to the pier, there was a sound. A low, powerful bombardment.

Even after a hundred battles, Sikong Jue couldn't help frowning.

Xia Jinhua led the crowd and stepped on the corpses of the defenders all the way out of the city gate. Blood all the way, corpses all the way, death all the way, blood-colored footprints rushed to the city gate, it seems that the unknown and powerful demons are also attracted. out.

It seemed like an era was withering.

A new era has come, and it blasted this low old era with **, announcing its arrival with its own posture, with endless blood and dead bones under its feet, it stepped on the dead bones and blood, and sang all the way.

This era is more cruel and life is cheaper.

Tang Tang looked at the broken corpse, but suddenly remembered Xia Jinhua's words: "That era will always come, and it is the inevitable result of human evolution. The person who created it is destined to have a lifetime of blood debts, and countless people will sacrifice their lives for it. Instead of letting our juniors figure it out, let's build it!"

Tang Tang also ordered the disciples of Tang Sect to follow in the footsteps of the master of Xiacheng.

When they arrived at the city gate, they found that the city gate had been blasted open. After meeting with the North Pole and others, they reached the pier unimpeded.

On the pier, one or two hundred Qingcheng defenders were besieging the ships brought by Xia Jinhua.

Prince William calmly commanded the battle on that boat. He was calm and indifferent. He didn't look like an expert at all. At this time, he remembered that he was not only a physics player, but also the number one swordsman in Great Britain, the future king!

Although there were only a few people on the ship who were capable of fighting, the others were experts who were powerless and had already hid in the cabin, but they all had guns in their hands, making the defenders dare not approach.

Suddenly, I saw several big holes appeared in the hull.

In the big hole, several large black holes were slowly sent out.

The defender didn't know what that thing was, but when he saw the black black hole, he felt some inexplicable fear.

However, it was too late to retreat, only to hear a loud 'bang bang bang' from the hull, and the shells had fallen to their side.

By the time Xia Jinhua and the others arrived, the place had already been cleaned up. The defenders ran away, and those who failed to escape became corpses. Prince William gracefully stepped out of the boat and came to greet them.

It was only at this time that I saw that there were actually several cannons in the hull!

Xia Jinhua's group hurriedly boarded the boat.

That Princess Fuyuan must not be caught either, so she might as well go, after all, this is someone else's territory.

"set sail!"

With a long shout from the captain Xia Jinhua, the boat moved, but the sails were lowered, and they went upstream against the wind and the current.

It turned out that this is the 'Xia Zuo' after overhaul and improvement!

Xia Jinhua ordered someone to nail the three words to the hull again, and the 'Xia Zuo' went up against the wind and headed towards Xiacheng.

This time, the sailing was normal and there were no adverse reactions. The experts in the cabin swarmed out and cheered, finally worthy of this period of hard work!

Tangmen and Xiacheng each went to count the casualties. Both Tangmen and Xiacheng lost some masters this time, but not many. Their weapons had an absolute advantage, and the other party suffered ten times and a hundred times the casualties.

At this moment, Sikong Jue was holding Xia Jinhua's hand, standing side by side at the bow of the boat, enjoying the oncoming wind that was unique to the river, really refreshing.

This time, although she failed to capture that Princess Fuyuan, she also gave the other party a hard blow to let her know that Sikong Jue's son is not so easy to manipulate. He also destroyed one of their strongholds. The most gratifying thing is Yes, Xia Zuo's trial voyage was successful!

When Xia Jinhua discussed with William at the beginning, he said that the purpose of this trip was not only to use this big ship to create a grand momentum to attract Princess Fuyuan, but also to try the voyage!

Sikong Jue hugged her from the back, she still wanted to do the 'Titanic' signature move, but she thought about it.

Your actions are unlucky, what if the ship sinks?

Sikong Jue's soft voice came from his ear, "Miss, let's go home."

"Well, go home."

Xia Jinhua suddenly turned his head and glanced at Qingcheng, which was facing the fireworks.

Xiacheng will have another city! After the ship is put into use in the future, Xiacheng will become a world-class city and the world's most advanced technology center. It is wonderful that Qingcheng, as the last wharf in Chanzhou, falls into the hands of Xiacheng!

------off topic-----

Ergou was washed and placed, hehehehe, don't ask me why I'm not washed, white, white, this word is actually a forbidden word, I'll go


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