Crossing Soldiers

Chapter 2113: Niraya Star Conference

The chaotic star field, close to the outskirts of the Milky Way, about 200,000 light-years from the Lepto star cluster, is holding a secret military meeting on Niraya, the capital of a small star cluster.

Participating in this military meeting included the twelve core star-level elders of the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God, and two star-level elders from the Tangiwang overlord, and even two star-level elders from the Malan Empire. The strong and the close subordinates of King Fengkai, the Tarongu of the eighth-order galaxy.

"As the first elder of the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God, I, Miranaia, represent the more than 300 member states of the Third Alliance, and extend our welcome to the distinguished guests from the Malan Empire and the Tangiwang sovereign state!" Chica Milenaia, the Lord of the Kingdom of God, was looking at the opposite side with a smile on his face. Star-level powerhouses and Trongu from the overlord of Tangiwang and the Malan Empire.

If Leng Feng saw Millenia, he would be puzzled. According to his memory, this Milenaea should have died in God's Realm long ago, but now how come he suddenly came back to life. Could it be that Millenia's title of immortality means that he is immortal?

"Similarly, this alliance expresses its endless gratitude to the first batch of new warships supported by the Malan Empire, Lord Trongu, for your hard work. If this new warship supported by your country had not arrived early, this alliance would not With extremely strong mobility, he raided the transport fleet of the Doras Empire's human federation dominion, and achieved a little combat exploits, annihilating the opponent's general, Luo Junce, who is known as the star fox."

Having said this, Millenia looked at Trongu approvingly. Although Trongu was only a strong tier eight of the galaxy, he was the main person in charge of the Maran Empire to participate in the secret military consultation meeting. After arriving in the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God, he gave as many as three Ten thousand new warships.

This type of battleship, even if the news is blocked, but Millenia still recognizes it at a glance. This type of battleship is another powerful technological empire in the territories of the human race, and the latest generation of main battleships produced by the Sochidonian Empire.

This kind of warship. It is extremely popular in the territories of the human race, and various races and various interstellar nations are competing for bidding, which is no less than the sss-class main battleship of the human federation, and even has a slightly stronger defense.

However, because the cost is too high, and the distance to the chaotic star field is too far, the distance is as much as 200 million light-years. Therefore, ordering this kind of warship has become an elusive goal, and it can't even quench the thirst.

What's more, the main battleship of the Socedon Empire. It is also sold in limited quantities in other countries and is not easily available.

But this representative of the Malan Empire, who has always been regarded as the third-largest territories of the human race, gave such a precious gift when he arrived in contact with the planet, which was enough to show the sincerity of the other party.

"Master Millenia, you're thankful! My Maran Empire supports the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God, originally for the purpose of gaining some gains from the interstellar investment in the chaotic Star Territory in the future, but also to have a more stable strategic partner country. The Alliance of Gods is strong and strong, and will surely open up a vast star field as the foundation of the nation. My Maran Empire is just taking advantage of the trend. After the first batch of strategic materials support, there will be more follow-ups. The support will be determined during the negotiation of the military conference. I look forward to this military conference. It will be able to gain the greatest benefit for the two countries.” Sitting at the left of the conference table, Troungu stood up from his seat with a laugh. Salute to Milenaia.

The two star-level elders from the Malan Empire also stood up and raised their arms at the same time and saluted Millenia. Shows respect for the head of the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God.

These two first-tier elders of the Star Territory are also members of the two retired territories that Fengkai King has swept over, and they migrated to the territory of the Malan Empire. For this huge empire that is expanding too quickly, it has accumulated high-end power.

Even so, Trongu controls the military and political power of the Malan Empire, and its status is under the Fengkai Fifth, and even above the Malan Empire. Therefore, even if the powerhouse level is several levels higher than that of Longgu, these two elders have to respect Trongu.

In the meeting, Trongu directly ignored the two star-level elders of the Tangiwang suzerain, and only called this meeting, which would reflect the interests of the Maran Empire and the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God. It can be clearly seen that Trongu has never regarded Tangiwang, a small and small nation, as a negotiable object.

"Master Trongu is too modest! I also expect that after this meeting, the Third Alliance will obtain more strategic material support to defeat the evil Doras Empire. Please sit down!" Millenia laughed He nodded, then turned his gaze to the two star-level elders of Tangiwang suzerain.

"Thank you to Dimoda and Elder Micheper of the Tangiwang sovereign state for coming to this military consultative meeting in a time of crisis. In the past, you and our two countries fought endlessly until the war ambitions of the Doras Empire came out. In order to cooperate with the possibility of resisting the powerful enemy, it is not too late!" Millenia was talking, and he couldn't help but feel like running against the two star-level elders.

For Tangiwang overlord, Millenia is actually very despised. This medium and large overlord country has always had the title of No. 1 in the Chaos Star Territory for countless years, and its history is much longer than the other two overlords.

Under the leadership of the Tangiwang overlord, it and the other two overlords sometimes lean towards the Wirt alliance and sometimes towards the Doras Empire. At different times, it has allied with the two powers or sworn allegiance, or is falling to one power. Then attack the other party.

Such a suzerain nation could actually stay in the chaotic star field for hundreds of millions of years, which really made Millenia amazed.

In the century since the emergence of the Kingdom of Gods, the Tangiwang suzerainty, after losing the support of the Allied Powers of the Wirt Alliance, began to lean towards the Doras Empire, and even formed a military alliance with the Doras Empire. The transportation supply lines and interstellar navigation channels of the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of the Kingdom have caused extremely serious impacts and blows on the economic and military development of the Third Alliance of the Kingdom.

Therefore, when the Tangiwang suzerain was devastated by the Doras Empire and the human federation dominion, the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God simply and neatly gave way to more than a dozen central star clusters, allowing the Doras Empire to occupy Tangi. Hundreds of star clusters in Wang Suzerain.

Under the threat of the main river system occupied by the Tangiwang suzerain, the Tangiwang suzerain finally revealed the figure of the star-level powerhouse hidden behind it, and also sent two important representatives to come to the kingdom of God The alliance conducts a military consultation meeting.

From a strategic point of view, if the Tangiwang sovereign state and the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God carry out military cooperation, it is more advantageous than the role of the Maran Empire for the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God.

However, Millenia is extremely disgusted with Tangiwang overlord country, a country that has been beaten to the ground, so there will be words like this mocking tone.

Di Moda and Elder Micheper sat on the right side of Milenaia, both of whom were ordinary old men, dressed in blue robes. After hearing Milenaia’s mocking words, The body shape couldn't help but tremble a bit, but he managed to bear it.

"Master Millenia, Master Dimoda and I are preparing to announce on behalf of the Tangiwang Star Elders that the Tangiwang Sovereign State will join the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God. As a joining country, our strength is definitely A very strong team, and strategic materials and strategic depth, can enable the Kingdom of God Alliance to have a good fighting environment and supply resources after the expansion of the war. In the past, we were deceived by the hypocrisy of the Doras Empire and the Human Federation Dominion But now, hundreds of star clusters outside my Tangiwang sovereign state have been occupied, and even small-scale legion battles have begun at the border. Under such a major threat, we must form an alliance to defeat powerful enemies together. Let the people survive. Please accept the sincerity of Tangiwang suzerain!"

Elder Micheper's face was extremely serious, and his voice bowed deeply to Millenia, slowly expressing his and Elder Dimoda's true intentions.

"What? Suzerain Tangiwang is going to join the third alliance of the kingdom of God?" Even if Millenia knew that the suzerain Tangiwang was threatened by the strong military power of the Doras Empire, he did not expect that the suzerain Tangiwang would be willing to give up. Sovereignty, willing to join the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God.

It was like a huge golden pie from the and immediately hit him a little dizzy. Even though he has been in charge of the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of Gods for more than a hundred years, and has also been promoted to the realm of the second-tier powerhouse of the Star Territory, he still did not expect that a sovereign nation that occupies a river system would take the initiative to join the Alliance of the Kingdom of Gods.

For a moment, Millenia was so surprised that he was a little speechless.

"Of course it is true! No one will make fun of their own national sovereignty." Elder Dimoda of the Tangiwang sovereign state also said very solemnly at this moment.

Trongu was on his seat, his eyes flashing dazzlingly, and he thought to himself: "It seems that the suzerain Tangiwang is because the military threat of the Doras Empire is too great. With the military strength of its suzerain, it can't stop it. The attack of the tens of billions of powerful troops in the Las Empire will make it disregard of face to take refuge in the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God. It seems that the Third Alliance of the Kingdom of God will contain the strength of the Doras Empire more than I expected. ."

"My lord once instructed me that when the chaotic star field is in a mess, the army of my Maran Empire is suitable for long-term drive, and the Doras Empire is torn apart, which is beneficial to the further expansion of the empire. Of course, if it can attract the Alliance of Gods and Sovereign Tangiwang directly destroyed the race territory where Leng Feng was located, which is also a good way to make adults feel comfortable!" Thinking of King Fengkai, Trongu couldn't help but look respectful. (To be continued...)

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