The latest website: The business is important, the morning exercise can not be delayed, and the fun can wait for leisure time.

The boss turned around and threw the third one over the shoulder, and then it stopped, ending the game of you chasing me.

"Okay, okay, the warm-up is over, and I won't play. It's not snowing today. Bring a stick. It snows every three days. I feel like I haven't played with a knife and stick for a long time."

Qingsong waited by the side, and when he heard the order, he went to the weapon rack next to him and took a long stick and handed it to him.

The third child was on the ground screaming for a while, and when he found that no one was paying attention to him, he got up with a depressed face, and honestly went to get the long stick.

Who made him inferior to others.

The second child also went to get a long stick, it is better to choose the same.

Qingsong, Qingzhu and the others also brought long sticks and practiced together.

The city gate opens at Mao Shi, just like the office of the yamen, commonly known as Dian Mao.

It was half an hour earlier than the academy, so Pei Xiu woke up early today.

The eldest son went to guard the city gate on the first day, and she could not be lazy as a mother.

After breakfast, he checked whether his clothes were warm enough, and chose a thick cloak to put on him.

And told him: "On the first day, the general in charge of guarding the city gate should order someone to give you the armor. Don't take off your clothes, and put the armor directly on the outside to keep you warm."

"The mother I know will not freeze herself."

She continued to instruct her earnestly: "The city gate is windy, and it is inconvenient to wear gloves to hold a pen, but it does not affect the holding of weapons. You must wear gloves. After the lunch break, I will order someone to bring you hot soup and water. You If you have any discomfort, tell the captain of the city gate."

"Well, okay, mother I know, I have to go, it's too late."

"Okay, then you go quickly, you can't be late on the first day."

Seeing that the three brothers hurriedly got on the carriage, she entered the mansion, and she didn't stop much. It was too cold outside. Anyway, she was on an errand and came back in the evening.

The second and third want to follow along, so let them follow. The three brothers have been together since childhood no matter what they did.

This was the first time the boss went to guard the city gate alone.

The two of them were also curious to see it.

There will be more activities for everyone in the future.

Third child: I don't want to go at all, I want to sleep...

On the carriage, the third yawned again and turned his head to remind his eldest brother, "Don't call me so early tomorrow, I don't want to go to the city gate with you so early to get a haircut. It's finally a holiday, and I want to sleep a little longer. Woolen cloth."

The boss glanced at him, "Don't be lazy, the winter comes half an hour later than before. Do you want to sleep in again? I'll tell him when Dad comes back."

"Afraid of you? When my father was here, the winter was half an hour later than before."

"I don't know when Dad will come back."

There was silence in the carriage for a while, and the three brothers missed his father.

After a while, the second child broke the silence.

"I don't know when Dad will have news?"

This time it's a fight, but it's not like going to Beijing to celebrate his birthday last year, and he can still send a letter back.

"Just wait, our father will definitely be able to turn a bad luck into a good one and return triumphantly."


The carriage stopped slowly.


The boss opened the car window to take a look, but a gap was opened, and a gust of cold wind rushed into his neck, he shrank his neck and hurriedly closed it.

"It's here, the young masters can come down."

As soon as the car door was opened, the three brothers were squinted by the cold wind blowing in front of them, shivered coldly, and wrapped their cloaks tightly.

The third child turned to avoid the cold wind and said, "Can I not get out of the car?"

"Come on, let's go down and have a look with big brother."

The second child jumped out of the car behind the eldest, and the third reluctantly got up and jumped down.

The boss stomped his feet and looked at the deserted street behind him, as well as the still closed city gate.

"Is it so cold at the gate of the city? Is it too late for me to regret it?"

The third child turned his back to the wind and said gloatingly: "It's too late, the man has said a word, and the horse is hard to follow, brother, just enjoy it."

"Although it hasn't snowed today, people with cold winds can't stand it. Big brother is standing under the tower, with a roof over his head. It's not even snowing. At least there's no wind and no snow." The second child looked at Nian Nian.

He said again: "The northwest wind is blowing, this is the south gate, if the eldest brother is standing on the right side of the city gate, it should not blow."

"But it's miserable standing on the left, blowing head-on..."

"Crow's Mouth!" The boss interrupted him quickly.

"It's hard to say. What if the Colonel of Chengmen was entrusted by the King of Chu County and deliberately tried to spar with you?"

He squinted at the third child, and didn't talk to them. The guards at the city gate were already in place. When the time came, the city gate could be opened, and he had to ask.

He stepped forward and greeted the soldiers who had been staring at them.

Who made the three of them so eye-catching? It's almost New Year's Eve, and those who want to leave Beijing have been on their way many days ago.

Now that the New Year is approaching, there are only those who come to the capital, not many who go out, not to mention that there are not many people waiting to leave the city in the early morning.

The soldiers guarding the city noticed them as soon as they saw them, and when they heard Zhou Yong revealing his identity, he also came to stand guard, and asked where the captain of the city gate was.

The soldiers were curious, but they didn't embarrass anyone, because Zhou Yong's clothes showed that he was not a commoner, let alone looking for their boss, not looking for them, just pointing the way.

When Zhou Yong got the information, he waved to the two brothers, signaling them to follow.

The soldiers said their leader was on the tower.

He walked to the steps beside the city gate and explained their purpose to the soldiers at the post.

The young soldier glanced at them suspiciously, "Wait, I'll report to the Colonel."

The third child paced back and forth with his cloak in his arms, "How long will this take?"

"Just wait."

The boss stood quietly and motionless, looking at the soldiers standing tall and straight on both sides, he couldn't help but admire.

Soldier: They are used to the cold, they are unconscious...

After a while, the young soldiers went back and forth, beckoning them to follow.

They trailed behind him and climbed the stairs.

"Hey~ the wind is even stronger up here~"

The old man gritted his teeth and turned his body quickly, otherwise the wind would hit him.

"Yeah, it's colder on the tower, we should just wait down there."

"Isn't it? Second brother, you think so too. I said earlier that we should just wait in the carriage and save ourselves from suffering."

Old Sangui's intestines are turning green, has he never blown cold wind?

He shouldn't succumb to his elder brother's lewd power.

"You still close your mouths, so that you can take a few breaths of cold air." The boss turned his head to remind them.

Seeing the big bell on the city tower, the third child did not care to raise the bar. Curiously, he walked over and looked at it, but he tried to get close, but was repelled by the two soldiers guarding the big bell.

"Idle people can't wait to get close."

He honestly went back to the second child and followed.

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