Criminal Princess And Her Silly Farming System

Chapter 620: A pair of shining eyes

Zi Xu frowned, what was this, she laughed after the thing had completely climbed up.

"Don't be afraid, this is here to bring us food."

Bai Lihan asked: "Can you eat it?"

Zi Xu nodded: "Well, there are anemones growing on the shell of the hermit crab.

This anemone is delicious after processing, and there are hermit crabs. "

She swallowed her saliva, put on gloves and pulled the sea anemone with a large washbasin and hermit crab with a large grinding plate to the deck.

Just use a knife to disassemble it.

Zi Xu asked: "Why did it climb up?"

Bai Lihan replied: "Maybe it was brought up when the anchor was lifted. We did not pay attention."

Zi Xu nodded and happily went to cook.

Bai Lihan smiled, something that seemed terrifying in the eyes of others could be turned into delicious dishes in Zi Xu's hands.

The days on the sea are very peaceful, so I am amused Xinyuan when nothing is wrong, he is growing up very fast.

Although the body somersault is still out of proportion, it will be normal within a few years.

And Bai Lihan discovered that although the child didn't talk much, he had to do what he said.

The requirements for Zi Xu will be fulfilled 100%, and it can be said that his loyalty is higher than him.

This makes Bai Lihan a little depressed, as if he has an extra rival in love.

Could this be the reason why Zi Xu did not want to have children?

Now he also has this kind of psychology, feeling that having a child is to find his own guilt.

"Mother, father is not happy."

Zixu carried the fruit to the sun umbrella and said with a smile: "Why not happy?"

"Daddy stared at me and then became unhappy."

Bai Lihan looked sideways: "I'm thinking about things, why are you unhappy?"

This child is very accurate in his psychological changes, so it is no wonder that he can survive.

Zi Xu smiled and said, "Daddy is not unhappy, come to eat fruit."

"Yeah." Xin Yuan still looked at Bai Lihan frequently, as if he was afraid of him suddenly going crazy.

Bai Lihan said helplessly: "I think raising a child is troublesome, so I am not unhappy."

Zi Xu raised his eyebrows: "Why? This is troublesome?

The newborn is troublesome, and you want to hit the wall if you cry. "

Bai Lihan laughed: "There should be no problem with the nursing mother."

Zi Xu shook his head: "If I give birth to a child, I must take it by myself, and the child who is let by a nursing mother will not kiss me and will have no affection."

Bai Lihan didn't speak, he knew that Zi Xu meant that she had no plans to give birth.

The peaceful days passed day by day, and they finally reached the first island. Although the target point was not on the island side, it was not far away.

Bailihan manually drove the boat over, and then the distance could be adjusted automatically.

He once again lamented the magic of this ship.

But Zi Xu didn't think so, it was just automatic navigation, what was so strange.

After approaching the island, Zixu took a small boat and went ashore. This time they did not bring a new relationship and let the people on the boat take care of them.

The island is not very big, there is a white sandy beach.

Bai Lihan asked: "What is special about this island?"

Zi Chen said: "I came here to supplement fresh water. There is a lake on the top of this mountain.

There are many strange creatures in the lake, I have never seen them. "

Zi Xu nodded: "Go, go up and have a look, and leave if there is nothing special."

The three of them came to the top of the mountain. The lake here is large and green.

Zi Xu squatted by the lake and took a look. There were many freshwater fishes, but no strange creatures.

Zi Chen thought for a while and said, "I remember something gleaming in the water at the full moon night, we couldn't get close.

As long as you get here, you will be sprayed away by a huge stream of water with great strength. "

Zi Xu calculated the time: "No, there are still a few days before the full moon, can't wait."

She took out the diving gear, and Bai Lihan held her: "Anything else? I'll go too!"

Zi Xu simply bought two more sets, and the three went on an adventure together.

Zi Chen likes this diving device very much and feels that with it, he can live forever in the water.

Just in case, Zixu took out a safety rope, which can be extended indefinitely.

But when it encounters a sudden tension, it will straighten, the principle is similar to that of a seat belt.

Zixu exchanged his headlights, so he didn't need to hold Yemingzhu Lighting.

I dived into the water and saw nothing strange, but there was a huge hole at the bottom.

It was as dark as a monster's mouth.

Bai Lihan gestured and wanted to go in and check.

Zi Xu nodded, and the three of them entered the cave.

There are scratches on the cave, like a thin hard object.

They continued to go deeper, and Zi Xu suddenly felt that the water was fluctuating, and she was taken aback.

As a result, he was shot flying by something that didn't know what it was. Fortunately, Bai Lihan held her foot behind her.

Zi Chen took out his dagger and head, and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

Zi Xu was not injured, nor did he hurt much, just didn't know what it was.

It's kind of like a huge palm.

Bai Lihan took her hand and felt relieved when she saw that there was nothing wrong with her.

Zi Xu pointed straight inside, and the three of them swam inside carefully.

They encountered a black wall, feeling cold, with scratches like annual rings.

Zi Xu felt for a while and suddenly reacted, she knew what it was.

This is a river mussel, but it is outrageously big, and he must have been slapped by its axe foot.

It shouldn't be intentional, it can only say that it is unlucky.

Zi Chen below seemed to have discovered something, and gesticulated vigorously to let them pass.

The two of them swam over and saw that he was holding a bead in his hand, either a night pearl or an ordinary freshwater pearl.

But this bead is black and has the size of a fist.

Although black pearls are precious, what can they do? They can't make jewelry.

Bai Lihan took it and took a look. He took Zi Chen's dagger and spear and cut the black pearl open.

Unexpectedly, there was a seed with a big fingernail inside, and he handed it to Zi Xu.

Zi Xu explored it, and it was a kind of waterweed seed, something that had been extinct for thousands of years.

This aquatic plant can feed all aquatic organisms and is a good water feed.

At the same time, it is also a main medicine for the treatment of skin diseases, can freckle and whiten.

Zi Xu thought for a while and wanted to signal Bai Lihan to find some more, this seed lost its vitality.

If you can, maybe you can find one or two vigorous ones to cultivate.

The three of them searched for a lot of these pearls, but unfortunately the seeds in them lost their vitality after opening them.

Bai Lihan gestured at the big clam shell.

It means to open the mussel shell, maybe it is alive by eating this seed.

It can be found in the stomach of a large clam shell or in an ungrown pearl.

Zi Xu nodded, and the three began to work together to open the large clam shell.

Tian Tian smiled and said, "Are you stupid? Just collect it in the space."

Zi Xu: "..." Forgot!

She ventilated with Bai Lihan and began to collect clam shells.

The large clam shell disappeared, causing a whirlpool, and the three of them were a little dizzy.

Fortunately, all three of them have diving equipment, otherwise they would choke to death in the turbulence.

Zi Xu grabbed a rock and stabilized his figure, but when he looked up, he saw a pair of big shining eyes moving quickly!

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