Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 582: City of Liberty (Second Change)

From Horn's perspective, all gods should no longer exist.

When the gods are happy, they sing and dance, and when the gods are angry, there are corpses everywhere. No matter what their attitudes are towards ordinary people, they are actually the same existence in Horn's eyes.

In their eyes, all races in Ceylon are sheep raised by them.

If they like to keep them as pets, then the people under their rule will live well. If they like to keep them as livestock, then the people under their rule will live in dire straits.

To them, wizards are sheep that carry the plague, and to them, wild witches are sheep that may be infected with the plague, so they must drive out both wizards and wild witches.

And rebels like Horn and the Will of Ceylon are like wolves attacking their flocks of sheep. If they catch them, they will be executed. Endless!

But they don't know that the target of these wolves is not their sheep, but themselves!

There are also differences between the magicians in the south and the north. The further south you go, the more organizations of magicians and witches, and the stronger the resistance.

Many magicians and witches in the north have all gone to the land abandoned by the gods, so most of the folk witch groups are not successful.

But the south is different. It is too far away from the land abandoned by the gods. Most witches don't want to cross half of the continent to find a place that doesn't know whether it exists or not. Therefore, there are many witches left here, forming various Organizations of all kinds compete with the Church.

Compared with the witches in the north, the witches and magicians here can clearly see that they have a stronger fighting spirit, and they cause more trouble to the church. Although there are few masters among them, the magicians have all kinds of strange things. The ability is enough to cause a lot of trouble to the people of the church.

For them, Horn doesn't need to worry too much. As long as the envoys of the parliament come over and give them proper guidance, they will be able to exert great power at that time.

The Freedom Federation is not on land, but on several large islands near the south coast. Ordinary people have to take a boat to go there. But for Horn, there is actually no difference between water or land. Anyway, they are flying. of.

Horn was not interested in other cities. His goal was the largest island on the south coast, Liberty City, the central city of the Federation. He flew directly into the island without taking a detour, and came out of the city.

From a simple look outside the city, Horn can find that this city is very rich, even much more prosperous than Starfire City. Of course, there is no way to compare it with Maman City. After all, Maman City is the economic center of the entire continent.

There are more people in the city than people in other places, and the expressions on their faces are more relaxed. Maybe this is what this city calls freedom?

However, Horn scoffed at the word freedom. In this world, even gods cannot be called free. How can a mere city have the right to be free? The so-called freedom is just a gimmick used by those who yearn for freedom.

Walking into the city, Horn found that the atmosphere of this city is really different from other cities. First of all, you can see a lot of non-human races. They coexist harmoniously with humans, and they are not as clear-cut as they are in other places. .

Moreover, Horn also found people who believed in different gods on the street, and even occasionally saw deacons of different churches, and churches belonging to different gods could be seen on the side of the road, which is basically impossible in other cities Yes, but here they can live in harmony.

Moreover, there are quite a few wild witches here, and it may even catch up with Maman City. There are at least thousands of wild witches in this city, and it may be the largest gathering place of wild witches other than Starfire City Maman City.

Most of the witches were engaged in business that required showing their faces, and they also needed to conceal their identities, but their nerves were not as tense as in other cities, and the priests here would not search for heresies everywhere on the streets and carry out divine punishment.

Looking at such a scene, Horn felt deeply. If there is no deep hatred between the witches and the church, then it is not unacceptable for the church to exist in this form. The Freedom Federation is really the land abandoned by God that Horn has seen. Besides, the most comfortable place for a witch to live.

It's not just wild witches. Under Horn's careful observation, he found that in this city, there are many races that are regarded as heretics by the outside world. He even found the footprints of wizards and dark creatures.

Such a hodgepodge-like city can exist, which is really beyond Horn's imagination. If a magic council can be created here, it seems not bad.

After shopping for a while, Horn became a little impatient. Shopping with Franks was really boring. He decided that it would be better to go to the stronghold of Ceylon Will first.

So he sent a message through the Black Stone Ring, asking people to come to him, after all, he didn't know where the headquarters of Ceylon's will was.

The two waited for a long time at the entrance of a big hotel. When the concierge of the hotel looked at them with something wrong, a brown-haired priest wearing a black deacon uniform came in front of Horn.

"Hello, are you Lord Horn? I am Nora, the deacon of the God of Frozen Earth, and I have been ordered to pick you up." The brown-haired deacon said to Horn respectfully.

Horn's face was very strange. He thought that the people who came to pick him up might be all kinds of weirdos, but he didn't expect that the one who came to pick him up was a church deacon, and this deacon was not authentic, and the priesthood of a normal church The personnel are generally human, and the one opposite Horn is a barbarian.

The barbarian's deacon... According to Horn's knowledge, the gods that the barbarians believe in are guys who have no reputation among the gods, and they don't even have their own church...

And Ridisti, the God of Frozen Earth, is the best among these miserable fellows. His territory is just north of the Land Abandoned by the Gods, with the Unfrozen Sea to the west and north, and the Twilight Forest to the east. It can be said that his territory is completely separated from other gods, and it can be regarded as insulated from civilization.

And in his territory, the most intelligent group is actually the barbarians...

Such a god of frozen soil actually has a church in the Free Federation? Horn found that his knowledge was really limited, and there were really many things he didn't know

But Nora, the brown-haired deacon nearby, is not surprised, so it shouldn't be too strange for him to be in this city.

"That's right, I'm Horn." There were a lot of thoughts in his mind, but in fact, only a moment passed, and Horn nodded in agreement.

"Then please come with me, Lord Proctor." Nora said to Horn with a smile.

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