Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 548 Randall and the Enthronement Ceremony

After that, Randall talked a lot with Horn through the strength of wine, and poured out all the negative emotions he had accumulated for many days.

He and Roland are brothers, he was born one year earlier, and was nurtured by the orthodox heir until he was ten years old.

Until the age of ten, he and Roland went to the family secret place together, where a golden long sword, the holy weapon of origin, the king's sword, was always enshrined there!

Every newborn of the Akuin family will try to pull out that sword when they are about the same age, but no one has been able to pull out that sword for hundreds of thousands of years.

But this time was different. Both Roland and Randall pulled out the King's Sword.

The Akuin family cheered first, they knew that it was time for Akuin to rise up, and those who could be recognized by the king's sword were definitely talented and intelligent people with the potential to become kings.

But after the cheers, the Akuin family at that time suddenly became dark and terrifying.

Because according to the 'tradition' of the Akuin family, the King's Sword only allows one owner to exist.

So Randall had to fight with his younger brother, that is, Roland. After all, Randall had the advantage of age, and his education was better than Roland's, so he had the advantage.

But when it was time to kill, he couldn't bear to do it, and then he was pierced by a sword...

Having said that, Randall turned his head and parted his hair, and there was a scar on the back of his head that was the same as the wound on his face.

Horn's eyes widened, seeing the appearance of the scar, only then did he realize that the scar on Randall's face turned out to be a penetrating wound!

"How did you survive!" Horn asked in shock.

"How did you survive? I don't know." Randall said with a wry smile.

He said he didn't know, but he just didn't want to tell Horn that after that his body was stolen by the Holy Light Church, and then he was personally resurrected by the ninth Holy Spirit, Albimis, and became the most loyal member of the Holy Light Church. knight.

Randall sighed and lay down on the table.

"I thought I had lost touch with everything before, but when I heard that Roland was about to ascend the throne and become king, I still wanted to come and have a look."

For Randall's situation, Horn didn't know what to say, all he could do was to be a good listener.

Randall read for an hour before finally finishing the story. Of course, Randall didn't tell Horn about the kingdom of the Holy Light, but he didn't cover up anything else.

Playing with the wine glass in his hand, Horn's impression of Randall has changed. He thought Randall was just a talented fighter, but now it seems that he is a sad prince.

After finishing speaking, a vindictive light flashed across Randall's body, and he woke up instantly.

"I shouldn't tell you what happened today, but I really want to talk to someone, so I hope you don't spread it." Randall said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense, do you need my help?" Horn said with concern.

"I don't need help, I don't need sympathy, I'm just here to take a look, that's all." After speaking, Randall left a small pile of gold coins on the table, and left the small bar with the huge bag in one hand .

Horn sat there for a while, and then chuckled. Randall's story was enough to relieve his boredom. The gossip of the royal family is the favorite of nobles. Although Horn did not regard himself as a nobleman, it still sounds very interesting I have the feeling that he had a very fulfilling day.

Naturally, he was not interested in following the example of the eighth wife who spread scandals everywhere, but Horn felt that this kind of royal family secrets was quite valuable, even more meaningful than the enthronement ceremony that he was about to attend.

Three days later, on a high platform in the square in front of the palace, there was a throne of solid gold.

Residents of the entire city of Akuin, as well as powerful dignitaries who came from other places crowded the square, and even the roofs of the houses on the street were full of people, which can be described as empty.

Roland's grandfather, a trembling old man leaning on crutches, was followed by two maids, one holding a crown and the other holding a scepter.

Horn, who was standing at a relatively front position under the stage, showed a surprised expression on his face. The old man looked like he was dying, but his body contained incomparably surging power. How does Horn compare with Illoneer? Not sure, but definitely much stronger than Bagheera!

The old man put the crown on Roland's head and handed the scepter into his hand.

Roland straightened the crown, then looked at the exquisite and gorgeous scepter in his hand and shook his head lightly. He put the scepter on the ground, then drew out the king's sword and pointed it at the sky.

The sword exuded dazzling brilliance, and Roland seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light.

At this moment, everyone except Roland knelt down. The civilians knelt on both knees, and the nobles worshiped on one knee.

In this way, Roland officially became the king of the Land Abandoned by the Gods, and the Kuin Kingdom was officially established. This year is also called the first year of Kuin.

"The next step should be to reward the heroes who have made contributions in this war, but before that, I want to do another thing first."

Halfway through the process, Roland said suddenly.

Naturally, no one objected to his words. He is now the king of the Land Abandoned by God, so naturally he can do whatever he wants.

"You may not know that I have a biological brother who left me when I was nine years old. Today, I canonize him as the Prince of the North in the name of Roland Akuin. The five northernmost cities of the Kuin Kingdom are His fief, as long as he is willing to come back, that position will be his." Roland said solemnly.

When Roland mentioned that he had a biological brother, the faces of some elders of the Akuin family changed. They always knew that Roland was dissatisfied with them because of Randall, but they didn't expect to bring it up on the stage.

But they breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the latter. Now it seems that he is just remembering his elder brother. After all, everyone is dead, and the prince and fiefdom are just a formality.

But two people in the audience understood that this should not be just a formality, because Randall is still alive.

Far below the stage, Randall, who was hiding among the crowd of spectators, smiled knowingly, his frown relaxed, all the unwillingness in his heart disappeared, and then he picked up his luggage and disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

Maybe Roland was just pretending to remember him, maybe he did it just to give himself a good name,

However, for Randall, this is enough.

Horn, who has been paying attention to Randall with mental strength, also smiled. This should be a better ending...

That's a good way to end the story a few days ago.

In the past two days, I want to be lazy and double update, because there are not enough manuscripts, and there are quite a lot of things recently.

The doctor asked how you broke the bone, and you said: I felt there was sand in the shoe, so I held onto the electric pole and shook the shoe. The stick gave me two sticks!

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