Crazy Farm

Chapter 435 Live broadcast to the moon

Everyone was looking forward to the final countdown of Shennong Group's New Year's Eve party, and wanted to see what kind of surprise this company, which is definitely called a black technology, would bring to the world, but no one expected it to be like this.

Everyone knew that China's moon landing plan would be launched on the first day of the new year, but no one expected that it would be launched just after midnight, and no one expected that it would be combined with the Shennong Group's evening party. The countdown to the year is the countdown to the rocket launch.

At the same time, no one thought that the last person to issue the order would be Wang Leshan, the founder of Shennong Group!

Needless to say, everyone knows what kind of person the last commander of the rocket launch is, not to mention that the rocket launched this time is carrying the first lunar module in China!

Such a meaningful order was actually issued by Wang Leshan, which shows what level Wang Leshan and Shennong Group have reached.

This is unexpected, but after thinking about it, it is still being cleaned up, not to mention what role Wang Leshan and the Shennong Group played in the underground war, just the owner of the Huaxia Moon Landing Project We all know that there is the shadow of Shennong Group behind this.

Wang Leshan's order is well deserved!

The rocket of the carrier Shennong I lunar module ignited under the command, slowly left the ground, and then went straight into the sky!

Then the screens in the air were divided again, one of the screens was always tracking the rocket, and the other screen showed a map, and the moving light spots on it represented the rocket. The cooperation of the two screens made everyone feel You can clearly see the status and position of the rocket at this time.

In addition, there was another screen showing the control centers and radar stations on the land of Huaxia, followed by messages one by one.

"00:00: Booster separation.:"

"00:00: The first and second stages of the rocket separate."

"00:01: Jiuquan booster separates."

"00:01: The Dongfeng booster is separated, and the Dongfeng first and second stages are separated."

"00:01: Cowl detaches."

"00:01: The Weinan USB radar found the target."

"00:01: Dongfeng optical radar tracking is normal, telemetry signal is normal, Dongfeng flight is normal."

"00:01: LiDAR tracking normal, telemetry signal normal."

"00:01: Jiuquan throws fairing."


"00:02: Twin cities throw fairings."


"00:03: Qingshan usb tracking is normal, telemetry signal is normal."


"00:04: Qingdao electric remote tracking is normal, and the telemetry signal is normal


"00:05: Ship and arrow separate."

There was applause at the launch site on the huge screen, applause at the party, and applause from all over the world.

"00:07: The solar panels are deployed normally, and the cockpit environment is normal."

"00:07: Shennong I: The instrument shows that the solar panels are deployed."

"00:08: The Great Wall reports that the solar panels are deployed normally, and the environment of each cabin is normal."

"00:10: Shennong-i broke through the atmosphere and entered space, and the flight is normal."

"00:10: The radar is working normally, the two-way acquisition is normal, and the communication is normal."

There was applause at the launch site, as well as hugs among the staff, laughter and even tears of excitement.

The whole world applauds and screams!

It takes ten minutes to successfully complete a series of procedures and enter space. This is definitely an unprecedented time for launching a rocket on the earth so far, let alone carrying a huge lunar module!

This may not have much feeling for ordinary people, but for some people who understand rocket launch and aerospace, it is a shock, a big shock!

The strength displayed by the Huaxia Space Administration this time is something the whole world can only look up to!

There were three images on the screen, one of the launch site, one of the rocket flight, and one was empty.

On the screen at the launch site, after Wang Leshan and everyone else calmed down a little bit, they looked at a few people who often appeared on the news broadcasts and were familiar with people from all over the country and the world, and said, "Chief, landing on the moon! The flight of the module is normal. The lunar module can be connected to the lunar module now."

Those people smiled and nodded at Wang Bo.

"Connect to the lunar module."

Not long after Wang Leshan issued the command, a picture appeared on the blank screen, showing the picture inside the lunar module!

The Shennong I lunar module is not a small space, but a very large space. The size of the space is beyond the understanding of the people on earth. The area alone has reached 1,000 square meters. After that, those lunar modules on the earth will And the space capsule is not a concept at all!

One thousand square meters, more than two basketball courts!

Absolutely beyond imagination!

And with such a large lunar module, the number of astronauts is naturally not one or two, but eleven!

This is China's first manned moon landing, and the number has reached double digits. This is shocking. At the same time, it also shows the confidence of the Huaxia Space Administration in the success of this moon landing!

Among the eleven people, many of them are familiar to Chinese people, and they have all served in previous aerospace missions. Of course, there are also people who have faced each other, including several geologists who are not astronauts. Of course, these geologists had undergone intensive training during the period when they released the moon landing plan. One was to learn aerospace knowledge, and the other was to binge eat products from Shennong Group, so that their bodies met the requirements of aerospace.

There are also four robots.

In addition, there are two non-astronauts who are not experts, one is Bai Ge, and the other is Wang Qingsong!

In a sense, the two were carrying out "political missions", and Bai Ge served as the team leader of the moon landing project. At the same time, he will also be the first to take the mission out of the cabin, which is naturally an honor, and also a reward for the role played by the high-level Huaxia to Baige or the Bai family in various aspects such as the underground war in the near future . It is a kind of feedback to Wang Leshan, after all, Bai Ge is Wang Leshan's brother-in-law!

And Wang Qingsong has another task, that is, after the successful moon landing, he will be in charge of the contact between the lunar landing team and the Shennong base.

When the picture was displayed, the people in the lunar module walked from their fixed positions to the camera, and it could be seen that their faces were full of excitement. Especially those few astronauts who have performed aerospace missions, it is obvious that the spaciousness of the lunar module and the gravity device inside make them very comfortable and comfortable.

Wang Leshan made a gesture of invitation, and said to one of them: "Chief, you can talk now."

The chief responded with a smile, and when he looked at the screen, he couldn't hide his excitement. After thinking about it, he said the most familiar sentence: "Comrades have worked hard!"

"Serve the people!"

Eleven people said in unison.

The response is very fast, there is almost no pause, and the sound is completely in sync with the picture quality!

Under the attention of the whole world, the ground communicated with the lunar module that was already flying in space for half an hour. In addition to the dialogue, Bai Ge took people all over the world to visit the interior of the lunar module. Everyone was amazed and amazed.

In the end, Baige proudly told the world: "Shennong-i is expected to land on the moon at 15:00 on January 1st, imperial time!"

The world is crazy again!

:(To be continued.)u

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