"So you also know who the murderer is?" Toru Amuro held the umbrella, watched the rainwater slide down the edge of the umbrella, and glanced at the crowd who were still exchanging information.

"No, I don't know anything~" Shuji Tsushima looked at the figures of Hattori Heiji and others, and said slowly.

"I don't know anything." He said it again as if emphasizing.

Shuji Tsushima, who claimed to know nothing, jumped off Midorikawa Muru's back, and seemed to have some vitality at last.

Although he does feel suicidal or sleepy on rainy days, but...

That doesn't mean he has to kill himself or go to sleep.

"It's so boring... I don't want to wait any longer." Shuji Tsushima stood in front of the two and sighed.

He stood on the edge of the umbrella, as long as he took another step forward, he would be caught in the rain, but he just stood there and didn't take a step forward.

"Then why don't you just go out and solve the case? Anyway, for you, you just need to move your mouth." Toru Amuro joked.

"Hey~ I don't want it." Shuji Tsushima shook his head.

"Let's leave the case in Osaka to the police in Osaka. This is the grievance between them and the prisoner for many years." Shuji Tsushima expressed emotion, looking for the sake of the Osaka police.

"Although the strength of the police in Osaka is indeed better than that in Tokyo, can they really solve it?" Amuro Toru's tone was full of distrust and doubts from the police.

police? Aren't they all rubbish?

Isn't this recognized?

Not just members of the Curse of Crime think so, even the general public think so.

"The reasoning level of Hattori Heizo is about the same as that of Kudo Yusaku... So if you still can't compare, then let's put it another way. Hattori Heizo and Kudo Yusaku's reasoning level is better than Kudo Shinichi." Shuji Tsushima After thinking about it.

"No, we still know Yusaku Kudo. Before he became a mystery novelist, he was also a detective. He has been working as a detective more than 20 years ago..." Midorikawa said with a smile.

If they were younger, maybe they would really only regard Kudo Yusaku as a mystery novelist.

But they are both in their late thirties.

Yusaku Kudo is about ten years older than them. When they were elementary school students, Yusaku Kudo was already active as a high school student detective.

The most popular young detective of the year was Yusaku Kudo.

"Hey~ I almost forgot, Tou-kun, you two are also middle-aged men in their thirties, the same generation as Uncle Usaku." Shuji Tsushima said in a tone of sudden realization, as if he had just remembered.

"...No, he is ten years older than us, not the same generation." Toru Amuro quickly retorted after a moment of silence.

uncle? Just kidding, he was always called brother when he went out.

How could it be from the uncle generation.

"Anyway, all in all, the case is still easy to solve~ Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi can solve it, it just takes a little time." Shuji Tsushima clapped his hands.

"Let's reveal a little bit of the answer to them." Touching his chin thoughtfully.

He raised his feet and walked forward, Toru Amuro subconsciously raised the umbrella forward to prevent the boy from getting caught in the rain.

Shuji Tsushima didn't care about his actions, and still walked forward on his own.

Amuro Toru and Midorikawa Mu followed behind, the hand of the blond man holding the umbrella remained motionless, very steady.

It was pouring rain outside, but Tsushima Shuji under the umbrella didn't get wet at all.

"You kid finally woke up." Heiji Hattori heard the sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground, and turned his head to look first.

Seeing Shuji Tsushima who was sleeping on his back finally walked on the ground by himself, and he didn't look weak.

"You can fall asleep in this environment, I admire you." Hattori Heiji complained.

"Yeah, if I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have seen Hattori-senpai in such a mess. What a pity." Shuji Tsushima also sighed regretfully.

It took almost a second to realize what Shuji Tsushima was referring to, the embarrassed Hattori Heiji: ...

"I'm really sorry I didn't let you see it." He rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth secretly.

"It's okay, I forgive you." Shuji Tsushima smiled happily.

"Brother Tsushima is awake now, do you want to join the reasoning of this case?" Edogawa Conan asked innocently and curiously, raising his head.

Let alone Shuji Tsushima, it is not certain whether this guy is really asleep.

I always feel that there is a high possibility that the other party is pretending to be lazy.

Even if he really fell asleep, he woke up at this time, and came to the side of them, the murderer, must have some thoughts?

"No, as I said, I'm not interested in this case, but..." Tsushima Shuji opened his hands and said.

"You guys are so slow, I want to go back to the hotel earlier." He said helplessly.

Hattori Heiji/Osaka Police/Edogawa Conan who was complained about too slow reasoning:…

"Sure enough, it's the same as what Heji said... I was a little arrogant when I reasoned..." Police Officer Dalong whispered to Toyama Ginshiro beside him.

"Police consultant..." Is this the character?

Toyama Ginshiro sized up the boy.

But if it is a genius, it is not so difficult to accept.

After all, it is very common for geniuses to have weird personalities.

"I know you're quick to solve the case... But you have such an attitude, be careful of being beaten." Hattori Heiji put his shoulders on his shoulders and smiled very "friendly".

"Brother Tsushima must know something, so he thinks Brother Hattori is slow in solving the case, right? Can you tell others? They really want to know." Edogawa Conan said loudly.

Hattori Heiji silently glanced at Edogawa Conan.

Dislike me for being slow in solving cases? Have you forgotten yourself? Tsushima is very fair and despises both of us at the same time!

You are really skilled at picking yourself out, Kudo.

"Hmm..." Shuji Tsushima's eyes turned around the people around him.

For example, Oda Nobunaga, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Akechi Mitsuhide, and some figures in the crowd.

And his eyes stayed on everyone fairly for a moment. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It can be said that he felt the nervousness of other people, so he turned his head to look at Hattori Heiji and others.

"Secrets should be told quietly, right?" He had a smile on his face, and his voice was light and light.

Hattori Heiji picked up Conan Edogawa, and the two consciously lowered their heads and put their ears in front of Shuji Tsushima.

"Come on, just tell us two." Hattori Heiji said.

"The murderer is that Oda Nobunaga, but besides the murderer, there is another wave of people hiding in the crowd. It would be better for the police to find them quickly, oh yes, by the way, the murderer's The purpose is revenge, and that Tokugawa Ieyasu had plastic surgery." Shuji Tsushima slowly revealed the answer to Hattori Heiji and Edogawa Conan's ears.

After Hattori Heiji heard it, his pupils couldn't help but dilate, but soon, he lowered his head and lowered his eyes to prevent his eyes from being seen by others.

"I'm done, I believe you will be able to shorten the time to solve the case, right?" Tsushima Shuji said with a smile, as if full of trust in Hattori Heiji.

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