COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 462: Tsushima: Dried this vodka

Latest website: Conan Edogawa found Shuji Tsushima's black Bentley in the parking lot.

And the number 000 on the license plate.

It's hard to remember.

Edogawa Conan stepped forward and tentatively opened the rear door, which was easily opened by him.

He sat in the car silently and looked around.

Both the driver's seat and the co-pilot are separated by heavy partitions.

There is absolutely nothing to hear or see from the front seat of what's going on in the back seat.

So the rear of the spacious car is even equipped with a communication device to communicate with the driver in front.

Edogawa Conan looked around, holding back the idea of ​​fussing.

The back seat was empty, as if nothing was there.

He was lying at the window looking for Shuji Tsushima's figure.

Finally, Edogawa Conan saw that the other party was coming towards the car with two familiar bodyguards.

"Where's the wine? Hurry up and take it out, Xiaolan is already waiting for me..." As soon as Shuji Tsushima got into the car, Conan Edogawa urged.

"Have you brought your clothes?" Tsushima Shuji looked at the empty hands of the elementary school student.

Edogawa Conan: Oops...

"I forgot..." he said awkwardly.

"Do you want to go on a date without clothes... So you are so open..." Tsushima Shuji touched his chin unexpectedly and thoughtfully.

"It's not what you think—" Edogawa Conan denied loudly.

"I have a new change of clothes here." Tsushima Shuji took out a bag of clothes from under the seat.

White shirt, white shirt, white shirt.

The trousers are also only black trousers.

Edogawa Conan was stunned.

Are you prepared so well?

How many clothes does Tsushima change in a day?


According to each other's hobbies like jumping rivers...

It's okay to have extra clothes.

"Otherwise, you should go and buy a set." Tsushima Shuji said with a complicated expression after looking at Edogawa Conan for a long time.

"...Why?" Edogawa Conan tilted his head in confusion.

"...No shoes, the most important thing is...Do you want to go on a date without underwear?" Tsushima Shuji's expression was extremely complicated and sad.

Edogawa Conan: …

"I see." Edogawa Conan wiped his face silently.

"I'll let Toru-kun buy it for you." Tsushima Shuji thought for a while.

Then he picked up the communication device beside him.

"Wait...this..." Edogawa Conan hurriedly tried to stop it.

Ask a guy to buy him clothes... including panties...

What a shame! !

"If someone didn't forget to bring it, we don't need to do it." Tsushima Shuji stared at the elementary school student with a look that was all your fault.

"...Sorry." The elementary school student wept silently.


"You can go directly to my house to get it!" The primary school student hurriedly said.

buy what...

He also has to tell him what size he is wearing...

Shame, absolutely not!

"Ah, you've thought about it, what a pity." Tsushima Shuji said with a sad expression on his face.

"You did it on purpose? You just want to play with me?" Edogawa Conan suddenly realized.

How could Shuji Tsushima not think of going directly to his house to get clothes, the other party deliberately asked the man to buy clothes for him.

"No, you misunderstood." The boy looked out the window as if nothing had happened.

"Haha." Edogawa Conan Dead Fisheye sneered.

Do you think I will believe it?

"Tou-kun, please go to Kudo Shin's house to get a set of clothes, remember, it's a complete set from head to toe." Tsushima Shuji said very seriously to the communicator.

Seriously, Amuro Toru felt that the other party was deliberately trolling him again.

"How do you want me to go?" Amuro replied in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"It doesn't matter, there is a flying motorcycle in the trunk, come on, go back quickly." Tsushima Shuji said without hesitation.

Toru Amuro:…

What can he do?

Of course, he could only listen to Shuji Tsushima.

So I got out of the car, opened the trunk, and took out the flying motorcycle.

Put on the helmet, get on the motorcycle, and fly out.

The speed is so fast, the heart is so angry.

About fifteen minutes.

The other party rushed back.

He even forced the atmosphere to be suppressed, opened the car door with a respectful gesture, raised both hands and handed the bag containing the clothes to Shuji Tsushima.

The motorcycle then had to be put back in the trunk.

After everything is done, go back to the driver's seat and sit down.

Green Chuan Wu silently gave his friend a sympathetic and helpless look.

Shuji Tsushima put the bag containing Shinichi Kudo's clothes at his feet, and took out a bottle of Balkan vodka from the car refrigerator in the middle of the seat.

He took out another disposable paper cup, poured a whole cup into it, and handed it to the elementary school student.

"Come on, drink it in one go." Tsushima Shuji encouraged his eyes and his tone of anticipation.

Edogawa Conan first smelled it, then closed his eyes and poured in in one breath.

After seeing the other party finish drinking, Tsushima Shuji raised his hand silently and raised three fingers.


He put down a finger.


He dropped another finger.


The last raised finger also dropped.

Edogawa Conan, unsurprisingly, fell on his seat.

The disposable quilt had already been smeared with unconscious medicine by him.

Tsushima Shuji silently took out a tool from the drawer beside the car.

With a calm face, he drew a tube of blood from the pupil's arm.

Then a white note was attached to the tube of blood, with the words "drinking alcohol, not taking medicine" written on it.

Put this tube of blood in the drawer.

Calmly continued to take out a small iron box from the drawer, and poured out a white pill from it.

Put it in a disposable paper cup, pour half a glass of wine, shake it for a while, and the pill will completely dissolve.

Tsushima Shuji silently poured the half-cup of the medicine into Edogawa Conan.

Then began to wait for the drug response.

The pupils were blushing all over.

He frowned, his facial features twisted in pain.

He was even woken up in a coma, and couldn't help screaming.

Luckily the car is soundproofed.


I'm afraid some people will think that a murder has occurred.

In a burst of screams, Edogawa Conan, who was originally an elementary school student, gradually disappeared, and his body gradually became larger.

In the end, the one who appeared in front of Shuji Tsushima was Kudo Shinichi, a high school student who had fainted from pain.

Tsushima Shuji silently took out his tools again.

A tube of blood was drawn for high school student Kudo Shinichi.

Put on a white sticker.

It was written that after drinking and taking medicines, etc., this tube of blood was also put back into the drawer.

The crime tools are also stuffed back.

Spray the healing spray on the traces left by the blood Then…

Give someone two hangover pills.

After about ten minutes, Kudo Shinichi gradually opened his eyes.

"After changing your clothes, you can go on a date." Tsushima Shuji threw the other party's bag of clothes to the other party's side.

"But it's uncertain how long it can last. When you think you want to change back, remember to run back to the car." He said calmly.

Kudo Shinichi stretched out his hand and looked at his hand that had changed back to the appearance of a high school student, his face filled with joy.

"I know, I know." He sat up and looked at the clothes in the bag.

Tsushima Shuji got out of the car long ago and made room for him to change his clothes.


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